The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1874, p. 4

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" . division resulted eulollows: ' . J -= 5., PF ' _ ."t Til'. »' ,' ',"rf _. k?' m' '3 1?sr-.rt% r - . . - n , l d, ourrio,Datr, [ l "so. l ' V = i- u . I , IB. mitt?"fin-infill";3335,3331"., Meredith. , _ _ *" - _ i Committee of the Whole "d. "iorurd. A . . - . " Monk or'i;ifi," line 'ii'oolasun, kyiusttr-13. Bill founded upon the Man III than C.: r ' . he," '%"gs"il hatter, Banter. Bethune, "In"?! ' . rod cod, read I tint ind tune. re- . m , cGiiiii, Clarke t'orrtsit1, Clarke (Wellington. mt u , w d re ii IN > ('iemeue irririFen':orry), crooks, rasroxoi1. "tMor, felted") Damn!" no, u . Ito _ , .- (when: bow "ll'll/'tiii/, McKellar, McLeod. Men , is e iii WhniB"£nTl reed a third i Ili, " _ SiiiiGi,'iiiTrlt Oliver, Fords-e. Parton, "at Y,',',' - --- Commune ot e ' ' . "i , "r clalr. S'mith. siirrGiidr, "like? iatterworth, WWI). ' time arid Inna" - . t" "if 'ii'riiiiji2"iiifjijh1rti'h moved that tho 3"" MUNICIPAL 1NSTiTUTroN& . t. . i IF,,," ' mfti, re'errcd bac., to Committee of the ' Hon. Mr. CROOKS moved the Home my") .f, Et "r, I Whole with instruction: to emend the Mine T Committee of the Whole on tha Bill to omen F, . r ' T T by inserting the words, "tstccktr, QI'T or the municiael animations 1n the Prentice of g .3 if t A . n after the war ' pro. Ontario. arne . . il . -'g' 'l chg,,,rthtrhi' line of 1sst action." The trpetth?gip,r aspired r0313: e to: " ' _ F . . 1w mondment reeult es olnuul o 0 "Por P ' "n 'G' 3- _ tsf/ey.."" or- (-18 A . ' naked leeve to elt . In. 3 l ( J? 3.. E, \'}:.\s:-.n.\Iersr3. Bonner. Craig (MCHRIW'Y). Cattt- ' The Home then ran for "can'n "" I'. r l , ' ' .3 ' herlend, Currie, Duly. mam", razammum. Mc. After recall. . 4 /, w .. _ u. Gown. New"; Mercuith, Mook--1l, The no". went attain into Cantu". on L i" p, C, bAr.q.--hietsrr. Burner, Baxter, Bethune. Blimp. - ,-A'h"'c'-- IlllBe Chiaholm. Clarke (?,.y,2t)sppecr,,1.',' Jf,e,1i."i"i'i,u,), PRIVATE BILLS. i, T - . , n ' , ' ' T, 'le'. i , . . . _ ' , if l $335111"gif'ffalai"'"gfgflémmfi:My..." Mowat. Ity! following Private 13le were reed e 3 2. o'DonoghuU. olive-r, Pumice, Paxton, lite, Kylie", third time and peeled z-- ' 'gy/fi. 1t,i,tl'o11,r1lfi'ifi) trl,trd,,:.,."ut'""""or"' Amending new renting to the Credit N Irr' n1. ' Vi ' e am Ott), l --ii'd. ., f T . , * "ti; McbmALL moved that the Bill be re- 'ht', "m"? L"opimr.ty. " . . . o amend the Act iritsorporMing the a. F] a ; famed back to Committee of the Whole, with. l Thomas cemetery Uompnny. g ' " "t instructions to "tys?d the some by Ttrinoorpemta the Oratorio Control Rail. , r ti Yr_: \nff' etttrartohiaing and gmog tb right to vote to . my CompulY- ' til all male Pencils ',tl yeers of "'9 "d"PWfrd'v 'I To mend and extend the provisions of the F, ' a _ A division