not our bra, and the Agent Gen on] was 0 .tedto still forward agriaultural inhnre s, an the farmers of the Province were "ill in med d such help. Ilia experi- ence led him 10 believe lint the farmers ot Ontario were incoming yenriy more cm. vinccdni the immensity of employing farm hand: by " ' ear. It that necessity for nidiviom' "iiurnl inbourorn existed it we. the we Province to seek to supply The riot at Montreal conic not .tibuted either to the ec'ion of the l .1th Government or Ontario Go, ernr , for the men out ot employ were thaw .ged in mnnntnotnrlng Indus. trie' min the clue ot _,'t,tiite.' ride e those engeged in ngricn tare. Win Dominion Government were not no path we the oautio Government in the nine ot emigrate they anointed, it must be remrmhtred that it wee diifiouit to induce n lugo . hune oi emigrntion without including some . 'hoee whom it "not desired to aid Bevin explained that two-thirds of the whole number of immigrate erriving in the Dominion altimetely found their wey to On- tuio, the hon. gentlemen remnked that in- n'ructione had een given to the egente in England to escort-in tint nil thoee ramiviu nid " agriculturnilnboerern were Inch. 5mm Government were thus an devouring to no:omplieh two ohjeotl' nts to intrtdnce to Ontario enchn cine: luv-nu. No dittiattltr bed been experienced In obtaining employment!" Inch iaunigranh, who mu, indeed, "light utter by tumors from the Ottawa Trails y to London, the most Intern point of dutrihaHon. In Tittw of the demand mining for the particular elm of labour, the Government ware some what "upwind to find that the Agent General of the Dominion in London theught tlt to Issue an ad vertL ement in Augunt, dueaurtunano. ing Dry "nigratioy to Canada, mm which It might be assumed that lg: iuultunl labourers were includ.d in th., list uf than who should of labourers a were ebaolutely wanted. in'order that the agriculture! interest. might bGatufaotorily curried on; and, second, to effect this otieot in the moat economiosl mun- no r. The time might mive when a change might be desirable in the policy of amiatlng emigrant, bat hind not yet arrived, for he leiieved there would be the arm demand tor when": servants In 1876 as there was dark tt 1874 and 1875. In regard to the item for paying expenses for tanning and unin- ten: nee through the Province before emi- gvuh leached their destination, those ex- pemu mot be borne by the Dannie Govern- must. The mm of SJSOJU wee uked for "Maw amiucl'rral unions in England to can?! out [and hands, muteai of tuG.ouo last 5cm. Mr. MACDOUG ALL 'trquired It patina: who had received the human from the ()ntsrio Gnvunmcut had not ptsend wastwnd to Mtuntccioa. . hir. LROC'KQ ".71193'3'71 pr"? 'il, 'and. good policy for tho Government to upon! " or mo roomy in lending hook soul. of ttill Immigrum. Son. ot than who called thou-01n- farm labourer: dld_not know I hone from on ox. (Laughton) Mr. MACDOUGALL (Mlddlooox) thought the [up amount. opant on iaunigrasion would have been better expended in opening up the newer district: of the co mtry. The money should be spout in improving the country and in keeping on. own pwpls hare. Fe Ihould moire Chanda the. but oouut'y nnder the nu, and that would be "f1io'arnt inducementto bring lure the class which was needed. lie did not blame the Government for being bd into what he believed to be an error and a mietake. tor thev had been led into otmpetitlon with the United States in this matte r. Mr. HAY contended that, on the whole, the results of the Immigration policy of the Government had been very satisfactor , both as to the number of valuable 'l','flB'l'l'd brought over, and the small expense per writer. m thought the e stem of giving bonuses to agricultural labourers to iodnne them to settle in Ontario could not be safely dlv.ottthutsd, " long as New Zeaiand and the Axutrallaa Colonies kept up their present policy of emitting the passages of immigrants to their shores. The abuses which had been complnlned of in reference to the immigration syetem of Ontario, eepealally in reference to named passages, ware due to the "Mislt efforts of the steamship 'ag into, and not to any neglect of duty on the part of Government agents. m could vouch from his own experience and observation that the agents ot the Government were very particu- It £119. on a. who I o .u._. -- - t "v..." 