The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Dec 1875, p. 4

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, T a. ci ' . "H " . i i - - g or L tt Cr , ht Cu 1 D n h Gib b ot the "pangs; T'd be Shelia tttt , . , in s, t s on, n A "con. ll? el'- . anal re ort of e ment. cons er. _ . filroi'fikgd'ficfifiigg'fiz'éffioflbfigfl':' able rug: would be expended on the Lake ' I , 'ji,iiiitiii,ii2ts; Ba 1 Beth ' Rousseau rend,I "llf, 1?,thgg,t,1t, for the ' Bl "Yb-MID otr. 1uettro Baxter. "a. construction 0 t 0 new some auction .2, 1 3131.083)?gmchchgugéhhircgfikyuzehug': 1itilltt,r,te be carried. the amount of i , 3 n in g, ham, Graham 2,','ht',k2'g.TI; Want, 80,000 mg considered BuffioUnt to place it I " tin, nor gins, lane, {gm no ey. KcDousail in good repair. , , ' ("Wilt-es), Houdini, ostyn Home Parties. Mr, MEREDITH asked on what basis the ' J" Patterson (Tran), Fex'on, iiiiirih. Fprinsor Striker. d _ t , _ Watemns, Widdiiield, Williams, Wilson, Wood eatirnatett we" !rnd.tce , it - Total, M). _ " Mn. PABDEE repliedthst they were based , On clause M, providing that in the event tttt written and verbal information obtained gl ttt the Commissioners of Estate Bills report- by the 93am?" of the Department. t " mg that in their opinion it is not rersonable Mr. DhTofr1.1i.1 thought that no money , li that the Bill submitted should pass Into law , was expended with greater advantage to the g but that such shall not be further consid- ' 1 PrtMnixs than that apernt on oolonization ' cred, roads, which were the only channels of coir . T " Mr. HODGINS thought that thte pro- i muni0ation from the back countr" . . ' , vision was otir,Qonats1s, being inconsistent 1 front. m only regretted that thas . Sd ' , e " i with the legislative prerogatives of th's not larger, because the largest portie l the '. , p House, and different from the practice in "WING WM derived the section ot b . ' the Mother Country. m moved that clause country where the colonization roads ware 'i " be st ruck out. built. He dissented from the opinion ex. 1 . l The amendment was lost on division. l pressed by the hen. member for Mirth Ren- i'fii , on clans. 79, , irew that the works should belet out by com fl . I l Mr, CAMERON said he thought it would tract, for it was the interest o' the localities i .i be unjn " to impose on my genial: man the to have the money Judicicunly upended, , ' duty of . pgymwent oUirman without m. Mn .BOULTEB said he had to defend the _'& , imp him pom. compensation Commissioner of Crown Lands from charges . MI , Mr. MOWAT "id that would be a matter mrde against himin reference to the expendi- W,)?), _ for further consideration, but tho appoint [ ttmtott colonization roada, _iA/'e' ment would. save the expense of another I Mr, MORAE thought that in all cases if: tf i clerk. when the Government could dgive the money I: f, I Mr. MACDOUGALL (Simone) said be 1 out in contract it should be one. V 4 , I saw considerable advantage in the proposal, i Mr. WOOD said that in the ease referred su, i but he thought no number- could he asked to l to by the hon. member for North Victor-is /gr:,a , tslve it e other withrut sNmpenststitto. the man who had expended the Government rm it _ Mr, MEREDITH said no prevision was money had been the choice ot the County it"? made for the absence ot the permanent Council. E r . chairman. Mr, LAUDER approved of i- .uggestirm j ' Mr. MOWAT said the rule left the matter that the money should beglaoed in . " . .. in the same position as be'ore if the permn- hands of the municipalities. e didn't sup- ' I nent chairman was absent. pose the Government wished to use the mo. , I ' The rule carried. ney tor corrupt purposes, but he thought the r _ The remaining rules were then adopted. course suggested was altogether the i. one. , a l Mr. MOWAI' moved, " That these mica r The public accounts showed that there were ill shall pr me into operatirn from and after the , no expenditures on any of the roads which lil, , _ last of this session." Carried. agreed with the amounts asked. ' RETURNS. l u11m. I'AlglglEE up tr', suggestion that f: r , .. e munici ities s on spend the money r ',', ora'),?.":' ST/g/tful."""" rela'c'rtg to i would not commend itself to those members if , j I, , , , y ' , F y s . , , i who bad had any practical experience in the ti l L '1 BE DEP,ATE ON TEL LICLNS" IAW. matter. Municipal Councils could expend r Mr. t LARK ii (Norfolk) said he had. mir- ', their own funds very well, but he did not ' understood the remarks of the member tor think they were the beat parties to expend . South Simone last evening, and desired to Government money. " that plan were adopt- , um draw his o' R T notions ed, and it was found that the money was not Ill It. being six o'clock, the Speaker left the judiciously expended, the hon. member for ill . chair East Urey would be the firsttocomp1ain. " Alter recess, The Government would thus be getting rid ' SUPPLY. of all responsibility t the moi": b0He vex . ' . turrd to say that if e muni dies h ' sun? House went irto Committee of the txpenditure of the money El their hands I , ' " r. . , there, would be five hundred times more I, ' The fr I1orirg Items were passed t-- ' "log rolling" than there ever hudbeen. Mr. ' _ .