_ the tkndfUtd Macdcaald Govern-en an mutilated out that the Belor- tut'. meat added to the cur-pine lead held a, that Government to the ext-rt of one mime. elude hail dolls-a. He con-id." the 'G . t the Kiwis" "r" att/Lt the M' . "I? or e out at . which the pu hm had hen Jgflh"dt (Chm) Me. MERRICK claimed that the TM": had ttnpr-ir claimed certain n... in ' "kins up the eurplue. eepeciaiiy that .3. wit: the amount owed by the Dominion. ll Inch eume, and we would ecarcely have twonuilione of a eurplue. He could notunderetand that while the exponent of the country mnet each year increaee to come extent, the doctrine ehould be laiddcwn that Inch expeneee mutt be directly proportional to the amount ot max handled. He claimed that the country woni not eancticn the ex- penditure by thin Province ot moneye which were 3pm to pnrpceee pure- ly local, en " had been done with regard to the College of Technol- ogy, Toronto, at which only etudente from thecity attended. He had expected, from what had been etated b: the Hon, Mr. Mac- . kenzie, that eume woul have been naked far the erection of Normal Schcoie at Kingston and in the West, but ouch had not been done. Perhane if they could reconcile the differ- between their iollowere they would put a rum in the aupplementary eeti- I matee orthoee purpoeee. He contended that the (Government were expending canetantly Increasing amounte for immigration, and that the . reeulte were not "ffielent to justify ouch expenditur. He contended that the Government had not carried out the principles they had enunciated in Op Iroaition, The motion wee carried. and the Home t went into Committee. The item. Government ll me, $5,512. was parsed, and tho Committee row and reported. INCOME FRANCHISE. Mr. CAMERON noted it the Attorney- General Intended to mtroduce an Act to en- able hotdexs of the income franohiae to vote at municipal election. Mr. Cd liRIE eahi it would be well to in- clude in the oath toe such votere that they had paid their taxee, on many who held the income iranohiee had no intention of paying! I their term. Mr. MOWAT eaid he Intended taking the matter into Immediate oomiUration, The House adjourned at 10:30. NOTICES of? MONUN. Mr. Hodgjnst01t 'l'ueeday, Bill, entitled, An Act to amend the Acte relating to the Administration of J notice. Auo-on Tueaday, Bill to ame nd and con. eolidate an Act raepecting l Unnty Uourte. By Mr. Clarke tWellingttnt)--tht Monday next--Addre" for a copy or any Order in Council paneed in accordance with the pro- viaiona of Sec. " Cap 7, 3C' Vin, and re at- ing to the publication in newepapere of the list of com ictione. Br Mr. Lauder-on Mondey next-Ea. quiry of the M inletry: 1. Whether or not the terme ot the contract betweenthe Canada Car Company and the 1 ;overnmentot Ontario have been complied with by the laid Com. pany. 2. lithe first (mention la anewered in l the negative. whether or not any etepe have , been taken to cancel or enforce the tonne of the said contraL t; and (3) whether any offer-e have been mired for or received from any other partial than the Canada Car Company for the employment ot convict labour at the Central Prison. By Mr. Meutrd--0n Monday next-Ad. dreee for a return of the number ot prieonere received in each mm t the Sittf,t,l Price; from ite c ' , t e reepe ve goo irom ,'.1Slll"d'l'li'dr,. the number diechargcd during the name period. and the number new there; aleo, a etaternent ac to whether the prieonere have been kept in continuoue em- ployment, in accordance with the term of the contract, and the nature of such employ. ment. B Mr. McMahon-On Tuesday next-- Jul'lUhrir'l"r';(l"; of the number of in- ' queete held by Coronera throughout the Pro. l Vince of Ontario during the year 1874' how I many of euch inqueete have been osrtifiod by l the County Attorney (in each county in l which such inqueete were held) at oaeee in which, in " opinion, it was! nweesnry to hold ouch inqueete; and, aleo. in how many of Inch inqueete the said offiola1 (In each county) did not ooneider it neceaeary that my investigation ehcuid be held. Br Mr. Itobinsoo--0n Monday '.etra,hy quity oi the Ministry, whether it u the in- antral! of the Government to purchase the Bockwood Aeylum " Kingaton from the mrnintoa (.cvernment.