The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Feb 1876, p. 4

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t o9 h y $ t x o P T um 9 ' % -- ofi i } % f 2 y se farther in a northerly directlon, to unite final-- horuges, . mace & totstl of $1 012 009 -- Iy, when their finavncial posltion was botter or $5,500 per milo, 'Thors had teen id 44' secured, with the CGeorgian Bay Branch ot dition stook to the extent of $8,540 ner nmila the Pacific Railway. So with regard to I hon's to tho amcunt otf $12.000 pi | the Victorla Railway, it was mpwed mils. Hom members would flad that + , to encourage is to extend to Kiamount, proproed amonut to be ralsed op tlis sesh $ The first clues of roads which they proposed ribeel the roud had betn $12,000 per mie. | E. aldivg were those in which the grantlng of a ut the present application -- was based an * f modcrate amount of aid would ecable them the arenmption that they would no# b» abls § to complete their projects. They had the -- J to rafze more than ©$9.000 per . mils, n Lake Simose Junction Railway, which start «o that the rcal porition of the rami ed trom Stouffville, m poink on the Toronto sems worte than it had been hefor=, exoept ' and Nipleaing, and ran northarly to Jack-- in so far as regarded the depreciation of ali f son's Point on Lake Simcor, u&l\uoo of nllw:lyoncnrltiw. It was a reasonable er-- . 264 miles, They proposed to ald this road pectation that if they were able to sell thair j to the extent of $2,000 per mile, It would , J bonds at $12,000 _ pr mile, _ they d appear from the psg::l in --referenos would be ab'. to complets the road, & to this road that larzge amounts of Trhey now proporsed to realiz+ on them / o mun'cipal bon::res had heen oonutbnt«k $9,000 per mile _ 'The securitics under a ard _ Lore jice stoock subscribed, an the present proposal, it rail way ceourl. they bud every reasonable lsuuutrothnt the | tlee were saleable at all, wou!ld certainly road was one that would be constructsd, be negotlable. _ He went on to refer to the | 6 The Selieville and North Hastliogs Rallway rates which the Wellington, (GGrep, and | f was a new road, involving a distarce of 22 Bruce, the Toronto, Grey, and Bruce, the | mi'es, ans they proposed aidiag 1t to the or. Midiand, and other roads had brea abls to | tent of $3,000 per mile. By refersnce to the realilze upen their sevurities, sylog that be | wapse and plans it would be =sen that this mentloned _ these rates to -- rhow by | was a liso ruoning in the dirsction of the comparlsen _ the _ financisl fsundation | wineral territories of Hastloge, and it was of the Credit Vallay Cempany. _ Thay | very importsut that roads ¢? that character, merely _ proprend _ to regard this in leadiog to there gond" which, if developed, exactly the same light,.and with nelther more would hbe a mource of great weulth, | ror lesx favour than othera siintlarly aitaated, shorld receive some aselstance, The chiet / The principle they kad observed in Aiatriba. circurces of this road were derived from ir-- / tiog the atd was that the miaimam amount | dividnal propcietors, there bulog no l«ss than shonld be given to thnse lioes which mighs $170,0C0 atook ja the romd. 'The gontleinn be termed local in their heno'its, ant wh{uh who had inested in the rord were intorested asuld not polat to any largeamount of heneit in the fron minea vhich it would open up, | they were likely to confer on the Provinca at aud hau come forward very ltbarally, Ths large, The amount they proposed to g'vs on | | munloipal bonuse: in the onse of this line ;the 524 miles be had referred *n as being in * | wire not very large, «s it passod Irr a sog-- the tirst diviaion of the Cr--dit V alley acheme viderable way through unssttioA diuitricts was $2.000 per mile, They proposed also t» The $3,000 per milo which they proposed to | a'd st the rame rate of $2 000 vo5r mile 27} glve this line would, he believed, along | riles comiag under the third division of $3 with i%s other resources, enable the { road, from Cateract Juncation to Elors, this Company to complete it from the ,, | cortirn being included in the second o'ass of Junction with the tGirsad Jancot'on Road to | rallways in the plan they had followed in | , Stirling, and so be able to obtain the benefit apporktcnirg the ald, viz , those lon which a1. | of the fifteen or cighteen milos now con-- gitioral amounts were jiven. Tae other di. | stracted. | The third road unsder this division vicdaon of the road they did not propose to aid wes the Cobourg, Peterboro', and Marmora | at all, as they had already alded i: to the ox Road, which they proposed alding for thir-- | toot of ©2 0(0 per mile. They came now to | teen miles at the rate of $2,000 per mils, | the Strattord and Lake Huron Roaj, the | J The claims of this road had been fifore the | Srancial scbeme of which was a very satia Legislature and the Government