$ mmb mofieromuiei o rp nbane Iufnerietnninaitt n 209 is uh coeus OKTARIQ LEXISLATURE, | f y Up mc s «+ ~nniiimemmnnn wmeroes F138] | $TS5IXX --THRD PARUAMEST, gunmerivenn . il@iprmnammmme ma Jax, 12, 1876, Ths Absaker tock the olhsir at 8 o'clook. PE 'ITIONS$ | The {cllowing petitious wera prosented :-- Nr. Clarke (Weliin.ton)--Of the towaship Council of Luthor, priving that no part of said towrskip may be attachad to the village i Artiur, Mr, Laudar--Of J. McCUaalg e a/, of To-- ronto, prajing that gran msy be freo from taxatiom. Mr, Eunter--O' Countye Counc'! of Gray i{'rt cortain amendmcnts to the Manloipal "ro----Of the County Council of Grey, ; B _ thatthopumber of tavarm Hoenses | . prayins . ~l that no lise be gi be recutéd, m« °* . gense BJ £iYoi for ealgons, ang" pubt 829 Uommse be given where other goode are so.. C Hon. Mr. Gow--O! Mess Retamas MoRI-- | derry avnd 2,010 others, of Gaelphs, to & | mmilar sflzot BILLS INTROUUOKY. &kn. MONK In'.rodncod a Bill VJ fanllitato tavel on enow roads. The Bill was read the first '}!mo, +~] PRIVATE BV .Ls, Mr. FRASER prosentsd the first rep>»t of the Commithoq on Private Bilis, 'Khe isgort was reocived. CoUNrY CoOU&RT JUDGES, ' Mr. MOW AT introduced a Bill rospscting County Court Judges. He explained thas the object of the Bill was to ubliiza in the most effeotive mangor tho local jagiciary of the country. It was well kuown how unsqual our counties wers in regard to propolation, means of intercom-- munloation, wealth, and the amount of busi ness which had to be trausactel by our | county judges, Take the countie« which | had only one judge _ '*ho county of Middle | sex had a popn'ation of 82 595; Grey, 58,395; Wentwortb, 57,000; Brucs, 47,000; while | Prince Fdward bad 20,000; Haitan, 22,000; ard Paldimand, 24,000. Stormont, Dandas, and Clorgerry, with & population of 58 288, bad two judges; Porth bai 46.536, with one judgs; and Oatarto 45,890, wito two jadgos: Renfrew and Peterboro' had each 27 towa»> l sbips, with one jadge; while Brautk had 6; Waterloo, 5; Pesl, 5; Helton, 4; and Prinse HAward, 6, -- There were all sorks of inequall. ties o" this kind. _ The object of tha Bill was to get the fall benofit of whatever jadicial: atreppth existed in the conatry. Thece was also the difi satty cansed by jaiges becomlag * acquainted with persons who cams before them as anitors, which craated a dissaticlas-- Lon which was notweli fouaded, buat which ex-- Isted among the public, Hs proposed, ia order to remedy thae evils, that such portions of the Province as from time to time it might be found convonient to sot apart should be formed into distrlcts or grovps of countiss. He did zot progooe that the whola Provincs rhould be so divided, bat that the division should take placa wherevor it would serve t> give conlidence in the administration of jas-- tice in those localities or to equalizs the divi-- slon of labour The Act provided that dis: tricts might be formed of two, three, or four adjoining connties,and that the ju(:'gea should | perform duty in rotation, according to ar-- rangements mzde by themsolves for tie pur: pose, They did not proposse to lay dowan any cast tron rule, but to adopt elastic rules to suit the conventiance of the people and ol the judges, The BHl was read the first time, BROCK'Ss MONUMENT. Mr. CURRIE asked what had been doas by the Goverament of this Provincs slace the first day of July, 1874, towards acquir-- log the property at (Queeaston on waich was erscted the monument ot the late Major-- Geperal Brock, Ho also wished to know Hf it was the istertion of the Government to acquire euch property, and make regulations for the proper care and managament of the zamée * Mr, MOWAT seld he had the pleasure of stating that the Government had mado ar-- rangements by which the property referred to by the hon. membar wou'ld be traneferrad to tha Province. (Cheers.) AQ ,Qrder in Conncil had been made by which'a barga'n