The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Nov 1874, p. 5

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m B" LI '2 ' s" y T u -- T Pt , k 'i? p I g g i, P. i " . I went of informetion in ord . - . I l, ,'L' a poyment of oriminel with?" Pt et of thie Ptovhtooinrdomniterto 'ls" teerttory, l l thought he one fully ecqueinted with that nnd " ahoaid Ito "'7 - to 8m hioeeoent i moeoure. it woo true he woo not much ec- to eny PM ExPle' l I _ l quointed with it while he woo in the Gov. "mu"!!"blm Th" Attorney. ' r , ' comment, become hie Government brought ttT', ohonldexplelnthe ohongeo which had te', in no Bill in reference to it during the iour on M h htsAdsninhteattttet-xrhra ' ' yeero they were in offios, end u, therefore, gentlemen who wooregorded by my on e i i., euppooedtheydidnot know noughof the w tht; , . Since that, vmer, " hon. we" ed tenement! woo he uneble to egreeto ito , ', glued e greet deal of light on the question. Sway"? oe toe what mMttet ttsd s g . 7 hen the prooont Government come into odritteorh sentinel end found rofngoinen ' ' offioes _IIO thought they mm name. thet a "2 w" no W "W510 to _ ' "i, - it in ttielr my iirot "itsion, UN "I" . ltr had soothe. ' gentlemen . " endyet he now profeoood to be entirely igno- ind-tdirt position aatd...atroue1. to gt 'ci.. rentin l toit. eGovornment with ouch e policy oothey " bl) . found in the Identenont-Governor'o Speech! 15% 's,' Mr. OAhMllRON--a did not I,'.',',',:' eny Booouldt1ndnoBhing there that woo gait. " . " literate':.!,".",.','?, oikedfori ormetion. iiiiii'a, No.gneet reform woopropooed. 1.1' 'sy, 1 Mr. MpwA'1uaidhCkewno reeoon for ,ThO pegment of criminel witneooeo *7 J; giving information erect: to remove ignor: VII nothing startling, but woo one ot .- m .1: once. (Carers) The n. tlemon had till. old otending mph. which had , ' '1» not orguedthet immodiote Clll'llttl, woo foundo piece in - Speech from the 7 I '; nemoery in the iirot union only, but in "Throne. Ho -nodiiriottitr in giving .5. a , ra ;,. "on enbnquent tendon of the late PariU. rent to the oubmieeion of the buineeo of the _ ' , s.':, meat, end now he intimated that before Tot. omuthr to therutnua, That VII I merely t g, '.ici, tSll1't that peregreph he needed to know fem-1m, bathe thought, ttttttro "on mg ',; w " there were my couoeo for thetformei ouent woo given, tome explono- 'lt t ' ir-, ttptr,',",",', of Tttti yerl',t,,g.1 "onehonld be given by the Government. :5; Ilill '.; w were. t ter on .) .i',WT w 'i),). Ho (Mr. Mowet) gove his hon. friend credit Q'p,?,b',Q,t's2,',t, h. ooknowledged the i F'- li r'i),:r' for more knowledge then he proieooed to 'IRI,',',',', Utd . g h",,nu,"tl'g'tt, ly. m. _ i " " il ft hove. Every member ot the Houoeend the . ohonge m . memberohip ot g ' , 7. i g the Administration, but his otetement would " H} h . Ff whole country knew whet the oeuoeo were, he v ohort. d h id ll ll r ' andthe neoon ,rttstucr1rvernettud. not pretend" that it on 1d 'lu"'", hunt ' . I a ' f' legioleted eeriiorwoonot that it woo not ds. . won "rt lug ari i t -r, ' tothe informetlcn hon. gentlemen- olreedy r, ' I " ouebie that theoe witneeoeo should be tro-tl The menu ' ' s _ . . ' . g of Mr. MoKeiloro . ' paid, ttut thntthm were "hand". withdrowel from the Administration and ' "R ' i ii',, surrounding the "bl"? end tut from Parliament woo certainl not that whi h ', F , fs.i during the lost Perliement he woo the hon gentlemen on "g o I ' .Lt , . ' ggeo It oertoinly " not Agiatied how the matt. ohouid woo not thet he woo dieoetiofied with th , e cr' be dealt with. The had had bundea ' It ' ' Jr . . , . 0° ptlicy of the Government. or felt ony diffi. L',! d "If-"hon Itefom them ovary mum- oulty in concurring in their legiolotion. Mr ' T I The on»e had y.ui?tesil important mum McKellor had been in public lite for eighteeoi , q ' _, on important "519°". " important " my yeell. Hie long attention to public mtterl, t ' A, which had occupied the ottentlon of ttut to the neglect of hie priveto atUim, woo ' ( i Kea, 108mm " my time. Ther had something from which the public derived A' , ' , ie" _ now . "utantialir "PM. ot thas, rel, tmtUR, but which woo no b-fit to 3"; , ti queotlono. and that in e woy oet~ been Hie friendo thought that, hoving "ea l Fi", ufoctory to the oomstry, and they oerved hie country toe that long time, he 14 _ "tfi' I proposed to devote ihemeelveo to whet oub- tri ht with "my "a" from hm IW, l ' ,l,i",ii 19°" "unainasd to bs sua." with.emong otharo end High it woo very 'dJ,'lSl; to him., l , , who tueryyyttof criminal vim-u- Ho mlfend who we. end although he I , r a t"gfite,'t'd the mover end oeconder of the had foe all"! ,9... Anderred smf guy" . Cr g utimsugonthar manner in whichthey "mm end tho perty which w" y 7' X I ' P,? performed the duty unsigned to them. honoured one am he yielded to o. ; _ g 3 3? (Cttmrrc) mat-om ot hi. friends and notwithotond- ' , , , . 