j N es " eC f® vvvww'w---'_---------_------_.-----------------fl 4 & C Fe? T ¢ % s i & Assembly, the holdin : f 5 g of offices under th ; H vc(::'vm, munlcipal officos, and the powor o: the measure to meet the second point of the i o eragran gosh i mak ~--By ' f opored to ask the House if it w 8 Mr. SCOTT i :% :::r:;::i::.s:l':o mmo:;el _w:xe:te chsrga;m};% }"hpro?r[i'ded foru:%fietlh;trzoazge:?'tgtolflfi $ 4 that the decision sh e agatnst a candidate ote, The question might be submitted t o : | - 1d not be left to t the Judgo of the C workst 1 judges instead of on on boat wo go of the Court of Error and Appeal § | the protection whicho' so that all might have or a -- County Court Judge a f f | y o the united juadg: therob i c osutt o 1 £ | :i'::JtJdgcl would afford l'he;r 3:;%::(: '"ed'y' :;'::"::lmew!::dtgomy ce peay ' § !' the l:tfl:t:tiov Cau? of Error and Appeal tice. Any measure proposed fol:r:;?:alli):; :f 4 : f ment of the judges go review the jadg: members disqualified by the Election Courts ' [ 1 [(# ssss on is would rtostro his h) eopport f I 4; . P ow t * e 1| ( PE s ---- _ . o HODGINS aerent that pablis oofton 1 n r com _ the decisions . of ine measure being f -- | :3;,&1: y judges, which wers -- practically :t;::htgsf:: l};g:dre{)ief of gentlemen who had : it [Adrhaids --to $ire » dhigh. antiunicy Erevtion vourlge Unded the provent systomt ? P \ o give ger authorts | a c syastom f , ' 'tl'ohe'h:l Court of Appeal than it now hd£ | R:f(%;);i;?imflgrgm"" o talnece woire on | . y also proposod to adopt the provision * alidity of the ballots which on the Domini i P of #pgesl could onl f f* t ominion Act which rendered agents Trror asd A peck y held Tok it Te anang ' f j | pe;lsonal!y liable for thoir corrupt acts by be shown b ppeat, Hs held that If It could ' ' | which disabilities fell upon candidates with-- Do o Li T eSE bh fhe Rebirning (H9 . " r: t eir having any knowledge of such cor-- had beeno;:nty Court Judge that the ballots > | w:uld"t.' . (Hear, hear.) He thought all jeoted ball xgorreotly gousted.or that some te-- { f it wonfigonndor this provision a good one, as re--count ? t;x ied ht sn P s ts syorg m 4 | make agents more cautiouns in their | th of the ballots should take placs in j F conduct when they know th e presence of the returning--officer b $ fiues would y know that costs or oven he thade his fLbal g--officer before ould be incurred by their commiiting C nal return to the Clerk of the l | corrupt sots. _ (Cheors.) | s ppenl In Chancery, subject to an immediate | + 0 J , | | wl?::tfiEfiilgngg th"i'd dh" :fispmd that :inh & 8; ate':nb::er:eoin}ifi.gr::gd'&ptp:: lgm.fi f f | || | I e judges did not agreo elay and 7 i . | the jadgment would » F expense now involved in obtaini C i' | of the candidate nnde? h:zll:nd"ed PR :te;e-count of the ballots: would 'be °bvnig' P § ' \ _ Mr. MOWAT said that whon th o i f is hap:-- Mr. LAU j pened no corrupt practices were fouud, * that the mcm%lfrl: gg;(zlc':l:;gidln tfih' y fipm"" $ | lpfel:l ?MEREDII'H--But thero may bo an hA:idships, The nexs harazh!p' :o 2';@%';?{?: K | | 4 cation was the enormous bill of f | ::r. MOWAT--Yez. partlesAto el(:gtion trials wera1 c:ugg"z;!:.;hat.g P d | r. DEACON--Will &wo ; | pay. , A tariff of fees should be fixed by th | at the trial of the cleciion Judges . proside Legislature, zo that tre costs of pafigons: t \ Mr, MOWAT--Yes, ::n:fif: ndest might be made a modersts f f Mr, GIBSON was proceedin, N ; * g to ad-- Mr, MoMAHON said ti i : """::' the H *:m :}:en the <1u:|tit)n of order been euoteafi{fr:m'.?fit 'l::;: tol'\ir'ti:oeo'z)}vx 2(: S place on the first reading, aspould not take 'i':: Z;r{;olfi?xt;' bs; J fii--i' is hok groocd tohfl?o SPE"AbK.IE.R ni& ltfiv::l l:;tl oustomary and had a %etifix):;n no?v ::;g'i;:;nofiicfg a de on the first reading, unices bead, He thought i j A there was ® 0 , uni noses ought it was just that Mr. Szock : m n To o fermmo is en en ioing ahean f )'nx)h 10 7 e ing ered. beMt::l MOWAT l::lp'd the rule would not l If ho should be ussested, and Mr, Btook '.: ':.txll);:.nf::o ton this occaslon, as he ;h(;ul:. be e)z:.nla.d to run sgainst him,ke would get any suggestio iave to meet a very strongy candidate, | t h | m1'gdht I(J; made by hon, lynamben. e Sua6 | r"}:"f 0}': th?l t};' PPf'rtl ;ff Jfii.fl Rsf.;:mJ ,fr;:nds? | r. GIBSON said he was just pro aud be hoped he should reccive the sesistance to offer some