witness, and one of them must be perjurers. he had said simply that there must be some mistake. Mr. PRINOEssid the reporters reports) them all very badly, but it reminded him of the case of a member of Parliament who complained that what he was reported to have" said was nonsense, and received for t ply that had what he said been reported it would have been much greater nonsense. (Laughton) Mr. HARDY said he was .atraii1.?ys should have to plead pretty nearly tPil..ty to the language attributed to him He. believed the language used by him was that it was highly, improper that such language should be need to a gentleman under oath, and he drew the attention of the Chair to the matter. So far as he remembered, his and friend from Niagara, when appealed ' concurred in that view. The other portions of the report, so fer as he could remember, were perfectly accurate. q Mr. MCLEOD said his hon. friend from South Brant had iurthea appealed to the hon. members for Niagara and East Toronto to say whether such language would be ullowrd in a Wart of Justice. . BALLOT EXPENSES. Hon. Mr. MO'VAT moved "That the House will on Monday next resolve itself into a Committee to consider the following . _ 'oolution.r-'That the reasonable ex eases _ incurred by the returning oiiicer and by the other offiee" and clerks, for printing, pro: . J viding idling compartments, transmission of l 'i'Giiuh' . . a , the pee 'tut1gte'f, to be transmitgadlby f '3 , i" ., ' e propose res ctina votin a ot V "b i but; ti" Ili) l l illll, and reasonable tree,',',?'",?,,','?" flt,"h','L'l ii', i, r N ___7__.____ -- 'Zt?it', 1rlendered dnuderhthe said proposed " 1 ' - c , s be pai to t e returnin .o'dieisr Ei SEWER Ml.lh,Wi..iir--rgn WrtlM out of the Consolidated Revenue angi of the - ' Province, and shall be distributed by him to -""--_.- the several persons entitled thereto; which F . , distribution he shallreplort to the Lieutenant- "n 'l HDAY, March h. l Governor, through t e Provincial Beers. _ .e YIraircr lock the chair at 3 o'clock. tary.' J' Carried. ' REPORTS PRESENTED, ' t,,aer2hs.ff2,r,ggnf, the third rev1. ' Hen. Mr. CURRIF. ( got o 1 respec g Benevolent, Provi. port oi the Committee I,',,','"',",,",,":',,',,', ltP' i dent, and other Societies. . Hon. Mr. CROO S ( . Mr. "BRICK, having reeapitulated the port of the i/df/lf,',,??,,,,',','),',',,'.',',',',:,',,,";,: It Et 'e.tyeeuainst the progress of'the Orange and moved its adoption. " tray'. Bills last year, campiained that, althorgh Ho M the correspondmoe with the Dominion Go- of th h , r. MOWAT presented the Report 'vernment had been brought down, it. had _ .e .4 Act Committee on the School Bills. ' not been printed, and the letters laying the BILL INTRODUCED matter be ore that Government at Ottawa, M 'VE. . . 'ofaraalushadbean abletosee,werenot th r. Ill l.'ERT Introduced a Bill to amend among the papers. m s he of the Prince e franchise. lidwarg Island Orange how, and contended n .. , , t at t e circumstances were dilferent alto- C0RREt"sP0NDENai1. gether from this case. He held that the Bar, Mr. FRASER brought down pipe" Wange body had I right to demand such and. correspondence regarding the tol. legislation at the hands of the House in view 1om'og hallways: - Coming, Pestsrbor. of what took place last year, and he asserted ough, and uu Marmara, and Hamil. that the Bills should have been as- ton and . Lake Erie'; also relating sented to by the Lieuteitttat.Gover. tothe aprr,.liest.ieyt of the Victoria Railway nor. lie charged the Premier with Company for aid l also returns of concessions l pandering to a section of the people and Prryhips located in the Free Grant hostile to the Orange Bills, and with being Districts for the years 1573 "a 1571, with much less careful for the interests of the the names of the locatees. i Ziimplre lthan he (Mr. Mowat) had.imlsaroartrd ' i set uig t to make the House believe. m NEWSPAPER honours. . gas :ppotiiftlil {:3 in; tll, because it silowad l t one tea tr sue ar e ortions of [and 13,1, . LAI) DER rose and called Btuettiott ,to and he contended that tbs pgnciole was iriii'. e eport of the proceedings of one of the crews and had b . t d t i' It a Sta.m.iintiComtry1te" ot the House yesterday, Egainst irrtrs ":ng :fjethies Jul') tle, 'dt'lpttgf,oirtgrt, 'Lt'u'd"get,ti, past. m quoted the clause of the Bill re- was used by . member of that 1'h,'l,'lS2d', luring to the holding of property, yy,1 he of an indecent and erly kind. charged the Government with being afraid to He did not complain of discs. "d" rt in Tue take the responsibility oi givmg incorporation GLOBE, and he cared little what that news- to any Society, reading in p.roof of the asset- A seid b t hi . . tron the provrsion which gives thepower to . PP" . Pl In. nor yet did he care count udnes to xamin th tits, ti f what any memuer of the Government or any bad Y) e, sl a a com I a ion o of their supporters said about him, Mt long " In applying or corporate powers, and they were within the rules of Parliament 1 approving or reapprovmu of them as the He took exception to this report how: case might require. He complained that it "a, because it said that id would cost a great deal to incorporate under Cameron ttnd Richards concurred 'trl the Bill, and he further objected. to the "Wk! made "0 of were in- it, ueue he could not express his Views decent and disorderly, an d he did value upon the incorporation of other bodies. He the teta of those hon. gentlemen. It the moved the suimontha hoist Stan ng Committees of the House '0" to Hon. Mr. MOWAT said the hon. gentle- be brought into mpg, m House should man had not accurately stated what he (Mr. know it. The report was, no doubt, conceiv- Mowat) had said upon the question. The ed with a View to mjnre him personally as . Bill was a general one, not intended soially nrember d. the 'ttriding Committee, and he for the Orange Societies, and '11.ltl have did not think that an hon. member for been introduced even had there been no south Brent ted "nuns up. the language Orange _Bills. The excltement created over nttritmted to him, ad certainly neither' Mi. the" Bills last year, however, had caused (hmeron on; Mr. Richards agreed in any him to give greater attention totheircasethan "ch "pr ON. they '39de , probability have otherwise Mr. STEPHEN m . "my , on. gentleman com lsined. the hon. member [iRe,NlPil,gif, dwhen not that the Bill.was not liberal 2l'tls',' bat that ti: osmium of tU ,'l'ae'du'd/e.1 glaut m:oc;hhberal, and tire 'i'iis: well aanination idn . . f e " o t tt ot Nrr." with that of another oblections i,d','l'uPtl' account ont', l