- r'J, Cm I' IaniU 1"?"hmnim .. ... .. 850,560 Richards had tried this method, but in l "z': "it M "' l recmr--Civit Govetnment--, been obliged to ahardon it. With regard to ', - I Ftrytoy of Registry offioeg (in. the money already expanded, the reports 'r'",), tN olur" inn trsvelling expenses). . ...... 2,000 I which came to him,without exception, agreed ii' - Ir.tytor of Division Chub" . .. ... I 400 I in raging that tha money had been spent to r r,- do. Tnqu Emu-um 650 the very best advantage. Rumours worry if _ On the item of $85,800 for Colonization continually llcating around about political , 'i), I Rm advantages, but they generally turned oat ki- Mr. BEACON expressed his disapproval ot on close investigation to he without truth. ;' 1 the system of making annual gurus for oat. The only question he considered in appoint- " ' cnintion reeds, and ed that they should log overseen was their elhcrency, regsrdlesa R . _ be constructed by L1Eu'l'lhl'l as public oi M'tt , . . ' [r works. m complained that money was , r. DEROCHL strongly disapproved cl l , yard in paying the expenses oi carrying ' placing tlrcrxrtiiturrr in the bonus of the , - [ men from the cities to the location of the ',eet'tle,r,'g"lt'g wouldthen be tentimea , l ' works, instead of engaging men in the dis- more tttlr, than there now was. m ll r trict. It the roads were not taken over as could vou that irom his experience the It rr _ public work-.1110! should be let out, by 003- only consideration upon which the Cro ri'n ' I L' tract " a certain price per mile for construc- lands Commissioner appointed men to or '. " l tion. 'acc".,"-" pond the money was their ofrioUnoy. . I hinPARDEE admitted that the colonization i Mr. MERRICK said that though the , ' road question I" . "I! dutioult ttne, and he ' Crown Lands Commissioner might intend to s, was in favourot throwing the burden connect- I act in a straightforward manner, there was a I T 2.," r I ed with their construction and maintenance on possibility that the pattizasmhip of supporters I i; ' r l themtuilciaalitlea "Boon " possible. Tho Mtv I ot the Government might mislead him " to ; iii ' tern had been placed under the Public Works' , the expenditure of this large amount oi ', in l ' Department of the t'sandfitrld Macdonald money. ,He thought the House should bein l ar . ' Government, but was not found tower-k satis- possession of all details as to the kind of _ . ' factorily. All roads were given outtryeontract roads to be built, and the manner in which I _ . 1 . , ' where possible, and wherever superintendents the money was to be expended. l l a ' could hire men in the vicinity such was done, l Mr. DAWSON said that, at least so far as ' g the heat men being engaged as trh"t,t his district was concerned, the exfronditure V Ili ents. Although the amount vo for esti- ot the money by the municipalities was im- f, , "g ' mates appeared large, the expenditure cover tg,11tl1t He believed the money was lt, , g, t ed Midi? and other extensive works. eing well expended. He had had a great l ,r Bi _ Mr. CRAE thought that a considerable deal oi experience in road making, and he .5"- & l sum of money was wasted in purohasiag i could assure the House that it was really "i 5 t l plant, which after a short time proved ure- impossible to build a good waggon road for . tg 1.... lithe circumstances connected with lessthan $1,000 per mile. m believed that f lilM the construction of "my in the MuakoU the money had been very wisely expen Led ii district were investigated, it would 1,, found in Musko a, and he hoped it Would be i I r that in some cases one half of the grant went (A eqltalir ,rell spent in Algoina, . Fi into the pockets of the superintendents. Mr, McRAE thought the Township I Mr. MERhthK asked tor explanations in Councils should expend the money on e , s "r" to the gum ot 820,000 taken for short ; the short roads at least gand they could be ", . B, new roads and repairs. inspected by the Goth Inspector. ' Kr I _ Mr. P ARDEE replied that full particulars Mr. BEACON said he was entirely in ,i' m ' g . I'

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