, , , . for the Isle of the Route Lends in this rsre one, and ihe feeling of the House, so I vids " T - tested on s tumor oeossiou, seemed to be ( Province L-Mr, Mtsradith, _ I spurt the sdoption ot the Dominion law . Roaming the lake Sirocco J auction Rul- l, with regs"! to xranhtatittem, my mpatt--hre, Patterson (York), Mr, BEACON w" in "your or the nomi- Mr. DEROCiIE moved the second needing nstices being mode in writing, and of requir- , of the Bill to divide the Townships ot ii .st Ing s deposit. I Hawkesbury into two Municipalities. Mr. PARDEE sud the present lsw hsd Mr. HABKIN moved the Bill be read it worked well in the part, sud he sswno resson second time this day three months, stating tor charging it' that foy.lif.thts tt the taxpsyers ware opposed .." Mr, 0'D0N0GIIUr: woe to taroue of the to the divuion. . . t aw remsfning " " now wss. A discussion took piece; which continue! l, ' Mr. HODGINS proposed so smendment until tle expiry of tha hour devoted ta Pri. , which he said wss nesrly the some " in the ' pata hills. _ i Imperial Ant, New?!" ',he,t/,'t,te I'i lat. ELECTION or MEMBERS. " PM" "yturrta by "my " a "N th'." i The Committee on the can res ti _ . pee mg the ard',,ffg,ttt/rt,lt W Arg tdull take pm" by the ; election of members oi the Assembly rose ltd a A-, Mr, MEREDITH nigges'ted that the ballot rtTortod rrp, , . , pspcrs re"g,1St"t,ilt ot as many tc,',",,?,",',', a: TORONTO H4 lnPII'AL. _ there ere con star, esc can u o a o s . t , . ; diderent colour from the other? snl etch to i tla motion of Mr. CRO", FL/lt ll we ' contsin the name of one candidste. One of I vent ":0 firutft' 'lt ,'t,,e1,t'rg,tt,t1 ) theseczupons w? old be torn off by the vot: r, ', I tte tt km aW12?" at ')1, the chair ' p ia!, ',' eocioeed in " cumiopo, and dropped lato ', "W Mr, C t ot , , " on. . _ the box; the remainder oithe ba'lot would ba , Mr. CAhllaltON [And it we! _ unmet to tat in Another hex. , make tttlt/iStudy,',',":,', pry townie the Mr, 1:03.51 ea d Mr. I Illry thought i "PP" o pa an ram 9 $h911tt rr. sucu s truth: "1fdil.r,sl.',,ail,i!-li(,a1 would Mr, CROOKS llld the hon, gentlemen ' ti. t b: tthr, i l ," ,ir Lctic-n 3; sins? frauds. - was entirely mistsken. Toronto IP1f for no , Mr 'AO"," t r it" the': tun .v We, Tcn' one who wee not sent to the Hospital on the l ...' , ("I / f .11 .. 'f I,. /i. "v,trt'/:/,ir, , order of ttotnaror,and leted/ttjmatrirui(ii ( i (r,", ' ,' 1 J u; ic ',.J Hm}; /', _ (r. 1" tothe 1','lee, ot the Results! itbanetittat by \ 57'; .' i F ', j,' r 1 I' 1'7". "l,,', (r: i this pub otrust. The Government trustees 'i , ','" o," ' l", " 'Erl'fTLj- -", C"." i'1e.1iltzity1,ttt no other trustees bed " ',,,'r ld.,:, t tk _. rev" A N l tempted to do in the wsy of raiorm, end he t - ' C "_t "N " .. ' l wss prepsred to sesame the fall responsibil- ' Ott the 26th dolls. I ity for their notion. Aldermen who bed set I hie. CAMERON objected to the throwing f on this trust had made it s means to he'p of .3, obstsclss tn the wsy of g (on enquiry i their own elections. It he chose he could id, l into election can. m 'ttae, tint the diet the pest trustees for a violstlon oi their saunter-s should not be rsqu until the i trmst, " of Mel, " witne-es were in some asses , Mr, CAMERON said if these trustees hsd tam with between the rendering of the violated their trust, the Government were Inglis end the tiny oi trill. derelict in their duty it they did not pro. Mr. HODGINS sold that es the lsw now 1tcttte them. wss the whole matter wss in the hands of Mr, CROOKS sgsin pointed oat thst the the iud es, and he did not think there we! city of Toronto paid for no one who come much denser in the wsy of tsmperin with from my ether 1ntythhn'a'tr. m had used I witnesses. m thought, however, the m. the term "iyAo.t"t1'rsuairr, meshing tint l ' spoutibiiity ot the petition slang with the he could indict them before the bsr of public I deposit of money wee s aaffioient gusrsutee opinion for failing to csrry