,',.' 5yytattaurt,retssimqiiiiys..au.ettee.;i f - -- -- I if 'rl', _ w'" 1'ePyhtyott)iaioii iil'iitaAftd'lt,r',',far' th,',t,.f,,e' ikiiiiiitTF'it this .- J1t, F "at". he. the -otant' ntl on," not one for the ttti iiiFll,l,1uTd't"llUllhlrJi"G"y' . tl ,."'.t'"oatt 4y.htttbteet 't 32.?" when the mean" come up to"; t Wmm ot.hblio Worn-em A n t . re the ammonium tako , would have to devote eeven heat! 'lf., y t r ttttrt Goldman the View he hededvooeted PM"! labour, and: W W . of Model theee feel. m begged to with- tttttum and other accompany! htstrtstAiiy1. drew them "if? 091mm tobentAght. 2htg Eon. Mr. HOWAT eeld he wee elweye i llttttftiftgtt)t tweed: '"l'il did the to receive edvioe hop the other eide of not due s, 'll dim '-oo of the til-Boole. 'l'hehon. tlemenweewrong . "tiistnto te a." that in " idee that he had mulled him in the "WWW of the remove! of the term new e introduction otthie meeenre. The subject that mm" him" may "m'd' nit t i "one which hie eeeorhed e ken to l "I only proposed to adopt It preeent l",',', " _ him open, and 'i,',,a"ll'te hind); viewe V "mention: in the report whioh meld ti: "t?totmlrtgit With regerd tothe objection "med out at Oti0% The ht', Jlli'e,'l'l ' b the hon. gentleman tothe Bill, Wonidbetekon up no soonee on . I he 'l'lu'Cli that if $2 wee e ooneideretion rammed. Be hoped thet whet.tur brought . to omen ebout to merry. that that men wee I down their eohome upon, tint rtt'lt',t, it not in the Winery 'tion heehonld be to , trotdd imoeihm the "tpiport ot tht, W" ' "fit it Prudent for IQ to merry. f Mr. aiye,egpr,'ettf'dti',t" :3: . e mo um wee remov wee " 1 I . o . te wee then withdrewn. lent m. would be 'utfhaunt for the Iform-0| " THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. of the college. mallow en "1mm "PW ' Mr, RYEERT. in reference to h - I dlture wee propo . i F. ' lug motion: "For e return 2t2t iou'i'iio l Hamlin Mol; ELLARetetedthetthere were , nemee ot ell Otmtmiatdoetsm I? inted in more beildinge on this fun: than could be s'Pe,tf,1t't with the 1"l'llhgr College; l, utilized for the Pill','," of the term than _ - The Md"! given to each Commie- ', there were upon e Mimlco fem. The stone; ' Thereport of ench Chtantnutsitmrra," ' Government, lttt said, deeired to proceed j, Clubland that the report of the Commie- , with the experiment." cheeply P' newbie. q elonerehed not been brought down. end they were dung cvorytlung m their l _ Hon. Mr. mower eeld the report lad WWW" outthis mm . 5 be: brought down but not distributed. The motion W88 then withdrawn. _ r. manor eeid th - _ H _ here the report of tt"lrolti'g/,'i',,ttr),'dat "All." AN REIUR'N b. rr thorium to report 0pm the Agricultural lion. Mr. FRASER brought down pepere ann l.trt eome time pad, end the iirtst he relating to Port Dover end eke Huron Rsil. 'leg, of at wee in tine momiuO paper; The way end the Northern Rodney. , Are, they found from the report, " pub. The Home than none for ream yum" the S',."STit we: not eultebie _ . I 'd emote, en the Province would PRIVATE BILLS. we to epond elerge enm unnoceeeeriiy if the "sco.mtnetti.1atens at the Cornutiuiinseh were _ _ Alter recess, carried out There you . variety of have". i The Bille to lncorporete the Trinity Colo , oi the farm required, who it he coneidered _ lcge School "' Port Hope, and to amend .» would be e mu 'Tprrt'b'rnee of not; I: ' the Act 'nwarporstipp, the Prince Edward l , wee determined thet the agmnt should ' .Oonnty ttai1sity 00., . peeeed through I te, mm" the. farm, bat tut. a. Board N "mmim' _ » , cold under-heir? that m.'hnagcanertf, This N, qho f,tt,'PtPl w" reed tt second time l i M. We: rationed, wcald' not meet iii', ' .