The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Mar 1874, p. 2

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Pm 1 oe::&icd, after the thorougn consideration w the matter received last session, and after the generous support the Provincs had glven it, not say that in some fuature scssion, if it were found that they could usefully and judicionely apply the money to other pur-- poses, it would nct be a proper mat-- ter for consideration, and that theroe might not be some extension of the ob{"ech named in the Act, but they did not think it desira-- ble now to re--open this very vexed qusstion for the purpose of making nnI sach provi-- rion as the hon. gentleman desired. He hoped, therefore, that the House would con-- cur with him in this view, and agree to loave this difficult question in the position it then cils, V might 1 <emcles, acheme Mr. CURRIE <belisved that the Act gererally had given satisfaction in the country, but there were some municipalities which desired to use the moneg for purposes other than thosa mentioned in the Act, Some deskhed to use it for the mxoso of establishing a School Fand, and E.a id not #ee msl.nuon wt&y they should not be allow-- ed to dispose of the money as they saw fit. Ho bad more confidence in the various rauni-- cipalities than to believe they would waste es C000 e qo ce 5 oi ts l ts . + the mone that would t-- ~iven to them. He ;r?:tmced one municipalit. which was to re-- eaiza £25,000, and wEioh «& Ared to establish a Sohool Fund. They had built their school house, and did not need to expond it oa rail-- ways,. He hoped thoe Government, at least next session, would see tholr way to intro-- ?'1:? a measure h:son the subject. The Act one which generally been approved of by the 'poople. and which had refecte) great credit on the Government, Mr, MERRICK said the majority of the counties were in favowr of the Act because they were interested in the settlemont of the debt. He had no doubt the (Government was justied in the course it bad taken, and toat the majority of municipalitios were sat-- lefied witx the measure, but many would uot be until they could use the moncy without any restriction boing placed upon them. Mr, SINCLAITR said that in his conuty they desired to expend the money as thoy considered most expedient, and ho was very glad that the Government were willing to consider the matter at a futurs sessioa. Mr. BETHUNE thought it would be & rmost unfortunate thing to give municipalitios discretion to use the moneg as thoey leased, and that every check that hadl Eoon adopted was absolutely necossary for the protection and proper orpenditure of the money, He was op(foud to the re--open-- ing of the quostion, and he hopad the Gov-- érament would stand by the scheme until they saw from ':.xsorionce that an improve ment could be e. Mr. HANEY said that in his county thore wras a desire to use the money for school par-- poses, and he hoped the GCovornment w ould so amend the Act that they counld ase the money as they saw fit, Mr. HAMILTON was of opinion that pro-- vision should ba made for the expenditurs of The m portion of Registry offices. Mr. OHRISTIE thought it desirable to give municipalities the option of expending the money as they thought best. Such an amaid. ment be was sure would meet the views of the people. Mr. FRINCE spoke in high tgrmu of the h ce qo CLK . s Muicmnntkn cacaur Mr. PAXTONX seu should be amended might purchaeo their was satistied that if : ie PVCEO** Mr. FRINCE spoke in high torms of the Bill as it starce, and did not advocate a1y Mr. PAXTOXNX suggested that the Act should be amended so that municipalisies might purchaso their own debantaros. He was satistied that if any improvement corld be made to the Act, the Governmnt would make overy effort to render it more workable. a Mr. FAREWELL said that no legislati m ¢f that House was so favourably receiv d through«at the country as the legislation o the Government in this respect Howeve" he thonght an improvement might be wa'« n reapect to the expendittr: of the m ne Pn oi Lo o 4 ME nandinn t in (-'.0:1 law as it now stood did nol ConIOT VJA® ])OWN'. Mr. DEROCHE had heard of no complsiat »gainst the mearure, hut he had bean an-- prised of the desire on the part of asome mu uicipalittes to appropriate their share of tre fupd to school purposes, -- Ha objscted to no rertrictions being placedup n the expen litare of the money, and thought the adoption of such a course would result in the frittering away of the money. -- Ho was of opinion tha'" it would be unowise to re--open the qus:-- | This was one of the purposes for which the Act did not provide, Many munisipalities Aesired to apply the money to other pur-- poses. The hon. member for West Eigin and octher gentlemen on both sides of the House were anxious that the money should be applied by municipalities for the pay-- ment of their share of ,the county debt in-- Mr. McMANUS objected to giving to munpicipalities the power of disposing of the mcorey without restriction. Mr, WOOD admitted that there was a | desire in some counties that a more libera' | provision should be made, a'lowing tham to | discharge debts contracted for pab ic works | and while he would be quits propsred t» sa)-- I port an amendw/ert making the provision more < liberal, ba o~fld not support the motion . which proposed to place no restriction upan the dispogal of the monev. Hop, Mr. MOWAT said the hon. msmber ako epoke last intimated the desirablsness of munto'palities being at liberty to apoly thae money for the payment of debts. 'The Act did contain a provision for the application of the money to the liquidation of dabts incurred by publko -- improvemeant:. From communications he had reseived du«-- ing recess he was aware that soms of the municipalities oxperienced difficulty in finding puorposes to which to apply this money usefully and within the meaaing oi the Act, as they bad all the public works they required. He quite appreciated and sympathized with the desire on the part of some municipalities to appropriate their share to educational purposes, althoush a question might be raisod as to whather it would be desirable to adopt this course curred for railways ;r';e'm;;;;z;z i-u;;u"c;;- money in the erectioa of I that no legislati in favourably receivsd as the legislation o resmect -- Howeve® i i 1}

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