The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 30 Nov 1874, p. 1

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", ARH) "as if l T ', ',el-i,-,i/i-iilili-h, Mt AT" ' llll..r,Ltlll..'1l- RE I T l 5 t d The H " took TU"51) Mlilil 'tiii/ii,??,', TUT D 00". Qua" the Ar, N R hub of ti}; D " ES. trat oh ov. "Vol the Go _ ed - AD fo alr 30 m Sht Vern wh ' M MIN r "-111 " . tiM" d D ttteg 2,t,ttg, - th r. IST etim thrae . on M0 ly oft . he tti 'M. t l eALA, RA 0 113° Jlifl"", yR his 22',,,'l, -t Jd)nli; DE TION with 'd,',",',' w oh I-- 66v Pr {tor a l Th m lt? A 0 clon amen th I " ttPut to We oBill tr"tio:"rodn If JI' sd deter :1" Mb: ht,t ii':?".:',,'", diac t w"" cfJ ood, 31% ctmtin med Th en on. hat . the [ Mr SELEC :,1tt,t Anal to E. tg 'Ill th of tiii,tiiiiehi t :3t"'°M°WA T 2i'd't td ls-Z'naJE WEE" the 'lt pi1,'iil,'? 'tfl,',' ' 13:; l TI,',) 'ld ttey Tm K' MIT a, d . Ilu'? lirtt, 83v" 'ge'" by pysvio 0 ent h S an 2tgd T TEES 100 i?li'ii "at off1 . and "coca!" was i, l (9mm: of 'd iiiiiiiiis? Ut ' "hem "Pugh; th.t°ul p D IT",' u g iii'?,ii',,f 'd "bathe 2,", 2,2,tt Ao '?i'iiiiii'ti, "fe r°-:°::°n-°:uey.Rm-:° i , d, 'a',, 'me You? of tgge,t',f, Com ' di'tricf wht Bee ad i',g'i,,te 't: r "V9: , I b Mr. gl 'dll2,'l: Tl! ..l.d?tt,i, and 'ht,', act C n'ionch 11:0 reggaed oeveeceive I , ert5o AM om" od . Meg 'men "I M AN oft PP'. .n in , Ter I the fth ER 81;;s a" t, t Se. k ' AD ha ad for ar t, . , iiiiiiiiit 0913; and t M"; (1.140339 tisiiiiii,iii, CAR iiiiii)i'yi'irii'ii. . ' e . . I . has th'tment. than that ith, It) th ment tal If R.ny COM 9:01:63 l L wheugto 'dl' faoet, gto Mesa" " ' Hakka?!" .s?i'ie1,i,r'r'i',rt,?', for PANY v ', "151-, :43": page £311: ()iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, tf, tttt 'iiij'iiiiiii:ii' l, return. ' tho d " WAT porti e of 'iiiii,iii'ii' of 118 of Mt mdlwt be"; t Car ovindal alto bu " ,','g,i',"Jt, "i On Wall. H " I',',",',? fl) " the th " he 0 Corn c, W. ) iii'iiiiiiiiiii of l he India" ouse l iii" 'led iiikéapffigncwgf iiiiiiiiiiiii, I i ot on ttid ' t - can um u y t r i "i? 33:0 JIT (,it'i',fi1i 2tetg D 'iii?!,',?):?',!,': "ti',s'it?sl'ii's,t It',',': 'bf?,)':',?. . ' y/ll/i tt the iij,i,iiiii'iiiiiiii 1°th2P2ti~ 'du', leaufieeiwzy-r"aznfirg-en1geé t,t a i; EN? 'ii,'j,ij'iii',iii, iiiiiiiiiiiiiii, 3233*grpfaf35'3'. fishe'fig-g'y'l'ftez': . n . -c _ . t c or [ k , S); IggziATmfjttgzoposed t from til: pedzgepznf::n?mpzi§°§$& ?hli,t t: . a . M on ','re ' ' I " n W l IPF'IteOWA w" te, to 0 add _ Them 1bImapl'ro "PM; 'Ji1iiiii,'i!: , t t. d T hen th M . MU otio ptutedf . r m Iona. . 