The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Mar 1874, p. 2

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, - F x T'"'?, . t 0 th I." -'I CW"; "I ma. Met ri'i'it prie n ' st7i' . Hens, G."' "gangs: Pain It., himself tho , th. On f it lel, "fan-ed Wu co Mr. cu ad bee to the , "* l if." 'les, "a. ganja." . n tio full, 1 _ Mr. M ' I, im 'iiiiti'iilr, td,it,t'd, ly, Wily" tou ..) (it',':', alfALLo I I/TP. x'W.r' TP. s" tr"" .I - tim tho ii', but 30%", 2g'gii'ititlll't ooh hegtgtd,'l' f ' " -"r' ' I ' u " Ata this he)", i onp I "in (Noni "VI . mm CM ad B CO tuation -. Of Sa w: at an y "ith out" ' by J 3°82:an and] up 'tl' "uphill?" ttgit, haul?" " 0p "chow l o l, '1 I: m o PP"? Et', . i, 3" 'l" "may"? $55011ng 'dtt "we; this "Yimnm'mdfim°could PM" _ I hat m tml mo ma P at"; I co mg?" of " ($91300 aux-"0i to "Mu tter, i?gr,gtt2',. In North 111 r 1 Qdfy, thi, puhlio 'rj,1tegii'.'cigultatl, The}, the oppo-i'"El - "son tsotion 'l'fl n I ' ple ' and if . "Won. rulic. l', Tai sho on. me "lbw t tn til I Omen thatth tt were ' lsr see J.", trad I 'il',"" Elbe! bad 1d My Vina", [ I thm, " th !,'iyiiir'i'i'i",ih,i'i'iit',li? of one tho ofpm'uro f been i)jigy,'tlt, I sll'll'8e tho " part d be ill',')),',',')",!, of PM th tight, " 00:12,? . ot,til',f and" I tttttt "d1 'hallld of th oCaCt' ""12"": h "ti had boo tituenta, n nun min." . poll pa" l st,,",,',',';'-')"':"',',,', riding on by tlt n inda who, I}. ', w... v '1gfltr of di S, gm Y he ooutsty and the "iiutl,ttl, to "he F di; PR or, qua. for r iv.iv.liny . He mung . . m, d d168.l "our tor the th 0 that INC"; tioriabl sltil.tslir'lj'i2"tig ciUd lation to C t iith tlemon o " f ma no. mdd " Ji",h1'i,Yo" Pl 1a by the Mr. Ba the (tthd a" ' om" for ggge,g any. . -(, r. t and tte, 2',,ttg' andthe notre _ i)'dlt,tt,t,t, ",?trio'r',!?'ii': Hymnal I. " tht 'l,",', It.rrsd his who 'f,e,g,'pttil . ; "ham tttt hirthan mun 0 'l'l'2"kli; Mr M otion. intention om thn ' om ' tty s,,',',", _.'il,l,ii,'i,riet?i'iii,ira'i'ti lg _ tlm Leedf2K, " of voting I a Qll't u tho 'g)"t'g'l the "Wotan" I Mr "whim" Opposed th . ', , I than of s',',ii'i'i,,',iJriif'aot, "durum. I 1,,ei,,e,',htll? "We; twine: .1)"; Bill on i, y ' that Mum. had filiin rgaod of he pon tho B t the 01-3. I I , wr. t, "I", best, f the the po1rer of Att/lt d "martm I R b'ltllltdtttAt and Ins: tt r. im'°mIrk. dividin P " them" Mr. . : ettttat ahoaht "1d tLI,,' W "g fr . l. at do ot the am". " ooutt'vo , "d m%"-I-r';'-I..:IIII"..I~I&": iit)?fei)oiiteiil1 I ',"f,!i'iiiehi'ill: I r was EADON . "WWII." 'Om. 1t',tr, he tttsee, dork" Jlt had * fieUntt 'l'lalll'G1"lfll'l "a. sum 'ttgil,,' '.v0g ' 'oory wovery oond the I , . he y tttmaid ht tt med to the w" , 'gt,"" we ndgrfnu . daf- _ 'r,i'r)!it?it.'l? Godwin the", b g,htt. ii?" of qtt,I', "rut, Pdgxipfm l,', _l 2lg the 'dir It 'atgt 2tthtt gut. thmve'i ooountr tha mOWm a _ Bill Imam m..- M, 'ii,"i'ii'ti!i'1l!, 'iiit ttf, I: i'it'i'tntt,ti, 1ii,i,si;i1i',i.iit)r,;'ii_'i, . . ',,t,tt,t th ot is,'v'ii?,?i','iii"io,',r1'., t', "way 911 its e yceiril 'tut. union t would the] o . " l tor with "Bath; t " had b As to ' at pp" bl dim con Eagle Very m " to . tf,ttatil let toitt t iiiiiiiiitii; to S,'lrl of "ohm. disori 3 't2t'l"2i' - their sei J2 no ' utthe "no; he I: an th tt on." Oirpertio. Elma". Ind to 'tgtttr' t,1fli?iri'i'i'ri) the gara- I "if t,"'itt' ii' ',?yil,'itit td. mule tft' l 0 w pea " el . " a' I?" Mr. m, Bit, tttturl, It: I ttgl °:OIII::::II "s',iii's,t'1t,l,Tie,tl,,i'aoi1iit, i I a a4:),ltirii,)it'iil, A ' boimd , "In rt vote f " when. It memos It I A 'hic lei',',"' , he: af? or am rtht, ttwas' m h t d h t th We", In y w had hum: 'ih,?ii,itl "we thoughtl ' "Won . two' damn" ml? Wu 'll'l 1)re dies mad oountt the Bu had boo: Pdgl,tl"Sl'l", SI of the would lug to I mind h'whioh " M mum, " have, t a. and . It m. oountyt not re a (ili,'ii,i,'ehi,s,j,t, "01:0 '9me dingo . place. lt 383i": 6'90"." "can? regie m. n. Grey mm]: an "In"; tt,trltlt'tl in "111..., in "to the g,,ttrt (Admin gggtttl, d bu hing-"'0 'if. aloud nat the 2ti't, it IU'.", of thgty Br- and m 5rot E on n fied. u "N the] allow that thw will mr ttfi,,":,?", 'ili'i'yiii'ii, ' "any it i "N Me "union 'ol"l,', cha tt Gox:o::d h "on?" and o di V. of "to WI! 'w ' ; on" dffl'l 'l,U'dht, to be gen: do 'hste' m t'e,,tt "ion was ctttttstv l , count loc al l'ald if . Vol-amen min Won} hi. ugh mad a . . ' may "on! 'tttdd',"',',:", t. w if" b. hon. moi? would ig',',', Lvl',',,'. i tn't,,t t2,1 b. gth wluitéld CtMW? l "In 2te,', zimiud to 2f, uko£rgp°r$ l, the" Jel {lathe ','g,te,5 had int 'll). _ y" b PM "to him iarniag th pt he their gtglty itdtlll'l't 'lhl'd Pro 2 hi'i;iiik 'd,' hi wo id" Ji,?iil'iiit1 negli- whom tge,', no 00a YP oppoat '1'me ' ,iiiiii/i!tidti'i.ii?1 i:',','e',i'i7i'llilii?, It Iowan-wy'm. to g*ve w E"??- I:;, hiar t"icr, tum??? 'iiii?iii':'iiiiiiiiii full 'ir!yf?z,riiilif," tho W"; and " We!"k 'lt',,'; Th}: (i?,),'?,',");,!:??,',"; ISI the Pets to detest , l l tii',.:,?,?))?,: 'dat It?" 'Ili: and 2et _rFiii:',lito',ii'i of 'ie, 'gg',',,';",,',),',' - ,'llih'h1ff'l, Im' btt "Inc 'l." iis'irti?i1iilt'.,ii?l!: tt can ofthe r I $J?II%3°:.;I'333°§..? _.,"urj',trF1'ttl,'ai'iii.i', '; 2392,:I'I°:::'Ihes?°s£2hw£§§; iii , . . _ a the ',f,',l',,t',lt, thump-I 1ti)1?iiftl,tirtil',ii.1lt . "s, masonic la! WW n a; 'i)iiiiiiiii I coil; trr/tfl, ',',pth tho £3338 In: . " "tun. 'b'mrdgg'umgmffgnld :3; I and.' w. w . . _ of more . . ' Td", 'lttitl' of ii',iti'iiiiiiiiiii'iiii' and grim? "airman ',i'.i?,'?li,i',.i'r,t 335132.23 " t ' Va- po re: ton of th , ne' ' th "rntati trN s' V 'iii,iiti,'?o;(i?'s'ii "a: "l I331: Comm: Ike-$1??? tat', iia,'yi'1),?t' I3; I - W Co "we . n MIME: cont he could 'l num ',,S) Wttt tttlt thnld be mat. ',it?.:',!i'li'ii'iiiiiiiii) he 'JIS, ii,??,?:,; ho I If Wench}: 'tttif, to i',?;11tii"ir1li?ii' till', I331?" "I112? 