voted under this hoad bad been expended by I of Committee." 8 + this Government on matters which ought to Mr. Crooxs moved, in amendment, ""That aF i | bave been estimated for, instead of in mattors the words 'of the Committee' in the orlginal d which could not have been foreseen The motion be strucz out and the following sub: o ¥ taking of this vot#might be quite right in a stituted:--'that the letter seat to the Com-- ' 1 | large Government, but in this municipal Gov-- | mittee at its request be also recorded; and f P «rnment of Ontario thero was no occasion that Mr. Hay and his foreman bs requosted f se S for such alarge vote,. to attend mg give explanations,'" .j Mr, LAUDER sald $20,000|was the largost The motion as amended was carried, 3 s sum asked for by the last Government. l On the item "Thomas Short, exponses of 5 § Mr. HODGINS said the Sandfield Msc-- tranaferring prisoners to Central Prison, l doxul?i egovernment kad every iear hrg:ly $2,306 94," s % l excee their appropriation. In 1869 they * | | exceedud it by $29,000, in 1870 by $32,000, givce tast Tone miny e sywhone pursnon ts i l and in 1871 by $2,990, The form gone removing r{sonen from th ywn'ioup ols to 3 i through when Mr. Mackenzieo was Treasurer ' the Centupl P;ison ® *@4 s | was to trke a vote on every item under this | fe § p head during the next sesston, This had not I The detailed account was asked for. 4 been done this year, However, he thought Mr. Lavoer moved, "That sub--cocemit. | _ f | the amount asked was not too large. | tees of this Committse be appointed to invas-- $ | | Mr.CROOKS said Mr. Wood had e%~ | tigate all accounts and payments connected f | | pressed a strong opinion that it was better | with the Contral Prison and with coloniza: }" | to have this gcneral extra vote than to raise | tion roads for 1874 and 1875. | Cu : | the amounts in the estimates too high. O3 | _ Mr. Crooxs said there could be no cljec-- # | carions always arose on which the amounts tlon to a sub--commiittse, so long as trasy | 3 voted must be overrun, but the House passed were confined to their proper funciions, and the items afterwards, and so it was as broad did not interfera with the general work of 8 as it was long. the Public Accounts Committee. f Mr. SCOTT quoted from the practice of Mr, Crark® (Wellington) would oppose P 3 . the English House of Commons to show that the formation of a sub--committee untll it was , y f large votes should not be placed under the shown that the General Committee was una« $ $ control of the Government for unforeseen ble to perform the functions delegatsd to it t h experses _ He urged that the amount should | by the House, f j be placed in the estimates and fully ex-- Mr. FrRrrRIS took the same view. -- | i | 3 plained. Mr, MacvovaeaiL held that unless the a $ Mr, SINCLATR reminded the House that labours of the Committee were divided in the n J . Mr. Sandtield Macdonsld had urged the way suggested, they would not be able to gat e : ¥ * establishment of such a fund in order to pre-- through. _ He did not mean to say that thore & hi vent large expendituras, it boing well known was any wrong doing in regard to colo-- i that when estimates were takenths money nization roads, but he did not approve 8 f 3 was genoially expended. of the presont system, and thought its work-- ; . A division was then talk en on the amond. ing should be investigated. 4 ment; Yeas, 29 ; Nays, 45. Mr., Merroirn said that a swall Commit-- $ & d | | _ Y®EAs --Mestrs. Raker, Barr, Bell, Boultar, Broder, tee appointed to invertigate colonization S ; i E: )3 | Brown, Counits, Creighton, Peacon, el sh r. Haikin, roads might be able to make some important o ! } | Kean, Lauder. Mcuougall (Middlerex), Macdouga'l tions. C 3 $ 9 (sAme &), +McRee, Mereaith, Merrick, Mouk, suggesiione 4 $ -- Masotyn, O'Bullivan, Patterson ({sses) Prest>n Mr. Crooxs #raid that as he understood 7 (f 1'{-;3)\3:('50:1. Rosevear, Beott, Loo.ey, Wigle, Wills the functions of a sub--committeo, they could y t I NAYS.-- Appleby, _ Ballantyne. Baxter, Bothuns, only report facts to the General Committee, w | Bisheop, Bonleld, Clarke (Norfols), Carke (Weliing« Mr. MacvovoArL hoped that the hands of : ton), Cole, :i;mk, (1')11,\'833?'"?;" :\;,:h;ré'u&u:lx:)'-fio"; a sub.