---.- - V 7 V V - "v " the Government were concerned, they hed ONTAR'O 1JiilBlJmlllf alien upon ell the worke ot the Cu Cane _ e F The ,f?,'gt"g, propoeed to aid ----- 5.00%.? their let t'gi'darffgg into . a new uetr en t e no overn- "RSI $t$$lt8r-uflm 'hlttllWlif. meat to tmat {hem 'dlh7.e,Tt it give them ----_- tdthid,1'lvt' ierdee they could if: he»: v . i em i r on to endeavour new ' "Shin" lt 2, them it in no 2d'l they did not endanger the The - be 'he all!!! It 11 tt clock. money of the Province They propoeed to PETITIONS. pey the Govenment 6 per cent intereet It they gave them one or two yeare in which to "I. following petition '0" p-Nd:--. pey thrir indebtedneee, They pieced before' Mr. Weds-ot Brantiord Town Council. the Government the true eitnetion of the preyiu; for oerte'n amendment- to the Bill Compeny, and pointed out, what every one now More the Home, reepectlng tevern and new, that there could be no more uniortun- eh! p liorneee. ate tune then this to enter into a new in. Mr emu-oz the County Council of tin-try. or to bend up a come-av ahttost Oxiord. reopeoting the Municipal the Fund. 22:11:55 It wink"; thangoidtmgg; PRINTING, but for Je',ee eix 1311mm: to Mr. CLARKE (Wellington) mounted the come - "us" men wo geqrttr, auntie report ot the Printing cinema. tg te'tghte,i,TS"T1ftn1atr gal. PROVISION FOR IRE INSANE. f,'t,"a'eg therefore cuneid'ered it inright ft pay e In their claim no t to On tU motion of Mr. JI, 0019' tale to Government mic give the Oomgenv time 9.21:3 tttht/et,',", me e Walt to pay the Government'e claim ageintt them, t t ' me . p on their paying interest " the rete ot eix per CANADA CAR COMPANY, ash tree ngdor three yeere ago _ Mr, WOOD raid that when the propose: ".70" 03:33; JSI d 1"I' 2,t, 1ltftt wee originally made to enter into . contact entering into "other contract they ought to with the Honda Car Gompmg. both olden o provide for the occurrence of . eimilar cen- the m nee ooncurredin c met ering the come tingency They hed made . coutreot tor . peny e reuntctahle end etnble one. Time hei hunting. Itone " $3 a which th ex- 3, ehown that the ieare entertained no tt.,"' l pected would carry theme: into the letyMey l number of phonon "mm" by the he" when thie new contreot would iirc1iru,' l ernment were groundieee, but the Compeny I end they hed acted for 85 000 to enehie ' had failed to - out thsir part of the tt tne _ them if zimller condition! ehonld erlee to tur. trect, not through their own fault or loch ot l ' nieh employment to the which Industry, but in consequence of the generei would be piotitatths to the 'e,t,'t,t',t u, con- eiegnetion ot trede. The Government hed l olueion he moved.-" That thie Home do on then to consider which wee the beet couree Thur-Ida " itleli into . Commit- for them to teke. One wee to mete a new l teeto 'tg,rghigtt,",,t1, Reeolutlon ._ ccntrect, veried eomewhut in terme, with the _ ' Tint . pro oontmdt 'UCI",',' the tir. Cer Ch mpeny. and the other wee to mate a r ot 'gtt2 and Aeylumt on d the contract witnecme other compeay. No more amend": Our th mpany do receive the concur- unfortnuate tune could be imagined to uni; a route of thin Home} l, ' a contact with another compeuy. while the M L DER id h did l intend t 'loentw ought to do what wee tight wish JIS,', 5? with: L'N,'fl "suction I thia core. It the Company "m t"ar. oontendZd 33. the protect made formerly pnedof mm ot In." without oatitttri' b iiiir6 which tothe contract with thie would heve been a dvtlerent thing; bat no a "dud be . titiad h th dices members was hut-clash businen men. who "WW"? lte. 