.: Fe. _ - a: li I il i ' out of politic" prom-adieu ttum, the i t 5 I . .' ! country", and hsd tt Pt dutlee linthe . 3 'i h' shud- their cruel. tillhehadno 'proaonnuedlnde durum... . a» ' ', doubt that they each and allreligiouely I the not for fll'llrfr'gt and in Jl','tt.'tr 1 'f,!! drew their ralarira for the whole time. The York election oohteethe war Iup me, " . .5 ' hon. gentleman went on tr condemn the gentlemen 'i';ii',"tr'G"l'd'rdl'ltrl, paper u _ i ' l mocha by which 1urretportmeirt had publiahed, woe I "water of this Govern. F . i mmphahed their acoeeeron to the Trearury meat. The hon. gentlemanhad been punch. betcha, ohargingthem with having aprong tt "no partyhm" until th. election were I ' eve" of amendment to the Addrear upon at over. Inhi- s boob congratulating the , the Home when one tenth of the country member for Weat 'lh1'l'l'ld the hon. g'entle. ' . wee unrepresented. m had been or maudid not aay anything about "no Plrty- 5 able to diaoover T round ttttmtitattotul iam," but he atated that hie great object ' ' ,ahg'cction agaiuet r. Sandileld Macdon' wee 1ltt1tieriNtty?onuAiy"iiiiirt7liii ., , 'a eoheme for the diatrlbution of money powerin theLocal Home-o that Sir John , , I in no ot railwaya, and it- trrma'had been A. Macdonald could getin power " Ottawa, 'l ' 5 ': deliberatzlly framed, auhmitted to the Home, Here be war preaching that there war no- if; I ' ' and ogre to by it Be aeoueed the Gov- thing but municipal matter: coming up, and, if a , erumeutof uaingthe railway (node an alarge therefore, there ought to he no partyilm. 5. ' _,]:, bribetothe comm. When they got into But, in vino txrritise--trhm the hon. gentle- 5," , G" theTrraeury they had abandoned I man war congratulating the member for $3 I ' their thrt echeme,had propued to do a great Weat Toronto, they Md him giving utter. I'd , . futirnoersthanttier promiaed at that, and ancee tothe (intro to obtain not hers a , I had even mortgaged the revenuee of with the expectation of the dfll2'ulr,',', I ll, the Province to - out their railway I party ohms power " Ottawa, Em, " . , 3 ' . lioy. They claimed credit for their cou- where where he thought he could 't2,T, I it, ll, Shot in reference to three granta. but he wal honeat Relormera with hie traah, there to 1' j it convinced that ,the country would yet lay it Ilium." 1tr2?'til'"/t, most Toron- i a It?" 5 . 0 0008" . ran on the . y I " " 'thtLttt2C,tl1"tgglte,tr"a poeaihility of the chance of their party 5 IJaE, 5 l; , were diehoneet a ttteggs true , getting into power in Ontario and Ottawa .1315 'a , 3 ",'ttt,1",tte,,1'at who" brought them in. he hon. xenusm-n wu now what hehad t . (j'fr4I ilii ' , reform f' - alwaya ttttttttutility-ide' Ile', i 5' Cr ti, , , (Uheerl. . . we! pro " e 1 lea on e .1. '.,i't's,' ' , ' F Mr. FRASER expect-ed hie Inability to ,'lfe",,'b'f'r1'L'l2e,1 and when in Op. l E _. , ' 7 male ontwhere the hon. member "I "tad- position he endeavoured to rally " a 'fl ul! ' ' . ing ret,tA', of ccurea, l!? 'tttttMyne- frienda around him with the cry of "no 53,133 . ' a when he '8 WWW". partykm," and give any advice which he V , if}; ' l but where u VII 1ttdi"uhiltt1t '" . might think Would probably lead to mecca. " 'tiii'"' A' mattortohe found ork t had Ite- " Porhapa the hon, gentleman did not like a ' New by the member on " right. who thin record, but it waa the truth. He made . B' r i called him not - . Reformer- the record and must abide by it. (Hear) , il, x but that he had alway- been I If thinge appeared inconaietent he l ' aBeiormer. Aethehon. member knew the had himself to blame. In alluding . , hon. member for South Sir-coo " woii, .ht tothe abolition of the Court of Chancery 3 l " , ahould be able to It] where hiepolitloal . the hon. gentleman lpeaka of what waa done . ' etatna ahould be placed; and " had 'rlnoed in England, but be (Mr. Frater) did not 1111- tl al E it in the More: ranka too. In I apeech dentand it in the score an implied by the -,'ri'i,1 , 7, 3 which wan reported in the 0'8" ot hon. gentleman. He underatood thatinEug- 1?d i, ' ( . _ the Open-Mon. the hon. enum- "to"! r land they had abolished allthe Oourte, and j': IN, . how much he thought of theta around 3 had only one ayatem of judioature. (of? I 5 . , him. It would he advlaable to let the In referring to the aaeertien of the hon. . i' . il . Reform membera one what the hen. member , member ft r Eaat Toronto that the late (lon. '51, _ . _ had been laying in W4 to " intention ttt aervative Government had recommended the ', f, r _ i occupy a neat inthe Trounry benohol. The payment of criminal witneaaee, he raid that i , . T 5 resort of the apeedi referred to appeared tn although it wee true the subject war referred 3 I" . r the Mail of January llth loot. luthll to in the Speech from the Throne, the Gov- r f l speech the