some ysars factory one indeed. Hse might ray thas | ag0, and 1t had beem considerca a the propored line was prastlcally an line enttilod to aid Owlng, howaver, to } extension of thelioe from Port Dover to | the depression in everything connected with ! Stratford. It was a line with reference & the fron trode it bhat tbsen urable to ratse which the covunty ol Perth had a coas!derabl» the means of establisaing the continuous ' intcrest, it having passed a by--Jaw yrantlog line they had desivred. As the link was a | £120,000 to it, lhe otject of this by --law most imaortant ons--operning np a complets | was to secure the extan--fion of the Hne not line from Gohourg to Chesinag L'.ka, vid | ovly to Stratiord bat iss contiousoce to tis Poterboro' --1t was a road which the iovern-- | | northerna limits of the county, $3$9,000 being wont bad considered dassrving of atd. The | interded to resure its compl--tion frore somtruction of this ro=d wonld '!nvolve the | Hiratford norihwards. Thore had been mani-- ' crection of sn expensive hrlégo and om-- epal bonuses voted totheamonnt n $110,000; bon'.ments oa Riceo Lake, snd the > to ha voted, $90 C00 ; stock, £4+ 810 ; bonds, grant was oonditioval on the openting $139,500, 'The bonds were taszen at the lo # of this Hne from Cobourg--to Chemung Lake, rate ol $5,000 per mile, and they alepg with the construction of the work he hat _ srranged to ssll then -- at had mentloned, 'The present position of the _ *~~*~ 90 cents on the doliat, They provposed al Company was such that, with the amount lowing the road ald nu 25 milas to L ssaw--1, of the Government funds wkich they pro-- at the rate of $2,0(0N per mile, which would posed giving, they would be enabled to com-- make its ressourees £438 090. _ The standiog plets the ensire lino, Hon. members woald of the road was such that thore was ever;y ucoder:tand that the positicn of the Com-- , protability of the road b«ing bullt, and ts pavy was perfsotly safo so far as | was ore that would very materlally benefi; grantiong this asstsanco was concerned, the section of ocuntry tbrouch which it pass-- becanse the work bad to be completed ed, They now came to the Vistrrla and cutjected to the Inlfietioa of the Ha . Railway, _ which _ belonged to _ tha @ineer of Pablic Works before payment was secoud class, cor thoro which, or portions ade. Tho Credit Valley Railway line of which, had been already alded. 1t was | mi%ht be said to conslet of thrce divistons. propored te increme tho grant to this road | The first divicion ran from Toronts to Toger. from Lindsay to Kinmouct, a distsace of o soll, a total distance of 95 miles; tho Iuten. 33 wiles by $I (00 per mile, in additlon to tlon baving bosu under the _ origtnal the $3 000 per mile formerly granted. Tals scheme to run the -- road to Ss1 was orne of thoee rnads which opened up the Thomas, -- Of this distanca 42 milles, posettled par's of the country. and was, ¢xtendiog from Toropto to Brack roamd, therefore, entitled to aspostal oonsiderat'on had beer already aided, leaving in that di-- He referrd at some length to the finanolal viston 52 milles unaided. Of this, total basis of the road, which he said hou mem | Cistance, 64] miles was bridged and raded, bers would find in tho sessional papars 0' }lu\hg 301 m!}adyet to be done. f. was September, 1874. This was equivalest to | proposed to exten to this52) milos aid 1t | tha amonnt given to a similar romi (ths | the same rate of $2,000 por mile as bad been Northerr) from Ofiliia to Washago, thanes | given to the 42% mules already atded. At to Gravenbuorst This was also the plan which : the time that the original Gre4it Vallay had beea followed with the K ng:ton and f acheme _ was _ submitted _ to thom Pembreke \#ss it approschel the ua-- | they had found it had a _ largor settled portiona of the connotry, it having ra-- | finasnclal _' basle -- than any -- of | the cerved $3 250 per mile Tho next road under | othor roade to which they are granting avelst the second class was the Montrea) ani (i iy | ance. The clty of Toronto had given it a of Octawa, one of very great Imprtance, as | bonue of $100,000; the county of Poel, 870. . it bisccted the onusty of Glengarry aud | 010; Haiton, $75.000; Oxtord, $200, a0: | ofhers surrouncivg it It would pass through Vraterleo, $110 0C0; We'lington, $135 000. a territorvy which was in no way served hy Brampton, $20,000; Miltos, $30,000; Stroets« rallweys except in so far as the Graud Trunk vyDie, ¢20,000; ore total 6t bonuses voted ran along the routhern part of that upon of $760,000. This, takon alvog with , territory. IS was one much needed hy the ooo other advantspes with regard to tha Icowity through which it passad, aff »rding, Iguk of wey to Iungoreoll, and exn=cted | as it 6id, a much easier communication acros PA $ f the country than by the present Pressott and ¢

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