g , ., "in _ -' Pyro, i .. _ __ s - . , . lil!, mete sod IT,',',.', T,tl "carding I , - T , tr. their wid sud t ere was no Inns 1 - i ., , . LOTICES or MOTIO . forenoe in it: prices of blankets. between , , I i Mr. Pua'tooe-.lt the i1ovs!tntPsts.t. .i.nttmd. . l 1873 and 1872. t A portion ok the' blankets _ , . " an early date to commence the building of . I he purchugd in 1873 had been held over 1 ' . Normal School at Kingston. on the land since 1872 and therefore he got them oheap. . 225cm." to; that purpose, or toimprove or. With liiiGi to the purchase of clothing, P, , fenee and lot. . _ he said, he sent round to ask other merchants " " l 4 Mr. turke-on third reading of Bill Na. tor their prices for making suits for the in. : ' I if); "let the words "or the town of Porn tmytes of the prison, and 0 considered the i , ( wok": tre inserted after tht, word"0ttawa," Price charged by Mr. Geo. Harcourt was _ 1 - "Won a, fimt line, page 2. very reasonable. m believed he showed 1 ii l , Mr. Prince gives notice that he will, on the Commissioner that It would.be better not ' ., i 'f rd reading of the Bill (No. Ml to incorpo- £2 tender for these clothes. With regsrcl to 3 a. lt! the South W'egtem Railway Company t B goods he purchased from A, It. bchss~ _ , r gig-Mn. introduce the following con-e. gm gig-$132930 would; egg"? 29me , l l Any town township or viii within l zboglld beanie: fiddling; Cui ionizing: (t . ' p e . . s- aaid Wm"? which any have greatly ad. otf,tl2',t,,lppiei'g,.,tyetcd,, this ailing? V MI Vanced or granted moneys or_otherwistt aided "wired": Ithpm'omi." datum .tli c f i k ' any other' exclusively steam railway mm of their [U', "fr'r'ft/jt/ £38m" . 0.15339" i , pany or companies or provisions M this Act, , some 'lldf 'lt Eb 0 "ha; in" 111:1 ' . i r ' "all Wherever the words " county munioi- and (',fi1h'1'f,t 'llf, fill',',,,',' I,',") S1sllt', y _ , ' ', p fr,, either in the General Railway Act required. L' e . [ff s',',',',",'),',', up 'Ili" i we; I F ill I 'lf, this Aet, are made use of, they shall the saw 101px: dl,12t'slt,, r 'r'lh',f,t _ if ' toave reference to, and include only such, Works ill o and its e l' u 51 . ' ' q mu', tmrmships, and villages in said ooun- the (mic?!) f,11"d',',"df,'I',' . Tf/e/td,', ' i, lt tn " in" notslmdy same"! or granted 2'l'di'2l'J'"l'it ',lfl swish} that ":11. ' ' f l. , ' 3°11 aid; and lurther, it shall belawful for Should obtatn tondc "gator Lima ll' . 'i, 'YS. , e Reeves ed. Deputy-Reeves of such The account'oi Br 0 S/gd, & ol','." t ', , F', t 'dlfl"iJ,"trt', minor Eunicipfslitizs, in 'ed $567, was made Cf ooi'eig'ot doz grey Jah',,", , . r? _ 'f, i erase 0 line ions an _ ' . . ' .' {lovers of a county municipality, provided rl)',",')','),,',."",':,'),,',')? ttgg,, thut, $to [ . . T all." that tty.' remaining minor munici- Chaim; from an other firm, He 'JlQ',,I','el . ' ' t YG" gth't dl tf, county, shall be exempted $1,512 worth 'Jh1','lfi' ' and 11g 'l','l'l'gl e Bl' F i of this ld?.' on growmg oat ot the objeeta were made for this war, m went to Moa. i . " ', l . treal and visited the dieaersnt sruttutaetoritss, . ', l Mr.Hardy-0n Friday next-tttar of the and found Clendinning's to be the largest in N ' I ii i l ftre ford return showing a list ot all the Canada. m saw several turns of bad. I, tr',," tr ans presented to this Hon. during the steeds which had been supplied to asylumi , ' l, ' i, i _ T,",'.",,',', 1,sis,trulaty.s prawns that an Act may and prisons, hut considered them defective. ' ' 3 l Why which Witnesses in crimp" i He suggestedachange in the pattern so as L I ' cm may be entitled to witness fess. " ' , to increase the strength, and hid two samples 1 i i l'. Mr. pliver---Thst when tho, 'r. . . / made and sent to Toronto. m showed them l! l y, , I fj.e,t,tritee pt' the Win". on "ill itf"l3I' in I / to the f,itni',t'1te,r, of Public Works,and he I ' . i F s . . «v ' A . " o, s a . 7; r s' a," move to strike out clause 46, so far a: i / ' 'l,')':',.'?,.'..,",,',,,,',',',,,',',',", ttgit a',1,"d'l'. I rr, c, e some relates to a certain by-law of the I . steeds were very heavy weighing 66 lbs m . v I r; Vgusty rd Oxford affecting the town of ', tttad-petal arrangement "You" 'iiisi ht it gg,?"" and the township of North Nor ' at 21, cents each. s sent to Marsh'sgto , I J . ' ' 7 . make enquiry as to the price of tin gpoda,bat y ' _ f. i My. S'oott--on third reading of Bill No. he found they were all imported, and not so il i l/ o, iniuuled an Act to amend and consolidate good " those manufactured in Toronto. All ll " at the Acts relating to the Profession of Medi. the goods purchased in 1872 were stored in V id lil',", .99 ftreery in Oatario, will move, that the rear of the Library. Before making the l j B, of If,',,",', Bill be referred back to aCommittee Surchsscs he. did, not make a memoran- I '5. , ' . 