'Giil u' t add 'US,' am _: 1 NIC n w.s n v'i,51,i',d,t,it':',i's,? t 3: tn." 11d T, lotto ttee had t, Mr l LOAN . latest '1 '. 0v fot O 6 mat to lst IA , MEN a; ?gi'iils'ii'si?; (PJ°P°{ed ts"',', "when "We ab DER T AcFUND ' I. Ttttt ttrf,', Emit" the "CV had the teet an" "moved T, SET thir" amount.» Tha e on re.. " in. sanctum pnym the for rLE mit "In of trt tthe the ppoin mad '11 1em tntu on" MN arttt . C tee co putt) he I",', to r sale 'iiit,i'liii: gt, m ent A Mer "hive eral urn tsh ' Syn" onal o" "lag "in ct ci; t. 17' tere tutioi ct} 2Nf, bee mum-0W1" , on It , on 1, th mm {a me " p.) u n 1 . d Mr 0' IU', M d the 1'91 oral it". Fin"; band tlie,','. , thgnlmp'inflop'htie. I hf."g-'11*.AMER""~.§2'-'§ 'i'ii'iiiiiiiii'i,i1': we? Weréd' 'il,i))i',lireiti'sio't 1iiiii,'ii.'iiiiiiii1ii,i,ii' : '2l't In"'eON In ""diigwtt"id of" 'sliii,.e,rjii tipvlie'fi'ieceahgolktg i,1elii,','iii','ii . am r. M 'houlgthod 'i'eCio',ii'i; he in " tth", by th wh of ipal to end ow , b tha ard ktr M form oald tn 0 " Uh tmeh and L edw AT tt " t M y_r,' t r. ttio In 0 Weavers. tmah Pr C'iiii'i,'ii'i, g,,t,T'd lblti'ug: MG. her 5911001: rtet, in m bl 11lenic-a utttig Rte 00! AT ied. I and t d I: The ormati Spro ie, a krona"; APR" list " I Cleve moved he r mot! on It mised ge :11 own in 3 of mad " tt me . "rh magic... TH on Pl quired, to a - cog (tttm 'egg,,") t.t.tlse at. n " ht E B "ed, Cor d e l mp mitt ',r,,cegoi,t,,1,' " be hte of roM 0m; " Voo oted eel . com "l . cm" It, all ACD I DA , y far tot d. C " order We coaF ppout om We "In; OUG l-Y Gi , Me umcr folio ed b 6 the tttttl to i?,,l)l?s1?,'i," and ALL QUE M 'i1iiitt-.r-)t's, E',te, we»: '?ji'i,'ji,r, my, , , ' u . s . D ', lm n - . ' ot 'll; CAME sxtar, 'i'-,iii':iiiii'i), to? 'ijiiii'iriiiisiiiii, the Pines? . ret _ i 'ic.' ifdli,110h' "my?" B'Pwat' End 'fl. e,tttg f,',',", jiiii'iiiiiiiiii "it" l GGii Mow n propos ii,rlijiiiii "5 this ich iiiiiiijiiiiii, ii:'iji,iii,iii(' ' edw AT ad to ,autl " of Ircu enct and {misc ite the Du. . "cm-"greed add tn iiiiitjicji,iii: II 1',fel7', th of tinemb o. T L,',,? M Es? ' and th ttttsalt?, 'i?1',i!,,t?, mispsremagcmn 1,',il','ii.s,'r',,it',?: ' . f e o . r e . ' ' Eel? theo'EA-r IMATE.' emotion , laidwle'zgeofigwn tt'glt', _l'is,",',.iiii?t,iii,'t I . ieu bro x" In. a on 'telle, 'lf th ingf 'j'?,di;iii'i',i1'i? dhl.'