5 Mr, MACDOUGALL cold this woo o new ing the oenoe the Government hod of the , sr a , "ig-, Home, end " o new member he thought the greet importonoe of his oer-vices, notwith- _ " ' g requeot for intormatimt woo pertinent. m etending whet they knew of the heevy blowo Eii :_r celledthe attention of the Atiomsrhmsta1 he woo in the htbit of edminio- ,1 g totho ttststtut,thereted been o chengein the toting to honoureble gentlemen oppodti ' Hit I Administration, ondthet it weououel on thio g (hear, beer) lend their irieido throisgaqut g j l oooeoion to give information " to the cocoa the tttmntry, end the greet po .ver which he 'ar, I , ofthechenge. With reference tcthe queo- exerted in orettonoorte'th, they did not , r - f tionof immigration, the liouoe ought not to feel " .liberty to hoist that he .1 a a t , b-i1eduittoMirrn "rkGiririgtof 'ohonld "main h rtrblht BN, or re- "I 3 th i matter, unleu the gentlemen who had hoe to confer upon him the hn. "a , i .' 'i "stu- It. the Dormant we the Monte portent pew» once which he now we. end "ily , ... a' . name outline of the fecto. Ilia opinion was .5105 he woo an oil the membero of the I lit) as t"targtgt,h." not been corded 'Houoeonbothoideodeoired mm oholli .4: . r . ' ml '1 00030317.. tPt It woo . long livetoenjoy. Avooency heving been ' ld gh f very cumbersome Ind iswfiioissnt system, Ind creeted by the retirement of Mr. McKellor, ".', /S, , ilil . that this Province had "reeisyr a groat it become neceooory for the Government to l 'tl . e dealotmoney "W."HIY- With returoot oonolder whom they should ooh to take U8 to educetion he had no meson to believe u. Tplatter, and in "looting Mr. Wood tl) , that the Chief Superintendent had, without ) they selected one who had or i A I ; PM" and tho ismbarraa-nt Which nad much of the oonfhUmts of the country es euy Isl E; erloen irom tho notion of this Government, hon. memberbe knew ot. The hon. mem- I 2 end the previouo Logieletnre, uprooted hig her tor South Victorio during the four yeero i, I incfficienoy further to continue the bunneoo t thot he bed occupied a. eeot in the Home he! s 1 of his Department, Some information ought [ In", that h. piyasqrtd large abliitU., mm. td l r to be given in reference to this, and touch! neon taunt, fomiiierity with end optitude i I for the. propooed ohenge. The gnuhon of for public "urtesd that he would be likely ' I i the peymont of criminal Wine-lei he iobeof greet oenicotothc county in the I , , loft in the bend: of the member pooition he now held. m hed occupied on _ I I ' for Boot Toronto. lie otrnddered it e blot independent position before, " did every _ r , upon our oyoteln that peroono were oblitrtd enpporter of the Government. The (hm J. ' 'll tocome, " grpatePR" to themoelveo, In ethnient had supper-ten, Moore they be. re' . I order to ooeiot in the edniiniotrotion of lined in them a the country when} i . "N justice without my moon-"Ion. lie honed . in them. (Chm) They no received an , ') l the Government would remedy this crying supporter they did thetof other aurtnbaru, e r r 1 abuse. In record to the mettoro in Morena _ beceuoe of the eiiioieney of their Government , l . withthol'rovinoo of QIIOM he "marked end the oound legieletion which they bod , ti, that negotiation, might be prolonged to the iven to the country, end become he bed not g . and of time, and he did not think they ought doubted, " their other iriendo did not doubt, _ l W, r woo-Wine themodveo upon being in thetwhet M,',.','," been in the gather F " 'pueeeeion of other people'o money. (lmoh- would olwoy in the future, it hon. ' LN i Ur.) Atoll eventooomo informotionon the "undo oppoolte had mode greet "sbiotst woo required. Tho qneotioninnefer- urrtiono to prevent Mr. Wood from n once to thenortherl and werterly bound.. returning to thio House. In fest ', - "a. he "gilded, or o very oerlouo they bid the while Riding to them-elm L i one. '1,ti'gt,d,ttt,', to know that our for obeut e week, end did ell the! ". ' ' thug." - W ha, believed that could to Bt'curs " rej :cuen and deprive the g l ell "id" whttth W 'tettMMer, to 53- oJuntiy of hie voluebie oervica It the co- - ebb the Government to take their oouroe trendy oetiefeotory to know thet their exer- i had long been in their ham1n. 11ttr, ought tic no were without eveii Toe hon member I tattoo-naked Into amok-don foe I for South funcoo--he had um it in print ( . "you" lino. He d thot they that he did "pment tut Riding. thouh it in! any MW to 00mm!" tho *" on: summation to him (longhtofl-

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