- 'tr"" E 'V l .. Fr F"' . 4 .Wkr"__7."~ir"i". 'ft?' ts TRIS? tttat TM"; opposed to the mea- lteorduiihithmnai 9' --ew "iensootlt, E E '9". and he claimed it would infliotan injus- {Slim and Pauling" Rulmyid "i . I ' 'tir my counties. E 1trl,,, 2tl Jah" o,',"',','.,',,',." tt the E r. WOOD also|th ht that injustice and , T would be created, glll'1',l sted that the tt'll,',tg,, arid ',etltt t,g"ltrr'l 'dhll'f. 2, f1oretGisri should was}; the matter pr Y ornphtrrrd urtM y "irr'N _ 'tndiatmdtta, another measure. SALES FOR LAND TAXES. tjim i, I After some turther discussion, on motion of Hon. Mr. PARDEE. the ' "iiiiiqlil Mr. MERRIOK moved that the Commit- House went into Committee of the Wholeon 1.425% I ters lhould rise in order to give the Govern- the Bill to make valid certain land in "tee 'i'iigl r Eel" In opportunity to revise.the 2nd clause. in town. not ted from counties. The 'sri)i'd.:52 8,t,,t,.'rgti,re withdrew his motion, and the Bill m 'l'd2llel,%l by clause, and mpprs _F1,l,firi, r M 3."? Qt"" the Bill with slight ver- ed without was. . _--'- ___ e i _ 'ri,') n men C _ wl The report was adopted. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. ', The House rose at 1:20. tt te; Hazy: ttNet' tteg',', . . n o in mini 0 0 . . ' . _ Speaker 3.88111 took the chair at 0:20 fl consider the following resolution W"'" . rped atthe symsnt of certain . , THE MEDICAL BILL. d'tt g'tt'g',ttfll' W, tg,tft12at to . Mr. BAXTER moved um . orderto out the prpvVlontr. o t It 5' f . Calumet" be instructed to b'L't'srt,tt,f, to make 't'tWI' provision for the due Admin. :, "I; i of the Medical Bill. ' istration of J notice, as follow p- h u,'r, "i,)?, 1. No rehearing, as mentioned in the 17Y. i; aid r BILLS INTRODUCED. "tttion of the "id Bill, into take pm until l _ 'li'Frsiisiii'i' HOP. Mr. hIcKellar Introdmmd a Bill ro- andunlessthepartyrohwmflfihbufifltdadt ' Ikiia lpeotlng Municipal Drainage by-laWs. in tho hands ot the proper offitsr of the urt , 'iii' Hon. Mr. Mowat introduced a Bill to i , in which the cum or mm! it, 'tending, the Il tlil, corporate the municipality ot Haliburton. n. E sum of thirty dollars, by way of security tor i We _ any costs of the 2t,'ttt which he may be Mil REI'URhS. ordered to pay, unless pensed with by an . Hon. Mr. FRASER brought down returns order of a judge in ohambu'l. iNo. 80 . Vial: of railways which have not complied in whole 2. The Lieutenant-Governor in Donnell "Ile',,',:,) or in part with the conditions laid down b may, from time to time, fix the fees to be 3'75: tlt.] ll ouue_reepecting tho Railway Aid Fundy taken b constables for services rendered by "el PRIVATE ' such 'ad',',',' in the administration of criminal _ "j' r BILLS. justice, or in any tttttet had before oor- . E The following private Bills wore advanced oners or justices o the 96000. is" 6h) _": l a Itt t-- 3. For examining and att,', tpig' of (e ' o incorporate the Cat _ furore, the Clerk of e eace shall e en- ' I Trinity of London. hedral of unholy lined t theh sum t,', "iriiir" pa; handy" vi r To fur w . names or eac year orw c sue examina- fl E the Harris? amend the Act moor ousting tion shallbemade. (Sec. 76.) _ r on and North-western tailwiy" . v r; -\....i0°np'ny- 4. From and after ht,fre day ohlJEily ,. l t8?t.retttyytonfiisk vacuumed" ttgtggrtpig',htatft, dreamt a 'r",) torthird gerdingofMr, Oliver'sBill toiegal'ze q $) o RP. . y p lj cert . b -l ' ., t lugs had in any County or Dlv1sion Court, "ii ' am y M" oil the thouuty ot Oxford and to" mach of an Act or Acts as lat. '4 granting .1ytd to the Credit Valley Railway, poses all such fee is Ketch re ealed. (Se E "4-) during which the Grou ing Act was both 39 ) y Y p th id, r condemned and defended? . "Sl EE Mr _ tr. The authority conferred by the Act 7.4;- ', . . on. . MOWAT, With tog-rd to legal. ' passed in the thirty-second year of the reign if!" I mug of by-laws, said he considered it would i ' of Her Majes and cha tered twenty- pr": 4 3'0 12',5 not to legalise some by-laws when N three, upon " a; Board of (gouty J udgea " , Fifi , .ne mp 0 approved of the objects. When shall extend to the substitution of other" lees I -r Bel ' explense had been incurred respecting them to be