-'u. Y t + & oe :' ',""" ~\ & 'I '_ ¢ ; p S ing connected with all the Courts and all 1 presents o the business in the country. The principle | « mfi.imn::::e r'1"shll pr:o.t'l:"hn?m involved in the Bill of the hen. member ?or formerly carried on in an underhanq East Grey was the afirming chat it was im-- | / but the Government had put it openly rv.y,; proper for the Government to interfere with | Act of Parliament, and the present prol;gs:.l the printing of the County Councils He of the member for East Grey was an after. conterded that neither Mr. Sandficld Mac-- thonght, and would mmly{nve the effect of t d;mald nor Sir John Macdonald: had ever restoring the matter to its previous condition, given Clerks of the Poeace orders to insert It the motion had been postponed the hon. such advertisements in _ cortain: _ nows-- member would have been aware of the char-- papers, thongi: members of these Govern-- acter of the legislation which the Govera:-- Tlx;h"misht v;. l:fgcst:;l that If practic-- ment propored. I o M o ven to newspapors sup» \ Mr. MEREDITH conterded that th ; porting them. '***! Governnt q un es f f } Mr. BETHUNE sald he had no doubt but printing :;?th: z:w:;zpefit:zrilc'!rdsu;opoflz f the clause which it was now sought them politically, and the result of that sys-- to repeal bhad been renGered necessary, tem would be to prevent entirely competi-- | ;1;?:::% ;s he dig btze old dui:pnht:ld :}l:.:n.: tion nn:ngl the different newspapers, -- Such 1 e 8 wer sho' « & o riok ie Ancmand contanie oo c ee e ay wevcind thees ampbolt ie | --Governor in Coun-- Mr. GOW reminded the ho bers th f 1 n. members that $ :'he't::'t !jl:dmge lnh:h:fi &:':zn"'l:: ~.mrel:;:;:: th: universal practice of the Conservatives § ' ible system of Government. . If it was found | &:n in poser wat;to give all patronage to § that any Injustice was boing done, the pres-- thernempoperl at supported them. . If sure of pubiic opinion won}l)d soon obli&o the higii d :;r:fgd :l:;y h":;g; ofih?nz?i:l:iig lovernment to rectify the wrong. If the f * QGovernment perlhtedf'ln any oourgo which: ;onldp ?v::r m proposal to give the pa-- was not jast and fair, it was perfectly open c errlnt wo ud E:pe re. He hopeq, 9i mg 10 Ail her/%6 th i Tik to ' | legislation would be framed by the Govern-- bribg {h?n:mbefore 'e(%":f" °'H°°"nm | |\ ment in the general interests of the Pro-- quite sure that the Co'unty Cotincfll would\| | vince; and, having faith in the promise made be perfectly willing to forego thair power to ' by :h&Provln%ial Secretary, he would sup: dlixuncltd inbewt:;: pr;;:m B;olohulvertilemenh po;l e amendment. sho erted. or his part he was | r. SCOTT thought there conld not be perfectly willing to take the responsibility of | | a more favourable ogportun.'ty than the pre-- defending to his constituents the law as it | | sent for the Government to introduce the now stood, and he hoped the Government | | measure indicated ; but he doubted the sin-- would not change it, | cerity of the Ministry in regard to legislating $ Mr. MACDOUCALL contended that the | 'fn s dtif(':°"°n desired by the hon, member ; provision in this Act was a nsurpation of | ur Lagt ureys { the power which ought to belong to the | Mr. ROSS contended that the Sandfield ¢ County Counctlis, He was entirely opposed Macdonald Government had interfered with j to this centralization which hon. gentlemen the Clerks of the Peace in regard to the pub« had endeavoured to sccure in this way. lication of advertisements in the Conserva-- $ P Tgis v(viou!lc'l some years Ing:.liwe be::x con: \ tive papers. | sidered a Tory measure, It been thought Mr. Graham an . Robi 3 t};':h nll:::;":: &l;lo%:?pt ns _FoWermz:t | widliy; afte';.whi :h d Mr cbingon spoke s oi Lo C e were L0T a Mr. PAXTON regretted that the Attor: ;u;e:'eltf?d 'ir"'rfnom"' always contended ney--General had backed down in regard 0 government. Now, however, these to the c the Bill, which the on! gentlemen, who claimed to be the successors e clause in the Bill, which was MuS 9 / 2t the old Reformers, arked this Le glalature clause he was favourable to. (Laughter.) It t s * was no use endeavouring to satisfy the Oppo-- :: :':.hlo th::x 'trohcoe::: tl\: °'§M§ :)0 °b°Y' sition, for their action wasdictated solaly by Ned nb:h"thu matter.on i I::l l:er or onn:i,mg:t party ressons. The