The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Mar 1874, p. 10

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f deal with it just as thoy Pu i > S § tss $ ! thou r. He had only to r0p®®! | blic Works, m&;r'.wd'urfld ; E that gn? Ci4 4t belicving that he was doing :i:u defined, and no one mistake what what was right, He might havo done wrong, hoq, friend's positim ard to these . but he did not think so. He had prewfift"'f two points was,. Ho a spprehended there would \ for it, and what was more, he had the °:. be fournd no person who would say it was prop-- J easts of the hard wo:kf:g-mm at h"}'t er to interfere with the freedom of election. (Cheers.) And when he had the opportunity Perfect freedom of election had always been of going before the electors of the country, one of the planks of the Roform platform, who make and provide the money for the and he trusted it would always be so. It exchequer, he would be able to oonfrons was also a plank of the Reform g'"orm that those gentiemen who attacked him now, an( the public money should not wasted in | receive the approbation of his fellow--coun» any way., But who wera the psople who | , trymen, (Luud and prolonged cheoring ) were now taking this stand. They were the | Hon, Mr. FRASER said he did not intend very ?eople who had been 'l'):aom!ng P ,. to address. the House at any length upon principles subversive to the principles of the this occasion, Ho would in the first l|))el5ce great Reform party for the last twenty E ® call attention to the very large number of years, Tlley had been stceped to the hgs in E | | men empioyed at the Woolwich Dockyards comuption, if he might use an old and ta-- j | as compared with the number emplo¥o(_1 by vourite expression. %o was glad, however, ' | | this Government at the Contral Prison, to see that they had repeuted, and the coun-- | Quotmf from the Broad _ Arrow, he try would rejoice that the great Conserva-- 5* showe that on the lst Decem-- tive party had cast their sins off, They ber, 18368, the number was reduced would almost suppose that the gentlemen +« __ | irom 20,000 to 15,000; tnat under ths Gov-- who moved the resolution had never in their | ernmernt of Mr, Gladstons tho number was lives as politiciaas been guilty of any act reduced to 14,00€; and that this latter was that was in the slightest degree question-- | the number when they were allowed the hali able. The khon. gentfisman then rellemd to ; f, day at Nir * (':'l'd"t"""'" election, as quoted by the Grand Trunk frauds,. and the Foote job-- | f' | the Commissioner of Public Works, They bery, and the Pacific Railway Scandal, | bad got farther tostimony, £9o, than that of which the Conservative party had coun-- | the telegram just quoted, that the men woare tensnced, He would have to rofer to a | pard, He was also prepared to show that great many uncomfortable things which hou, | tney had got it at the previous general elec-- gentlcmen would not like to hear, He had tion as we'll as at the last. Qaoting again taken considerable trouble to obtain a Blue f from the Broad Arrow, he showed that Sir Book, which contained the particulara of the ' Jemes Elpbinstone, in }:ua nomination spsech Foote frauds, which ahockos the whole popu-- I | at Portsmonth, on the 31s% of January, pro-- lation of the Province. He then procseaed t | mised his conatntuentg to use his very bost to refer to the items charged for stationery, | endeavours in the right (@uarter to got the «and compared them with corresponding § ' | half holiday for them on po!lin f i ; * | y ior thuem on polling day, and items of rtationery charged in one of the P _ | :;:sfi:edhhu opinion tna& 'tihe keeping cif of Legislative Assemblies. ' our's pay ac as so much ol r a check upou thg );xpreuicn of the man?s Mr, LA UDER rose to A point of order, + potitical feelings that it gréatly increasead the Hon. Mr. CROOKS said the hon. gentle-- 1 , number who did not vote. man himself was out of order. . Mr, LAUDER said is was not sho~n that Mr. LAUDER was continuing to speak to d they were to be paid. J the point of order, when | a Ron, Mr. FRASER said th » very fact that k Hon. Mr. MOWAT called npon the 4 ' Sir James Elghiu'l tone moutionedy the two 3 Speaker not to sllow the hon. gentieman to » : hour's pay which was kept 60 the mon who make a speech. E: went to vote was proof that ks proposed to Mr. LAUDER gaid the hon, member for | a pay them when they got the haif day, Ho Stormont was not in order when he referrci P proposed now to quote from "Hansard" to to matters which took place twenty years C '@ show that it was not an unusual thing in ago. ; R Eufilsnd to give Governmert employes on + Mr. SPEAKER ruled the hon,. member CR Public \\(;orkn even a viv;mlo ll:oliday upfm an_ for