The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Mar 1874, p. 1

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ONTARIG LECISLATURE. _On the motion of Hon. Mr. MOWAT the | Bili respecting the Solemnization of Mar-- riages was read a third time and passed. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, Qn the motion of Hon. Mr. MOWAT the Honse went into Committee on the following resolutions reeommended by his Excellency to the consideration of the House : That it is expedient, that the payment of cortain fees and expenses should be pro-- vided for, in order to carry out the provi-- | sions of the bill to make further provisions for the due Administration of Justice, as 1. No reheariog, as mentioned in the 17th geciion of the said bill, is to take place until and unless ths party rehearing shail first deposit in the hands of the proper officer of the Court in which the cause or matter is peuding, the sum of thirty doilars, by way of security for any costs of the rehcaring which he may be ordered to pay, unless dis. pensed with by an order of a judge in cham-- bers. (Sec, 18.) 2 The Lieutenant--Governor in Council may, from time to time, fix the fees to be taken by constsbies for services ren-- dered by sach officers in the administration of crimina' justice, or in any proccedings had before coroners or justices of the peacs. follows : (Sec. 67.) % Forexamining and noting service of jurors, the Clerk ot the Peace shall be enti-- tled to the sum of per hundred names, for each year for which such exami-- nation shall be made. (Sec. ,.76 ) f fe AMdUENIEE EMAAA MWM CCC Et 8 P 4 From ard after the first day of July next, no fees or charges »hall be payable for tke benefit of the Crown upon any proceed. ings had in any County or Division Court, aud so much of any Act or Acts as imposes any such fee is hereby re})enled. (Sec. 89 ) w is L o M n o% Sn the A ak e Mn n o C lag * o oc I 3. The authority conferred by.the Act passed in the thirty--second year of the reign of her Majesty, and chaptered }wenty'th'ee, 2° e s h Ns o i M 00 WNEGIY ue . second . Pariiament -- i Sesslion. the said Commission, ! provisions of the Act 1 seventh and twenty--eig of her Majesty, and ch, be herea Crown, and shali l'm SOLEMNIZATION OF MARRIAGES. Warpxxsoar, March 18. "The SPEAKER,took the chair at 11.20. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Mr. MOWAT introduced a bill re-- ecting the Executive Council, which was Le entitliod by Jaw ; &80 &n @+*O ""/ * ou for, or on account of the said offices, shall form part of the Consolidated Rovenue Fund of this Province. (See 90 ) . 7. It shall be lawfal for the Lienutenant-- Govermor in Council to direct payment to William B. Heward, Eequire, as the clerk in "hambers and Prastice Court, and of the tieizr and Deviesse Commission, in lien of the fees herctofore received by him for his own use, of an annual salary not greater than $1,800. s Hon. Mr. MOWAT explained that he proposed leaving out the first resolution and to tix the annual salary of Mr. W. B. Hew-- ard, the Clerk in Chambers and Practice Court, at $1,800. Mr. RYKERT suggested that the salary passed thth ye of Mr. Heward be fixed at $2,000 a yOA!) .l: the fees he received amounted.t0 # MUC larger sum. A discussion ensued, is which Mess "E Gibson and Currie accused the Opposition 0{ inconsistency in proposing the intreA8®? amouat to Mr. Hewurg-o after they had on ticised the conduct of the qovomment t raiging the salaries of its 2@::15!1."1 Lbian was The expunging of the first re®0!!! agreed to, and the Committee r08, ported the resolutions as amonded. . purlca the resoluvions a® "**"C, _ . The resolutions were then reforred to the Committee on the Bill to make further pro-- vigions for the administration of justice. vYOTEKS' LISTS. Hor. Mr. MOWAT moved the | second reading of the bill respecting voters' lists. He explained that the object of the bill v#8 to secure the placing upon the voters' lists the names of all those who were entitled to vote, and to prevent any registration of per-- sous who had not ' legal ----votes, At shue® UU", "jhee werse taken present the voters' lists were tazed entirely from the assessment roll as last revised, . Alterations in the assessmoant roile for the purpose of correcting the voters' lists could not be effected. One of the ob-- jections to the existing system WAs that two often the Court of Revision assumed a poli-- tieal character, sometimes of one side _ of politics, and sometimes of the other. The same was the case with the assess0r8. Be did not make any charge agaio8t these offi-- sials, but it was alleged by both parties that persons were left off, of put on the asseis» tent rolls for the purpose of affecting the voters' liste. Again, the state of the voters' lists was often not krown till the day of the elections, and persons who, Up to that time, thought they bhad votes, discovered they hac none at all. The question was kow to re: move this Cifficulty. | The English system "was to employ & revising barrister, whoss duty it was to consider and determine all questions with regard to the right of voting A similar plan was adopted in the biil brought in by the late Government of the Dominion Parliament. _ He (Mr. Mowat) proposed that instead of employing & revis-- * W o ictbor tha services of the County T 0 C EOORL T DaCsnes o esd lngrb:rinter, the services of the Countby ; Judge should be utilised. A revising bar-- | rister appointed by the Government of the day would never secure public confidence. He also proposed that aun alphabetical list should be propared by -- the clerk, . which -- liss _ should -- be _ subject to revision _ under _ & _ simple process by the County Judge. It would be the duiy of tho Clerk to have the lists printed and posted up, and he proposed that copics thould be sent to every member of the Musi-- cipal Councils, to every Pastmaster, to the Treasuror of the muricipality, the County Sheriff, the County Judge, the Clork of the Peace, the members of tve Local House ano the House of Commors, and to the unsue sessful caudidate for whom votes were giver: at the last election, and in fiae, to all persens to whkhom it would be proper to apply for in formation in regard to the voters' lists. If uo objection was made to the voters' list, then it should be considered complete, ano the revisiou for which the bill provided should not take place The bill also pro-- vided for affording {acilities for the produc-- tion of witnesses b:fore the Judge, and also contained penal enactments in regard to votes obtained by faizse and spurious returnos of bogus property. * l2 * mxtar merarch Mr. RYKERT thought the bill a move in the right direction. He thought, however, that the clerks should be required to return the voters' lists before the lgth of August. T110 d d s dudnlB ind tietinnceatnn ie io tatie " Mr. BOULTBEE approved of the general principle of the bili, as the revision under the whole system was productive of great evile. Mr. PRINCE made some remarks, Mr. DEACUN thought the bill should meet with the approval of both sides of the House. He wished to know whether the revision of the Judge was to be considered fnal to all intents and purposes. _ After some further expressions of appro:-- val from other members, the motion was narried, and the bill read a second time. O» the moison of the Hona. Mr. CROOKS the House wgufi i'uto Comm!ttee of Supply. _ The following items, making up the sum of $176,481.82, under the head of Miscel. lancous Pablic Works, were passed :-- Washago Channel to Wharf. . ... .$ 1,000 00 Bydenham Rosd Improvements.. 644 74 Muskokea Falls, Hock Excavation. 4,565 36 Lock between Mary's and Fairy LukG68. . ... .....; ...ssr1.1a+:1» 198,080 69 RBverson Road works........... 511 34 Ryerson RHORG WOTKS........... _ JkL£ 0% On the item of $8,279.73 for Settlers' Homestead Fund, _ Mr. RYKERT asked whether it was true SUPPLY. first resolution was znd re--

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