petit jurles respectively for attendanca; also t>o amounts received by the tressurer from deputy clerks of the Crown for jury faes. Mr, McLeod --On Wednesday--Enquiry of Miristry whether it is the intentlion of the Government to introducs a Bili during the resent session to consolidate the Assessment Lw of this Province, Also--Address for a return of all mone pald under the Railway Aid and Sublir Aots, and the respect{ve roads to whicg paid, the numberof miles constructed and ur der construction, together with the amoun t of bonuses contributed by municipalities to the respective roads so aided, \ _ Hon, Attornsy--General Mowat--O» Wed. nescay next--Bill respecting the Election Laws,. Also--Bill respecting Voters' Lists, Also--Bill to apply the system of voting by ballot to by--laws requiring the asseat of electors, Also--Bill respecting witnesses on criminal prosecutions, 4 Hon, Mr, Crooks--On Wednesday--Bill respecting insurance. Mr, Scott--On Monday ne«xt--Address for the return of the names of the several railways to which aid has been granted un-- der the Railway Aid Act and the Railway Eubsidy Act, subsequently to the retarn made to this House dated the 18th Febra-- ary, 1874, The amount granted to each railway, and for what section or sections thereof, The amounts paid out from the Railway Aid Fund and the l allway Sabsidy Fund respectively, and the names of the railways to which paid, and the section or sections thereo: in respect of which such pay ments were so made, . The names of the railways, if any, that have forfeited amounts grauted under the said Acts, Mr, Hardy--On Woednsesday nuext--Ad . dross for a return showing the number of ap-- })llcationl for admission to the Lunatic or diot Asylams during the years 1874 and 1875, giving the naumbers of applications from each county. _ The number of applica tions granted and those refused, . Also, by counties, the number remalatug on file at the present time, Also, by counties, the or-- cers or rules of the Department regulating I the admission of patients into such asylums,