The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1874, p. 5

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""." The hon. member for Lincoln c>a :"hiled that the Government had not broufi'\ l\"m an fncome Franchise Bill, but what | d".i the friends of the hon gentleman beew o'ng during the long years &ev hl&bgi" power in the Vominics, and tho#?5N' they conducted matters in Onbario, 'flm :'i:;-) Sir John ha1 thercfore nothing to 40 the the appointment. ie was ylad to ae~ the hon, member for Lincoln onmh:g down s= chivalroualy to the defence of the za1a" ho"lht.;bnt he had seen the time when th th'. member had a different opiai0t h: right bonourable gentloman _ (He¥ ar.) Ho concluded by saying that " as glad that a Reform Government hal i P;N:uced the Ballot Bill in this the Binne rovince of tho Dominin, and althongh th *yetem as used in the United States wa Practically not asystem of secret vating & alls yet he held that it had not been wholls Unsuccessful, uo statesmsn or journalist 0 'UWTprortance baving over advoogred its aboli the L "ge n e e o enc 3 P they ~ never ro?o'ed to -- introduse -ncz a measure? p( ear, hsar.) -- Ho had n~ doubt the present Government woald brin;, down such a measure, including in its pro-- visions not only those who by reason 0f income or personal property were entitled to a vote, but also conferring tho franchise upon the volunteers who had given their seryvices to their country {or the tall u;!rmu'f l.iv% years (GBear, bear.) _° A Ballot Bill and an Income Franchise Rill would, he considered, give perfect electoral freedom and equality to the vtv&la of this Province, and he hoped that in the near future, with thess great privi-- 1:5", we shculd attain to that position which only a great and free country can. (Cheers.) The Bill was thon read a second tinms. | resolutions : -- | 1. That bs the twonty--first section of tha " Prison avd Asylum Ingpection Act" of the ate Province of Cavada, b--ing chapter on' nucdred and ten of the Uonsolidated sr.:ma. 3 es in W C iBuh i4 Hon. Mr. MOWAT moved the discharge of the Order for the consideration of th« amendments to the Joint Stock Corapanios' B:il, and moved the House into Comnittsse of the Whole to make some further amend. ments, h Th;'mofion was carried, the House wan: into Uommittee, the amoodment: . were passed and reported, and thereaftor con sidered by the Houso BENEVOLENT AND PROVIDENT so. CIETIES$S. A similar course was taken upon this Bil to tlnt which was taken ugon the pro ccding, and the amendments ware aloptedl PRISONS AND ASYLUMS IN3PEITION AOTQ 1 . Hor. Mr. FRASER moved the H use iato Committee of the Wholo on the followiag Lo * Upper Canada Building Fand, . §0 01 treasurer of cach county . a sum not exseed ce half of tho expense of the same, and not . cceeding the sum of six thousand d lars for 1y one county. * 2. That by an Act passed in the thirty-- linst swn of Her Majesty's ro'go, and chap :ered seven, the said ** Prison and Asylam Ivepection Act" was repealed. 3. That previous to the repoal of the said recited section, various County CJouacils . in Ontario were aided usder the p/ wisions 4. That o'her County Councils which have cot been so aided have mado altera fions an\ «dditions in their gaols in order to mest the ' +equiremonts of the said Act, and of th« rrison and Asylum Imgect on Ast of Oa: ario, and alterations an: additiors aroe. ro-- quired by other gaols in this Province in counties which bave not rsceived aid under | the said section, ' _ 5. That in the opinion of this House, it is Aesitable to revive the said sestio», and in «r@er to place the various counties in Oatario enan cqval footing, provision should be made that to aid the County Counciis in On-- tario in m'_akiri the alterations and ad 4i iceus required by law in the gaols i1 their re srective _ counties, . the ilentoumt-(}ov. error in Connd@l may, by Order in Connpil, diroct _ that out _ af the Cor solidated Revenue Fuand of Oatario there aball be fild to the Treasuror of erch such c unty w ich has not been aited unde: the said "The Prison and Asylum Inspoction act" of thelate Province of Caraia, a sum ikhereof. not excieding _ JOINT STOCK COMPANIE3I. | lO C ilh . Podiess, woa" ho efour . matters in onw'rodfi't pre to introdu se ([}ell'. hsar.) -- Ho had a~ of of ". finh:fi ¥uch alterations or additions aad nol <xceeding the sum of six thousand dollars!9" iny one county. @ 6. That in the opinion of his House, sach provisions should take effect as if the sam nsd been on the twenty--eighth d.