'd' "" iii, , t ll h "i'i had rubecribed a canl'ial of $270.0)" or 1','l'll'.,i,el"llfa, h "033?; on "1f,',','11' W but $260,(00, and not only hed the whole oi thie the ia pointed out that there 'lt, too ttv':-,'.")))',,',",',,,',"',,',':', tf",k,,ttr'e,' 35:" will risk in the nutter to allow the Pea. ?5 z e nan en g " putt ' vinoe to go to " tlt largo or once. The mom- d en 'WY, only Mttota were $100,00Q here ot the Company were lll'l'lh in their ne from the (.eneie Southern in four yeere liebilit and 0 old not be made to time broarr, and the worke, which were m 07'" then title amount ot their Itook, estimate-d to be worth nhout $150000 which he berhsr ed ha d all been tl d 11 He The Compeny propoeed to enter Into a not :ne of iiii'i that the I " It, Cen- oontract, end the Govermnent cemented trel P3311 were "Jug". we Tii A But i; wee memory tint to nettle the ac cold not 'roveto 1teattttmsotive 'sd, con- counte between the Government and too I St' red it the I -very 'iifiiGTiri' piece to ftg'trh, IP. new???" hed l Sth live in. end thet the men were better off " " t o Lemony " " per or" there than they were at home. He thought and-labour unperto:unett-tt" one being an the me n rhould be punished. They muet tqminble cleim, while the other wee aetrlctly all to ret the position in which thie luetitu- t legal cle'm. On the other hand the ' tion ',S' "wed. EGG free to admit that puny bad a clnn eguinet the Govarnm at the Cer Company did dolerve ttonttderation tor non.faltihneot of contract, and for worhe attho hnnde ot the GororaunmA bat he periotmed in tho interest ot the Province thought the Government were very and at the htsttgstlott ot the Govc'nment. much. to blame for the protect Some people might say thet the Goverm etete of "atra. He "I gled that ment ought to have oniorcad the contact; the Government thought they hail . protceut but for hie pot, f, they hed not received one of bett.-r deye for the inetitution. and hoped doller from the bompeoy foe tU labour ot they would be enccceefui. It we! a very fine the prieonero, he would eey it would not be building, end tt pro8r indultriee had been Just for thin weeithy Prosincs to cancel the brought into " at first would have been thyme" ot . don" for we unperirrmed n credit to the Province. He did not deeire hour. He had haters him a etetement from to throw unneceerary obetaoiee in the way of the Prllon inepeotor, ehowicg the work done the menegement of such " inetitutlon as ', iron the let June, Ity, ""1. 1,',,',ttt'g "f thie, which was very dfftiouit and required the eontraot--to the 60th Septem er, 187.1 eet cere and nttention. m hoped the There "' " ""Hit ot 221 cd,',,',',,'.",',; would he more eucoeeeinl with 5th" t,'al"'"lt," war Sabina 'Tlti'i' the new contract then with the old one. _ l t I 0 ' ' F hr. MOWAT? raid the Oeuede Car Coat. " 50 oett% . 6:7 rum" emounlt to tt4,200. ! peny included e Urge number of the beet end There "I. 49,915 days on " oh work ttad meet endceeaiul business men in the country 3 been fe,t.otur ttttet th" for the Comptny, . end they had shown their view oi the con2 f and 29 966 on wl I h the work My been for tmot by investing neerly halt . miliha of k the Caneda Car Compeny,leavlog ti 519 daye money In it tBur, hear,) It up l when the men ,1'fit not employed. tia, however, that the united wiedom ot iiGi l thrush the, f,'thSt,'porttr, had not b." abu experienced buelueee men had been for info. ltr utilize the ia our of the prieonere all the ' Ho, to tho iOreeight of the member for Eeet true, the Province had had the niventege of G my. That hon gentlemen had now stated . the labour. The Government agree to whet hie views ind been, but unfortuuetely ehendon their cleim ior "performed iebonr, he did net due," the credit h and the Cnr Comp my .groerd to "Nd" claimed " he had never expreeeed in": their claim fornon fultihnetstot the contact. viewe l Mil after the event ha on ed. Then came the question, what the Govern- (laughter-J The objection the C,l'd'lllt mint ehouid pay for labour performed to: had formerly telren wee not the one new worke in connection with the Uentru Prieon. l etattd by the hon, member for Eat Grey The decleion whicthPad been arrived nt i but they had objected on the ground iii', vol t,11tt the "m of ' r,5 .00.0 ehcuid be paid. i the Government wculd not be able to euppl The government had a cleun for 814000 or i the required nnmhzr of workmen, Butiyt 81tUj00 ageinet tho Compeny t,ut,t'gtg', , wee quite oleer that that objection had no ttToe,',',',,',':',',',',',".",',',,',',','" 'rlsyt tyeh',', tom. terr had 'tu, Com m able "0..., Q l I , I done in the intereete of the Province. s, tar ottt the "ttttteach 'ht "W0" ot the Goi. . I