11'rt'rf, ho 332:: I 'ii,,',!,';,!?,??':':'!),', fittii'9it " 'dt',': . en em mtu' tt h ' a pro Ben ' 0 his was " 5;" for 'git,',',,"?,',', ',t,s?ii't'li, 2:19:30; lt; l ' till-W We: i'n?iv,i,iilti'?ir, tret as!" Do"! tt1,tl be ',,iiiiit'iii", 'li'l'set against l we" mammal» no: tor 'ldlf if the 1:»iu9gtirgl. the unwind" Be "tcompo IttrgU. . ltr , cotisitter 9f the Ho co roy.itsion #1.? "mam on. "MIME? iai I "III?"TPP "ton. "Niven???" pri '3' re & E th ' yop" l "gt, trod t 'was rat - be 'digg'." grglytiirvgg%f_whc,.e I i)"ii,iii'i,iii,oii1iiiii', "3:31: ot 'th V. "Wu " newt _iii,'t1'i,1,rl,ii,ii,?s'rii?,s1,,1i"/t','i ' Mr "Nov"! If tl is 'c1i'icdit1te1i'ai1r1t,I'i; e St stty/lip/l t,f to beet?" tbtcht, i, alfgd,ot.f,I', ct "Jan?" in 53mm; i th'glf, tor tell. ','gg,1 the ("a of t," I: 't'r,gtut1, this 13;? the {Why}, hi} UlCitte, id' tdt L',',',',',',: Wis Luff"?! . mm" iii ttttt te if a :qld' 'fit, 'll'), Wt trid {I}; bo co 2mg: n. 'ee, of "we" p35?" MPG? 'lal'dlJy' rem'. .i'" -.,jf'?,?t. stiiei'itei'i,'1,':'i ' i?lstlf, Jdg1tttl i','fie't tP: LI h Mr. 'iri, I .. ird.'t'ii,.",' cr,!.',',", if; $°usht ) 7 gi-mst on that 'll"',', Watt that 'C/ttt Ti? fi,ei1dg)jf,), I . ' 'de. mid I? mo. _ 2,i2eptt the t would in favo tswhol , l , hon tCa1arl "mm" M! th t g'rgtlA' Whiteni- tm m2; of th: 5 gigantic? gonna? 8:15;?" the I. o ': ilithiiiifi,'i1iiii i'ii'siiiiiiii,.iiiii "iegt,,t'. iiciiiiiii,'iC"? 'did,'",?, ti,if'?/,ri,'i/ts' f a, o. o . . c I . o Jeo ." a . . tsir: 'Ji13.' ', tl',',',", ttft',,. 3°"? i,estii,tr1ii,,t!:it: 2t I 333'::I%%°::I1"%£3 tlll 'i'gii'ii, A"? I I m oommiwdplc lite £3309, :for '; mthte PP We? Jlufde,t, unty w'i'ifi"i',',? . the, before 'ld'tt :1:le tai any, I)? 3 t?,iiii,e":l, "Wares: iiiiiiiit'??, 't'irhii,iiii Ita. ' - "We on to tr. W . , ae 0n with re 's "3' on" tiie eut, L toi otth Il"' do Ut wh w" m mat, Y,'.'" - lo, uni hum oBilr, "to b od "due i"s')'f;'li7ss.rdf' . fic. WI the aim"! d ',dilef/t, ',i'uii)hli'v/,),1, paltry 2,tlf, t' the tttl or 'ld?, 1min; was I (i' ' Duh. 'ii'il?iii! the 'ld the 39' .An "it"!!! of Swoobmnmdity 'JI/let ff" I t t' tad , for Outro c ill T ttt 0rd Pte, . y po" he e In!" I . g tair Mr "Id h or to ' uld W f ouio ottrth . . 11.5.6. i " . J'" eottetttti 11%de a f? of L'; I pstihio ot on", on. . cw o , n I f 0 Y0 "kl next ttte be been lute,",.',,',? 'li, a l Gunner. won allow repel of " , b' otoghtn . The 0d io" vet ttt ' w- ot tia _ Gov, sta ' tlat . i.d Itormi "mm, ad o "v',' V it big 'nt of ve, _ da Wrotty tth- l If": ". , LELTi?r 1%"

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