aid to the clerks and bailiffs of Divi- . an when the people had.obtairUd the bum sion goats in lieu of fees payable to them pt of them, 0 thought, of coax-'9. under any statute. (Sec. 89a) P, .It would be wrong not to lo alise tum. . - a Be t'trte the matter ',d,'ltl come , up 6. Thelike fees " t,ee,Ht,"lt', in the ' norei y for discussion when the Bill was Superior Courts Of Uw to tt Clerk of ' before the House. He felt very great diifi. " I" Chambers " Osgoode Hall, tothe l culty lagged in giving effettt to the by-law Cler of the Practice Court, and to the ' which hin hen. friend from Niagara objected ' Clerk of the Kerr and Devisee Gemini-ion ', i to. . i,tttt"t' in respect of proceedings _ l The motion was withdrawn. I'] " Chunk" m tlst Praetia l _ _ curt, or before the said Ocmmls- , r THE NATION RIVER. ttL/tdl :bth to the provisions of TIr Mr. HAMILTON moved for co ies of all "a wen .oruty astutd in the twenty- E correspondence in reference to pr§posed im- T4'thtgt'Jtte ham ot the reign ill ptrovemretnts cg the N ation giver; tttgttt after 'ld2h1', ti; the Crown and tttttttit I tt "8 ttttet Ttrvi, er wi t ecost . . ' "el thereof. m thought tr the best way of "tta,,','.,?,',',.",,,.",', 1fiitf, and cancelled under E bringing the matter under the notice of the Imudina the Sim 33m; Net, an" tY, Aots Government, and he believed it to be in the thc,rizul - m, paw! a; , {was Spam!" au. interest of the Government that the matter ' tilicra lain-J! incl-$.62! olding either ot tmid ', shouldbe brought under their notice, and E and Lla/iii)', dined? git'lt,f,g' his own It8tt l that steps should be taken for the removal of 'igsiiai/ii' (,.llCiieu',t, Em new" any fee or 7 E the natural obstructions in this river. which he maybe entitld'd 13)an tin salary to - E IMr. BETHUNEthcughtit'desirable that the fees received for, or on 2ld,l,1r;f/"2,u, "if 7 , impediments in this river should be removed f flicete, shall form part of the Com, (tdl'), ttl if tyne possible. m understood thstif Revenue Fund of this Province i'il'J,?lj1tu the improvements were made the high water 7 It an]: b I . . . ' " - Mod would not remain so long, and they Go;¢rn:or Ti 'll aw.ryl for. the Lioateavtt, would also improve the sanitary condition of William B n 0:12:11 to mum payment to the country. Chambers Jh""i1,e,,tfiytt,, es the clerk in . Ben. Mr.MrKELLATUaii1 therewasiioob. Heir and Devisce 8',feh,f,'ig."i tf, oi. the motion to Ight,',',:", the papers in the pog. fees heretofore received b r) "If Eon-0f the session ot the acne in %onneotton with this "to. of an annual tsal y sl",', or his on I E tttf,; if" machinist of this motionwas .-----doilatg. (see 013"" not grisatsrl than 1 I brings u e raina ofthat rtionof '. _ . .v6, - the WWW. then the wgzk should» be done i The motion was "MEL , EF , under the Drains? Act. m did not think I INDUSTRIAL $030013 Ill the public funds a culd be used for the pur- On the motion of th E 'lt peseof draining those lands. The Govern. the Bill for the e t big Hon. Ma MOWAT. a? meat was prepared to proceed with the work, Schools was read 3 ll ihnent trt Industrial le, provided those whose lands were improved ' t ird time and passed. i paid for the improvement. As yet no appu. ADMINISTRATION OF J USI'IG "dlt. cation had been made. Hon. Mr MOW AT l E. tl; Mr. HAMILTON said if the im roveinent reading of the Bill to his? 1:15 ths trtteoud EVE would only ldyance the interest of the farm. for the due 'i'iih'lltl'l'xg, r aft p yvif.ion E ' era, the application should be made under commented upon the 1h e Juptiots, l, , the Drainage Act, Bat the lumberin in. cellence of our judioifl may "and sr. E ', tenet youidbe forwarded, and the 'll'lfJ; remarked that it was notth fl m, "d it condition of the country improved. theBill to amend mythic C, 12ttt, ot f The motion was carried. tion, which he though% it a can" w', possible to amend but It ssibl "steely ) RETURNS. rate the bringing. about 1;? (df,12t,tpgi: E Hen. Mr. FRASER brou ht down papers law by the Pttthte of additional 'i(,1llt "mg to the 2t1er, 'tlull, . return m explainc that although the appointment ot all railways that not ottnptuil with I to office of the particular persons who we: .