e | vote at the approaching munici electi ONTARIO LECISLATURE, He did not believe there was any solid gound for that doubt, but it probably arose e es » vis is Hat montt ow 'tome s respec ubts had +1RST SESSION -- THIRD PARLIAMEHT, | arisen, he desired to remove them by insert. ing a special provision in the Act, The Frinay, Deo, 17 'othume:l';l :vc:i:l!l tll.:«le ':t. ? x:;?i"y Ts ' 4 » auggeste in re-- The Speaker took the chair at three m:;p:'l"o!:'triungou dlng:eoitBy.l}" Aot 1nt | > or o'clock. electors had a right to vote for Me.nmp w ' yor as _« PETITIONS. well as for aldermen, 'There was no express "The is sing potitious were presentodi-- Eipiremst uhh fe Sedicn ut sifof ic By Mr, Lauder--Of Hiram Cline et al, also Mayor and alderman. at one polling.--phase, | of Alexander Aikman et al, also of Joseph M. ud'afhnmdcmcoedln toamp:hmnm"' | Snider et al, also of James Husband ¢ al, all place and deliverin ano%ml hf'rM 5; | of Trafalgar, praying for certain amendments 8 vote for Mayor, | to the Adbintorporating _ the uon and As there was no provision for tracing votes, oo 'hoo rating Hamil | a provision was necessary to amend the |* th:r' Cw ,pornl:»:flny Company, respecting uimnfiaw. He therefore proposed there grouping clauves, s should be two ballot pspers--one for Mayor 6 BP '.',"',;!T_BODUCED. fi w fo;-n naermen. A voter would Tb:l {ol dot }m Bills were introduced and voter) mldey;.'md lf° m:';h\ir:l;eh:hgrlfi: read th 3m° . o @02 2+ _ Mr. 4/ side "0% Inodiporate the Loyal vore for aidirment *Wn Fot Mt Li i 'Ora® \ Aio¢? & " of Weatern Ontario. were given m o?&?'?fx: lzfzorwhlli;y:; Mr. '*fi:,h f ; i } 'noorpor:)ie the Loyal ::o::or re:.i:ed.Athon the cath might be put o.5 > .tion of Eastern Ontario. e voter. number of clauses had been c. Derecko--'To confirm an t prepared with a view to carrying out the t é;.hldz I')'y the finmbfll'l of the congregation of | objscts he had stated, f ndrer'« Church, Toronto, for the divi-- | . HAR i slion of the px: ty _ said ot;ngngatlon on cnl'.l[ :ho ltteffln;fi };;l' th':lgt::rn':on(l}d utk':l :z its being divided into two congregations, | another defect in the law rageo:l:. the Mr, Deroche--To incorporate the Ontario election of councillors, Every fow yngl the Mineral Railway Company, d:lr for the nomination of such counciliors Mr. Wills--For the protection of Brakes-- a . 4 Christmas, and as there wore many men on Railway Trains, t'hho ldnotwhhlttobauponthtdsy,he Mr, Hay--For the ro--union of the North brf: Bltl;: h:mlil;'ghould be changed so ns to asnd South Ridings of Perth for registration ' > --Tugudayn ton. upon the day following purposes, 3 54 oc c Mr, MEREDITH asked the Attorney-- a l'li(;" l:;l.znie)----To incorpi=ate the village of ?en:,d.io uem,zmedhgo alter the law with o Ne OCetrin----hA tnvcaporate the olte: of 95. y MOWAT sald he cid as well as in 1 o:n ':"h"' and to authorize it to negotiate a townships and villages divided into wards. Mr, Hodgins--To amend an4 extend the Mr, MEREDITH said as the law now (A):t incorporating the Cynod of the Diocese of | :zuremtht:n':.n' * mt:n °°"°lldl' if ll:: '.'&':':' cast tario 0 e vote as well as in ci Mr. Bethune --Rupoctlng the reference of The Bill was read the first time, mlt::n L:! da«:cou;t; to Izeforoe;, i | PRIVILEGES OF THE HOUSE, , Lauder--To confirm the appointment Mr. MOWAT moved for leay % e to intro. ',i,fo::: a""t'" of Temperance street Church, | duce a Bill, entitled an Act rexpecting the s Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Tae ckietf Mr, Hodgins--To admit John William object of the Bill was for the purposs of de e Shackleton as Provincial Land Surveyor. fining the privileges of this Eo?:o, with n Mr, Creighton--To farther secure the In-- view to placing these matters bayond g;pt:nslonoe of the Legislative Assembly of a doubt, so far as this House could riO. pass Acts respecting those rights essential Mr, Clarke--To authorize the Synod of the | to the due discharge of their dutios, The Diocese of Toronto, with the consent of the | Bill would be found the same in substance as lnfinmbont of St, Paul's Church, Lindsay, to :be: fi';i'.'lhtch h'dflb";'m lt,!