The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1874, p. 7

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eats of this Province and Dominion, will be _ Hon. Mr. COrooks--At the first sitting of % benefitted by the development and working this House on Wednesday Mxi-Thtfugul l 3 of mines in that section of country which, House doth ratity the Order in Council, ap-- | \4L owing to not having a m&r title, those ved by His Excellency the Liontenant-- 4 parties are at present un g to do. g:vomor on the sixteenth instamt, B"'g'.i"f & e . Mr, Williams (Dorham)--Thas he will, aid to the Wellington, Grey and Bru09 NA"" 90 when the Houss is in Committee on Bill No. way Company, which '."d":; '&, °°,f have P E& 140, move that the following be added as a ;'l'%ofi_'eot :--The Committe® mlam of diif sectlon to the said Bill:--*"Every person who under consideration thot:le?h?n;s t?: e i\ 111 } shall directly or indirectly, by himself or by the Hon. the Treasuror, 4A oto the .y. E { filg:%hor person on his behalf procure or | of February, 1874 with reference B gc- g4 ,E erdeavour to procure, by intimidation or . %liglaflon of the Wellington, Grey, and. : wid. 4 § | otherwise, the signature ofv any voter to any way Company, that it may rec0ive * t 4 f contract, promise, or pledge to support, or from the Railway, Fund for that portion 0 . | cast his vote in favour of either or any can--, their line of railway w_hlch lies bot:een 3 didate at such election of the Logislative Palmeraton on the raain line and Wingham, | < | Assembly of Ontario, shall be deemed to being the unaided portion of the #outhorn | U have committed the offence of undue extension to Kincardino. _ The Committe® ; A W WA) influence, and shall incur a penalty of two adviso that, subject to the ratification of this 1 .\ hundred dollars." a Order in Oonncd. by resolation of the Logis-- t § $ & % lative Asgembly (in default of which ratifica-- * iMi} JH Mr, McLeod--Will, when Bill $3 is in - A d is i i Ooml;nttoe of the whole House n;ove in tion this Order in dosil s i t oi in f 3 amendment:--To insort afterthe word '"and," g;;;n ons %e ;g*}""fi?t:"'fl'f,' d;,&'::.:;t%'; 4 a way Subsic 1 i | A in the 10th line, the words "also to expend She sum of ons handred aud ninoty--four dol-- t & d money in any extension," and in same line, lars ts ile for that portin f 1 (a after the word "harbour," the word "or," and m"-1 vage A migind hatiect hy + o & to expunge the word "'build" in tho' 22ad of the line of the eorobAn $ a vailway betweon 3 : > line, and to insert in Heu thereof the words Patmerston and Wingham, such sum &9 D3 ' uen money in bullding," and also to 6x-- payable by even -- haif . yeariy . pay: 10 <f: h e y im bulltind, . ut WO 10. 08 ments of _ ninety -- soven dollarsg and ¥¢| 3f punge the word "or" at the end of said line, t h he 3)th d t q and the first two words in the 23rd line "near ??ty cfint)s e:«, gn tfeD ' 5 x;y f ) 4 F to," and further to add to said section the o s hunean o n cube ax o th eoemla; !; W || words, "but subject to the rights of the skch and every yoat, on mfi m Ch ofi o ~b ME Whitby Harbour 'Company and of the Do-- twenty years to be_compute from the first i L, minion Government." day of Jannary, 1872, and to the full end 14 | [ o thersof; and the Committee furthor ad: UV t l ¢ .Hon, Mr. Crooks--At the first sliting of viso that the said grant of aid be subjec} to U {' 1 this _ House on _ Wednesday -- next. the following conditions, that is to sa¥ :-- t is Resolution--That this House doth ratify Ist, On condition that on or before the 1B | the Order in Council approved by his Ex-- first day of July next, it shall be made to ap-- 10 | |-- [ ' cellency the Lieutenant--Governor on the pear to the ratisfaction of the lieutenant-- i | °~ | thirteenth day of December, 1873, with re-- Governor in Council, that the whole ling of | t 114 ference to the Prince Edward County Rail-- railway between Palmerston and Kincar: 3. | 1(43 way Company, which order is to the follow-- dine, has actuaily come into the possession 11 | (0-- ing effect :-- and control of the Company, anud in opara-- 1X P Upon a report of the Honourable the At: tion by the Company's servants and agants, E) torney--General, dated 27th Decembor, 1873, or by those of any other $ Toi. duly : i ; the amm ittee of Council advise that subject | authorized in that behalf by the Wellington, 7 to the ratification of this Order in Councli by Grey, and Bruce Railway Oompany, with ( l BE resolution of the legislative Assembly (in all necessary ~and convenient station-- s i default of which ratification this Order in houses and otner facilities for the conveyance M 4-- | Ccuncil is inoperative) the time allowed the of the traffic of the district traversed, ani E ,':- | Prince Edward County Railway Company by ; that the arrangements for the operating of h l' | the Order in Council of "4th March fast" for the road are such as will secure the continu» i; O | furnishing proof to the satisfaction of the ance of these facilities, ; x | LieutenantGovernor in Council of -- a 2nd. On condition that His Excellency in $ [# | bona fide and sufficient contract for Council may, on or before the said 1st day of | 4 the completion of the works (exclusive July next direct that payment be madeto ( J | | of tracklaying) on that portion of the Prince the said Company out of the Rifl""{ Fand ¥ } R | Edward County Railway between the CGirand (should the same become applicable thareto) p §( | Trunk Railway and Picton bo extenied to » at the rate of $2,000 per mile of the said |a | the 1st July next. portion of the _ra.ilway between Palmerston :'; j F | Hon. Mr. Crooks--At the first sitting of and Wingham instead of the saidannual mile-- is B4 | «this House on Wednesday next --Rosolution, la ge rate of one hundred and ninety--four do!