The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1874, p. 6

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N " * s , A':' ' Fo i t ~@e _ 8 \ #"'ins and for shops; in towne,, 06. 1os$ than J ~*~ Keisr _ and. Mr. Tuy ns hy re CP * ®I _1 sixty dollars for tevern5 aud for shops ; and | o:n;.r From time -- to fim':nhri:n :1'2':(1 4 / _ | in townships nd M incorporated _ villages. Cd f¥ogres _ to 8. °W allowar 3 e=:> tot less than thirty dollars for each tavern | scmetrimes consulted him, _ He was ow 3" 1404 $x _ ind shop Jicense : Provided always that for \ to employ « hom b* pleased upon the V{m":;* §7 1¥ _ _ rach tavern litendo meutioned im seotionning, 2 €eP Cow bad been recommende1 50 i a4f s '; | i tare <«ub section five, the said sum in cit1ds 8 tto Goversment except on h" telfr us \ § ~Pe rog hummehqndnd dollars, and in ycung man who came on the 0 eto hi}:u /0R : ~w»ns not less than eighty dollirs ; bat no | Neither did the Government distate 4 33 "y--law by which 8 greater sum than on as to the an ount of wages on o ind to § ") #t \Dudred aea thirty dollass per_ans=m 5 i. ceina st the beginings whed 5PS 0y 'wae, \/| 1 a% ffuddtobeencted!or any tavern or ShOP : used to work uniess Al increare Of P3Y * U J C ; e icepse, or for leaye to exercise any other avanted, bhe ! ad told the GoverAhiment that \| i 8 33 ~alling, or to do any other thing for which & would, he thought, PC necessary to give su i L. oA "cense may be uired, sball have any force j else no men would acceph 0f ME 5 "za A C > haal an increaso, C 1d EH | 38 r effect, unless the by law, before the fi an eogagement upon the works. They to!: A E: againg thereof, shall Bxve been Auly npDrO7. | tw 25 try and get thom at the old figure if U | * e «d by the elsctor® of* the muuicipslity, 10 possible, and it he gould not do so to &WY~ 'te manner provided by g.lunlmg:l Aot; chem the increase deroanded. He had adver : § Ex s1d asy b. Kw so passed shall not bo va--iol tired for meb and engaged them afsor wards | | C in repulex unless the varying or repaaling at AB advan: e€ vu'ygng from 15 conts pe" | & by--Jaw shall have been, in like mauner, eub Cichito Iabourers, up to 25 cents to brick 12y : y \@ mitted to and approved of by the electors of @18. In Decembet last there had beon 2 general $ | h Q'h' '.id I.uniciplh'vy. reducfion. GW flelhthM'_Pfl"cig a} ' | > \ ~(F.) That the du able to the munici-- foreman of the wo'k} and hat 2> $ o s } | pam;, in reepect o? g:gi\ liconse by wholo-- entil December, wh:n lllxe was re{lica%ft iom*"i || <ale, ahali bo the sum of fifty dollars. in . consequence {! eti eagelnl;raecflof' f-'\ltv oA | The moticn was carried, He had been MPOYON |; ? . BllioG; 1P C Government durivg the time of M Bllio§ ; | TaE QUESTION OF ORDER, but when the Dopartment undertook 5« 1 s a work, and be (witness) was made 4ugsriaton > W On the mation to adjourn, | dent, Mr. Hellam was whsde foreman and w-- A Mr. SPEAKLR said--Beforo the Hw'o | spector botb, thereby adding to hig duties 1 adjcurns, 1 vill refor tho H»wo j Lgt. Hollam refused to unde:itsfk"z th:D V)V'f::'g | to a case uKon the question of ord= s lr:d;b::?l ::i :;:fi;"::\go'ged é p&fomn | * (?;:;clal}lz t}?' onto :l: s us nll%u:dbgr Py reds a'enm at the nmosfiz'n" but had thrown th> | is not the case I had in my rec wA a . Ellioy's foreman hal $ | '::tion. but is rone the lessapplicable It wil ;pmtme'!]\';:& w?x:s ésvo' Hellam's employedl ' | J fsund in Hansard, Vol. 193, p 11234 + gepon AP work, one as foreman inspector, 1 | d Siio SMoL the iron clad fleet resolu onua&nnkol.pngof bricklayers,aad th= | {| | o matsBors m['m said '"Remarkable cir rest'rimply as ordinary artisans. The foreman | | * onm:tm :""'3" brought out rel';'y the | cf mbfié $3 50 per day, but was ' hice" 45° Mr. u';'nfi- It appsared tha! ; eeduced in December like the other8 The | \W A Pake( 0 j d°r' L dell rose to :order. M+. s .qichiayers were paid $3 a day of ten hour: t ng;*ed iJ :nue :--"It a Committee has not re :n the cusu er time; in Decembar they wer -- MR H ',";"' A ::t of P"d" to comment in this rcduced to $2 253 for the same number , ' iz Bnus thes atjom fakes before 16 ie -- There was a cortain amount of mats. | f ouse then adjourned at 11 o'clook, vial on the ground whea witness took chars® \ \ * M «. the work, which was used up, and ho afsor 1| i8 -- wards advertised for tenders for a porti>n 9 \ 118 the suppliee. For another portion, VZ-- | t | { lime, brick, 2and block--stoue, he did not ad | l | EUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE vertise _ The stone he got from Cleveland \ | «--= come at 75 cents and some at 80 cents a cabic | | \\ Frinay, Feb. 27. zbc:xii.ddelivered 0}1 th:h whart tatozfi)ronto. Ths i | + % ilding 'ot twe four tier 0 3, ho werer, \ mg;fim':"&::,fiy:fi' Committeo met this | bad not been finally resolved up>n until 1: \\ f | Mr. K nsl was too late in the season to get st00¢! | Prilr. xirrom, time--keeper on thb Contral \shipped from Oleveland, and he had PUT | | l | t'im '::'i!:','hv:u called as a witness in con-- chased' thein in the city. He hbal also l ::":Q 1'1 investigation regarding that | \ ¥urcllaled 500,000 bricks without tendering | $ l? e testified to being employed_ as or them. _ The season for his so d ring was | 7 imw keeper at ths time of Mr. Moss' firss | that there were ocly two plaves at which he | po I election. The men were allowed to have | could procure the bricks, and if he nad wait. ' [ ° f half a day's h:';fi'y b\:h'{on the occasion of the | ed for the fulfilment of an order cnatracted | T ncmination, eved that Mr. W ag:-- | for, it wou'ld at least havé been two months | PPEA ner gave an order to that effeot. 'Fnas * hefore he could have got them. Th--y msdie | ( e 3 uea on "ec'::cflgnf!w':' uh by," of the tricks at the works until it was to) late in d x old b & :n o 't'hd ough Mr, Wagaer the season for their mapufacture, _ For ons | us from l "Pt";ec 'd'g entirely sspa kiln of the bricks he paid $825 02 the | Mose' Commel:ie(:e'w l:i"l: * t:h""g" Mc. | ground, and for another $3 85, deliversd. H# t is bud co keps it ou """ pay for it. | would require about a million bricks alto-- 3 ps 1t sepathto. gether. | He bought the ¥me where he could 1J , Mr. EARD\'--Dtd you hear the Commis-- 2et it cheapest, getting it at 22 esnts psr I sicner issue orders to let the men go * Garrel _ They used about 16 barrele of lime | f A,. --No. Witooss further stased thas he in three days _ The largest number of men | % got his orders from Mr. Wagaer, bus bs ever employed upon the works | a" 3 3 Loved Mr. McKellar had issucd them, that one time _wss 300. _ The _ mson had 3 :8, so far as the lotting the mon §0 to th: been allowed | a _ half hohd:{ on the { $ rominpation was concerned. ay ot ;:'m W est Toronto t?im';na onfiacso&i- I | _ Mr. Haror--Have you been in couvor» ng to instructions received from MT. .04 &4 p | sauion with any person lately in connection Kellar,, "Iéhe no;;ehcontnm:.%th: 1@;30.:10!1.9 | $ with this matter? With Mr, COarseron or \ #as pMIVYAC. lptvacimiesin y to proguce it ' ¥ir Lauder, for instance? with Mr. MoKollar's consent. | Witness said he had not. He had seev _ Hon Mr. MoKrruar was qg'ded, and con-- ] i Mr. L--uier somo five yoears ago, bat did nat scnted at once to the produstion of the pota i 36 row much of him _ He wout to the sam: which was accordingly or 4ared to be brought §: E& cturch a. Nizr. Bickford, but only knew hm down on Monday, § x« «y sight. He did not know how many 0i Mr. Waoxur continued, that he was not d \ :'Fe men wout to tho nomination, but non-- aware that any one had addressod the work-- | \] t them remasined upon the works that af men at the pris0n, but he was aware that t | terncon. Mr. Bickford addressed them at To war's Had |B 1 tm rey to 3tr: Stnotair, ho raid the m foavigp ~ and se coth aried on a. bustnes? e were pot all supporters of Mr, Moss; some 0! of his own, which"was condacted by a fore | | 7E '*.m eupported Mr. Bickford. -- He bslieveos s uied B he oald Bay NHC s wan, Ho went to the Central Prison at 9 a. m. + '-.A; l:;n :,h 'hbi'e gone to the nomination and remained till nicht, Mr. Melville was \' f w 1;, ;: + ey had got the h91xday or not. contractor for the Woodwork, and em ployed /3 | _ Mr, Rygaarps inquired whether he ta 113 i1 about 35 men, -- Thero was no intention at y ._t ttey would have gone if they had los; the! present of raising the men's wages (Mr 4 £ ~ay for so domfi. Witness said he thouga Melvilie had advanced his man's wages in 1 9 they would, -- He was then dissharged, September last in about the same proportion ) &N E: Mr, W acxER, supcrintendent of the worlks y that given to the . mon employed. by the aB ; was then called and sworn, He hadi bees (xov_omment All : the contrastors who | x «ogeged by Mr. MceKell f arried on the work they had taken from | | CC 0 At3 "'\d went on th ¥r. Elliot Iso i : | B xurles on the 18th Sept. last, Me. M:K=lla r. Eiliot, also increased the Yly of their men, n i [ :3 n2@ called upon him in his owa house, ad3d although they | were thoty o 2 oo reuph hi ' s 1:A not before mot bim,. Wisusss had off se ""m;"te"'\ they received under the °.':'§i"'| l € ed to underiake the dutics for $3 per day c in ds a To ooo Ritcet wore 3t CB . Got no wrnitten instructi o i. uergctically, 1nd he helieved that were it ¥ a0h uctions relative to hi 'ot for the additi 1 | | cuties, ard was bold that the work must b vot for t dition of the 4th tier of calls t \| 'l'::::v(ib{l \\it!!; expeditiously as sos-siblos' "';':)lggil:xfiley b::i';uf:&ilew%v;:::: lth: 1 Je s A U ver t F « e ie o ] al 4 ' s instructions from Mr. Mc ~ | wade a statement of the work ton-- |

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