m. ifllllll . illl i)tflllllt, Q -----i----- i SECOND nllMEiiT--Tlllllll SESSIOI- I .-----t.----'. THURSDAY, Feb. 20, l, The speaker took the chair at 3 o'oiodk. , NORTH WELLINGTON ELECTION. l Mr. SPEAKER among that , he had l WM" the oartifleau of _ 'e return. of . munherto represent jhe North Ruling of l Wellington in the. place of Mr. Montexth. 1 PRIVATE BILLS. hir, CURRIE relented the fourth to . rt ol the lj),,'-,',',,',?,,",",,," on Private Bills, ','.'ri'2, Q was read and adopted. PRISON AND ASYLUM INSPECTION ACT. . Q Hon. Mr. FRASER moved that .the l Home should tomorrow go into Committee l on the following resolutions c--- ' I. That b " the trrentrfirgt section of the "Prison and) Asylum Inspection Act" of the into Province of Canada. being chapter one hundred and ten of the Consolidated btatutes of Canada, it was provided, that in order to aid the County Councils in Upper Canada In making the alterations and additions pre- gcribad in the said Act, in the gaols of the respective Counties, that the Governor of ' the Province of Canada might pay lt out i :f the "Upper Canada building tand, , to i (h, i'rcnsurer of each County, a sum not l Herding one.hslf 0. the expense of the l wane, and not exceeding the sum of six i tlaousand dollars for any one County. l 2, The: by an Act passed in the thirtrtira) g ceM ;ef Her Majesty's reign, and chnrjtcrsrd Q Ewen, the ssid "Prison mid Asylum Inspco- i, tioa Act" was repealed, . l '.', That previous to the repeal ot the said ' mater! section, various County Councils in . Ontario were, aided under the pr0"!$l.923 I thereof. _ 4. That other County Councils which . have not been so aided have made alterations ( and additions in their Gaels in order to meet l, the requirements of the said Act, and of the t Prison and Asylum Inspection Act of Ontario Q ind alterations and additions are required " other Gaels in this Provltre in Counties which have not received aid under the said section. . 5, That in the opinion ot this-House it is desirable to revise the said section, and in ! order to place the various Counties in Ontario on an equal tttttrig,',',", should he made that to aid the ty Councils in Ontario in making new»: and addition xe- nixed 'ny law in the Gaels of their respective Counties, the Lieutenant-Governor in Coun- I oil may by Order in Council, direct that out i of the 'éoi'soiiiiiiisi Revenue Fund of oa. tarlo, there shall be ttlf to the Tressurer of each such Uounty w ich has not been aided under 'tte' "The Prison'and Asylum In. spection , ot the late Provlnoeol Canada, a sum not exceeding one-half the expense of makin such alterations or additions, and not ('drdllil'l the sum of six thousand dollars for any one County. 6. Ahat in the opinion of this House such movrsions should take edoct as it the some uad been on the teltt,tht day of Feb. ruary, A.D. las., (that log the date of the repeal as aforesaid of said section twenty- one, of chapter one hundred and ten of the Consolidated Statutes ot Cecile) ms do and presided in lieu ot the said section so repealed, 7, That in the opinion of this House every such Order in Councll should, as soon as ',t,pt,t'& may be after the ankle thereof. be Iti hetero this House for its rat?- fxcatlon or rejection, and that no such 0rd should be operative unless and until the . utr shall Uve been oatiiiad by a leu" "in, this House. .1oth ot He stated thatthe obstsrratior l oitar upon the shbject he w M,',, had to he mohd the House into P out give whtra , . committee. TU motion was Cat: Is, - m YT :1. :TLODV t)ilirr BILLS IS' 3mm, i, s. All!" - . I Whitby 53" 'kh0iig,oR'yty, tue. the ( duced ir. blank, "'11ng i',iedtP,'ge iatro. _ ye. (Brunet the rules of the stul',1'i',th,e ! lilies: stated that It was a t ' 1 f T a o submitted to l t" Law Clerk before it went to the punter I Somebody, he thought, must he resigns"? ' ice this breach of the rules of the House . Q Mr. FAREWELL said u was . of the rule tir"','? at the Huang: 1'2,t duced the Bi As soon as he discovel-z} his error he amended the Bill, and hamud it ttii., to. a" fl1,tt It." now m 'ou e pro nary a es rior . 1 Entrodguced. g p to being -i--ilIlltl-l-ili-i--.