The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Mar 1874, p. 7

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**That the issuer of the Heense or certili-- cate required by the Act for the Solew='za-- tion of Marriages shall be entitled 3. stain for his own use the sum which the Issuer of Marriage Licenses has heretofore been enti-- tled or allowed to retain for his own use in reapect of a Marrisge License ; but the Lieutenant--Governor in Council may from time to time reduce the sum so payable," THIRD READINGS, -- The following CGovernment Bills were read a third time and passed:-- To provide for the remission of sums due to the Crown by settlers in the Free Cirant Townships of Alics, Girattan, Wilberforce and Minden. To declare of what Lanatics the Inspector of Public Asylums is the Committeo, Bespecfiné the Act intituled * Au Act to encourage sottloment in the Free Grants Territory." _ The following public Bill was read a third time and passed :-- To amend and consolidate the Acts rolat-- ing to the Practice of Medicine and Surgery in Ontario, 'The following private Bills wore real a third time and passed:-- | THE BALLOT BILL On the motion of Hoa Mr, MOW AT, tha House went into (Jonmittee of the W aole on the Ballot Bill--Mr., Hodgins in the chair \ _ Hon. Mr, MOW 4T proposed an amend-- ! ment to the effect tha; the returns be made | to the Clerk of the Houso instead of the @Olerk of the Crown in Chancery--tha ons being a permanent officer of the House and always in attendance, and the other's daties being of a verX light nature, and not regu larly in attendance, To authorize the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Chancer{ for Ontario, to admit Benjamin Valleck Elliott, to practise as an Attorney and Solictior. For the construction of Water Works for the Town of Peterborough,. & Respecting Water Works in thoe Town of W indsor. To amend the" Act "passed in the thirky-- sixth year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, incorporating the Toronto Fuel Asscciation. To authorize the Coursts of Qucen's Bench aud Commen Pleasyand the Court of Chan-- ceiy, to adwit Hoenry Will:--am Delsney as an Attorney--at--Law and Salicitor in Clancery REPORTS RECKEIV ED. Hon M:c. MOWAT moved the reseption of the roport of the Committs: on the roso-- lutions respecting the expenses of the Ballot which was concurred in i o'clock, _ ISSUER OF MARRILGE LICENSES., Hon. Mr. MOWAY moved that the Aouse will on to--morrow resolve itsel! into a Com-- wittee to consider the following resolution:-- Hon,. Mr. MOWAT movel the resoption of the amendmonts maile ia Committee of the Wholie on the Industrial Schoois 8il!, which was covucurred in. Mr, OCOAMERON said this was a changs in principle,and he objected to its being made in Committee, -- He tosisted thasit should bs made after the third reading, Hon, Mr, MOWAT, in view of tha objse tion taken, agreed to do so. Hon. Mr. MOWAT also propased to aid a clause providing that the Ast shall nst come into effect until the dissolution of the present House of Assembly, Hon. Mr CURRIE thought, as there would in all probability be some eloctions befors the dissolution, that the Aot shoald take offect at once so as to educate the pso-- ple to its use. Hon,. Mr, MOWAT said ho had considered that, but he found that it would he imposst-- ble to 'make arrangements for putting the Act in force before the genoral election, wg.:l er6 Ohhar qwendmonts, but th Committee m': ::3":':7 verbal naturs. Tfi{ smendments, reported the Bill with CHARITABLE INSTiTYTIONS, Hon. Mr. FRASER moved that the House go into Committee'of the Whole to--morrox on the resolutions respecting aid to public and charitable institutions, of which ho gave notice on Monday, Hon, Mr. FRASEP, introduced a Bill to Speaker took Tuorsep.. 'March 12. k the chair at three regulate the giving of aid to charitabie In35!