. t'Gought d 'iiiiiiiiiii'rii'ij,i, the ii,'i,iiiii,iiii'ii'iii, '" 2P" . Verne ow the if rep ood $1156 e G mia, , ttei in " KER r, hi n a m On Ono orto are at th over") qu Mor. of The rea gaed b tMita C tine nth rule had trearli tnent eatlo th ','g1d'i,,Lt',,t, ad Ih y h ga- (Fntlemtome Prepamo'm been ieab,rw to b: 31k: Pro?! t1,,ti,f/"ci'i' tt mng, tar it"Oven Sl 'lv/le') re t,'ftt 'at, "i:iiiei'i; _ V'at' 18.13% rt To" .'P,e, a P th trut 01:.on Meg, ich did "i' "10(801'6. "for {gun-ed "mm. is fol quitit) s an] . to bet-:11 o ot 0%th hon t mp1.'he "of awe. rg',yt','"g", ' iiiiiiiiii,1iiiii, make em her, manta, , hem e 3 th year 08ft..r and. a iii tlatst p I',ttf, f can. and th Ciiiiiyrii5f, of l _ to the" ""1875 m ""133 Dry!" IV'. been the orwaémbOdg 2,tlthv,i" by, by 1 Aego ir'; and f Meat of tnatl able pr68Nbrt ed ied tao 0n. .the M mbl 74 fo or th bar tan CD too t ti to in f th iuirt 1h eri' .crio?) n Dy. ' aad :Bbalane "er. 'S,', £1,1'ffclf' 'ii't'i'lii Lt: Ema?" a? F " "u I 0 3e . ' $1'9rr'éé" I?),,?, mov A. MAC. 2disi',',t', t" tri'we'n'e Light iffiofiv°n°xfgrmm£m ed. to th ':,'.','ig."1, "Ti V00); 2; {Eon t i."y hhvgi'l'tu mighof th had nt, MUN 'irriiil, 1i'il,1t',t ALL) n "t to Uelil bee re oftnot at inn"t ' IOP mitte the '3 mo . l Ther "an, le on gem." the ttht,',:,". M 'lfd'i),1; BO eof _iii,iiisii'iis,,is.i, iii'it,:iii1'i,i',i 's,'it',lut, fore It 1','ticli,?i'i,ii, I . lf - l , a q , e ,' . .c int,r'.1\f( , n 0 He,), , py' 1"" Ho Foi,'i"'i,'aii'1',(i' Lt,',',', i,',', gins 'fl',.'),',',' . m GO y I I , ar 118 Int sit we In he a". fer" to" of WA WEI; VA b" and he and 1Q'di in 0y mix'tany wlod ot th: ith "Nib: "N asked LINGTOF T', wal, d? has: the tion at?" iiiiiiitiiii ' . M ('i',u'iii t"ildogfir",',f what ON 'AT'. Fisigl'cuucad "(them m mt that an". :ntelfiiMQ'V'y ot "1:515:33 tot? it : iii'iii,i,iiii1)ji 31% IL ot 'ii'll i,'i'i?i',i,ei',iis' .elferokn ' f VAT'I 1i,'gt',t'..irl tar 0:. the oft 8 sl,,",':,",',',; 'itdiicle t $01108 Pr ot. the rio "in heG. till g60tt 1" bou inyo whheD 'pre 1tw bet "leaf" ovlnc . r18 bf the 10the Git/"rln?ot It s',.',?,',')'.?,',, " "was" 2i'gf, igned: 11rl' the iiiiiiijiiii, ' Ting ouuty iaUtut esttto Pres kinn'Wg 02m"? h"J, Mr thato 1fg,t,ah',',', tr ' . UTI( ot w mu alto ant C d; to "On t ta . Mi He by" , 151.51; ',tt] :mt'ul" '01 the t: ,3 )rl'(ilt't: 1,','oral'l. ".0 i'i'sa'iieii', ',','ii'ii'iiitiijj, ' TIA learn gtsutl tt tl',',,, gg,ttg matte 'iht1lnll', L a qu ed em m tit of " h of eati f All ed uti the of t " l. :ruoa: dr/ffl, ' tll he ma (',', t',s:','i,'iui,itr, _ 1131 me u 'gel. Ml:11 serif, r, Ti', 1ii?ilii1i's " twi yu . dy med val 36 ' her rNro ith a tleft il' and oyt11 "a . 111'; ut heg'ntlgormal odiodf'n th Hon wat, men rep ths e . . " h not wh art. re ___::.:n; 'l2l2ll' "d 9 a fay 11%" i .. it, "gm" 3 opt .'

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