504 Mr. MERRICK complained of the Gov. ernment hutngmode every proprsul to re- duoe an item in the lupply s Government (mention. The Government were strong enough to curry every motion in that my, end he hoped the Government would "he off this restraint in "and to the motion which he wu about to moke. m moved in amend. ment, " That the add Item of $50,000 for un- foreman end unprovkled be reduced to $20,. too." (Rear, hear, and laughter.) The nmendment wee lost on the name divide», and the item pen-ed. On the item of $56,696 for hoepitnil end dietitian, Mr. MEREDITH compinined tint the Government had not included institutions which had come into existence since the Act III penned. The item peeled. On the item of $50,000 for unforeseen end nnprovided. _ __ _ _ ,.__, - -_...,--... . "nu"... Filler, Nixon. Gov, Gull-m (Limbtou) Grant, Haney, Burgh", Buy. Hosgins, Lane. Lyon, Me. Onnev, McLeod Hellman. nowat. Pardon. Puter, ton (York) Paxton. Robinson. Ron. Roman Sim-lair. fiprtrger. .ftrirer,Wattotrrorth, madman. Wilma". Wilson, Wood-.. " The House divided, and the amendment to the amendment wu lost, Yen, 33; Neye,43. YF.'AS-hrtmira. Appleby, Baker, Bur, Bell, Raul. Mr, b'rodesr, onwn. wults, Creighton, Deacon, Flasher, Barktn, Kean, Lander. Long. McDougalI (Mlddleux), Uncdongall (ilmcoe). McGowan. Me Rue, Meredith. Merrick, Monk. Mont)" O'Douoxhuo, O'8tt11tvart, Pattern!) (Esau), Preston Richu'dson, 1tosevtrar, Econ, Tool", Wigio, Wtlu- 33. NAYe,-atemrs. Bal1atst.nts, Bauer, Bethune, Bishop linnneld, mm (Norton), Clarke t Wellington) Co'c Frocks, nglon. "greet Fol-Ill, Finlaylon. Fleming, Flu-n- I ni- ..._. AN-c--, ,1 ,7 I . » .- s'vciciie, to select mittbié DEESE-g tr, ali out to Canada, Mr, HARGBAFT old he thought they should not tie the Government down too, and ndyocnted the formation of Aid Mr. DAWSON thought it singular that with half our country yet to be opened up my objection should be raked to oh, hiring iqtmigmtion. (Beer, hear.). m thought the present dietteee lathe Inga vitiee watrexaeptiormt, and objected to he leading to a change in the policy which had worked well in the part, There wee a very large reduction in the " endituro proposed by the Government, 3215 he thought a farther reduction would u Eco rudder, and, in his opinion, uncelled or. there wan yet abundant room among the farming dintrictn of this Province for agricultural labourers. There wan in hie part of the country, at all eventn. With re- gard to the ntatement that many immignntn left this Province for the United Staten, he did not think thin evil prevailed now to the name extent that it had in pant yearn. m had made very particular inquirien in refer- ence to thin matter in 1874, and he could only find that name one or two iamiiien who had acne ted the inducementn offered by thin Province had afterwards croued the linen. He did not approve of the removal of the Quebec agent, as he thought he wan very nervioeable in counteracting the effort: of the Lower Province agents to take away from nn cur quota of needed immigrant. He aino thought it would be well for the Government to have a good live agent to look after their interenta at Liverpool and other point; m believed that on the whole the Immigration policy of the Government wan a wine ant an advantageoun one. Mr. O'DONOl l ROE aid the queetlon was whether they would now be justified in en- couraging Immlgntlon troulthe Old Country. m did not object to the put lyetem which the Government had adopted, but he thought now the attention of the Adeninutratioa Ihould be devoted rather to the meietsnce of the men who were in the country out of work. He denied thnt all the people who were here out of work were me- chenicl. There were lugs numbers of labourers here whom services were not sought by the farmers. m objected to the emrloyment of so my agents, though he bel eved the Government bud done the best they could in the mst. cr. Indy cautioned " to the clue of men thov should endeavour to secure; they were told not to go round the cities and large town, but to the rural districts, so u to bring the inducements oftered by the Government be. fore the Igticultnnl labourers. It often hop- pened that agent. would advise penile of other elem who npplied to them for for. motion not to come to Canada, at there was no room for than Ily contended that Mr. MACDOUHALL "id-th,, Amount