We: demendcu al resulted e! i , Act inoorpomtistg the Unteno Mutual Lite, FI r- r 5.".' t 2 a l I, to lot": - : Aminnce Camper-y. . Y. inns --MeCafl, Meredith, "asanv,huts--:r.i To incorporate tttty London Life "Haunt" i ' 3 'v, C Nivealiefxtmli. mate; 'J11U,',il,i1lot)',' Chisholm, Company. T 'd K 'tvke 'h'crr, . ', r ' ' t1 , ('10: dill, . . I T 0m; (G'lengarn). out"; /t'g,?'t'll), )?i'.:',"i'di: i 2,out't,tovtt She .S'mh Wtystern Rad _ i m2 immons. Fraser. Gibson. 63w, Momma, m:- ' way "'me ot Cannon. . . n I '" Kelli"? hteMBnua. new. Monk, Mowat, on" l Reepocuog the Grand Junction Railway ', k f :n Aiag, I'm? Raul, Kylie", smash," lil',) 1 Oomwy, _ I , r_amer _ s . _er. art "or Nob. lit mm I " . . I n. (33%), witsiaim (lr'iljlij'd't',"wc'ili .37. l To ttatt?' the London J auction Rail. l , E'.: G The Bill was then pee-ed. l "l, 'i1"l'll,t'l,%, th L ' d d E l R ll , l Bi, _.i'r AID To Gammon: msrer NOW, , _ 2tlltt)tT tt " "n tut t ' , . , 2 fl On the motion of Hon. Mr. FR ASER, the 'l'he house adj-Turned " 11:10 pm. _ L' (i' t' Home went into Committee on resolutions PUBLIC . is, ree motion all to charitable institution. ACCOUNT = 2,; [.5513 06W naked whether it Wee tin}; inten- -3 COMMITTEE I M' lion of the Guvemmpnt to plow St. ' oturp't's SATURDAY March 21 , , . , Go: in! of Goal h oi? Schedule A ot tlto q . . ' . l I 'ft q l I Wheel)" "Inkling; to Charitable Ynezitu- oe/ht, b lic Accounts this morning, Mr I l R' None so that the institution may also partake tie tat d or Wee eXIllnued by Mr. Prue; E of G civcrnment "i d. Jung: '", tf, was one of the P"NPP of Dr rs 'rr ' -" Hon, Mr. FRASER arid the Government. he, 'll2Ul y,t; In, believed Mr. We; _ ts, F, had or me to no decision with regard to thus fence roundethw t he would construct ttu, a E L-stitntion If the hon. member looked at gen conzidergic in," for, but the man. ' , . ttte mined the resolutions, he "1111 nee teudetattom 'I/Ish/tl/lille",'..?")?)),:',,", - g ik that provision was mule whtuathy 0 ar ItV lender wee the low t. I l th a" g 4 . . i tl titre mom in the schedule? . . es noluding a". / B' F, I 'ttill'),"')', Chiller in! C'rrlnuil, he comuUe "It. as ee',, p133. Jutuotu,'"1, other 1',3f 'lg,',2 r' . n and in the rad-mien .'9, ml when the ()rdo'rm iriii'ii'iii; The to d once we: 2 per ', ' rr t , " . _s,' . 'n' _ tMr.Bart,iGd. ... ' Urinal Were r, id to: institution. m over 'thi "an? o a ' .4, l L. IA , : 1 'c . tho aid rir'erort g I, tng, t"d 28 per foot: .hgl Mr ' i i'ic1C1 It',:,':",'?,))),,",' sr,) ','d'1"i'd', it it, srsr-rs.rti 3:333: . ttrnder Board iuTriGG'agiiirsi, 12 . '_ I'm-re was am" tvr,isiius:nadi ior str.lnp: By Mr RYl'lRT He had bee . i _ , a" _ 1h tr" 1": i, t ' a _ - n k I F we any of mu i...m1.u..1 L cd t 1.: hotel for about mart-eon ye: and wsgltnog- I 'h. i if ula. lan': w . ' verte'i. all: 'lo l pnetor of the American IU when the '. _ ' ',,..t. 333., z v',',.