members for East Grey he bglieve o the Aovernn egn ray s .gd' Sood Jns and East Toronto both admitted that the s'pirod by a desire to use the people's money go: 2;nment lh';:(lidfl:nppo"] tfiet' fr:'ends, | 5 ut they suppor e new Bill in order to I '.':c':,d';; 4 o sn thin 'mt'i'" P°,i!:'°" loolt | avoid shat" principle. He hoped the Bill JW'I that the p080¥10 blt & d::l.l' to 'pl;llilh | W(fild %GEVAO"Shdm' he believed th § r o CON e believed the mem-- | hon, gentlemen for their action in this mat-- s ing | e ber who bad last spoken was not speakic ::'MH° :)hongl::othe 'l; ;'l';:lcmthswr:tt? for all the usual supporters of the ('.ov«,:ng- | msm containgd "In the mmbl" Prog +0 ment when he hoped the Bill would be voted | P re down, -- He contended that the Government | amendment, because those statements were had backed d hoir Aot. he believed, accurite. . He asked if sd backed down on their past course, as Count Councils under the previous law they now promised to am--nd the 88th Section + ould ybo c uinpeli®h to fgr n iverbige: of the Act. He would inier from that promise s whigh they did tp.yth is yer that they intended leaving the power in the . metite Wik ey did not authorize. har ds of the County Councile. He contended Mr. MOWAT--ConvictionBlists, for in-- that although when the matter was before stance, Undoubtedly. the Houso 1uti|ezsion the Olfrdositicn had ' Mr. MACDOUGALL said in that case ' not asked for divisicns they by their f tbhere might be some foundation for the speeches protei ted against the principle of } stsumcnghln the amendment. (Hear, hear.) | the 88th Section, f The member for HKast Grey was .dmffiked to Mr. LYON contended that tho reason why ; have good ground for bri this matter hcon, gentl--man opporite had brought in such before the House, and he hoped hon. gentle] an amendment was in order to make _ men would give Connx Councils the po wer an ostensible case against the Gov-- _ to dispose entirely of their own moneys, He ernment _ in -- the country, . through ~ had no strong opinion as to the ,her(yfi'.' ad-- they did not p stend to deny that the lata | vertisements, .ns thought that that matter Government had exercisod all the patronsge might very well be left to the Government in their power, _ _ He had full confidence io of the day. the 7:'mu";nz 'lmade by tl:fi CG:overnment, and . WAT on. gentlemen k would cordially support them. & | dt?fn:' giedAto ::;fl'em thgat the legid:l;r:n Mr. BRODER said the previous Govern-- ' of last session had endeavoured to take this ment had never attempted to place such a & i power away | from County Councils, They law upon the stabcte book as the one which ' never had that power. '{'he clerk of the it was now sought to amend--a law which § peace might sometimes bave adopted the gave thom compfm control of county print-- | view of the County Council as to &e news-- ing. ' & oo s aemapicsenint io ieptapmation the exception. e clerks of the peace, the e reading e | eler & sheriffs, and the other officlals gon':;'dly act. uctil the correspondence asked for in refor-- 4 ed according to their own views, and those erce to the matter. While he did not think 4 were almost always in accordance with the the Government Bill was enot:{ right, he cer-- J views of the _ Government of the % thought it was nearer right than one t « | day. He had evidence before him which sought to place the who%e power in § | in the shape of letters which proved this tte bands _ of -- supporters of _ the ( | statement, The Government requested the | hon. lgonf-lmmen opposite. (Hear, 3 \ officlals to advertise in certain newspapors, hen& e read from the minutes of i | but Mr. Sandfield Macdonald declared that the Huron County Council to show that the t he would deal summarily with parties late CGovernment had persistently interfered } : who dia not conform to his request. with the rights of that body when they de-- | It was a request in form, but a com sired to leave the matter to fair competition. ; mand in fack _ Hon. gentlemen . saild He had perfect eonfidence that the Govern-- this was taken out of the hands of the people. ment would act honestly under the greaent | The Government were the chosen rogronnt law, but be hoped they would change the law, | atives of the people of Ontario, an these forfear that at some distant day the less