--Committee would not be so tied down v | (p"(:;' tl.u.u uufl::fll;.'fl'.:.'fi'n *T ay Hoagine Lae Lysu, th:t' their lnveutigatiom.wmld be valueless,. AL ; Pladee. Es tterson (Foul), Pecton. Ropingon. Kn d neel wogoon ie albpareine mubars on uoh. ; ® uin ABmict o liGel FIkCF, WaLLELY orth, present system o ursing moneys on col-- %i);d?:«»"dt: f \\f\'lr:'-, ':3,32;{"w3fl1'i'§§ Vikkbororkt onization roades. He thoug}.}t it should be . * s investigated, and, as the session was drawing + The amcndment was, thcrefore, nogative to a close, the duty of doing so should be re-- { ¢d. y ferred to a sub.committee, as was done at § $ After passinog some further items, the Ottawa. | Committce rose and reported, } Mr. Woo» said that the mors important h ? f, MUNICIPAL EKLECTIONS. | the qu;stlo& wa;,lth; gfieatx' reas&n Cwu 4 | J ttea 16e | there that the whole Public Accounts Com-- i t , Bill rerpromeg vorisin proscedioge in Moct | | mittee should investigate it, instead of putting | 5 ,lpd E}):ctiongs 9 | the duties into the hands of two or three j [ > < : ith | miembers. The battsr plan would bo . + b The Bill passed through Committee with | | for the whole Committes to take np the Cen-- . | | some triiling; amendments, a_m'i the addifion \ tral Prigon and Colopization Roads accounts $ * {v sl o_f % 1}'.&0!0 to p{event the voiding of the eles as they appeared to be regarded as import-- | h \ tion if the provisions 'i':h the Acs were sub-- | aut, and allow the sub--commiticss to investi-- +A K I stantially complied with. | gate matters of less importance, : 6 1! DISALLOWED BILLS, { Mr Crooxs said that if the sub--com nittss E; | & Mr. MOWAT moved the second reading of | woeuld confine itself to investigations and ra. . 4 7 | the Bill to amend and repesl certain enact-- l porting hct! be believed its opsrations would f f ; ments of the last session of the Legislature greatly facilitate the labours of this Committes; a | of this Province. t but he for one would not be willing to dele-- R : |\ The motion was carried, and tle Bill-- | R';e to '1 :"bt';'fmm":"f: g":nf::i':::g" u':g"'h f | passed through Committee with cortain un-- | belonged to the ':] :l C et ® t as | 4 l < important amendments, | ;g;msg recommendations on matters of po-- | | | q ] .1 j [( P ® 6 ¢ \ thzllri 031:) WAT moved the {adjournment of Mr. Crarxr (Wellington) moved in amend-- [ * | (fe xd d at 1:35 | ment '"That the words after 'that' be strock a 6 | The House adjourned a% L:o0 & 10. out, srd tke following substituted:--' As p . i | . matters covnected with the Central Prigson i $ | ~ & NOTICEK OF MOTION, and colorization roads involve not only mat-- 8. : | ** a ters of account, but questions upon which B © 3 | Mr. Cirabam (Lambton)--Enquiry of Min-- the Committee may be required to ofter re-- P ; 6 | 3 istry whether it is the intention of the Go-- commendat! ns as to future policy,it is there-- B | i | % versment to ask the Dominion Legislature to fore inexpedient that such questions should M _ M | allow all dn-nnzsntlhrehh;e to t.ho retglntn t3 delegated to a sub--commitros." t & | tion of births, deaths, and marriagos to pass | The amendment was lost, f | \ tnrough she Fost--wllice iree of ubarges | | . Yss wb Forrie, Gibson, Clarke § i Striker, Hay--6. a : PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMM TTEE. NAys--Crooks, Merrick, Deacon, Boulter, | ; / ray 4 Meredith, Macdougal!, Lauder, Ross--S . 3 f Decem jer 21. ¥ Mr. Ross moved that the words, "and f i0 g \ _ The Public Accounts Committee met this report the ovidence as to facts to this Com | t | @ m«:raing 3(: 11 o;ol:c"kr. T)hora Wekl': P:;;';;' mittse," be added to the motion. 4 | Mesers. «OW C man + ©00Kk8, » + : » i | (Gibsop, Moredith, Clarkse ( Wellington) Hay, is :f:::"lo;l;i eg:!WlBlon, Mr, Ross' anend-- | o | Laucer, Ferris, Striger, Memisk, Ross, Bout« % dei | f t fl ' ter, Macdongal! (Simeot). Mr, Crarkr® moved, in amendment to the | ; $ \ luced f R Hay & Co. amended motion, * That all the words after [d i 3 ,_A letter was pr< duced from i g 'a':v 69 for * that' in the original motion be struck out, | t ::rl:if:l:::" ro their secouns Of y1iof | and the follo;vtngb llubltituted:--' It is not 6 | 3 4 * necersary oradvisable to appoiat sub--com-- | '.' ' Mr, Laupe® moved, secondef by Mec. | mitteos for the eonsidcratiol of Publis As. f , | Boulter, '"That the acoount of K. Hay & 0 » | counts until it has been shown that there is | f s | g783 69. be recorded in detail in the mindsos * ' not euflficient time for a fall investigation of f iL -- C