"5 'it . NAP. 3 . - .eeeSeeml='='e""i'"a""i' "" "UT "m"------"'--,". "they were ludicedtolet the motin r, Mun"... even "a." 3:1! p... in we". He would. thereforO. make 3110'" _ to guide m in m a l ,!: i . h mm!" upon the trutrysoe . In 'l,t'd1g2'1l'll'lllri'.i;riijiiae,r, antiottmF l f. ', tutinet place, he would relerto the opimons il . l which would subsequently 1 ', F i ' our». leader-cf the f1oytrtptet, Mr, te mammal come"! ' s1 ' 31-h. when haiirat took hits new-"0 ttht,",,',. 7 a. then t it would be 4 I My! benches. and was. announcing to w ell if them:- who, "Humming t ', ', the House the policy of " Goeerntmmt; tum, f south. Wham}! tv' i , I 'ed the great "held tt theountry' :2" he 'd,'hirlirl'U' goodssnssof the tttg" .' i ' " in bein failure 0 0 gNa '3 course. [ii" has of the8 ontangling: M1itutct" tut mrt1iiiiriiPteo lil It Mr Speaker 5 'i had existed between the Governmental Mr. OAMto ON Ph rder .he would " " ttttmm and Toronto respective'y. M miscible remarks "hi: on discretion. ha ii), He quoted from the published speeches o'. submit, but if leit to ow l 1 ' Mr. Bake upon that occaslonin so tar as! would proceed. q ks 'i, 5 they bore upouthis point and alatt quoted Mr. SPEAKER then ruled the recur , I , getedirorial remarks of TnsnGwns its out of order. d h ld than can _ l aspeeoh. Hewssverywe aware 3 w' Mr. ERONN swan . ", .3 _ hon. gentlemen would be glad if the public» idtiif2lfll',htlolllf,lr. The resolution 3 ' i, ft tron of that paper should cease, although. in pioposed to deal with the qustlonpi the im- l i . , 3 ' the meentin s, the were bound to. acoeptit topdety at uovernmeM 0mm}. interfering l i l l I u an Mtaority. (Lighten) Thu was "ll Cllr",,,?,,',,,',", and were hon. tretiree, not i ' l l ) "r' fi ' theme, but new that the party mtiuod to be informed of circumstnnoes '. , I , to 'iuitt0. Blake and Tmr, Gums belonged where a gross outrage had been committed ' l 3 had got into' power, things '6Crc entirely by the Commissioner of Public Works iahiss _ "hanged. During the meant election for tor interference with the rights of the 960% , lion inion Home, the Commissioner of Public _ So for as the member! of the Governor A I l, Works mado a tour in the back country, and were concerned. he was quite prepared W 'i, i 3 mod his influence with the poor sottlen affirm the principle laid down m the raroitt. , He referred to the Proton outrage. and than, asalso with reference to Mr. Speaker. If' asked who, in the light of recent cm. 1llvdrrmrnntser outside of the Government 3 if , chevron, (on d below- that the C,ctnmirsiont:r might take such part as be pleased in elec- , It lid not know the purpose of Louis in tions, so long as he iioufintd him. i "on upio that country among the pom self to the bounds of {31'0ng a p6 if; ' t _ in?" in; 4'rrotdo lel'mc that In, ' and law; but toe the gentleman who he d the , I votin for the Government candidate they balance between the. Government and Ithe i would have a reduction in walla-ice of their Opposition to mirrgitt..in , contest, "id." h' 'lil land? m found that the asurcr Was thow his party pfirditatioy, was no ng f 7 'ill, frightfull ' exercised in times out (on: this} It the person whose duty it was to rat; i ii, matter '/,l'tdllt, ofr.cial, intel.' 1itvs in D J. t whether a discussion was in order or out o In 5 minion itaxsttonti when the County Attorney order, or whether the observations 'tf. any (l, , of Baltcuwas the person concerned, bat the hon. member were P, order or not, took an i, i same gttttgtl not seem to Apply when , "tive part .m political tatnpaigy! 'thott hia T , Mr. John O' oboe, in East Toronto, was l, tarty Itsanittgts were Shown. his decisions / I the party moor-nod, either in his candida. vould not be expected to be rxyrardod with ' V l r tum for East Toronto, or the attempt he l (become respect as they othernuse would_be ' , made to inifuantm his co-rcligionists in South entitled to. They had already had during t , Ontario against Mr. Gibbs. The Treasure; ( the iron" anon. andin refercneeto mat- l, '.-' ' l did not write a l-rttcr to him similar to ' tern efore thitohenttery, more frequent nd. 3 a that written to the County Attorney of l logs than during the time prior to that i.', I 1mm altho he believed that Mr. John l which thh, Assembly had been in exrstcuce. i .. ( O'Donohoe high", before he accepted (Hear, hear, from the (2t'flit? benches ) 3: it the nomination. do". hear.) It was 1tik/ During the four years w on Mr. Speaker's l I tionable, however, whether, it Mr, lyDono.' predecessor, Mr. Stephenson. occupied the , hoe had not been elected, that rrig, _ chair, theyhadnothing like the same nun: I, nation would have been atrMptet1. (Hear I her of rulings. (Hear, hear, and ironies) l hear.) He quoted thclotter ot the Treasure;- 1 cuerss "m thy tlovenuntrrtt benehert toMr. Mackenzie, the Sheriif of 'Halton. It was not m the interests of thrs i V " when that gentleman w" ' okon of " . lmple that tho gettttletnan who .2 h t, ' candidate forUtrerat in the gm, of Com. ' was holding the scales. . between the I ' . 'I ruons in l872, and he argued that while hon. "our".m'mt and the pinry.ft.tion should enter l y y gentlemen on the Trans ,benchcs professed the political "'"". of Fun" and "'9 his r _ " 03° thintt, they "ml-Willy! rfornied ano- . 1nfluenoe on one side or another. m was i ( . r ther. He had seen recent (imminent! in the E prepared, therefore, to 1ytt!'t the mtsolutian g - public newspapers in connection with an I of the hon. member for North 105* y election for the city of Toronto, and a good l Eon. Mr. MOWAT sold the ground taken ', deal was said about intimidation of the work- by the hon.. member who had just spoken _ I ingomen who were under the infltttntce of the I on this subject. was very clearly the ground : ' Government in raters-lug to these matters, which the hon. tktnan who moved the' 3 he would Pt strictly within the rules of 3 resolution t,tl'ir!,"i's, cover. They all knew ' " the Home. t was stated in the public l, that during ' e late Dominion elections] j? press-4nd it it werenottrue, the Commie I much greater attention T was aid by j - sioner of Public Works would be Ttte ' hon. t',,tutt oppotdt? L? those , to deny It. as he (Mr. Cameron; was otor- '. with w or they sympathised it matters _ " mined to give him the opportunity of contra- i connected with this House and this Govern- ' I ) ', dieting it-that while e contest was going merit, than to matters connected with the 3 ' main this city between Mr. Moss and Mr. Dominion Government and its legislation. liichlord, the former a pronounced supporter (Hear, hear.) They endeavoured toindnoe '.' I oi the Dominion Government, the workmen the voters in the various constituencies to " . on the Central Prison were induced by the sustain Sir John A Mscdonald and " Ad. i Commissioner ii Public Works to attend the ministration because of reasons entirely drawn lt nomination and swell the ranks of Mr. Mose' from what this Government had done dd , supporters. He (Mr. Cameron) knew that to what they had not done. Hon. gentlemen If his cost, and was a witness to the , opposite were engaged during that campaign 31: interruptions and disturbance which was the Z in going through the constituencies for the g, - result. He had been told at the time that l purpose of tg/tdy, against this Govern- il it tho parties who booted and made anoisc g meat, asserting t they had been guilty ' t', , were from the Central Prison, but having ', of Tgyt,'t and g,ttltg, that e - "w _ ' been set-astound to accusations or thisna . bad; on now the hon. men} or popcsed ' ' a lure being made against the Government of i that tho Government should not 1',tt,'di,2,f, i' l which he had been a masrnber-soousations ', to come forward for the purpose meeting , l I which were always false-he shot his ears to i, those charges. If the hon. gentleman il, I them, The press, however. took the matter ! really thought it W deleyts to separate '3 up. and he learned from that source that it E entirely thd "101115088 ttttyu House train Do. I . , ' had been sworn by a gentleman who was ap- '; normal matters, and if the suggestion was 1 i ri teil by the GoVernment that the mon i that not only the numbered t e Govern. .1 / m been allowed to go hall a day to the I wont, butalso in the members of this Home, 1 a. itominatimt.and paid in full as it they had should be prohibited from interfering in i I been at work . . electron, ,,1eg',t,t,1, 'edg:ttl, itrbut did (t Mr. BETHUNE rose to a rohttoionlor. t e on..cen eman "M " he Would r" it! The Home val well aware Ithat the facts bt permitterll to go ttirotudt the country I; quoted by the hon. member for Toronto East 1?me up tteat issues, and charging this were sworn to before the Public Accounts Government with MI sortsoi crimes, yet an , l Committee. and the House was also aware 'tti1t1fdh1ft',To"Igtteiut1,y,i a: and g '. iii thematterwass G%r, " o I "I multipo. till pcmlmu bet re that €330.13 f,rgtti',, (Hm. hear ) k,'TS'lir I l. ll Mr, SPEAKER said that after all the dis 'lrf',th'i' com. If, ttt a; 2t gift',- i 'J ' r canton that had taken place, and in view of House were to take that ra i I thes I ' I I am decision a" the point on a former lie conld'malre all sorts of SIS',',': h' than I ' ' . ganglia? "(gambit gum Je wrong would he no opportunity ot Jlr,'l,1rdttt 5 l , , . o 1 il ' , _ an Indirect waywhlch could not be Educ , till, Utd', 11t to 1:3an represen- d I " "one my. Itseemed to him mtfairto - ' ug ""13 "How he , _ , _k 'h I .. __-,-----------., -