0 whole House With an instruction to um of the prioarot the goods he required if . ietrt the followin clauso after section 42:-- so that he could show it to the Commissioner. y _ . No action at in, for uni notice shall lie m went trom store to store until he got .- . . against any member of a)" said UJllega, the cheapest goods, When he ordered the , ' . ' , unless an examination of the case shall t'tiat goods he expected the Central Prison would f s F , -- uil new", the Executive Committee of e ready in July, 187313131; in January of , ' the Me dieal Council, before whom the ptrty 1373 he saw it could not ready by July. 2 , l charged use! appear and show cause, and id It 2','.' not the custom to teyur for Mt. if _ the event 0 a 1mm..." i, case being estab. goo A. and there would be oanshUrabitt diffi. a , lished to the satisfaction of grid Committee, cultlydn dumb" 1"'EP, required. th, l ll i then a.yirtiti1atts of the President of the exp awed that in hia st estimate ot the I Tr (l, fJoatyil, may lo issued permitting proceed- cost of the Central Prison, $100,000, he ' " q itryt?barus'viu1rerl in law, to try and de- :1?le etrtimatedfor the couplction of the , .' '_,,;, i, ' cide the case, and not ot.ltcrwya--brovidittg inmldgig for the occupation of prisoners, and ! - " l, , slwsys that such proceedings be commenced ten ed tut 11.t.e. Pryor!"!! should work " i , Within :IX months of the alleged tnaluraeytoe upon the adWioiial buildings, They i , having been committed. _ :31: "2°31 'tdr k,',',',', g,1"tug',',ei _ E I new w t a we --------_------ -- H were to be 1Atr upon. When the twigs . ' i ", I PUBLIC sccoums conmrrss agttpgntgd l','ttutri,',21fll tisiié as i r,' l Turvcrnsr Maych L?, shops. In the utimstes for 1872 lgargg ad- 3 " p l t _ tr. - V ' ' it; -... diticnal amountshadto be asked fortocom- it a! i f The .Pa'oliio Accounts Committee rs-assom. late the buildings piswd under contract. l, " bledthit "lemme. and proceeded with the B'or instance, the sum of $10,000 wss asked 5 ' , examination oi Mr, Lixrziirm, who stated, for extra foundations. Not less than $15,000 ', i i, 10 "£13 to Mr. Cameron and Mr. llykert, had been spent on this work, Certain , . V g i that crude arrangements for the 'urnishlug drains were omitted altogether from the es- " _ a: g ij of the Central Prison, after consulting with timate. for which $15,321 was asked. Then , w:". l tN the hom ProvineiC Secretary and the hon. the cell doom and iron work had not been , "i J,- Commissioner of Public Works. m stated included, and for this purpose $15000 we; i. s' ii We that no one directed him to gaming. the asked He believed these 'iiriiiiiiliii were I F- r,'!",)", bhyAt? and sheets from Me. Joim Waser, i unintentional The estimate of Qil50000 ', 1 i, 'Iii' ' woo was agent for a large linen house in Ire. l was, in fact, merely a hominid lirii' V _ . , E as ietf F" ad ?ntyn him for several yam, 5 The cost of watersu ply was omitted alto-. ' l ' r i 'l" 'Ihe linen sheeting came to $1,717. 1 other That was $79500 and no revision , . ' , 51 9nd was ordered m April and delivered 4"d made for iiiiMh' 'Giii sheds water _,,,, i E in May, and the grey blankets to $1,312, , ts t for which lh, mo were in ir it r" These were ordered in June and delivered in 0 one it Tc ht h h 'O' d th tff, to ' g i, lil " ' f,'git,"g1i,"i, The .lets amounted to 8150 ed. lg 333 than): "12130! l' es t It . ii an were orderedm June and delivered ii', that $1 rh w so can to com- 3 . I September, Witnam received orders fro at pie the p on, but they found afterwards so I , " r' ', John gandfieid Mscdonsld some two yam our '10ku had been omitted The" omb- ,' I ' . ' before he went out of power, to buy goods at "m" which "a auohttthr necessary, name i i I i l the cheapest rates, whenever he wished. lie to nearly" 59211000: and thu sum W" rmytirM tr, l ' did not ."emvt my instructions from the to comp etc 9 buildings under contract and , 7*." , I Commissioner of Public Works. The pur- make them habitable; another large item . " , [ chase of the things was left to his can: dis. of expenditure, $15,000 or $20,000 for out t J, ' at " oration. The b'nnkets could not be pur- stone jams tothe cell doom and outside win- , . E chased so well in Toronto as Montreal and dowr, in lieu of merely inserting a cut stone _ Ni g he considered that the blankets he purchased here and there to receive the iron work. :,t' " i i cn - about 8.i. below the ordinary cries. m He considered this alteration absolutely l l! ' . considered it advisable. t, cures... the necessary. The plan! were submitted to , ' 3. i blankets at the time he. did in or lai- that they him for app-revel under the provisions of the ' f " is I mlghtbe marked mm the Prison mark. Central P on Act, and he pointed out what _ '. ' , . 'i) _ he considered many serious defects in the l . '9 l e ' plans, and the absence of the stone jams . l _,,t' " a; mouse! them. m considered it neces- J 'it " e "gunmen. iron work and, hinges .11 W I if, if V _Mehed in stone, so that the weight would I' , l sill ? i, " g. of? A-__, . - A". i iWt