nuggutiou wh]loh hpo t',:::xl;l;t% of ih? member for S;:u'h Simeus (hear, hear; ! . ' might be adopted, but had no objection to Le {'3"'.""'1 wleo CDa6 of the meniber for | :ihOth. as he believed its principle was a a;f m (I',"u{'h:er') | | ght one. He was of opinion that the time Ars DEROCHE expressed his regret that | | within which an election patition could be §# the Government had not broughs down & " | put l:n should be limited, and that a petition-- measure relieving these gentlemen from the flr sbould not be allowed, as he now was, to disability under which they latoored. The (i}dl a petition over a candidate's head for a result ot the law had beon beneficial, but he ©, | | whole year, (Hear, hear) Thore was hoped these gentlemen who had vio'lated a ' | | another matter which though porhaps not lh.w 'vghioh was moresevere shan they thought 7 | | ' exactly pertinent to the present Bill was would boe relisved. very pertinent to the situation of some hon. Mr, DEACON sald he should not offer any f ,fi,m\)em who had formorly had scats in tho opposition to a measure relieving these gen-- ou;:, but who bad been, he had no hosita-- tiemen, and so in fact pardaning those who P tion -{)'ng.dhquglified for almost nothing. were proved to be guilty, He thought the . f No member of the House could holl , House had legislated too far, and that its \ | the -- judges of _ this _ Provinco _ in measvres ought to be regulated by common | greater yeneration than he did, but gense, The judges ssemed generally to as-- I the gemneral opmcion of the country was thas | sumo that the respordent must be guallty, p ] they were not 20 don :fstent and harmonious | and seats had been avoided on grounds which | i as might have bean expgo.20 ; but that fool. | did rot affect the reeult in the slightsst de-- inrg prevailed no doubk more gena.'.\lly among %g,x(:zet He th(;\ught rejectad ballots ouciht to | laymen than among lawyers, Nevortncless, J d. once decided upon by the County v the universal opinion was that the ponsitics udge or some one, and where the intention t | imposed on some genslemen were altogother ) | :" ho p'{;enc 0;1 us t,;) be added to the votes f | bc{lond the offence of which they had baen | nfi:el;ngs%éxe ies | f | gullty. No law could be long masintsined o make agents llablmfpported Do e Wak coudesd f which provided a peoalty mnct greater than To relicving th O hk nosis, but was ongosed j f the cfience, and which made an ol{:nder into The ole '8 °sfetv;vho had been disquatlitied. w _ a mart;r. It the Government could fatro« Re thg\:"}'fl:ot]ioo he law had been successfal. $ sb | duoce'a menuure to reniove the dissbilitios toen)argo A e u:'uvt should not be allowed 9 3 under which some gentlemen suffered in couse. | Ho th ght &P oulars during the triel B quence of the actions of the courts, they | HA _btlmg Th 3 cost should be regulate4d if 3 S would receive the support of the House Rs-- | g!f:; de. § ;:mmt system seemed to be W!. | trospective legislation was undesirable, nover. To balfo:f !:V .H. ll:l?n was worth, and javy C theless an exoeption might be made in the o Aripeent. de alieved the law should xC present cate. giasl.sfiofet'ihz):;h Aa J em?g io ét packive ie-- f Y I Mr. LYON supported the moti , though he wou'ld. be willing to agree J member _ for Hlalioh was dib-lnul(;g;d ;"h: 30:}." limitation of the time of disqualitisa« . / trifltvg charge, and the evidence was very \ _ Mr. CREIGHTON [3 weak. He hoped the Government woald 3 thr' f referred to the hardship w3 © introduce a Bill to releaso those gentlemon | 'I'!Il' ;g o of Ns Soott, the lats member for E_ from the disabilities under which they sui-- orth ( woy. He believed the Act bai been | [ Mame ieiicemen y * m\ Mr. MEREDITH asked the Attorncy. . i olequalifcation, 4 [ _ Gemeral if he propored to bring in a mel::go thhir 'MO}VA D extd it was to be rogrested [ &0 rellove thore persons suffering under the J at tho cost of these t:iials was so lar:e dOiuabilities referred to, azt whothof he »'i:he did I!Otl'ln)w that it was possible to ; would amend the law in regard to drinking 11'1 c;xfl-em'l:mt'nlw. The masuinery was as $_ , on polling days. iim.feme possible, ard the emounis trxid | : s } Mr, MOWAT sald the Bill so far as it was for corts wore the iss se is civileaite, Se | 3 i J prepared dealt with the tuture and not with B A the past. There would be some provision in ' : r€ 6.