hon. member ll "ported, to ernment oitho hon. gentleman oppoaite had 3 ' f 3 have said that it be ooUpUd I not a single line of the propoaed meaaure . i eeatin the Home he would not move a vote 3 prepared. The hon, gentleman forgot that i,' in 3 ' of want of ttttttfide- in the Mowat Admin. l his friends had been' in power for twenty " 5 g if wr 5 5 iriraiicn, for he did not believe aniicieut l your, and did nothing to remedy the evil he l all " i putitusation could be given. They must not I complained of. The hon. gentleman had a i' 'ik'l - ' only be prepared to juatil'y a vote given l accused him of going down to 8outh.Viotoria ila - il i ' to dhpcao ot the Govuument of tin} for the purpose of arousing 'ttr" ani. ill, , y 5 day but moat and men of nhliiV _ mollty, an yet when he ( r. Fra- 531' i ' to 'tig their placer in 013003: and u l oer) went there he found the hon. 5-" 3' i l l, i aleo remarked thattuoppoitipet had not member, and the supporters of hit I " M, , It 3 I conducted buainoee " itahonld have been. candidature had circulated an addreu to 5 " i, f ll ' he (Mr. Fraeer) thought that the member the Catholics asking them to eupport l .5353 it, , _ l for East Toronto must feel complimented their candidate became the Reform gar-win , 'rl;, Bl 3'; by that' remark, and. it II a "'7 i, Ontario were nothing but bigot; I ehou. i to" c' Jill . 3 little compliment to thoeo who now i, gentleman talked in thin way about arous- Jf $5., , " around him. Before he was through ' ing religion: animosity, when theparte of . 'S', F) ._3' g . 5 he would tell him what hie friende thcunht the green bill recently ported about Toronto 5 ' r') 'P, g l I I E of him, toe it wee jnet at well to know what wan aoanmly dry. i, s' n' g; ' 1 l the hot. pentutyn thinks ot then around Mr. 1huEERON-rt war done by your f _ 'a tl . r him and alao to uowwhatthorthtak ""tt fHenda, . , r'.'I , 5 ' rr (Hm-A TM .hom 'rt,',',,',','),,,, ll l Mr. FRASER said it wal not done by hie L3 , E tent: of heme. bee., m" . a friends. They were not likely to commit " I', ii a. the t"t,',t,t,t'te",' "ii'25iilu"', tttt euicide in that way. ', r, , I ' I ' . l llt " e. . . , . _ A 2 y. 1 'iff/till, 013mm! 50 he a follower of. Sir John Mr. LAUDElu--Bow do you PT it t 2 if 3 r l 'i A Mmdtnatd. In apamphu, whioh W" I Mr. FRASER saidhe knew itinthe tame 3,3. I I 3. j C, 1 to one pubirhed by the hon. gtsatie. wayaa the honourable gentleman knew it. In ill! f 3 i "Emmy after hin return from the North- reply to the charge made by the 'h) g Bl i , l m t, after referring " acme lengthtothe member for Eaat Toronto, that the Bl 'r' fl I ', domain of the hon. gentleman, he "id title of the Lfout,-Gonsmor had been 353 3 ' I 33 "that hie talents may occurs him " tshaattP.drtPyit1ilxot1unotto> Honour. " ' - ii - i ion to the ranks of the Op. he and it had been done at the 'ttttttt "tttyr, " 3, I " m 'll,',', in the Home. but than It: lieutenant-Governor hlmeeli. 1he oyel, qt 5 = 3 i 'lt'," atody the insurrection of the Red like! tttt had nothing elee to tate 'Ut , ii bl , I 3 "in If." vrr'} little reliance on his 'Judg- nlgein ttttrich, tttu", thd 6 3 _ _ , g I t n That in ttur oharaoter given to the hon. member or moot made plr ', t , ' 3 3 To". thanan by thoee who knew him point about ftxingthe datefor theaeeembhng _ ll , 5 'i . 3 'l1',UG'l',' well, on eending him out into the of the Home. At that gentleman had had an , , b'si 3 I l " and th House in therefore, much to do with the Confederation Act. why rw', r . polifie..1 world)_ , ' th ir did he not make it a part of the Constitution v) l . w perm"? '2,',tltt. 1crtg"tt. might of tho Province that Parliament ' I.',') 'i 'uthrtue of.tltt or. tten tl an aowiahed it. should aeeemble at some particular i T [l . no tustheriftU hon gen em . ti .2 There war, however in his s 2 ' i The hon. gesntltP.tut ad had BO nanny "a 'Jldd, no neceeaity for the. meature. . I "my that nothing would hurt no Td: 'lf thouaht that in diecnralng there quee- ' I i i Be '" .ortiewhat t1g2tul ttdur,". tU'lolll"ll, more of the eplrit of fair play fl " q "ntl"",'.'! "mm mm od t in on Ital ahculdhemanifeeted. TumimumotttuAhi. L, , "m. H. kad my": 338:" Pbut vernment could not be 'rxpotttU_tottttmttm il I . i with the cry d no P y (nl of thanoonducttheburineeeof thesProvlnoeto 5 " 5 _ be we. forced to th the 3.633;? the heetof their ability. lf they admin"- bl ' , South Bimtstts that he "id he mu". tesmdalthirs honeatly, and put on record a ' , l vativar alnce 1867 "linkage l aoed " tol. mm amount of sound "SIM" than LE h 5 " the hon. Ireettte, IP. P an far I their predeceeaon, they could expect to he p, . 10""! f2fi',gt',t','T",tUdt hon. eupportod certainly duringthie mounted. .5 r". . - ttua, :ent to South Sim he V" t it uotfor many Parliamentato come. t No l, _ 3.3.3 r _ 3.311 J] 5 u F . _ .1 \