Mr M .frtf'DOl 'GALL "id tint the present Alto ray-Genus. ',':x.e one of his cil1a'asrutss when the nibzol exwivo cxpottditures were made in L'lr", Mr )iOWAT-Not till 1853. (Laughter) Mr. MACDOUGALL "id the Attorney. l Canon] entered the tl "eminent knowing 1 whet bed been done. (Magnum) Looking l, at the history ot the Crown Lend: Dept" l went Elam: (ioaiedermicc, and me great in. i creme in the yeuly expenditure, eepeah ly l niece the pet-cut c, monument took oiii an, I even though the helioce- wee {decreeem q, , they charged the Government with not por. forming their duty in not propneing a reduc- tion in the expenditure. He tbtexrud to re." letione made by him when C:mm'sehnor of Crown Lsnde to chow that luge swings had been tffetsted thereby. and reed extreou from I report on the results of those retort". In 1862, when he wee a Reformer, be kind received greet credit for curving oat thou modtikatitaU ot the mum, and it ill tseeami.Nfortntmsto new bring up these acts at that time ngeinet him, occupying the p 9. sition oi en Independent member. It might fairly he expected that in the enrly yearn of the Department the exprm of mnegemeut would be large, but now the expenditure should be reduced to a minimum. While 1 the revenue of tho Pmmzu's we: decree-log, the expenditure me rapidly increeelng, and he - no disposition on the pert of the Gov- erment or ot the House to eifect eevinge in the admiruutration of the pnb'io eervice. After cementing on the dutie- ot the hon. members. the hon. member concluded by outing that he we: eent to the Home by e constituency of the Province to criticise the act: of the Government and to watch their txpeniiitares. (Cheat) Mr, MOWAT raid the Government (Inked their acts to be crlt!cised, and he gnve the hon. number for South Simeon Tesvi oppor- tunity to do so. It wee doubtful when!" I that hon. member pounced the rigat to e I rent in the Legulatari, bat recognizing him he 3 men of ability, who at one time rendered f gocd service to the Reform cause, they de. l sired to retain him in the Home, and he! m'rcduccd n Bil! to remove my doubt on to I his right to Mt a: the member for the Tory l meutuency which bed returned him. It t, the: Frr, member we: uceble to titul any gmnrd for attack regarding the administra- tion of the Birasire at the Province by the prblnnt Government, they need not fear the tteil'? ot. other _member_e of the Op- "Hunted the expenditure. from 1872 to 1874 or from thaftederrstim to the prudent time The Amount cv.'utvcrisd in 1862 from the "rlotm hunche- w." $11M) 012, The cost or collecting his mum" awn was I? tar out. while the cob: o'. col .-u ion from 1872:0183 was only aha: in par cont. (Cheats) The ban. "rrl"msta had tfated that the whole "pram: m 1562 " neswmethlng likeS70,000. Wonht' the Home behave that the expet.eiturts far tit'trttct Gl "hrtea alone in that year was $77,066. For contin- genclts the expcnditure wu 822,813 - (cheat); for settlements of rouuttrmsgeauu), $6,892; tcr impaction of Igezcios, 82,83t -itioar, hen); iwutt' cnrrtmius'curs, $15,074, postage: of mucous. $532; Crown tWrsttlar mentl, 8b"2'72--ihscrt0; genenl dilbnue- menu, 38,896; mad Woods and forests. 827,. 392. m was aware that the hon, gentle and: (Mr. Madcagal ) had mo change of the fish. ertes and och. r departments at that tlass- (Mr. uudor--Htsur, hon) -bnt he had care- fully excluded the col!ectiona made nutter than headl and the costs of the collections. (Cheat-I.) He thought the ooatparitson was decidedly in favour (f the present Govern- ment. Ali to, tho rtrvMuatioa of hula, be allotted that the Government had only matt e reduction: in ouoavwhero mo Randi had haw sold at tmigh o price, and claimed tha) may woreontith d to the thanks of the oounhy tor having given ta11esffeat to the "futon Men who wiuld hive left the country beams: of tre tvaurraalatlrn of d sh: wexe now swtlsiiad o't'rcsrte with tiaele de ads in t'rtr pee .et-. t%rerr0 He ehslhrrsgad the hon. gardens: t.t any that the measure had mt wo-hee ngimhly and proud . .1319" Linnea: to '.' a: _ mun-H7. (Canard h'uenm: M; was dv'nys ' noidered the men- eat of Ccvetom Ma and that he all?!" ot eh rkn m: 'er than ware placed a the lowest 3;- dc. Grunt xoductiunu could not, there- T" me, be oxptctud to be made by the present Aom.nutritlott. But the hon member for protitkus In "mud to the "gamut at" tho exprndzmre of the Departmmt rn, untimely after Confederation wan ms-tli, hwy, "no that at tha present time should