The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Nov 1874, p. 6

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'tttg,' question- in South Victorie or else w ere nnlees he wee obliged to doeoby the previous miarepmtmatioiU of members of the Opfoeition. He referred to the manner n which Mr. Cameron had sought to I introduce religion! matter, into his pilitioai in 'rcher, and nid that though he (Mr. £180!) wee not, and had never been, unem- her of the Cstholic League. he gnve tint body credit for bowing obtained tint politiool recognition which they had never been eble to get from the Conservative party. m ridicultd, the stetement'thnt the Longue we! the progrees of the present debete to notice the whining tone in which hon. gentlemen opposite had spoken ot the introduction of ptrecnelitiee into the discussion. Lest sci- Mon he had heard the leeder of the Oppoei- tion make a speech " s time when there wee no opportunity for e reply. and in which he had made en lutwprrattttrd. etteck, en attack personal in the very worst eense of that expression, yet not a word of complaint wee uttered sgeinet its tone by those who were whining so piteonsly about tr,.rhW, and vituperatton tonight. (Hear, oer.) Whet wee very wrong end much to be depreoeted in e member or sup porter of the tlaverumant, was all right, wee undeterving of cenenre in the leader of the Opposition. It hevio been the leader of e party of gentlemen a, had so spoken there wee not s word to be found fault with, and yet, fotaooth, becenee the Commissioner of Public Works chose to explein the poli- ticel inconsistencies of the hon. member for South Simcoe he wee to he met with homiliee about personalities. There had been no per- eonel etteck in the matter, for the hon. mem- ber for South Simeoe wee e public men, end out on: t . . " "r". M. 'iff'tUrpr2t.Jrtljhio fltGl,"ar "tti, though now eating "one of theleederl of hon. gentlemen oppooite, not more then eight or nine month ago the hon. member for South Simone had outed publicly that the Opposition wee unworthy of support. Mr. LAUDER -Where we: that? Mr. FRASER said that, of course, no one expected wounoy of inforumtion or state- ment from the hon member for Euturey, however luminous hie speeches to the H use might be. (Laughton) Mr FRASER said he only statei that the hon. member was not very accurate in his statements, though, of course, it might be been" he was not in possession of the farts. (Loud laughter.) lie read from the Mail's report of Mi. Macdougall's speech to the electors of Markham, according to which that gentleman had stated that he would not enter Parliament as the representative or in the special interests of any party; that he would not go into the House as a member of the Conservative party as at present organ- ind; that if he had had a seat in the last Parliament he would not have supported a vote of want of oonfhUnim in Mr. Mowatu Administration. Yet, al- though not a single Act had been passed in the interim, not a single thi had been done to make him change his oanion, the mem- ber tcr South Simcoe was now in the House as a strong opponent ot the Government. He ( Mr. Macdougall) had furtherame stated that he didn't think he could fiat a l.aili iient justifieatlon for helping to turn Ott the (in. mnment and putting in the .003ng leader of the 0 position, yet he was new found doing his but to secure that end. He Gd 'nrther on in his speech stated that before thinking of turning out the Government they should show that there were men of ad. ministrative ability to take their places. He prrceeded to quote from the other reported utterances of Mr Macdougall, in which he cia med at some places to be a Liberal Con- so! vative, at others to be Conservative Liber. al, and that he would support a vote of want of contidenco in the present Govern- ment. He (Mr. Fraser) had made mention of the faot that the hon member for East Toronto had made use of some rather curious expressions with regard to the mem- ber for South Simcoe. Mr. LAUDRR-I Inbmit, M r. Speaker, that the hon. gentlemen ia not in order. Mr. CAMERt tN--1 antertnlned very much the "no opinion of Mr. Smdtield Mndon- ald before IMT, though not quite