belleved members on both sides would agrea ' with him that the law had operated on the | whole most beneficially. (Hear, hear ) He btlieved there never had been an election in tho couctry in which there was so small an aggregate amount of corruption as in the lat» efcofion. (Hear, hear) Thbe objsct otf the clause to which reference had been made had been to dpro' ent taverns belug open on polling day, and the drinking woich was consequ--nt on their belng opec,. The enactment was a bencficial ore, bus the jadges bad found it pecessary to put a construction upou it by which it a caudidate went into a tavern on the polling--day, and took aglass of beer or wine not only was tha election avoidod | but the candidate was dizqualitied. He was | sure that every member would agrse with | him that not one person who was a party to thas clause ever imagined that that would be | the result ofit, He entirely sympathized | with those who thought & hardship had been | suffered by thoss who ware disqualifed, and he rejoiced to find that both sides of the House approved of an enactment to remoava | that disqnalification, At was a grave thing to do and it was desirable that thero shou!d cot be many instances of it; bus in a clear case of this kind, in which all parties con-- curred, he ventured to tako the responsibility of saying that he wou!ld have somsthing | to _ ofer to the House on the | | subject when it mot again. (Cheers) He thought they should not stop in such a mat-- ' ter at thoso cases which Lad been disposed of | by the Courts, but shonld include casos, | euch as that of South Ontario, which were still un Jer adjudication, The Bill was then read the first time, THE RECBSS. I Mr, MOWAT moved that when the Houss a@journs to--morrow it shall stand adjourn«d | until luesday the lith of Janusary, He | stated that it had been considereA more coa-- | | venient to postpone the re--assembling of the | House to this dats than to meet on the day | Erst named--the first Thersday in January. Mr, ROSS said the County Councils would | be meeting on the fourth 'Tuesdiay in Janu-- ary. Mr, DEAOON was in favour of postponing the mecting to Wednesday the 12th. Mr, HODGINS thoughat it would be more @cairable to moset on the day originaliy , tixed. The motion was carried. JUDGMENTS IN ELECTION TRIALS. | _ Mr, HODGINS moved, "That the Clork | of the House be directed to iay before the | ' House copies of the judgments delivered by the jadges selected for the trisl of election '\ petitions, in pursuance of the Controverted | Elections Act of 1871, in the cases decided by : them, and the jadgmerts in appsal." He | said his objsct was t» have those jadgments in the hands of hon. members in a shape con-- venient for future reference, as they f& not appear in the regular reports, _ He believed this was the custom in England, Carried. MUNICIPAL INSTITUTIONS ACIT. \ _ Mr. GIBSON moved, "For a return in ac-- cordance with the provistons of sub--sections 6, 31, 32, and 33, seo, 190 of the Munivipal Institations Act, 36 Vic. for the year 1874, | showing the value and the indebtedness of | each city, county, town, towsshlip, and vil-- | lage, at the above date throughout the Pro: vince." Carried. SURPLUS DISTRIBUTION MONEY . The House then went into Committse on the Bill respecting the application ol the aurplus distributioa money, Mr. Clarke ( W al-- lington) in the chair, The Bill was reported with amendments, read the third time, and passed. . MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. The House then went into Commiitee on ' the Bill xesmtlng proooedlnfi: at municipal ; olco}ions, , Clarke (Weilington) in tre .The Bill was roported with important verbal amendments, read the third time, and pageed, Mr, MEREDITH asked what arrange-- menrts bad been made for distributing this | statute to the various municipalitles, } Mr, MOWAT siid that ten coples wou'ld be sent forthwith to all clerks of municipa i-- ties throughout the Province. Mr, MOWAT moved that the House ad journ until two o'clock to--morrow, The House adjourned at 5.30 p m,