be IMnoodto 3 mmmrwm. it mould be re- membered Yra' 1.3a maadtiehl Mandonsld of the Depntmont, JUiiiiia% bhat the business wan every year falling oft. The expel se- and the re mule would be propu- mute. Mr. CREIG H10N named that tho ques- tlrat of reducing tudarirus was apart from the question at Lrtuie, The point was that there bad bsen an annually decreasing amount of business and an tummy increasing umment alumnae. He contended that altogether too go en amount was required in the slap: ot"expeulel for ootle1tittir the revenue Mr. SINCLAIR contended that Mr. Blake had teken the view that I reduction uhoald he made in the inter: a; m euhwc-l India, and it ens owing to what Mr. Biake had said that the "dilation Lut been mam (mask to four per cent. He had no doubt but there had been some cases in which impmoer rd. ductlouu had been made in lands, but he believed these cases were few, and. that furthermore the (Yo'amissioger could not he held respomible for than As a rule he was tsaniidssnt that the Lat-satin of the Act had bout carried oat hrsnertor, No impro. priety he was aura wild. be curged to the head of the Department. (Hear, hear.) Mr, ROSS add that both perilo- had the some object in View, namely, to reduce the oxbumditurtr. Hon, member: opposite bed, however, forgotten that there we: . con- oléxnble reduction in the amount uked hr the comingyeu. " compucd with that of last yen. m had crontidencm in the M]- nnniattahdttrt of the Crown Lend: Depart- ment. If a_turuttrsdutslion, were made, South Simone "unused the position of Con. mim'oner of Crown Lend: u the Inc- cmor of a Tory minteter, an! reductions were easily 'sfftsottsd, for he had to clean en Augean stable. (L mghter.) Notwithstanding the efforts of the hon. Com- missioner the expenditure was not reduced bnlow 17 per cent. on the receipts, whim the present Reform Government bed brought it down to 10 per cent. (Cheers ) The amount for contingencies had been reduced from $30,000 in 1862 to $12 0.00 for the present Mr. he he! never opposed the n walnution ot the ttr/tft but he conte aded that the powers it [oh the Bull had conferred rpm the Government had been grossly abused. The old sales had been cancelled end the, land: sold to favourites st low rates, and th cse afterwards sold them to settlers at large advances. The prevent Government did not deserve all the credit with regard to the Bill. The Commissioner had exceeded the appropriations of last year by about $7,0t 0, And that we.) his n-trhm every year. The hon. member for North Huron would tind that the apper,"priatsors would be. ex- cetrdu1 ncxt year. Mr. GIBSON showed that the promise had been made to the employees ot the Hague meats by the late Government to incl-3M6 their relaxier, and that the present Govern- ment had only implemented that promise. The cznntry wanted economical men-ge- went, but deaired to give a falr dev'a pay 'oe a fair dny's work. m defends! the nation of the Government in regard to the revalu- tras of Crown lands, and disclaimed any charge of corruption in regard to that matter. It we: may to pen that the ".vahrstloa of the lands would involve an increased. number of clerks, and the Commissioner had given the assurance that the number would be lessened in menu pozslble. For his part, and be bdieved he spoke for n majority on this side of the House, he would continue to Tote eora!idenat In the Government unril they had some more Iubstnntinl charge against them then such bnnoombe resolutions " had been offered tonight, which deslt in vague generalities and came down to no 'pettliio details. (Cheer: ) and the lumber trade revived, the Coat. mierioner would be obliged to exceed the apptoptiatlom It would be more house: it the Opposition, irutoad of asking the Home to nppropriete only $40,000, when the cothrnitaiogter asked $50,000, proposed a direct vote of want of confidenoo in the Ministry Be was testitdied hon. membsrl would not like the Crown lends managed as was done by the ",vai1h1d Macdonald Gavemmout. The whole Merge tot stationery for that Department darl.w, ct e yes: of the Rrauuieid Macdoaeid Govern. mm: we: $2. (LeughterJ year. A: to the contention on the put ot some members of the Opposition tint they did not Mk for A reduction of "laden, bat for u gamer-l reduction, it Will only neon- nry to point to the fact that, with the ex. ception of 812,000 contingencies, the whois sum of $50,000 oonaiatad of "taries. (ChcerEl - Mr. FINLAYSON pointed out that for