so bad. (Loud laughter and chem-l.) Mr. FRASER went on to quote . speech delivered by Mr. Cameron, in which he had spoken of Mr. Maodougoll on having boxed the political oompua, apd, had outed that it tsuiigee, were to be made in our Conatitutton they should be made by name one more re- liable than Mr. Mecdougell. Mr. Fraser then denied that he had ever introduced re- I body dangerous to 1'rJiGGrilliiiUiiii," f name year, givin wparntely the mnunts paid to clerk: of 'li, pace, am "mt. paid to selectorl, mounts paid to aheritrs for mm- moning. and amount: paid to grand apd of a jury, iyirtisiiuuiiiiiiGGiUifi'itii'i'i'v"i'i.' The amount of expenditure for jury purpose" in the several gouutiea and cities for the Act. Mr. Hardy-ths Wednesdny next -Bill m In cting railway tmfiic. Alao- Bill to amend the Registry Act. Also-43111 to alusnd the Division CoarU A " Mr, MOWAT moved the adjournment the House. Imp-clot m Addams for BRA-rig"- m "N SUPPLY AND WAYS AND MEANS. Mr. CROOK 8 moved that the House on "'edneuday resolve itself Into Committee of Supply and also of Wars and Means, Car- tied. The remninlng chutes were then adopted. A committee was elected to Prepare the A d. ares: founded on the resolutions, and report. ed the Addrcu, which we: ordered to be presented to his Honour the Lieutenant. Governor b Inch members as belonged to the 1"crl',','J,'a', Council. AS YLUM S. Mr. Wth r!) presented the repon'. cl the Irupouor m Asylum: for Ontario. resent Administration should be ejected IJ,',',','",',':), while at some previous time those hen. members held diverse opinions. If the position of the member for South Mmeod was so extraordina , the Minister of Public Works should Tg,') round the Council Board, and he would tind the Provincial Secrets , who was formerly a _ strong supporter ofrgdr. "ttMaid Macdonald, I while the member for Addington was also a faithful supporter of Mr. Macdonsld's Ad. ministration. The Government railway policy demanded the most careful and a. portant consideration of the House. m understood that the principles on which that policy was to be based were that the enter- prises to be aided should be --firat, new lines tetsdinj,'tohvelop the back country. and second, old lines of Provincial im. portance. But the Government should consider how these principles had been acted upon in the past, for he was satisfied that only one-eighth of the Railway Aid Fund had been given to the firat named class of enterprises, while seven-eighths had heen given to old undertakings. It would I be exceedingly difficult to frame a measure for giving additional aid to any railways, and the very announcement of such TTe.te.t1i' carried with it the proof that the Govern- i went had not been tmflieient1y careful in carrying out the provisions of the I Act. otherwise the grants would have been tusth'cient to have effected their completion. l hr Mr, Wiz1e-w The House ad iottrnU, Mr. 8COTT confessed that he had alweys hold the opinion that the Minister of Public Works had proceeded to eevernl sections in order to Him lecturinn issue. The fir. nhect crmpleircd of n being circulnted in South Victorin contained nothing but ex- tincts from the Irish ('umrdiun, and the oo. casion was the visit of prominent member: of the Catholic League. In the contact be. tween Mr. Dumhle and himself (Mr. Scott), the Hon. Minister had celled upon his co. roliuioniete to support Mr. bumble because he was n Roman Catholic. At the ilut con- tent in West Peterborough that Minister waited the conetitue ncy, not to exphin his View on public question, but toin- fluenoe his oo-religionlste inn smell township. In moving the Addreu the memberinr North York hoped that the amenities of debate wculd'he preserved, however strong were their party views, and he must hove been utoniehed at' the content provoked by the Minister of Public Works. The cause of the Attnck was that the memberu for Hut To, ronto and South Simooe agreed that it Would 1 be for the interests of the vaince that the 1 ninth of the ntemiGroftirs" iiariiiia1 Catholics. w_hgphyop Bow Giri, were lean than one NOTICES OF MOTIONS On We'notdar-- Addrms for of

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