--21, amend t e Act peeled in the thirty- sryte.ot the peoplu' Ho Obiectcd to the -, fifth yee'r of the reign of Her Meiesty f adoption of the arrangement; praroted b 9ttoern Victoria, end ohnptered sixty-two, In. the Commission, m. i Km, assured that If; t'aetg the Bowmenvilie, Lindsay, and ' 31873-1"?! r.'ollerro would not be a mecca: Bo y gtr on Railway Compeny. , . ls roymce. The v, home, r ,3 On the mo io f . o I 1titpoyi,1 to gn'o the Oillrvgmcnt a 'ifirg "t" If the Bill to 'tth 'd .',,hg,gghg,tigg J,', :HIecteu to the Government knew)"; in"; London and Port Stanley Railway Domitian; "r 31%;: Titel/cf, {11:13:35 "f, the Greet Western Railway Company: » . r. r) d ll conridcrc i r. WILSON moved ea. n l would be 'l'l'l",'1TtLio bring down 'tf sa". that it elmuld be referred indie tttll",,"",:,",'). gr: te,frt,r,ttg ti, the re50"; wee be wey Committee for further consideration _ down ii tho hon. Soothing" dwarf")??? V??? ft.t,"th tool: mm " to the con. '; report, however, oontein ed ell the infor e YP one ity of the oouree, end open a di. I ea that could bd in clu d ed in the tum. , melon the amendment wee eerned by 49 l The hon. , re re. eyes to IO neye. 1 gentlemen had uldthe Government t? . . thenld uenme the "POEM"? of men. . The Bill respecting the highways and . mg the tarm, but he (h r. McKe Ier) Jfdllffi bridges over the Desjardins Canal wee pad r. {tenggmpoétent the:l thoy should get Gi e second time. ' . run on pee-i e u on the lub' c ' , , . He did not consider it 'd/JIU) that tt OFFICIAL {'DDRESS' ' should ty', once undertake to "an!" all the The dobete on the followintv resolution and q 'gi-ee/il", of ht,' 20"" but that report was amendment wee reenmed;_ Ct t e on w ic they should commence. Mr. BOUL -.." It Wm" yy.sauht?o1.s in the United Stetse ofthis l',tdt,'tdEiii7titat, in Opinion ' had been e tenure, but they Virtual; too much oilicm. of the Dominion eho ul '1'":th to ", of a ct9r:'i.utt character. 'l hat would not a the rule for the gnidence StL' 'ttge ' be to m this metnnoe. He was in favour of them being no putty between th once, the establishment oi the Board ot Agrical- thet 'otrMt Pm P mtem Ill tl' colon, but tore composed of the lending men of the devised _'ir'lt'l'llfr' the '1'lut",'tle, " once country to odor suggestions:, and etatei that enthorlty otthfe eletnre ll ll under "I. the only deerre of the Government "as to "all"!!! 2ltdgh'le new. . . bspl.t.oyd meko the institutions eucceee. . F l tdjneted, and the Juli in: 2gitl,i,,t,i,r. ti Mr. s1gililiiPgv1",i"gltt1 that inferno- ' dig", J " co reme- 'oneboul ogivento the wee: before it _ end in am _ wee made known generally LI the House. He 5 " TUt all the ','gttt'tsP, 'p, OLD EB" referred to the fell-ire of similar institutions word Ihar,' be Itruck out, md on, attsr the in tho United States, and hoped that the rs. inserted in lieu thereof . "Th. n the followmg t novel of the farm would he attended with of ensuing Ollioere forth " true "with" ', eneceee. but he expressed doubtee to the re by procarih elliclent no n,th leyvice ig 1 " He tsoqplairusdof the expense thetwould saiariosfor an labour flgrl'IS ,v,,pMittg late V be ,ntt.th.sd lay the carrying out of the report, Mr, FPASEP i, end said he id notconeider the ,xpianations canola in b, mm out ittav.. I of the lim'nentiemen were "tisfiitorr. ' starvation: of Thin"? to the ob'. l . Mr. LAl DER.'"d they "slit to know if . &tuth Grey with regard an. member for mthe event of It! being decided to ado l l to Crown coGai' end the 'mount. puitl those reemPtmdetles, that agent", would manta for the new 141 an?" the my- be enhrmtted to the Home. Prmented to the "illlgfl,'i"' wit the amount. l Hon. Mr. mower arid the Government men. Be showed that Id.llt', hon. gentle- irgr1,fgtctfg,get an, expenditure that ttik'; Mm 'li'2f2ilt'nRN?lf ft; one -the , 7 or erbi " " i w" 'et, txJrtttd that 'll,',',! glue,',',", tdl _ emanate Similar mi: If???" Other be tsatiabd' with the report of the Commit. dragged into his etetement b. tied bed boat eionere or with the ','M'l'e'tte, of the Go New In 1878 the " Y e hon. gen. 1 eryrte9 m explain that they did not p. we! paying low I meant Gt?vemtiiGt l com the raport tfgihilt hour. before tam ' been Mid by the mood 'liege, to have brought it. own to the case, end that thy _ ornament. He tmm' the Oneid Gov. 1 "port hemg been laid upon the am. the totel 'mm'thet . whereof the preeehedarishtte pnbl': L the intonation. Severel enpportere ot in? Jentlem owe-lee - upon the 001mm]: