The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Nov 1874, p. 2

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s te: s a : .:~P.f'(._"r" n --4 rflenpo gained of the operation of theso i $ ws, it may be proper to consider whether its intention of uniting with us in taking up some of them may not be so improved that, the matter ylforoully after the prorogation without foregoing or diminishing the advan-- of the Legislatures now in Session, fiem- tages which they secure, you may free con-- while we continue in the enjoyment of most atituencies and candidates from some undus of the assets assigned to this Province hardships to whichk ovcaslonally they are now by the arbitrators, as well as of Quebac's exposed. Bilis with shis objact, and for the share of the money realized sinco Confede--a-- > .__ further improvernent of the law as to voters' tion from the sales of school lands. * lists, will probably be submitted to you. Bince the dissolution of the last House, the 5 The system of voting by ballot being now question of the northerly and westerly boun-- in force with respect to all Parliamentary daries of the Trovince bas continued to re-- and Municipal Elections, a Bill will be laid ceive the attentionof the Covernment, . In-- bofgm l,:m for the extension of the systom f°"n:}°;'%%':;w-'°'" have hkeltilnphce dWith roe« to by--laws uiring the assent of the rats-- spect to both a compromise a and the ar-- p.yeil. >ey & o e #@ / bitration which the Legislature autLhorized, It is a watter for congratulation that, / :'ifi{'o Sfi*:'l r;::ult i" buen prrived at; meay. while so many countries are suffering from a |omee' addxp:ion:'lm .Een taken for °l't'""ni! depressed stato of trade and other industries, value . evidence expected to be of our Provinrse bhas been blesscd with an abun-- x f # asnt harvest, and has thorsby bsen relieved ¥ The accounts oi tha Province will be sub. to a considerable extent from an equally sut-- mitted to you without delay, and I have the fering condition, The Province havicg been satisfaction of assuring you that, notwith. compantivelg free from the effects of over-- etanding drafts made on account of appro-- speculation, have every contidence that priations which preseding Legislatures autho-- the period will not bslong before the country rized tr:flb" made 3"§°f 0"11; surplus in encour. will enter upon a fresh carser ol activity agisg rallways and for other Public Works and prosperity. and after distributing three millions of dollars You will probably think it right to con ied l h on Surlobpiiter there yet Aa0 sider with earnestness and onution how far it ooo th of September last a large may boe wise, and of general bonefit for :%fiir]«'fi:ltomamohu.nt of Provincial resources ( the Province, out of its accoumulated funds C ns to afford aid to projected railways The estimates for the coming year have which have not hitherto been assisted, been prepared, and will be laid before you, or to supplement the ald _ already The endeavour has been to frame them with granted to any of the railways which are in a due regard to economy, and at the samse progress, -- Your special attontion will prob-- time to consider and secure the efficiency of ably be invited to the question of the best the public service. mode and t'me of atfording . encour-- In leaving you now to éour deliberations, agement to railway enterprises which have my prayer is that the Great Ruler of the for their object the opening up, settling, and Universe may so influence them that they improving the more remote areas of the Pro-- mey redound to your credit and may promote 'mp:o, 8 the welfare of the ccmmunity P © cm. s It is satisfactory to know that the expan-- \ His Honour, attended by Capt. Grant, (I! itur'o of the Proxoo for the p;::lnotion of \ A.D.C., then left the House, inmigration continues to beargood fruit; a ® o : m Srge zum ber of :'it:\dmignnts be'l':;nging to the | The Sp;;k;: ffioothh;;:':;:;;;s p= aeses most needed have settied in our Pro-- U T * vince duriog the past year, notwithstanding R inf: ' the | inducements -- and temptations . held Chore Shike Srose oat resiired dooie tor out l},y other ccuntries, I am glad also | judges elected for the trial of election pe: to have it in my power to state that titions pursuart to the Controverted Elec: eie o. Ios Somamih ant Provnam Cuy tions Aots of 1871 and 1874, cectificates and z:::n :z' '::.D:"':L';:ln t?:; wf;rrc;.'v'!t?;lo Gc':: * r;poxta relating t(; the ehwt;hmst f](;; tl;e + » tron us * el: ctoral districts of the counties of Monck, ::cdat':; e:;:zm';'"mod efficiency as well as Welland, Russell; the town lof gornwdl, * with the townsehip of Cornwall ther:to at-- There will be submitted to you a consider. tached ; the count}es of Dundas, Halton, the zble port:on of ::)o whork performtd biy :ie North Riding o{' the count; of '~¥'eiliugbon; ! omm missioners whom was-- assigro a oc unties of Peel, Oxford, Essex. Peterboro', task of classifying and consolidating the Wentworth, Victoria, Outarilo, Grey, Peter-- Bt_atlilcte Ls: rfl'e::{ing O::}i:.rilo. £ The (.;:wn- boro', Northumberland, £ | missicrners have, during thae last year, beon | Mr. SPEAKER also informed the Houss continuirg their important is sours, and ia the | that the Clerk had roccived from the juadges c;'""";'l' "lht""é':i:kbghq b'vé h'dt:l?"' atten« selected for the trial of o'cction petitions, tson hi hbnapeian enpepe triguaiapecing B?l?n -mb':iu?m pursuant to the Countroverted Elections Acts | B Peommtotisiser abtmdbeily beee RTSn wod 1094 otriiiomten aad reporte re « ' $ latieg to the elections for East Toroato, the witted to you for consideration, East Riding of the County of Simcoe, the The ((;hmth SLp,erlnten(ielnt].) wh:: h"t sl;ly j West Riding of the County (f)f Simece, :\'on; . mavaged the Education opartment for | Toroato, the West Ridiog of ths Canty o wore \L'm thlnt:xy years, mgl?m":)"bi)f re> | Hastings, the S)iufih I:sitd!z:-g ol(it:bahtf }znwy of tiring from oflic», you will probably ve (irey, the City of London, ard the County fisllcd :1pou' to" col;:aicfe;h wh;sh%er the [t.itafis of C)"'.]dwell. [ a8 not arrived. when 6 o ency 0o 0 NEW ELECTIONS®S. eystem would be promoted by placing the Jrak & \20rk of the Depn?tnn at in the hands of a , Mr tshl I'AI'EF 1'":;'{;,?' ?,a,t'&:c]iz:nfi:;';? responsible Minister of the Crown, ?:r(:ee d ine g:: h::p?-e':zzntution of South 3im:-- I have taken the opportfnnll'ty, t%)t;;ln'g tl:ie coe, East Kent, and South Victoria; and ' tuiother, of vbl,mg most of ; e pu dc (5' * that in conformity with the Act 32 Visso:ia,, tutions of the Province whic hare 1}1)11 er :ov): chapter 4, section 13, wasrtnte had })aon is errment management, andfl tl::ier een_gx;m sued to the Closk of the C:own in Chancory is cess of thres--the Asplnine for Luvatise Lnco ioi neree in tine proanct P damenk ne Class 0 t members to serve in proson arliameoi. and Idiotg--;ih.vetb:zom: nhl:sutfiomnrt.:;: t;:: for the said Electoral Districts, | ;0:3311::;; :;: ?lclig:od. sngptyhep:nmber of Mr. SPEAKER reported that to prevent whom is increasi. g as the population of the mist«kes he had obtained a copy of his Province advances,. I am sure that you will Honour's speech, ' not hesitate to muked s::h turtl:or provisi%n BILL INTRODUCED, ' 1 tment as may bo i(:ro::;l:yl.leepivg e Ts M _ On the motlon 'of Mr, MOW A'll;,usleoonQed A measure will bo submitted to you having vy ,M"' gAiler%:d' :ll:: 'figl'ltov:il:lg Feae Tess for its objact the securiny of a complete sys-- tx(:quc: A:t to provide for the .A\.lmlnistn. '. * ' f 4 tem of vital statistios. d ds tion of Oaths of Office to porsonsappoiuted as I invite your aitention to the desirability of Justices of the Fosce." some legislation for making fuller provislon ugii068 0 * than hitherto for the payment of witnesses on THE SPEECH | criminal P'°_"'°'m°m' Mr., MOWAT moved that the speoch of The question of the Eastern Boandary of his Homour be taken into consideration to-- Ontario hus, so far udrelatel g?' Pnovm%ld worrow. action, been finally determined agreeably Mr. CAMERON observod that it was & to '-hoi Act P";"d at :h:'h'l:'th%"" oot fl:'hz usual to supply hon, members with printed Legislsiure, _1 regref Win i copies of the speech of his Honour bofore ters in difference between Ontario and a hat tho o lod p h asking the House to consider it, so tha' y Qusbes remaina unsettlod, th Nee 3 T might be able to judge whether they would sed the Gusbée Government has {ntimated be prepared to consides it to--marrow as pro-- 'n s

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