out their trust. l to require from the petitioner in election He desired to p:otect the institution iron cues. it: trather-oe, which hsd been brought to _ Mr. HARDY spproved of the provision re- baar on it in the last, ' T _ ytyngt1-tttto"a"Gk psrtieulsrsto beveri- w, BELL said the farmer trustees l i tied on osth; 1?tttitaprrtv%at were msde that --t bed done their duty. It was peou- l oil the particulsrs should be reserved until I liar that the first act of the t _ the dar of trisi, it would involve oontinusl new trustees should be to appoint to the i _ sdjourument of the Court and s lsrge smouut other. of mediosl superintendent. at nu la, l of expense. l crossed ssisry, the brother of one of the 3 _ Mr. MILLER thou ht some da up to 5 tnutceg, P which psrticulsrs might be filed should be l Mr. CROOKS ssid that statement wss ut. l mod, so gp, expense sud trouble erase ' terly without foundation. The unme Up. from new b is of particular. being put in t penal to be the some, but the two gentlemen p from time to time. i were not related, - I Mr. "'ILLS nimcdthst st least somosuoh Mr. BELL moved en amt-admont, pro. provision should e made with regard to the riding that one trustee should be sppoinivi surged not: of agents. by the City Council. and that the Mayor er,:,,',',,',,,',':?,,",'?!, wssiu favour of sililowéng fee? be on e" of mo memlrr of tl" smen ments to the tiouisrs u to t e s . of trinl. The 90:!!ch occupied 12, tho many. ...' Mr. CURRIE ssid the Toronto anltsl m for Muskoks wu owing to the notion of was 'phtugtitr,, ot the our. .by was the judge in running to allow smendments as reslly s Pro on! Institution. lire interests to a. we. ot "can, The ducmuon "a of the city sud the Hospital were somztlmee used against the public interest, sud - opposed, sud nowtthe hon. gentlemsn pro. f member who knew he w" innooent ought to posed to give the city two representatives on I he willie to have every sllogstion sgslnst [ the Board instead ot one u it had previously , him was 1%.. 2t Bill th not depth; ft Council . o e r ttose so s trustee. at t provid- r,,dl"; ,','f,','T,,fifpfg',ef tttTa, t, 'l't I ed that he should not be an sldermsu, because \ ' innocent, end it w" importsnt to tf" time an slaormsn could not Properly serve the for invest tion, and that the protection of trust and the City Couuci st the ssme time. I "said. ,igl \puldbo given. Irtiquett1r the -s Mr, {BARR objected to the exclusion I psrticnlsfvn sir no mal foundation. but were of medioal YP . from the Board of ' ' u. in Ir rs F- we that something might be Trustees. m believed the trppointatent of Sign", 1 medical men - yesr would lend Mr, uoooms thought the sillsvit l tdi1pgd,1hr," "in 21tp,fltr',', as I ', or one smspooe or g i should go further than wss proposed. I the plenum-e of the trustee: m thought _ RETURNS. t,uh"atgriog,i, shofld b; recommended . y he e as Couao , on should he s _ ahrd2t1ar,'t'td returns ropaatiag r student who hat just grsdusted, who would . . r, , I he glad to serve for one or two yesrs without o oAler-,0l, disbursements of sherms for 1.571, rcmuuersiion. l - " ""98"" msostpta ot tell',-",?, . Mr BAXTER me he could not see why I _Alto--sumsurttenttr, M1miottml lutare. member of the medicsl profession in notes! I? being six o'oloak, the Spasher left the prsctice should bcexcluded from the Board. ohrir. Mr. CROOKS we the exclusion of smedl- PRIVATE iii LLS. eat practitioner from uominstion by I the City Council wss hosed on s After "tme, similsr ground to that whioh lei The following Privste Bills were advanoed to the exclusion of an sldermsn. There I s etege:- were often rival schools of medicine, sud To mend and extend sn Act Ittcarparatte g "my" great dlv1smitr in 'ttret'., to o1inioat B the Synod of the Diocese of 1utario--Mii e praeiit= One ot tate! diftimitte, to, [ Bodt.iitn, ', the trustees was to m e srrsngsments in re- To smendthe Act lntituled "Aa Act to pro' gard to the tnedlaal 'utr, and ths mm"? W