eertimte. the applicans must produce and leave with such agent, as his authority for such sale, said certincate stating the kind and quantity, and the mame of the y neoding It, all of which ahall be entered in a m kept for that l?'ll'DO"il d sn every y wh icensed shop "'g'h'aotv!)n e mr':'::lt':lt)ll,l.s'hc)d.'th?.fl;vunmm shail | appoint 3 oflicer, part ef whoss duty shall be to in-- | ® the bouks cfths agent, invo'ces and proceeds om Hcensed srop, and rezort to the Gavernment every quarter as to the manner in which such place Is oom'i'ncted in every respect; and the agent himsolf snall also report monthly to the Government all males, and furnish them a co&y of ali invoices of liquors purchased, and he all a'so deposit to the creait of the Government in such bank or as the Government orders al'\ moneys recelved | E',"m for the sole of liquors, and he shall be re-- qnlxodtodnpofltndnflyrecordot all such salos. ' And it is also further specialy provided, that no MAiquors shali be drunk at the shops of such agents, or on any grounds connected therewith. > That from and .IMM tko"'tlmo limited by the fors-- son or one eiaee dioaiinnt figstohbn acgo, tiom sBely.s Or bly his or their employees, either 11 a hotel or by wholssale or ret:ll within the Province of On-- tario, by virtue of any license not provided for in this Act, shall be deals with as ulllnz' without a license, and shall be subject. to all T'ona ties now or herein-- after to be provided an?--applicable in such cases, quenanmemmece~ n »npramnnnammmemmnmmmm PUBLIQ AC4O\l TS COMMITTEE, 'The Public Acootnis Committso met this morning at eleven o'clock. Present: Mr Gow (in the chair), Mesers. Crooks, Wood, Mac:-- doug:" Neacon, Ross, Boultar, Hay, Ferris, gifion, Clarke (Wellington), and Widdi-- »lr, Watsor. librarian of the House, at-- tended and '*~"~d the system on which \ boo)~ were . for the library, \ M Hay, of «. y & Co. was called in reference to the cosk of furniture for the Speaker's apartments. He stated that the CGovernment were charged no more and no less than any private customer. There was no mistake in the ascount. A letter was read from the Spoaker to Mr. Hay, pointing out what he considered to be mistakes in the accounts. The item was allowed to stand in order that Mr, Hay might make further investiga« tion. Iun reference to an account of J, J, Stovel for furnishings, Col,. G:rzmor, Clerk of the House, explained that the amount charged was for the Spsak-- er's silk robe, t wo hats, coat, and walstcost, and for a hat (or the sergeant--at--arms. Theso | were ordered on the Spsmker's authority. A certain sum was voted every year for con-- tingencies of the House, and he understood the Speaker had control of the expenditure of that amount, Mr. MaepovaaArt asked Mr. Crooks how he would effect his propssal of yesterday to place this expenditure more under the con: trol of the Government, ~ Mr. COrooxs suggested that the Committee 'hmldt roporttin favour iobfl "f Tmom- ment were not responsible for ture over which they had no control. Mr, Macvovcart said he had suggested the placing of a shelf in the chamber to hold the statutes, so that members might be able to get at them without difficulty, but the | suggestion had not been carried out, Col, G1tLmo®R said he badsent a requisition to the Commissioner of Public Wml. Mr, Frrrts suggested that the sessional papers and journals should be sent to the county clerks. On the iItem for newspaper advertising, \ Mr, ©%--oxs stated that notices for private bills w« now inserted only in the Gazttc. Mr, "!sacox said in that case the Gaze!fc cught to be more widely distributed. The Committee adjourned at one o'sloock.