-',"., /-, " t"i,v. "l. z 1'lter, took Pinon new non Mr. Ma. i, a , br. _ '1 i' , $3 /,i,i'r,, " n \.- pi AuLul h o,rrel L) "I" i em: and Mr. Lewis. The fence onuide ', Tr IL" r. "le.'. _. '.'"'/ or, ... ",' ' .'cl: .3 sud ?U T i " a good one. £ no idea what the, Ev' 'r/TP-'."',:).,", 'c/l'..'.,' ... l price ot lumber and pickets was when the ' J 'k), , '. .. was _ . "'s's . l l 'sTrl l ' lance round Dr. Jentungs' Church Watt built ' Mt' i . in" .r n "s J1')\Vx , , N . l t J Add. tiururtu, exnmmnl by Mr. Frasur, = En} Fi., (m fun mote not Ilm My. N ' r, tf. l x . k ' end he had been forty yearneballder and $? , . an} "M ' on m M 114 um was mum} throng t v-- t " l s', " ccntractor. . He had new the fence outside. 5, I -~-- the Municlpel Inatitutiona' Bill-Mr. Bod. _ . 00'" tl tin; "Eden" which hid been taken g ' , sin tn the oheir. . {are t 0 Committee, and he conlt give his if - _ After ccnudereble discussion, the Coat. 2'l"lll. , to ues, cost ot the feusca. Ho did t ' mittee rose and reported the Bill with eev- ric "I', h of! 43 was at til en unreasonable ' lil ," eul unendmente. Sn d 6th e ll',", Q,',",',', we: A good :ubetmtiel one g 7 PUBLIC WORKS. " mm 'v1'l2ml'fltt1,l,1 he "Pure, get a , On motion of Hon.'Mr. MCKELLAR. the 3 fence " on any work dorsal!" paid on tint Iii .'rr Home went into Committee on the Bum , By Mr. LAl'lIEI:-~-HO thought it 70 a , amend the Act respecting the Public Works foot; ineludin tintin 1 " pisr r i ' ot ouuritr--Mr. Baxter in the choir. 81 43 for 'le/te f, wou d btt,ttlt. price, F, , The Bait wee reported with name amend. , for the painting. Prnter Work, and 27 c'enttt . if , $35.15: 2t rim" w" reoewed, tttad a l, cafe: 'It, Nisan s.-1h, generally ellowod 2.o' , 's',": 3 r CHARITABLE msrrrurmxs/ ' , tor fottt coat. of paint; I l The Bill relating to Charitable Inetitu- N t l, . tions wee pan-ed through Committee without 3 3 B' r " amendment, reported, reed . thud time,end . I ir i pauad. F i i' a B?, , MUNICIPAL DR.~\INAGE. i" a" i The Ikll rerpcctiug municipstdraiuags one N peeled through Committee Without awsttd. 'l, mint, reported, reed a third time, and _ ' peeled. ._, t", EXECUTIVE COI'NCIL. . I F, The Bill respecting the Executive Council M" wee yin-bed through Commune, ruyurtu l, _ K; rend a third time, and penned. a E Dlh'l'ltlUT or' NIAGARA. , , 2 Hon. Mr. Mott AI' said he had gm; . ', _ notice ota Bill tur the purpow of proteeuus 7 the section at country in the ntighboaruood V ot Engine Falls. l no exto'wbne upon Vim- tore to the Full: were .; i.nth and it in. T (humble that ad'dai'nc,uic','sUa"iii, lbuum benppomtedin thetdretnct. he had in" auction ot the Excellency to any that tun "acumen- on the subject were recommend" to the Home. Ttse resolutions were then referred to I l

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