o5 ons nless some 0n 2 brip them down u moved fgin&un. Mr, CAMERON thought the acknowladg-- ed rate of payment was by no means too large, but thought sometimes the charg«s were too high and beyond the authorized amount. Tusspay, March 10. bir, Clarks (Wellington)--On third read. ing of Bill (No. 13) to provide for voting by ballot at elections to the Lagislative Assem-- biy, thai said Bill be not read a third tims but that it be raferred back to C:mmittse o' the Whols, with instructions to atrike out sections 17, 18, and 19, and to insort the fol-- lowing in lieu thereo{;:-- Hon, Mr, MOWAT sail theso charges were regularly admitted, and he did his best pouonm y to keep down the expenses in this Orown Counsel woere, ho was assured, so very low, that were it not for the pres'gs attaching to the conduct of the business, scarcely An{ good lawyer would be willing to undertake it. _ The vote was passed after some further The vote of $500,200 for Education was Deing discussed when the Committes rose, Xsported progress, and asked leave to sit Mr, RYKERT complained that the Gov-- ernment had promised a measure dealing with this (iueat.ion when the appropriation was made last year, and they yet deciarsd their intention of not doing auything this session. On the details being discussed, Mr, RYKERT complained of the amouats appropriated for Orowa Counsel at cvimiual Mr. CAMERON said the case of these witnessos was very hard, and he was quite, surprised at the course of the Government. Mr, PRINCE thought if the Opposition were in earnest, they should propose some means of meeting the requirements of the cu;. The late Goverameat made no attsmpt to do so. (17 ) Immediately after the c p o(l'l "?1 every polling '{:hce mfiefifi?n'ft:h" ,{D.;' uc;r shall, in the presence of the TT :- :r. and of such of the candidates opol fi\:l; :l%::'go:.-l:;y than be prosent, ;p?: se w A ukn k proceed to count the votes On the vote of $206,050 for the purposes of the Courts, the Treasurer explained that last year a sum was voted for the payment of witnesses in criminal cases, but could not bo used without Legislation upon the subject, The Government were not prepared to propose any such legis-- lation this year, and therefore did not ask the vote, After some further discussion, the vote was passed. The vote of $112,050 was then considered, the Treasurer explaining some differences in the details as compared to last year. _ After some discussion, chlefly upon what had be-- come of the old fence around the Parliament Buildings, which had no connection with the vote, it was passed. (1 ) Hoe shall examins the } k..ping them with their vint Mr. DEACON contonded that thero was No necessity and no authority for the ap-- Pointment of this officer, and endeavouread to show from the Public Ascouuts that the moneys paid out in the way of saliry and experses were much in excessof the amounts he tecovered. . Hon, Mr. FRASER showed that the Pub-- lis Accounts did not show the whole of the money accruing from this source. Hon, Mr. MOWAT said the duties of the :::rfior were very onerous, and ware well ormed; and it was of the groatest impor-- tance that such an ofticer should be appoint-- @d, becsuse some County Judges were very lax in seeing that the duties of, the clerks of their courts were properly performsd. BMr, MEREDITH pointed out taat the Bill rolatintg to County Courts abolished stamps in these courts altogether, and this would therefore remove the nscessity for such an officar as the Inspector. Hon. Mr, MOWAT said the suggostion of hon. friend would receive dus consideration, and the Government would probably make some change in view of the fact pointed ont. Hon, Mr. MOWAT said that the fses to The House then adjourmmed at mid--night, NOTICES OF MOTIOXN. the hyliot pripars, printed fag s up-- within which such Solling Jiui:ai_v'{;mmg situate, and the ballot boxes delivared t, the (1.) The statement of votes given for each candidate and of the rejected ballot papers. (2.) The used ballot papers which have been counted., (3.) The rejected ballot papsrs. {4.) The unused and spoiled ballot papers placed together ; and (5.) The voters' list, tha commission of the Deputy Returning--officer and poli clerk, with their respective oaths of office, and the oaths in the forms N. and M. aunexed therato, ang the counterfoils of the ballos papers ; an (6) The tendered votes list; the list of votes marked by the Doputy Returning. officer, and a statement of the uumber of yoters whose votes are so marked under the 2C u;v-ullullu! ftrthwith tzo;livg: l!{)h packets (18.) Every Deputy Returning--officer, at the completion of the counting of votes after the close of the poll, shall, in the presence of the agents of the candidates, make up into sepa-- rate packets, sealed with his own seal and the seals of such agents of the candidates as destire to fix their seals, and marked up>n the outaide with the date of the day of the elec-- tion, and with the name of the Deputy Re-- l.urninlg_-oflicer, and of the polling sub--div{-- Deputy Returning--officer, the poli clerk, and anc& o¥ the omngilfistes or their agonts as may be present and desire to sign such state-- ment. papers, ballot papers given to voters who afterwards returned the same deeliniag to vote, and ballot papors taken from the poll-- ing place. * * ht m 15--.) Upon the oom})let'.on of such written statement it shall be forthwith signed by the (4.) Voting for morse candidates than ou-- titled bo. (5 ) Writing or mark by which voter could be identified. (6.) Unmarked or void for ancertainty. (7.) Unused, spoiled, a_nd tendereil ball'ot (1.) Name of electoral sub--division and,date of eleetion. (2.) Number of votes for eao? ammdidate. (3 ) Papers wanting signaturs or initial of Deputy Returning--officor. (3.) The Depaty RetursiagoGe» ahall flfi,iom * rejected" ou any ballot paP®" : °h.he may r« ject as i1avalid, aad shall on-- lorse * réjection objected t»" «i an 09133 tion be made to his éeoision f (4.) The Deputy Returning--ofticsr shall then count up the votes given for each caa-- didate upon the ballot papers not rejacted, and make up a writtn statemsnt, in worda as well as in figures, of tho number of votes given for each candidate, and of the uumber of ballot papers rejected and not counted by him, which shall be made under the sevoral "C000ly NEHLE heads:-- ,(2 ) Auy ballot paper on which votes aro &iven to more candidstes thaa on#, Of 992 ,v"_"ch any thing excegt tke nu ubor an 1 fi_le foitials or name oftha Depaty R :#r2:9 1081 cer on the buck is writtsn or markel DY which the voter can be identifi d, s'ix4l be void and shall not be counted f fw arde, and shall take all propar precautions or preventing any parson from seaeiog the numbers priated on the brcks of the PAP@!®» 33 y" and '"unable to turning--.oficar shall