' 'Ill-Nile-Ill-Illicit.. . VF" . ws." ' ', . . AI F! f! _ Mr. mum) r sai there hr} been a . . ' microbe in "8.1-1.1 , the (inadcn A-yluin last irons in order to obtain political support. It yer r, in cor sequence of an amount of $1,937 might occur in future years that religious iecctsril by ll. irma ti o cibr of London my. denomlr .tions might (press the Government ing bets, omitted, which had made . coneid- to Increase grants, an the question might J t sahlo (Him-eru- in the ",0th grr'iiari Ho 1 thereby become a source of corruption to_the _ ' {touchi- institutions which bed been toan3cl f country. The grants were "Why inoy!ating, i, , tir1cii,hi, 11.1238" ot the get ought b: oUsia and the Legislature should reconsider its 1 tbe 11,011,; oi its pavilion. He nice con. 1 tsl!cvyalt.reitrt1tou.e.rtted.irutyt1utaidiN i hay-.4 that the m-c WP {any for institutions denominational charities, the Government "", "". . I ; ;'t _ . l ld have its own charities and aid them undo-r cf es C l's-(llllti in mar a. mi. ehou d mi . y il, L'I,Ai:i18 (Norruir) "irro.t.Fo the leaving the one nations to support their lag; quornicy d who who: was rated ia own institutions. zone oi the 'ns itatiors. i Mr. CROOKS said the hon. member for Il , t l'i)}"-i' 1 r "d 15...,» p strict annoy. North Bruce had entirely mistaken the scope . airgliia /lb 7 . a' '.. -iy..-,, rr', and be u HIE-god, any the liapwtir of the Act under which the grants were '1'ie,'f .%. ,4, , e..', him c. he Ir3r10tt made which was merely to carry out the 'wrtlm Hpu-uL-uw (o yt " , , ," may". r tl .9111") th , gust, 31,43 Siliipil (311 to grtpsral policy ot th. Government, VIZ , to i,,,,c','i",rr,irr'i" wk): 2-. " to the were dung, help those who helped themselves. . The in. 'ii? ') / 11 s T, eso mi m " 'rg-mn Catholic teniion was not tostrengthen denominational on}. 31-,li' . in: ritu'iom tlrtcoti'aottt tho Pea. i institutions, but solely for the purpose of aid. 1.1m, Lem-As; tur, that in; ly momma i log charitable institutions upon the broad . ii'id, been) b ivg r, Co to town smut the . basis of t,Au'ltt ought to know no de. f a; nrt, Fa/t can", in'n opv-raii-m, irc found I nomination. e hon. member was incorrect that .1: we such iustita'citti, tbrvugh- in assuming to place those charitable crt ti o [Holiness unfit-r the oil sys- institutions on a similar footing with 1 itu., laid by: tcccisi.cg nu a gnome educational institutions. The latter had at i";,; SJ, wi.:r(os they were aid their origin in denominational necessities, i to give tie some ftv,"iFaticng this whilethe charitable institutions had their scaristttnl of 513073. ila found, too, ori in, purely and simply, in that general that it.» liar-es ot Industry, U'p'dum" feeling of charity which ought to charac- lisn'cu. Houses of Providence and lithe"! terize every religious denomination. The rot, rid. ; dwemirsf'nm'. co. trot bad on tho all?" of the Act has ttt quite seiisfactory; or: hwy v r larav'y ial'cu ofrin meanings t eamount oontri t y t .e ener no rf tlr, pm toyyivdn to them. no diin't wish lie had been largely increased, Ill', Ingma- to be tuckerithbio, but he d, sired the Com. tor in his report stated that during the past mit, N: tr, no? 'e the operations of the Act. year 560,051 was received in Md at hospitals, l ii . T, .-i ii}... to boon what out: 3221 bar-u or an mane "(13272661 over the IT/tt i in" _.tevr'. to tie frery ctcr ie orirr to at Ye": - ' o $40100 over t 9 rs. I my "f' um auidm, of {be "my... an," of 1 1 ceipts of 1873, when the old system of geant. i it; o':c.,"tutior,shc.d-.c:ct,rivol no :i.mvn'.ary l ing Government aid to hospitals 01191th ', v... i Ca, l, t 3."... but ht: of}, t think i , The Inspector further stated that no less l ir, w'- ,-,'. ~11 ro "3.41.110 to crunrrHe. i l l than $58,758 was received for the ordinary ll .- A , of Fuji! .', mt. Il-, 1.1.1,} all 't k maintenance of asylum! from other H. Ar', c/ii','-.: vnn:ld 1,11 tr. M. d aj'rlre _ than (iovernmint sources, tf which sum Ir, Fliur.'rl ps' ii""(i in Fs. v. " My: ", the Government'g grants only bore a , l '. ' 4.4,, ,', y I"; il l. "a, 1,531.; _ proportion of ten per cent. to the entire ti i) . - o; h I i ' . amount ex nded in their support and main- I My I 'i H "~~~' P, , 1;": tenance. The object of the Act had been 1 3.: T ', l a ' Ce 1', ttrt _ , ."s , 'rtFw' accomplished, and the question of grentshad i "w l ft r' Fl m , vim": "-11 hlr. ', ' x of iii. been removed from the Legislature, where i', ',t__ilr e. ' i, 3r in a 1, P, t. and; i V-- the amountsvoted might dependlargoly upon t t". .3 1, i -' , l; "r' at.i ma} .' .1) u. . ri. .12: :.