The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Dec 1875, p. 3

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S 3: s < (Ce & 5 <p % 2e * __\_-- House, and submittiag such amendments Po s 4 f 0" r'nl 0 I_EGISLATURE. s might be thought desirable forits goverament, + f s He found in one of the daily papers of this s s weemnnnmemellGemaneccememe ¢ city on Saturday last an article two columus in . < P m] sgsgmu mtovi mm Pmm length upon the subject of thoss rules, Tasy > 4 ' hi ® certainly wore presented to the Hons on < MB -- nome mm arcl@pementeterramen Friday evaning gy the hon Attorney--Gene-- . " Moxpar, Dec, 13, :hll',tbvt he (Mr. Mac("\ugtllg a%preh;al:lod 5 , | f no coples waere seut abroa , and how f » The Speaker took the chair at three that nelvq;lper came into possss:ion of a : § o'clook, copy of thuse rules so as to enable a long d s EILLS INIRODUCED, :lrt:c'xe to be prepared uporz: thom was a quos. | R 0 p -- | ion which it might be weli for the Commttoo 4 ,,fl" m&xfiul were fatroducsd and to erquire into. _ He complained that the & _ a article was prodicated, not upon the rulas & $) } Mr. Hodglas--Bill to suthorize an ad-- mereed to by the Committos, bat upon 8P | dition to the capital of the Canada Landod : ' m draft of amendmicnte suggestod -- to §) " OUredit Oompan&and for other purposes 10-- the Committse from a source altogethor $ ~| lating to that mpsny, cutelde of the Commitése, Lookilng at the & . . Mr. Patterson (York)--BIl for ths ro-- anestion from a public point of view, from MB lief of the Vaughan Plank Road Company,. the view of the privileges of the Logislatura, . B * Mr, Willlams--Bill to incorporate the and of the people through that body, ha con-- l i1 | Hamilton CGaslight Company, foescd that masy of the objections taken by $ ol ' ; o that journal to the proposed draft of amenad. M | Mr, Pardee--Bill to legaliza and con meat i1 foanded a E) firm two by--laws passed by the town of | 1« Wore welt foundod, and some 1 § Sarnia respecting the erection of water. | raembers, of the Committco urged the a ols peoting game _ visws <jand-- > thereb 7 -- succseded * B 1 in indncing the UOnamittes voauimsusly to ,Q NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDI NGS, agree to modifications of the dralt. He called Mr. BELL asked whothor it was theintor. the ':ttenfion of thfi II'quse, in the first place, . ~ to t! . uroposed altcration of the rale with 1| i tion of the Government to introduce this Yekpect Hone for the aol $ sof i P session any measure having in viow th» orer poot so motions for the asdjournment o -- & r ¥ D& the House and forthe adjournment of the 4 MR P tion of new Parliament Balldings for the use debato, Under the existing rule of that Lo. 4 n of this Provinoe, and if so, whether any su n , fslatore, and evare staniat" lesidlative boir | 1 k would be insertedin the cstimates for the pre-- ?ounded _ Yh _ *the Ls'ng!igch Y system),' 1 .i zent year for that purpose ? _ ! the mincrity, when thsy destred to prevent f i NB Mr, MOWAT--It is not the Intontion ¢ the majority from overriding their opinions, 81 tbe Go'Oment to lntt'cduoa thi sesrlon any b.d the po % r by a Fort of 808 82 ¥ prosess to i?] measure having in view the ersction of now | meke lc ag goeeches on all manner of subjacts -- 16 Parliament Buitdings, | to prevent a tyranniontmsjority from cerrylag ' ELMA CRONN OR sCHOOL LAND3, their wotion, But as that privilego might } F e abused, it was proposed by the Committes I 7 Mr. HAY moved for a return showing the f to limis the thre, white at tns same time at. number of original sates of Crown of S'"?'fl fordicg a ressounable tims for sp:aking on the Tands carcelled and ro sold in Fima, with wain question, _ Whetber it would bo found * f | | date of cancellationaand sale, pricersalized at + an advantageons changs or the contrary, ex-- -- w f ruch sale, and price of orlginal saio, He szid h pericace would only toll. -- But thet now ap-- -- W that in the year 1858 the townchi.arof Elogs prarcd in the rnlos 'aid on ths table of the | | had contsacted a debt of $25,000 for the Houre, 'Thero was anothsr alteretion, how. building of gravel romds, the money haviag ever, proposed, and which read as follows : ---- --£ I been expen¢ed in opening np the iands to !* When a Bi}H has beon amerded in Comuit. 4 | which the motion refcrrod, In 1867 the tos of the Whole House, or by any seleot or A | : stit} ~ $ Townabip Cou l1 had pstftioned Parliament starding Committce, it shali be roprinted as 4 ¢ t 2 p , to rsscll the landa, trasmuch as a dificulty amerded, execpt in cases whore the Sporker 4 Lad existed in detormining the question of decides that the amendments atre fgx ani A 1 the right to reli under the or'a'nal ssttlement tnimportant;" and quits a long psragraph ,4' § Ast, and in that yoar the or «'nal sales were in the article in question was devoted to the i6 </J ¢ cancellsd, snd the lands ordered to be ro dengerous and unjast!ifiable character of that | g it 0 f solid, Tke Copnoil in pctivioning had do | proposcd amendment; but when uo such rale | to i ' wired that the taxes mcorving against the | appeared in the rules adoptcd by the H--use, ;i l