{ the Qae-- sell certain lands in Lindlly. ature, 0 e concur-- Mr. Pat m * (York) ---- Respecting the rence of his colleagues, taken that course, Lake Simcoe Railway Company, LAE ?h:;nl::d" s h ;z.tg.:;l :ggi':htu})n":l:::o;: x« * Mr, Monk--To confirm a by--law changing tion, and the (.?ueboo Act had been nllo:veo(:i the name of the Western of Canada Perma-- to become law, though in the report of the vnent Bulld!n&-md Savings Society to the Minister of Juatice of Canada go had ex-- Western of Canada Loan and Savings' So-- 1:;'«.«1f l:lilldonbp as to whether some por-- clety. ons of the law were such as the Legislat Mr, Meredith--To change the nameo of the of the Province had & right "Oen.g:.l '1?':: | Huron and Frie Savings' and Loan Society to Minister of Justice bhaving, however, taken the Huron and Erie Loan and Savings' Com-- :re vli:.: that (llt was merzlg a doubtful mat. papy. .A not disallowed the Act. He (Mr. Also--To d an Act of the Iste Pro-- Mowat) thought it was not desirable to pass vince of Canada, 290 and 30 Victoria, Chap. :'nfi"oz'}"gl" t Tiherey oo ton Government 16. ould not feel ai y to sanction, and as the Quebec Act had been sanctioned b Mr. Striker--To authorizo the Law Sociecty Government, he had thought c"o:lv!"{l:h:: ;' 0"""0:01:""* Fred. Van Norman as a * make this Bill lnblhnfi:fly the same as the arrister--at--law, one in Quebec. He had altered the language Mr, Meredith--To incorporate the United in some ways, but this was nearl .ngll Emp're Club, he had done, 'l'ha'y had introduced a ogaun Mr, Paxtor--To incorporate the Port for the purpose of providing by statutory Porry, Sougog, And Cartwright Bosd ani enactment against ni member of the House Bridge Company. reHcelvinth::{ for b done in the House. _ Mr, 0 Don®®te--To amend the Act re: gb:::' case of tl?hotill:lfi:no:;dge?ooufit specting the /nstitut Canadien Francais, O House during last session, and h .b ToL. > s e believed it tawa, and to extend the powers cf that asso-- had been felt, and would now be agreed, by ciation, both sides of the H t Mr, Cameron--To authorlize the sale of should not be 'u(')":::d-mft{: !;gl;pmflg certain lands by the trustees of the Toronto oply to declare them illegal, but to provide Bn;;'l Grounds, ]thlt l:;y lm:nbelrI found guilt'y of them would r. Cameror-- To amen4 the Aot relati C o Pye € proI: ed to go a listle to the election of school trustees for tll'xeo 'clitt'g further than that, and to provig: that the of Teronto. | g::t:;r:b o: gofeui:::lfl sun who were mem-- MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. :;[low such proazch?oes Henl'::db:o:ll::mh:: Mr MOWAT, in movin is was not the law at present; but he had of a Biil respeotiog oo Mfithp: g;::di;:.dhfi thought it advisable to go a little beyond munici f'l elections, raid that the objest of what the law _ now provided, in the Bill was two--fold. First, to remove cer. Dielyy, U o byterk , this . Aouee audl. tain doubts which, it a Were snb clently, and he had introduced a clause infued in some munt dm To Whother for that purpore. There had also been con-- those who had an income fran uid aiderable discussion on another point It