I i ' Acts ot Ontario LegislstuI'O. i F i s time of not humanly in obedience to s . , - clap-tug 01:":ng b, tug Ugylleition. in It being six oclock, the SpeaLer left the ' rtg.md to too allegations ot the number for chair. I South Sirocco with meteor to the m.valua. After recess, ten ot the Crown Lacu, ho held that the Mr. DEEOCHE said the obj, cticus made _ people were "tidied ot W" Justioe ot the tonight were only raiturevious of what heal --r yt, and that Me Govornrctmt had noted bern tsnid WFPy time. hefore on tbn .nme I may and howdy- Tne tncrabte tor Slur mum. The tesvra'uatirsn of the lands which A coe, had otvgeo, "it only tiw _u'om.ruiss1oy.r ind cumulus to mpmary increase in the or: [ of Chown Iauus," tmt 4159 ttmt. meatttaN with poms of the Clown Lends Department, had ', lining combined with other ponies to no ' be}: inaugurated by Mr. Sandtisld IGedon. I the country by participstzngm dishonest sud i dd. He (Mr Deroohe) was of opinion th t l . impale: piozite mice on. of tnt purchsses i the roulu aim of _ these hails had been a ' ot lnnds. That hou, memoir, tt wa, 'mie I We: 1strtf,eiut measure, one of very great posed, ind entered the Home for the pur- ,' admitsreto a" wry "no "my", of Door pose otimyzou'og its tone; but he would not "(we mama" th , on div. (H at', ' l Accomplish that end. by making waoleaato hem,) He Rd". that lft rrctVtrsrsip of charge. oi swundrclism against its Shelli; M, ia hh, county. hwy poor psopls ' members. It that hon. member ro- had held lands on which n...- interact had sc- lured Jo him tur. Stud-W) in that cumuisfed urtii " was greater then the; 'a. conreciton, he dcnuure:d tho statement s: wral, arul to and) "mm, that they would 3 libel. untrue in every particular, Did the never have been able to pay an hon. number refer to tue member for their property but for this relief " ' tiast Urey, who with lung (Mr. which this momma aforded them. , Sinclair) hid pressed the question of Some hon memi'ezs had tried to ziiscisim any retaining the lands on the Got rumour? No desire to lower the salaries of the Civil Ser "'ts such charge and been heard of before today. employeel, but the House knew that on every 3. it tll beciune . gentleman who hsht bis prtr . hustlngs from Essex to Russell this hue been rlill I suit position by the utterance of the House one of the staple we, of the Opp) 'ttaa-- T and the generosity of the ibdorrn iloe e, 111' tut, the Government were paying P, .uch to 55'; went, wrich had introduced s Bill to remove their offielahs. He believed in paying Mr l,' {'1' ditiicultte. in regard to hia turliing . 'rest, to ulsries to public servants In!» in bar a. ' , W bring wholcmie chsrgos sgsget bun mem- [ tries where the employees w;re peorlv psi f, . tters of. but: g bros will?" of improper ptuo. that corruption prevailed. He testified to M" l tice With persons Wife" ot File lee- the nullity and courtesy of those who held 7," f , , (Cheers ) positions in this Depirtn (Ht. The poo re o? , * , I Mr. PA NTON aid during the uh -le time Ontario had too much pride to desire to am I be had had a seat in tint tic-use in did not derrvay their servants. I rencmber of another instance in Which on Mr. PATTERSON (Essex) ssh! the ques- q l $ hen. monitor had moved s resolution with- tior,oithe ssleries ptld to Crocsrmuaent om. _ I , ' oat saying something in Bupi.'crt of if. He plow"!!! had not infected the Limited the I _ l clonctuizcd the first szucnumena as a bun. elm tics" in Essex. "(considered the about l, I 3 l osnibe resolutionpnly (tiered for the purpose as} 41 for contingencies was too much. . . , T ( ot making "new 1,'tl,',iPl:,,.,t.iif, thag at the Mr. BEACON said he did i: ti, believe that I , t _; expense of Jyorly pm. amends, who were "My one cbieeet d to the revolution of our , 3 i _ not intspcsiiton to defend themselves. Wm. I 51 b t J.,'; 6 _ l" h, M- f K I if ! srisons had been made between the mm- .rti.V, P. u "u2atrwaso Jbetert to R"ara,'.ri3 Trt J." I ' p t ' th Cro Land D t, t lion of the whole of the unpaid lands o' the I l 2fit",'l, ttt o t l"l , " l 09,35 (23:: l Provtncrr,ind to the reduction which wassaid , ', under t e [mean or. Kw" e pads to 'rrve bro-.1 made below tho voluntim of the 2 , 1 : eminent, but the country nan been put to an Ctsetnme.vt. vahst/om T le oroositicn were y , i l enormous mount lst tN"P'a by hwing to M mow]; in isviiurof thug" tit/cl/iii, well [i , ( run again ed.again. to tist; Department Mt l, " trctGavcrrr.nerrt "rt. bitchy mammary I I order to get their humus a doce. At precont ' tfricirO rt uld be if;,', n ol with, "The l _ it was er-t'Jeiy tirlfcvent., for the work was 'tlc',',)',), t;lil"ll1d)tld.li','s?,.t ru rht ("cumming r 3 ", . ' Sa-' f t t x .-s-- i, a . ."ctp.r.ompyy.. 1'ut.Ts"youdawriu had, attention todecreasmg the exoonditurs in he trelieved, been written by one and too i the E'uurtment ' an e hon. member and plaurd lat,, the lands ', " - . ' ' of the hon. gentleman who ind moved them E . Mr, PA RDEE said the item under discns- , I He had expected s ion ammo: of we"; i men was the Belarus or she inputting", and " . buncombo from the I 'ppogitlon ohm the hm thcrch re the hen. gm tyarsy, mast, if he ob. ( number for South Simon joined their ranks, looted to_it, who desire the reduction of I I ( tut he was son y to su- that there Wu no ioa. the sslsnes or the dismissal of some of the g I ', movement. 'dit'the,t,", huh) the hion, J,rr2i1'g.t g y t 't? pr TCs.,, ,. , t was e otura s u tctOn on re uc-' , _ M3112"? PL J ' I": ,\) gtntff'd'd too tion in the expense of the Deput- i . an orrclw.d w l. . em" a. s is" upon the W ll i 1871 h l t f a, admin if. 'v" 2' a rv'. a '!a y'oteoa, as seemed ment. 9.' n 8f 3 t , '5 yesr o a I , I i ,, T, .. Cr, . t 'ei, hon membrr , the. Stunneld Macdonald Glovermnent, . i") , ' _ l' [ C' I c"-: r...'1(l;*x-.1:'o TM}; 1 there were six extrs clerks in the Dapvt. I i, 'll-' Cir "'l '/ '1"; ', .1 clu C'/,' Day rriir,.i' l, meat, besides the permanent stair, which '5 L, III.- l, I U}; I reducing "17.6 8538,?" j wss within two of what it war now. (Hour, , u " . " ite x . . vr.. hour.) From the commencement of 1874 to , "'L-e New 'wn divided out?" nor-"n nt the and oti875 he Would hsvo dispensed , to 'h- " 3- lulu-9n Wine-n use 105.. ibis, with no less than tan or twelve extra clerks. , i 27; up, lil, (deg,',;,) dWss (et, taint tAe his stteu- , ,'. -- I ' te m 'lee on town so re uc'on t e expenses? * i i M739: ir",fft'ttp,,2'dtt nl',tyat.'e1,,t,.ir', mam. I The member for Esst Grey had challenged r 1 g ).1'1t'fi?h7cayc,'l'/,""st1/d,'ht':i',e Jt'.t'.ytl.l '. his statement; that thoqsecelnt: fag: groan ' ' r itinilrtofxy AC" 33.. 'l"/, y of ' . 't "1 iLsnds or 8 4omounti to87 7, , " e V I! l "ey,',1,/',l't,tTfgy,,"i'cjc/ sr'iitydii."'"d'o", 1'cogt, 1 falls: , "Ragga-1t: t2: 2tt'u't,g,'et , l i . .7 _ T t I , Bailout no, 3mm. PN, or a "r, th ow t 9 mo . I or?" fl, '?'it"p's'g',e gym»). t'l like (Wuillnn't mh l wss exscyt'iy what he lied listed. It wss the . l rule Lt on. ll-soche. F'iulaysrrn, Fisasiut, l" Sottr, "In. with regard to the your! previous to I r minor). u w, Graham (hunter) Grout. Hunts!- 1874 and withre ard to 1875 he had hada . c I Patrt t, May. ltodsittts,t1utner. kcau. Line. Lyon, V , g V l my". 3,. "mm; Mum. 1r'Donrt?'ttvo, pardon ststement made up by the accountant in the , a some you (Yuri-h him" Ro1Aurnu, em text m Tressurer'l Ihspirtaient, showing the re- i SlnCth. eyn'ihgrf l' "limit, Woxcreo: ll, Willdluultl, oeripta for the yur up to the 16tb of . l _ Wtiuma, Wiuon, Wood-ah. . December to amount to $1326, 734. No C "s" . Mr. DEROVHE then moved We. fc'dowhvg missioner and no number could more to . r, amendment to Mr. liICthLLx-oa s amend- stsnd up in the House sud make such s l , ' ment:-- stetement unless it was true. The hon. r V. s " That all the words sitar ' that , in said gentleman Isld it could not be rustle up from , l amendment be struck out, and the {allowing the sink moot of receipts and expenditure for &' . be inserted instod c-. the nine months, but the ran-on for that was M . that the sccountsnt in the Tressurer's hrmuh " " ' Th0 following words be added u the only took nocount of what had been nctunliy t. ' " resolution, " And whlle ooaear.ring in the tnnsferred to him by the tttttttttttttant of the ', "lil resolutions, this House comes to it'd Crown Lands Ihsrtirttmsnt, while there wu ' [mum oontidenoo that .t.tua not lmett " it st the come time n large amount lying to the , upon to "notion 'sxpenditure foe the - ct, 1 credit of the Crown lands. A return had _ of 18hi more than h neee."ry for tU 'e: l been brought down showing singer amount _ . nominal and ttricurstmattsgoment of thebuxd _ than that contained in the Treasurer's Itste- ' l Devonian?" tint every effort Us Ill . ment, and his(Mr. Psrdee's) statement hail I , rude, and will oonttnueto befall-y, to p.e- i been made up to s later data still. ( vcnt unnece-IIH'Y axpsnditum. With reference to the ststemeut _ . RETURNS. I of tho member for South Simone " to the cost of Crown isnds in 1862, he had ind a ' Mr. Wood presented tht, "PM: ol the I ststamcnt m'sde up which showed the expen- Sohooi of Agriculture and Exporiamnut diture in that year to be $170,605. (Cheat) Farm. m bad himself specially gone over the ar l 3 Ahro return of oorrerpouderoe with the counts and had excluded everything that did i _ Dominion Government " to tiisailotrantm of T,'; Proved}! end legitimately bolpng to the _ whet ins (fthe Crown Lsuds Department. on the 2mm basis as that on which ha hal l