C io. im raaion atans ' % ) 4 ked the hon. Trea-- plis utions to municipalities, amounti n Fepnc m dohith hy\ 4o4 . Sn to $3 115,733,$2,030,034 had been paid up to arer to enumerate the items. p t paid up o e C Sopt. 30th leaving £1.085,098 stili to be 4 Mr., CROORKS said he would, therofore, 1d, Quebec's share of the Co Sch refer, first, to the assets of the Province on Rm:! $325,657, and aid to e :nnc;n chool | | 30th September, 1875. Under the headlof in-- $60 060 Je ': lt the.llitbili:imtoe:o g:') 43?01!, | | veastments was Dominion 6 por cent. stock The xécets oxgeed o the lhbil".tl o P ,7')01. ' and bonds amounting to £850,000, and 5 per 716, Hom. membe itles by ©5,006,. n } 31.$97. 805 rs might be inclined to f cent, debentures, which cost $1,897,805, inquire in what shape th t making the total $2,747,805. Hpecial de-- Pr% Wiect staind: And fioh :n rxougeertho the f posits in banks at 5 per cent, interest amount. ngswered _ "Bby * 'exulen: t;l"t"') t0 h::l f ed to $1,373,000; and balance to credit on Sabpital infééted "no -- less. Shan | £3,000,. eurrent cash accounts >"4"48', The Pro-- 000 were invested in Dominion Bonds. wince has invested in drainage 5 per cent. But he might further state that the Provi municipal debentures $161,971, of which had invested a large amount of e li:vlmge $104,173 was purchased up to lat|January, bilic baildings gublio w:rk: ."g "th"' 1875, and $57,797 n%to:SOth September last. orimanont iinoravemecuts." _ 'Puc public an. * Then they had also the mnniclptf rent charge Emh liow odpthst AA fea': 3 1C h"" tor the drains constructed under Mr. Carling's &.ymen $70°_ S 28¢"-- Onar« o i acter amounted, at the end of 1875, to the Act, amounting to $174,813, for which the large sam of $2,300,000 mupicipalities were now making their assoss-- T8 drpang) d ment, and $65,858 in respect of works not Mr, MACDOUGALL--Since whea ? et completed under that Act additional. Mr, CROOKS--Since the lst Jaly, 1867. itm only on the eomli)letion of the works Between that date and the lat January, v c that the requisition cculd be made on the 1875 the following amounts had been ex-- P f nu.l:?.lihes for the payment of the princi-- pt'hd!d in public buildings and works of! a | rl interest, which amounted to $240,-- . tmanent naturo:--Toronto Insane Asylum, f 72. There was a balance still, repre-- §207 499; Londor I[dGiot and Insane Asylam, | sented by the municipal debentures which #420,851; Hamilton Asylam, $55,000; Re-- were yet unsold on the 30th September, {ormatory, Penetangcotsbene, $17,515; Cen-- amountirg to £35,100 IW"-D? which at the ral Prison, $428875; Deasf and Damb | ; erdinary rate would represent $170,820, but Asylum, E:lleville, $126,832; BElind In-- | a half of that had beon realized sincs, so that stitute, -- Brantford, $125,291; Sobool of l a very amall portion of the municipal deben-- Agricultare and Farm at Mimico, $48 344; at #ures remained unsold. In additlion to this Guelph $102,488; Normal and Model Schools, * there were two special or trust funds in T«ronto,and Education Office, $40, 708; Norma! P 7 the hands of the Dominion. He had and Mcodel School, Ottawa, $62,189 ; Schoul wR last year endeavoured to show that these ot Prictical Sclence, $57 527 ; Oagoode Hali, a were equal to what would be represented by 12,436 ; Governmeat House, $113,596 ; Par-- R (f regular Dominion securities, that Mr. Wood, . 1ament and Departmental Buildings, $98.396, as treasurer, had contended for that before | lhe expeaditure on other smaller baildiags | 3 the arbitration between Ontario and Quebec, | rought the agrreguate amount expended on I and that the arbitrators concurred in his wabue buildings and works, adding $269,123 f j contention. He had also referred to the pent on locks, dams, and slides and o'her in« | $ -- acknowledgment of the Auditor--CGeneral of rovemen to in the inland waters,to $2, 206, 586. | ' the Dominion that these funds were held te now proposed to mmake a statament | 8 <nly in trust, and to the fact that we were which he bad not hitherto made to hon. . « receiving interest to the amount of $136,696 members, and to give a sort of resume of the | & on them, 'The only reason why we had not imancial operations ol the Province since k these amounts in Domin'on marketable se-- July Ist, 1867. It would be fognd on re-- curities at this time was the unssttled state ierence to the 'public accounts of different N -- j of matters between ourselves and Quebec. jyears that the (rovernment of Ontario had | 3 'The Dominion CG:overnment did not deny our 1ad to «cal down to the end of 1374 with no | & title at all, but they preferred that the matter <as an amount than $19,188,642 of receipts, 3 should remain in this condition to handing nd badbad to make an expenditureof no less s * over to us the securities before the open ques-- CC an $14,214,157. He hadt a statement of Cik tlions with Quebec were sottled, The | ,.ne receipts and exvenditures from 3lst ' 15 Upper Canada Grammar School Fund was | December, 1868, to 3l8t December, 1874, established by the 2 Vic., chap. 10, by which | by reference to which it would bs seen that g? 250,000 acres of land were set apart for there had been a considerable excess of re-- "a Grammar School pn:ipoles. The proceeds of ceipts uver expenditures, Whatever might t 7 f the sales of that land up to the lst July, have been the surpins asccumulated up to ® 1867, were $312,760, To that our title was > the end of 1871, $1,715,000 had been addea as clear as to the building jn which they sat. to it in the two years 1872 and | $ Then there was the Upper Canada Building ; 1873, so that hon. members would at least | Fund ,which was an equivalent for certsin give some credit to this Government for not | s appropriations made to Lower Canada for the baving diminished the surpins. (Hear, hear.) : s extinguishment of the Seignorial Tenure, and They had not only a visible tangible surplas | | was clearly an item to which Upper Canads existing, but ite exlastence depende? jast as [ f was entitled. In the 18th section of the Act .nuch on the operations of 1872 and 1873 ss | . of 1854 there was a specific appropriation of on the preceding years, The exesss of rs-- | A %his amountin favour of Upper Canada. This, celpta over expendituras, exclusive of 1874, 1 on the lat July, 1867, amounted to *®1,472, amounted to $5,525,859, to which those two i 391, _ The Common School Fund was estab-- years contributed as largely as the preceding | § lished by the Consolidated Statutes of Cana-- ears. -- In 1874, however, the tide turned, da, chap. 26, by which 1,000,000 acres were {;ecmle in that year they expended $425,144 j set apart for Common School purposes, and it in excess of their receipts, but it must be | was conceded before the avrhisrators that ' recollected that they paid $2,000,000 on ac-- | | Lower Canada _ was entitled to a count of the surplus distribution and | f. portion of this fund according to popula-- ! more than half a million on account § tion. _ By this Upper _ Canada was | of the railway fund, while nearly | q entitled to five--ninths and Lower Canada to | #$800,000 had been _ reallzed in 1874 | four--ninths of this fund, which amounted on | by the sale of the Municipal Loan Fund | the Ist July, 1867, to $1,645,644, of which | debentures. Ho was now referring to tue | Upper Canada was entitled to $914,246. ross receipts and expenditures, He wanted | $ Thus these special _ funds ,.'"?0""9 o show wg:at had become of the fands, to | h in the aggresate _ to _ %2,099,407, how hon. gentlemen that there was a t ' There was another item which the arbitrators tangible surplus in existence, though he sup-- E _ found the Province was entitled to--the five l od the l:gn member for l:hnt Ggey would minths proportion of the value of the Par-- ds hall 4 s | 0 o not believe in its existence unless he had an n'fl"t'l'y llbmry of the old Province of o rtunity of touchi and hmdling it | Canada, That was taken over by the Do-- (&p: hter, )y The oxool:ng of receipts over ex: | minion Government, and it would be Hable for endigtnré was £5,525,859, and tgo excess of ' ' theamount of the award,$105,541, The value P s . imb > " Av s expenditure over receipte was $425.144, | of the Dominion debentures over their cost, ac-- 6 i | a leaving a balance of $5,100,715, Now, what scording to the London quotations, was Tad they done with thit > $267,113, so that the total assets comprised Y * o ' in those items he bad enumentodl was Mr, MACDOUGALL--That is the ques-- $7,790,578, The liabilitialtolnplsce 'lf'in" tion, i these assets were fortunately in a amall com-- f * i pass. First,there was the Rai Aid Fand, Mr, CROOKS said that was what he pro-- 3 { (at! ; posed to show. He desired to remove \ and he was glad to observa 1t was being | 'mini # i any doubt under which hon. gentlemen diminished year by year, An'mfles of rail-- 2 i i i r ) might be labouring, and to give on this and way had been added. Of the total ¢ 'g a t amount of the grant, $1,930,000, there yet any occasion wher he had the duty to dis-- J id $941,.258 charge the fullest opportunity to hon. remained to be paid $941,258. The Reilway fo d i Bubsidy Fund represented a liability of ' gentlemen to become thoroughly informed in 7. bei ix. | reference to our financial atiatrs, The state-- $282,187, being amount of annual appropria yAg | #tions {three and a half years to }0th June, | I ments which bhad been made during the cam-- | 1875, $350,000, less amount pald to 30th | paign, that he in his position as Treasurer | * /d?" &