-- tutions, which was read a first time. SOLEMNIZATION OF MARRIAGE, Os the motion of Hon,. Mr. MOWAT, the | House again went into Committse of the Whole on the Solemnization of Marriage Bill ; --Mr, Hodgins in the chair. | Some amendments of & vorbal ns | ture were made, and a proviso wa: | added to the effoct that the first i clause of the Bill, referring to the legalizing | of informal marriages, do come into effect . forthwith; the other provisions of the Act to 1 be binding after the first of July. | 'The Committee rose and reported the Bill . SUPERANNUATED TEACHERY FUND, Hon. Mr. MOWAT moved the House into Committee of the Whole on the foilowing resolutions relating to the Superannuated Teachers' Fond:-- 1. That it is expedient that every teacher | who, while engaged in his protoufon, con-- | tributes to the Superannuated Teachers' Fund ugrovided by law, aball, an raanhing, the 'fi: sixty years, be entitled to ratire from rofesslon at his discretion, and re celve an SIowanoe or Penslon at the rate of gix dollars per annum for every yoar ot such service in Uppor Canada or Ontario, upon furnishing to the Council of Pablic Instruc. tion satiefactory evidence of good moral . character, of his ago, and of the lenyth of his | | service as a Public or High School teachor in Upper Canada or Ontario; and such peasion mway be supplemented out of local fuads by any Public or High School Baard or Board of Educstion, at its pleasure. 2. That it is expediont that every teachor under sixty years of age, who has contribated as aforesaid, and who is disabled from prac-- ticing his profession, shall be entitied to a like perslon, or local squ'. smentary allow» ance, upon furnishing the like evidence, and upon furnishing from time to tirae, in addi-- tion thereto, satisfactory evidence of his being éisabled, .. APE uP e teay o n n 8. That it is expediont that evory toaciC?t entitled to receive au. allowance from the Snperannuated Teachers' Fund, who holds a first or second--class Provinclal certificate, or who is an authorised toad master of a 1"1i§b. School or Collegiate Institute, shall, ia addi-- tion to said allowancs or pension, be entitled to receive a further allowance of one doliar per arnum for every yeAar of sorvice while ho kheld such cortificate, or while he acted as bhead waster of a High Echool or Colleglate institute. 4. Thatit is expedient that the retivring «llowance should ceaso at the closs of the year of the death of the recipient, and may be discontinued at any time should the pen-- sioned teacher fail to maintain & good moral character, to be vouched for--when raq uired _--to the satisfaction of the Council of Pablic Instruction. 5. That it is expediont that if any p°n-- sioned teacher shali, with thQ COnsene 0S »*"~ Council, resume the profession of toaching, the payment of his allowance shall be sus-- vended for the time of his being so engaged|; and, in case of his again boing placed by the Council on the superanuation list, a pension for the additional tims of teaching shall be allowed him, on his compliance with the law 0 ana regulatiors, In making the motion, he explained that the proposed increase to the two classes of teac%ers mentioned in the clause would cause an increase, charge of about $1,000, there being 110 head masters, and 320 first and second--class certificated teachers in the Pso-- vince, . The estimate of his hon, friead the Treasurer was that $23,100 would be alto-- gether required, but a considerable portion oi that amount was paid by the teachers theinselves, --Last year the amount pald out was somewhat over $19,000, of which the teachers themselves contributed $11,000, the difference being paid out of the consolida'ted * ZUL sc oo Pmd o0 C EO L ied antaWiiece -- CU N EmW PCR P EmE P CC no* (.{meedl 22,000 The pension itselt was a mere pittance. ard he thought the country generally would recognize the propriety of | making this addition to it, There was a good doal of objectlon to the Superanuation Fuad at one timo, arising from the uncertainty of the amount, which deFanded entirely on the amount paid into the fund, and the number who were entitled to the pension, The late Government made an addition to the graut, l which removed a considerable proportion of the objection, and what still remained he | thought would be almost obviated bfy the groposal now before the House, The fund, e thought, was really a great boon to the teachers, considering the small amount they paid in and the proportion they received in re-- LEGCEECIEOV Un C000 000 .Cmsd Revenue, -- The Education Departmont calou-- lated that the adcitional amount necessitat-- ed by the provisions of the x'esolntio'n would U .00AAA w c c_l.f.0ilknalt wwas a hat it is expediont that if any p°n-- teacher shall, with the consent ofuthe aid to charitable insti-- or pension, be eantitlod liowance of one dollar year of sorvice while ho or while be acted as h Echool or Collegtate that evory teacher

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