The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Nov 1874, p. 10

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. ., . I M sr I ; hoer.) aa-ht of hue? "tttd 2,",l t t,', __ q I I I Mr. SINCLAIRcomhottedthe on "I": e pee our your a . 'h I i, _ the han, member for South Simone, that the been conducted " it ehould hove been , i . 2 I Reform porty were not entitled to the credit Alter eome further remorke. the honeureblo I i I l y _ of initiaiing the 1ti"t1,',t"fltgitt tl'h'tg,', gentlemen rammed hie not. l w L Ji, Reoervee andherdidnot tht i jun e . , .9 , i; 5iiiiiii'iii,ir,ifiii,iiiiiif tf J, wonky): iu',?ti,ttt'g'tt,rit,tri1 by MW" Bee. 'T l r _ _ eeldthettc e on ero oneerre v . I , '; 'f I!" hug" the credit of mmp'ilhing Mr. WILM then MM tht, adjourn-at 5 Td , l l (),1',,1'd'g'l's'lt,'l'. The lender of the Ooneervo- i of tho debate. , k I r, g" M! wee prcndto odopt otrttuiuratiots. 9 Mr. MOWAT eeld the debate wee noel-h "P, _ t The only remerhe mode by the him, maul): I "haastod. as F» for South Slmcoe which were ecce e . CN s', him - thoee in reference to 'irtt,1',1ht'. "if; fed', E301: Iftht t't are?" .7, . ' ', time question. There opposed to be 'ee I',,',',"",,',: be Pd o "iR, . IN i I much drunkenneu no there wee twenty yeore and only 1'h',l,1','l "t Stl tre1i,t',',t ii8 ' _ ego,end thecountry hedmode littleprcgreeein tgg"d, gen " - a" rrgerd to thio metter. He did not doubt " _ 5'"- i that thotime would econ arrive when the Themotlcnweeoerrled. . a I _ 9 I Home would unite in endeovouriog to put 8 Mr. MOWAT moved the odiournment d , 'l; " ) atop to tt evlle Pt ranged tte , the Horne. _fi'l' Tr ' r ',v, , . oele of toxioeute. n con uoion, re- ' . . I, 7 r '1. ' gutted thet et the loot election'oome unecru- l The Home "itumt1eL.1fel.Let_, 1 _ pulouomuhed ettempted to etrr up religion , 3., l l enimoor'ty. C . (lil l 5 Mr. ROBINSON eleo regretted thet the " Ki, 1;; t ; memberlor South Simone hed given the . 71.- '13.? ' .4". credit to the Coneervetlve perty of eeculeriev {" . gr» , , ,' ' . I ingthe c'ergy reeer-vee. He thought it etrenge , f, r f f thet " a. onroeitun of the poet Perlr'oment f, 1 r _ I, f bod done no much for the country or wet' .1 4 1 dehned only thirteen ot than were re- " Bi 'l' tunedtcthepreeent Home. "itll ' I 1 The 9th mph then peeled. , '. '; Peregrophe lOto l3 peered without dig. ii' t On the 14th peregroph, t a . Mr. LADDER otteeked the epoeeh of the 'rd "A' , Commlmloner of Public Worhe, which a .1 l, he mid wee merely e critlehm RT, r' ' ot the eotlone of the hon. mem- ' '.t, her foe South Sirocco eince Confedere- . as . tion. The hon. gentlemen never ellndod to I. the . 'plee or diooueeed the meeouree of :< ' w the Wd"d,'u'. Elupeech horn Wing j..." , i to erd wee but no attack on the membere a r ! l In: southGreyend hoot Tomb. tie do I JM l ' ruled Int the Germ-mt were - Jt " I 'ttt,datrc2,g't,PiLefii,,Se 1a y I thnghqr-geeigiem. Act They mode f. I MitotheIow, endtheeeomnd- 'Cdl _ mentohedreenltedlneemen herehded- , " ' donothetthelr repel wee railed for. An ' ; tothopurltyotthelletorm perty, heoodd , "'t) ,' , only. thet onto! 88 electleneet the , , Ja' _ leot each 33 petition were Aud. ll rq a, out f, theeo tttttter $',t Govern- l, 'a ',r 5;; , men 1"tttt1 o on a A..." . portereotthe ppoeltlon. St,?, three M: . (l l 1lltt ticneegelnet the enpportere the Gm , " " ment were ebendoned, but ten against Gen- "7: . ir1.'l) l oer-votive member-e. Filty per cent. ot the C a X"? il Government enpportere were moon? 'a . . . then the rapper-tore of the Oppcoltion. e al ' ti, l I thought. the Houreaould heve been told a 3 whet earphone": ywee,bnt tttoth-tak I', IF' I T ', elmply eeid " wee e lerge rum. m thought (a' ', Iv'., ll J thetltthedehteot theProvincowerepeld $2 F/ i there would not be much left. " , hi,' 33' mobbed that the Government had he ;;' ht,,,. ' ooaultuno. ot the "tttt ot the , _%' 'Its, ' electore of the country. " the foot w- u ", Mi? l that the 37 when of the Opposition re- ' f" FCM. ", celved 106.600 votee, while the 51m.- , "tl ' eupporthrg the Government received ed, wr 1.5 I , ', 101826 votee. He wee our-pried! thet (i ' i no reference hed been mode to I , l , the extoneion of the Name! Sohed " it ' eyetem weotwerd. or to the Control Prion. " s After tth to the ellI-ged arbitrary, eon- ' a duct of the l overnment loot oeeolon inro- ' thence to the Public Aooounte Carmella, t' i ttttle-ttu-,. In conelnelen, eeld the A , Oppoertmn J,'TLt1"ge,tt,pi tote up b j . everything e prectic boning Q /l, thebuoineeeoftheoountry. l , g Mr, "Anny pointed out thet new e , , 4 . tho Opposition contended that the billet fen - _ w i i WHmeagm, they couldnoteoy the Intern. V l l I oftheoountry 1taAit-tnqriiisted. Thoot- _ t A I technponthe Addreoe hedbeenofeilere. , I 1 "li H. admired the ondeeity or the hem V , member who hug-t eet downlnetteokhg ' I ' I I.. eulrportero of the vernment for demoed!" , ' r i . to peroonelruee, whenhie own opeeeh woode- T ' ; ', voted to otteoldng the Ocmmlreionm- e! i '. Pubhe WotU, Hidid not thinhthelbo- . , ' tron Act '"etrtatringernt " had been aaid. ' l I He contended that it had worked " " . l, muebly. The reeult of the Act whid , "muet1 pcrrty of election wee thet ' J the Government _returned to the Hone ' 1 ' withe etrong mojorlty of Item lite". _ l I , Thehon. member tor South Grey had hen 'i . . f [ Very free In oriticieing the epeceh of the l _ i'hsaiunUntmier of Pubic Worke. but he re- . I 1 minded him that the member for South 8tw. T ', I one had but e ohort time ego "b. tr, I l i"

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