iand rhould be refanded. They hoped <hat the objactionable olause was strack out of 6 \ at least thit portion of them on what was the d:aft, bct the effect of the article was to iC known as the gravel road fund should b> re-- kold up the Goverrment before the connatry ffg' i¥ fondc', He was awars that the abjecstion aramore tyraunical body than ho bolieved ' P ty -- | might be urged agalnst the refund that it they wore on that subjoct, Another proposal t /9f would open the door for many other ®pplica ou _ which cormuiderable comment ~wae tlons of the srrie kind, but ho thought the fcunced, was that "in the cvent of the Com. ¢ g case of Elms was exceptional in the largely missicners of Estates Bills reporting that, in § (d ucreased value of the lands, Lho object ol | tteir opinion, ttis not ressousble that the g 4 the motlon was to ascertain the price rea | B 11 submiitcd to them aboald pans iuto aliw, 1. y lzed at the first eale, asd tse other circam ; such Bill ahall not be further. considered by 22' + atances connected with it. this House," The tect that the article was Th if 3, Mr, PARDEE sald the origlual sale had baced on the drafst smendmests was proved 8 | been made in 1954, and it was cancelicd in by the ciroumstance that the words "* this 2y f 1869, and re--zold by public auction, It he + Honse" did not appsar in the rules adoptel 1' undorstood his hox. friend aright the builo-- | by this Hoense. Anotker proporal raferred f ' j ing of the gravel roads had rondored tho land to in the article was that of the appoliatment it l much more valuablo; that taxes had acorued | of a permanent chairman of committeos, a1d [ » agains' the land prior to the subsequent ralo, the Conicdersiion Act and an Act of tha | B | . anu that the sale had realized a very much Legislature wore quoted to show how very '; 4 larger amsunt at the second than at the first absved azd uncocatitutional the propssal ' /6 | sale, and that therefore a re/und shouldl be was, _ SBuch m proposal was embolicd A-- $ made to the Nouncil on asconnt of the taces, in the corfginal Gatt, but when --the ' I ; The fact was that if the Council shoald ra-- Committeo cams to consider its legality, it % } cover in this cnse, municipslitios aund indi-- was struck out, yos by that nowspaper C' vidua'ls thronghort the whole Province, in article the country was led to bolieve that l onses where uica bad been cancelled, would the Commiitee proposed to violate tke Con-- B / | come to the Goversmentaad ack fora refuand. fideration Act in that mattor,. -- When news-- f ; k | The value of the lands m'ght insreass from papers obtatned thoso favours at tke hands 0 10 fi varions caussu--by ditohes or draias mads by o¢ some one, be hoped they wouald be furnish~ | § 5 §3 parties who hai bought the surrounding «d with the proper dcouments, and rot al-- | 3 lands, and in various other ways. The C{ov-- low tho people to suppose thak the Commit-- | leS g erament had a perfoct rig':t to ':"5""-1 the ton had recomn» ended daugr rous icno?atlc:»s | i 1f lands, and as app'ications of t;'nig kiad might for theo approval of the House. Hoe did not 3 i be made by so many municipalities and in. know how the drafs had got abrcat ; he lo!t | N dividua's, who had just as good a Plfiht S his copy of the nroposed amendments lying | ¢ $ refund as the towsship of RBluia, he h:».psd on the table of ins Commutbse room in charge | & L his hou. friend would withdraw the motion, of the Clerk, and did not give is to any 1 1P p as the information would be usele is, sinco ons -- There were questions enough of & logal $ g ' the Goversment could not under any circuth and substantial character to discuss without a 7B f stances male such a refuand, Fournals taking up the crade suggostions of | 4 | / y f The w otion was withdrawa. pertons cutside of the Committso aud found. | 63 6 j uo ts ViLRa® ing loog arguments therson, su.d arousing the , o -- QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE, country syatast dangerous pmgo'sa'\s n!legtazl | i 1 < j € e beea made t: 8. o f s N At(l D?)gaégi !«';:h:;}last l?e' f(:;eesi::s fodlk::; :'hgaa'.:t:;tfl nt'JJf t ltxl: III':::?;Y)M;E\G facte | k 7 Orders of bleforey the House a questlon of he had recited, whereby he, as a membar of X f to, b.r e ';'ho HMouse was aware that early .__ the O:mmittcoe in qurs.ion, had boen plased t P $ &n:;:%g;xion & ('urn_m_itt-;e] was llppof'.n:;;d in a falee posttion, _ Ho suggested that tho f j | for the purpose of reviaing the rules of the i $ & uon mnescoamanimnnn C . s NCye' 3 e w. k { % %;%fi mss yqe n e ty * tR -- it t /' M P ks 6 :-' 4':' t e . "-' A iX '4s , '; ts tA *./ e 4x3 e e 3 .. oaite. s b e o ols . > * es t > A4" . 8 se * * :y\ l PR" /* . fa Jb Pss KS . ,;A-},'_:t t c J is ~ *4 gar i xD ./ ~ Hex s<: (a > [ +. y l ut uh t on . of i 2+ mefly} tss '/ .. e m "@5' ; i !'ff'z esE § 28 * e tad o+ C hy se . o . xt s «B2 ¢ % . t n T : '.5:7, $ }oy-,'v' :', e Lfi"g,?:'% . d S'ff '!; "%4.'_' -.' f.\& « " JQ'_*' § , is ["{'if s es ow t'; 3 Sha se o e P tA T7 40 ic en C ; V'-'.-"v .".'g % : 7 é',»';' i A') Al w -- ies taf ho ~. f 9 es -- $ j j ¥ h ® k 5 £

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