{ of. Feb: 3"¥.A-D., 1868, (shat being the date 9. e 'repes] as aforesald of said gectio? twentz.9ne, of chapter ©80 hundred and ten :i the Consolidated Statute? of Oana4#) made and provided in lieu of the said soctivD Bo ffipule(}: > 7. That in the opinion of this House, every --uch Order in Council should, as §092 & conveniently may be after the m;kinuherqof. be laid before this House for its ratificati0n r rejection, and that .no susch order shou'ld he operaive ualess and until the same shalt | bave been ratified by 2 Resolution ,0° this | Hcuse, | He explained tho provision} of the m»-- | ure in a few words. e n ®#°©U 2w thought the county 0 He -explaincd the pro¥IMIuUS SE * --____ ure in a few words. i Mr. MERRICK thought the county 0 Leeds and Grenville should be assiet@d 09 ccount of alterations made in conseqgien:* { instructions from the Prison Inspoctor. Nir. DEACON supported a g:neral appli-- ation of the fand. His county should be »ided. . Mr. DEROCAE sail there was a doputa ton from Napanee to wait upon the Govern heat Jast year apon "this ~saunject, "aif ho anderstc~d that they were led to expact that aid would 'be given. Mr. SINOLAIR thought a'id should be given for new gaols buiit. Hon, Mr. CURRIE was of opinion that the provisions should extend to the Counts f Tincoln if it were enacted at all, bat h r.ho:; as many of theso burdens as possibl-- »hould bo lett with the municipalities, > Mr. BETEUNE said ho might make the came claim for Stomnts'bnt he thought th« Government were going as'far as they should go. "ltek Mr, HODGINS was of the same opinion Hon, Mr. FRASSR exglained that it was rimply a re ecactment of the old law, and the gaols which came under the old Act wore the only ones which would receive aid. 2 Lo s uP " HTrache ami Lhe OBlY "U"B PV ERETEE CCC 00 . AMfter'a few remarks from Mr. Hardy and Ur. Cétmerop, the motion was carried, and | the Houee went into Committee of the | Whole--Mr. Hodgins in the chair. "The various resolutions were adopted, the ommittee rose, and the report was re-- '.m\'tdo GaOL ADDITIONS AND ALTERAL-- TIONS, Iéon. mfrth F%}?I'R moved t\l)m se;ond reading of the Di respocting public aid to-- wards making gaol adjlitions and altcrations. Altcr some discuesion, the Bili was roal a :econd time, s FERLMENTED A'SO SPIRITUCOUS LL o se QUOoRS. Hion, Mr. CROOKS moved that, on Mon cay uext, tho House resolve itself into Com uitteo bf tho Wholo on the following resolu-- {102 8 :-- tie to and for the use of Her his Province upon licenses for 'l.xmen'u--.d or liquors, yW E:------ (1.) O ver and above the eum wRiCD may ue imposed by municipalities, as by thi: Act provided, there shali be patd for each Ald 2l 2ct% # .. tha men NE Flazs Wae ction, ABC *"*#" +_""~ _ j asive ualess and until the sams BRA}} | een ratified by 2 Resolution ,0° this | xplaincd tho provision: of the m»¥-- a few words. k MERRICK thought the county 0 and Grenville should be assiet@d 09 t of alterations made in conseqgien:* ructions from the Prison Inspoctor. PEACON supported a g:neral :gpli- of the fund. His county should be DEROCAE said there was & deputa rom Napanee to wait upon the Govern Napatt® °0 "" --snnject," aadt he" e UHPpOSCH NL C V 3t La asté 'Kar Act provided, there shali be pald for each :avern licente, to and for tha use of Hor Ma-- i sty (and forming part of the O--msolidated tevenue:Fund of this Provinc:) in citios, a uty of thirty dollars; in towns, ot twenty-- 've dollars; and in townships and incorpo .ated villages, of fifteen dollars; far vossels avigsting the waters of this Provincs, 0' }.ifl.¥ d%fisrs; for each shop licensed by re-- _ ail, in cities, of thirty dollars; in towns, of ° .wenty--five dollars, and in townships and ~corporated villages, of fifteen dollars; fo: sch license by. wholesale, of filty dullare; 'or each tavern liceneo In any territory, not --nder municipal Government, of fiity dol & C unldh o uis Freapey B TVC ; »re; and for each shop license in any auh tcrritory, of forty dotlars: Provided, that for . ach taverm license granted in cases which re exempted from the accomnmodation re quired by law, tho Provincial duty shall b« ~Firty five dollars. (2 ) The sum to be paid for a tavern or --hop license, in .addition to the Provincial, iuty menticned in the last precoding resalu-- :ion impoted, shall be such a sum as shall b» (xed by by Jaw of the manicipality, passed ny the proper authority in that be!ul)t, and weluding the Provincial duty, shall be in 1 :ities, pot less than eighty dollare for tav-- 'I!mt it is expedient that tha duties pay: 2 2 Cb rv 2 if.ilastu in e on e E the use of Her Majesty in n lcenses for the s:le'qf the sum which may bo as fol-- lare , not do! au th it for vhich n re l1 ba m -- aP

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