-- B 11B | That this House doth ratify the Order in ars and forty cents at the option of the (473 ie - | Clounsil approved by his Excellency the Lient--Goveraor in Conncil. 1 P | 1. | :,ainuteml%t-':}ov:;norfon the 1l6th day of ranmesccmmmiliaemnaaimanmaaies ; E ; | arch, 1874 with reference to the Northern B | 1 ¢ E"";g"" T nliway's Company, which order ~ PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE | ¥ E)/ 4 | is to cl'le .fgllowi&g efi'ogt:--'l'he Committss of «_ Moxoay, March 16. | WH ; | Gouncil advise that subject to the ratification F & P | | | p'b .A" Order in Cogmoll by Resolution Anghemtfi: o Sns enmminshion of it P | %' % | t ' the Legislative _ Assembly (in _ de-- m"? oJ us 'llx the examination of wit-- t 4 fault of which notification) this Order Mr? -?:)HR S;A';u:;en? f tcl:?lcf:ll,w:'worn a ; | in Council is inoperative), the time ailowed examined by Mr. bu;xxuo said he : w ' HAs the Northern Extension Railway's Company carpenter and joiner, and z;rried i8 buw | 'I 2 by the Order in Council of 24th March, 1873, ness as contractor ; had seen the fen?;; ArG u:i' | i¥ 11| for furnishing proof to the satisfaction of the the Parliament B:flldings. He never di('ll as> ; Ti 1 Lieutenant--Governor in Council for the much of a fence as that himself, and thought P | {| 42 works (exclusive of track--laying) on that por-- that it was rare that such a large contract of u) )| . : tion of the Northera Exténsion Railway be-- | the KS opuid be got. -- He would be abis to ©® ||-- tween Washago and Cirévenhurst be extended | do a latge jgb at ggpr(;portlonstely 1::; :ate : 4 | 'i € | to the first day of July next. | than a nfifl? one. _ Leaving out the gate and 31| 13 Hon. Mr., Crooks--At the first sitting of corner posts, he would have been willing to ® C( Il sf% this House on Wednesday next-- Reso-- do the job at $50 per hundred feet,. If there t 6 1BE -- Iution--That this House doth ratify the | had been an advertisement for tenders he EL\ al Order 4n Council approved by His Excel-- ; wou)d not have offered for it, because there § 'l l lency the Lieutenant--Governor on the six-- | were #so many who would have tendered be-- 1 oe, *R teenth instant, gnntinghaid to the Norfolk | low him, He very seldom tendered for pub-- M '(g?- * Railway Company, which Order is to the | lic contracts, Tho pickets in the fence round 5 18 following effect:-- zl the buildings were, in his opinion, done by EJ The 0 Aibeo of Council hhve HAL under machinery, and had he taken the contract he t consideration the memorandum of the Hon. would have got them from the shops in the d the Treasuror, dated the 14th March instant, city. . Good inch stufl would, in his opinion, 4j respecting the Norfolk Railway Company's average -- as much in the market as tA opplicaties for Ald trom ue Lal¥way Iull, gnch-apad qn?rter staff, _ 'l;lhe a pickets . | o in e fence woere inch--and--quarter. 1 'f::hoxol:?dmt':g ;d:(vl:'eto :::t 'fi:ly"g."fi'wl? From 12} to 15 cents was a fair pri(flas for a (ba Company out of the Railway Fand to thz four-f'aet plolget; the picket usod in the | ( 9 HHC . extent of $2,000 pe: mile, or its annual fence' was .,higher than that, and would = A f o probably barabout five foet. The value of _' % equivalent of $194 40 for the period of 20 t d cor 4t ears from the first day of January, 1872 gate an comer-pqsts wpuld be about $15 ED {ormam" of the railway between the each, When he got painting done, he al-- | townof Brantford and the village of Port ways got & painter to make an estimate for | . Burwell, on fuifilment of the conditions of him, He usually paid 20 cents per yard for | . the Railway Aid Acts, and upon condition three oo;ah otf paint; two coats would cost | NO that the Company do, on or before the first about 12} conts, He would have bean wil-- 2 K. , day of Deceimber noext, furnish proof to ling to erect the fence in this case for from d ff Te -- retlafaction of His -- Excelloncy in 90 cents to $1 per foot, which he considored> f 7 Council of a bore fi@e and sufficient a fair living profit, Scantling posts wers w | contract for the completion of the works of worth more than round cedar posts ; the s 8 | the rallway, exclusive of track--laying for the square lumber would cost about 48 cents per | ; j said portion betweea Brantford and Port toot, and the round about 25 cents. Oesn | Burwell. scantlings usually cost from $15 to $18 per ;" im\ f . MeL L ie en w use ... M C " t

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