Stormont was in order. d elcation day, and continue their pay, In the APatra ' first place he drew attention to the debate ~ itehx,r[: iBhI'flL{Z'\VE progehod:g t';, refer to the | 1 upon the Ballot in the House of when n 'connechign wIis e Foote frauds, | Commons, when the question of open, e ; | 4 ' ing the poilling booths eacly in the' Mr, BOULTBEE rose to a point of ordar, | 1 mornimg, before working hours, and keeping claiming that the matter introduced y the | ' | them open after working hours at night, was hon,. gentloman was irrelovant to & _5 {ect | < | under dizcussion, 'The purpose of the pro-- before the House, § | E. | position was to give all working mon an op-- Mr, SPEAKER said that the #@ue siconce l portunity of voting, without having to lose was allowed on the motion to go suto Com-- 4 their pay,. kivr. Goldeamith upon that ooca-- -- mittee of Supply as upon the motion to ad-- K nionGspeciafly poistett out th'fa bt:uetrxe(wlvork(iing journ the debate. in Government dock--yards undor rvm : sa 4& A this diiZculty, and also took cccasion to say th?:i%?:fi} il&,ex:t;o:.t I:g;ng, refer':ed to § that a different practice provailedl amonz by Mr. Foots for certain kgi a s"f".': charged § 3 other large employers of labour, who allowed Wh. ty .t nds of 'stationery, ns A 1 en s'x o'clock was called and the H men to go and vote and kept thoir pax going Fose 1 aliecd aud the House § all the same, That was only partially cor-- or recess. | rect, zo far as Government dock--yard em-- PRIVATE BILL3. 3 ployers were concerned, for hefourd that Mr. A 3 Cardwell, in reply to a «question by Sir Jamos ; After recess the follewilng Bills were ad-- ' Elphinstone,stated that it was tc;lmh? trnfi th:st \aIx;ccu a stage;-- [ ' a letter bhad been written r._ Baxtor on. Mr. Pardeo-- i ' Langley to givo the, men at the Woolwich Samnia Stroct Railway 'g';m;'.":fpoflte the . dockyard a halt holiday on the occasion of Mr. Bothure--To auth Y« Te the thanksgiving for the vecovery of tha and Ottawa Railw llé orige the Brockville o Prince of Wales, and that the workmen at ferential mortcac 'X b ompany to issue pre-- Portsmouth had not been given the same purpores, gage debentures, and for other n privilege. The reason assigned by Mr. Card-- Mr. Wl r f wel} far this was that the Gfi:\mrpmant woere th d b ams (Hamilton)--To re--arrango 3 of opinion that the W oolwic artisans should Rel ebt of the Hamilton and Lake Erie * be put upon the same fooling as other {me-- l allway Company, more clearly to define its a tropolitan artisans, and he was sorry that easing powers, and for other purposes E the state of the work prevented them from Mr. M""fith'Bupocfln Te C ks extending the same privileges to the mon at ronto Water Works and tg e City of T_O: § Portsmouth, He also quoted a were of 35 Victoria, * amend cap, 73 f Mr. Otway put a question to the Govern-- Hon. M\ ' & * a ment whethper the men at the dockyards (hnrchwafd%ngcggo]é. To authorige the R $ bad rot been allowed a holiday at roato, to issue debe +. James' church, at To. ; the :fi.moed time i tha} the conviicts Mr. Deroch eR: tme:i f E: were allowed one, when Mr, Coschen roplicd ies e--nespecting the Midl f that the CGovernment were gorry they %are Rsilway Company, *of $s not able to do so. He did not intend to go Mr, Del,'oche---A'nending Acts relating t into any argument of the question in tfie the Credit Valley Railway Company, ° ¢ ! %-- meantixe, but would simply content himself Mr. Prince--Respecting a s f: with quoting these precedents,. (Cheers.) in Sandwich East, Countyg of é':'lzceulon line | j Mr, BETHUNE said the hon, geontleman Mr, Prince----Respectin x. : who made the motlon did asot seom to have in the township of Sanag :}hogn'oeuiou line | i iss any prixfxci;;:fstwhntevor. The hon, genv'e-- of Essex. wich West, County s man rofus o commit kimsgel{ to any d : ; | { ; iaration as to whether the pl'inoiplcaywera # L{;..Sn:n:imr_.-'l'o enable the corporation of right or not. Sou: pton, in the County of Bruge to di I a & _ pose of certain lands, » 18« | _ Mr, CAMERON--The resolution aTim Mr. Meredith--To' P the principle. . Mereaith--To authorize the sale o in eared s change of a block of land in the vilis.., * ; ' Mr. BETHUNE said he was quite sure Dresden, designated on th e village of 3 the hon. gentleman would nok wish to com the said 'Vilhgo as C n the registered Plan of f ' mittl:%mséli( t:hlny Bl;ch prirciple as the one Mr. Meredith--To i tery ground, E. contained in the resolution befqare c * ---- L0 incorporate 1 3 He did not think the H,,:l': E'I;';':fi- f dral of the Holy Trinity, m&n d:., Caths. a 3 copncur with his hon, friead in the twololid F 3 charge against the hom. Commissioner of | &

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