- i the pressured and ituportimity Mths denom- 3 1:: _'-,','-,", irc,i.rt/r, "Jr. The i l "j.-, "my mationol be for. -, ' s.' 3 . 9-4 ' t'.-rtyr,' l " )ft' "1 141-" rr" 1 In answerio Mr, Meredith, t . / ' 1:» '1") u111oL111¢ A . ).," sw' - Mr, CROOKS said it WM not intended to ,.. l : _ [If C,' ,i /i, L '1 C,, l j " i' J? , " cotrfine the Act to tho institutions mentioned [ y . 1, l q l. i I " C.),,,': "1:1, ',', C.' . ', 't in tho schedule, ibutgh it required an appli- ._ "s',.,- .,: , i i i u L "I ,1. 1'. jc, ". 'f "r" _"", cation, an insp'ciicn, the assent of the Gov- .. ,i."l_-.;'.,'1'é v',,' / f I. tv' if, b' 1/ 11 l I ' eminent, and the sanction of the House. It 111.1 _. li,, 1, 1 1 111,511.11}. 1: .,. _', was_£leeired to make the Act as bread " 1.? I 'l l: P ('1 ; Lin ' 3 T.,' b ['11. 11:1"7 Poll-i1 6' . " i' 1 'f'. g. ,5 Ic,1, i'... " 1 , - Mr, ROBINSON asked how it was l, ", . 1-,, i; _ ~., t my, " "r' "; the Home ot Providence in Toronto re- . "ro.) y ', on: ' w, w' nag to , . .: ccived $11000, while the House of Provi- ...'i .4 l, ,' i.) no '", z; ,I, 'r: , . 7,1. H: denoe in Kingston received nothing at all. : '/ l l _ ~»* 3' f. i" l- i-_;,;,~.. A LI a Mr. CROOKS said the matter had not ', , 'r. .r' l ' 'i"' ', f Cr, , T , 1, how brought under the attention of the , .' ". -, ' l l 'l,' ,3, 'd 'fii'd 11 w. .- a l Governmunt. . _rt. t , ', I . '; F "." _ _ 'ls,' . -- Mr. o'D0N00H1HCtak1 he believed the ' ' : _ l . ', _i'. C in; j r Government intended to make this Act ap- the Gevemrrent With "was led by Catholic I ply to both Protestant and Catholic institu- Iyfhutr_ese, bathe hal not dared to repeat ' time according to tho amount of good they that charge (1utinotly that evening lest ho did. Children cared for in orphan asylum "all! offend some of the Catholic members were saved from the Rcformntory and the on the Opposition side of the House. The Penitentiary. The member for East Grey policy of the Government W" to graut the had insinuated that the returns from the men? of the Provinoe, which WM contri- Cathciic institutions were not comet. He 1 but: by 1.'tottateu and Catholics alike, to ' mi ht have easily satialied himself before 1 f t,1,t,ttr,', mkltlidutions "tet, b11313 tet. i, inning his statement. The hon. gentle- tt wor one. . B on ro. ': man's statement was a vor narrow and re- l ' membered, moreover, that . number of tte o'.'elleJ.ctlfe","l'i1fJ'ile'kl7d'/'.l't' 'f',h'l'had,rlt "s, Kym" institutions only received thrto The 'scrt.gatleriisnweii1arassill o'.theorisrp, 1 l "I: "22%: the Protestant religion. now phttchtl, and IT, you fg2; lie 3 r. ' It-What are they.' regutie t a on gen'emen oppoei . 0011- :1 Mr. FRASER quoted the cases of apec. ' aptly throw the 1uta,t,,tan, o.! (s,oi,tttt'o'Lt, i, intact institution at Ottawa and the To. i, tho ,tte,t of the smallm nonty o at ouol, ' 'get f0ttr,,' Him", am: brush"! tin: "a mirhlnzillllgl It d l th t h h d . ouse won not " misle t eno arau r. J , ' med e a e a any in tlet appeal made by tho Uf, member for 'tttt td",giig,"', friggicus striff. ii: Esst re . ' t on t e so ono , e 'ommus oner o N. Mr, (lla, thought that Mr. Sand- ', Puhl'ic Works deserved sevenr criticism field Macdcnald committed a grave error ', than it had yet msoeiverd, id h ett d t when, after he had introduced hisrneasure Mr. O'SULLIVAN so e up 0 o toeh'sh denominational grants m oolarg,ist, . Jlnd the tendency of the debates to be often he dio not "Vince tu.rue.r, ind do Away " the reverse of edilgiq. The only institu- _ togerthsr with denominational grants No tione of this kind or which he had ever been 'gg,tt' b roiuttUottittt,'2tes,l'i,' a working member I',tgdirt'ttt, instig- _ "W" y " . , tiers. He was not 0 , c 0 mm ' an). no. (grandeur; atfecting nigh" denoml- for East Grey had tteil' to his mind .ntt.iory", a oald be brought bsiorts the House; something like an insinuation in his remarks. i,'e,th,tte,r, teg It"' t,"t of tte, l (Cheers.) m was "tlaiied tint the , 3 WOtt ' ug . u ' '0 on.g M tt rinci leonwhioh this charit was dis cnsed, ' Legislature gave grants to denominational Q,ll'l1/y",l2'lli1'll' those who 1',fJillfl,ua"2'i;C,' I , I charities, whether lrotestant or Catholic, ' was . good one (Hear hear.) It the Gow 7 insinuations would be made that excessive eminent were guilty 'ik' no . greater wron i, _ l "mu bad bean made to oertain denomins- i than this, he could see no occasion to tl,",, I ,