The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1876, p. 2

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municipality, or of the collector, for the taxas McCraney. McMahon, Miller, Mowat, O'Donoghus, § of 1875 on the nomination day or 15th | aeree Mear. murtarcten, Apritect, Sinee, Wat nn"' | teum'b. widaifeld, wfim'n-, \)'flnfi, Wood--44. ' ¥ e Bill was awerded ascordingly. | 'Mr. CAMERON charged the Ammg- * Mr, HUDGINS moved the addition of | General with having inserted in the Bill the olauses g;)vldlng for a recount of the ballot | clause voted on because ithad been determin-- ' ml ore a County Ocurt Judge on the ed that Mr. Neelon, the disqualified candi-- ' affidavit of a credible witaess being su'-- | date, was the only strong candidate ':itlnct ' mitted at any time before the Returnicg: Mr. Rykert in Lincoln _ He mo the ' Olilfioor had made bis return, in cmses when -- _ referonce of the Bill back to the Committeo r the msiority did not exceed filty votes. _ | with instructions to strike out sooction 45, The clauses were embodied in the Bill, Mr, MOWAT said that no opposition was > Mr. BETHUNE called attention to the | offered to the proporal to relleve disqualified fact that some election cases were pending, | oandidates in the four election cases whon it and provision should be made for applying was first mentloned, because hon, members the measure to them. "Pg:uflh'thwhoxpe:hdthto :ob':nlr. tl;lr:: sap» | ' On motion of Mr. MOWAT, a clause was portors therefrom: but the posttion had bopn | added, providing that in pending election uie Seoaets hb Iit reviowet on in the | cases the Jugdes shall not disquaiify candi ': ':l:o tario case, Ho reviewed the faots Gates for acts which were offences under the diffcrent cwes, and contended. that f | old law, but not under the new law. ::O:I' in the l4ncoin care clemency anould The Bill was reported., arcinod. , @4 Mr, MACD $ | On the third r of the Bill, tno Gov OUGA LL (Blmqoe) oppased | f eading | rument propow) becauso it wias de-- j Mr, CAMERON moved thereference of the | moralizing to the public mind by destroying , Bill back to Committee, with instructions confidence in the deciaions of u{e jadiolary f to strike out the 35th clause, providing thas | and was an insult to the judges, The chlef } corrupt _ practices by 'tghm" with-- motive of the interfcrence with the decision p 6 : out the knowledge of e candidate of the judges was to give the Government an | ' ( shall not necessarily vold the election. | eligible candidate in the Lincoln election. / | ' m'l'humondmentwu lost--Y sas, 33; Nays, | e Mr. CURRIE argued that extensive cnr-- has. Mess Beree Bare. Sell Bo roption could not have provailed in the Lin-- g;;l:'ro.o, Code. Contta, Creignton. 'Dugfotnt":"l::dh::: °':'l:':l°'::'.';" :;'&')' k«Ml 1;2:100'! electlon ex-- | o n.lm'tou« ), Gravge, Barkin, Kean Lauds*. | 2. ® C n as 6 those of Mr. ' ism ReaLe B ies alons. Moslon o ol fow rhesis 100 »peth about corspiion in | w n M § ie ® 6 | ot spesk about corruption in | Temchetis Toadey Wishs: wide 240 uon 9 4* t poct oy it Pramb mss seleulty with ' T its --H Abpby, B ¢ s t a commu ' way m,}:; Mex"" hg;;:ét{}::-"el'?;::_ | only four hundred votew The el:{orno -- » (l;,:x) cul;)\. ( ,":f":."")',. (iou, Crofi:s,l(}ug'lg, | Jadgment ofd Mr Justice Gwynue bad § wson, Derochs, Ferris, Fin!ayson, Fieming, Glb-- | been reversecd by the Court of Appeal in h , Gow, Grsham (Lambton) Grant, Haney, Hardy, f Hmai oo ree e ale | all particulare excopt as . to the Shiart onse, Ond drtiean (¥iea!. Pastopitostant, haw, | Res tn aeoatice ware aot . romnicand, 8t aus . ardee, * . Rens, questlon were sot convic of auy ; $ trtiens se t ie ifiiewt ratin, arse orfiminal offence, othormize they could go 99 . + [ w:--m:¢ b e rqwn for pndon. 'l'hey _wm dled ¥ Mr. OAMEFKEON moved that the Bur vo Jps i iigied thks SiE seliove Sooms was tas referred back to the Committee with instruc-- T rreatine. o Hecion was deermioed o tlons to add to clause 30 the words:--*'Pro-- oc e the" r, Neelon was determined to vided notaing in this Act shall apply to any °°lnt at d. c(;nstltuenoy with credit to him-- | '-h" in 'M"hi &:'. mflon was tyled before i:w ;:dhcro:t frleo'::g: ml:fovwov;le:) ntlh: ' : | the passing o ot." \| f 3 o M C t The amendmeit warlo:t--Yoas, 34; Nays, ::::l!lt)lge'::otr:itl?ert:po':(:ofo:etrz::yh'izfiieell?lz [ é &A .Er\ Messte, Baker, Berr, Bell, Boult z, BroA ?efiildcdthe Opl;::l:'ilon .lg l';\"w aviad, NQO' ' : --Messre, Baker, Berr, Bell, 't, BroAar, | | lon committed a singlé corrupt act. The } }u"f;;:-"gm'-( ;;::';lfif;f'é:-'l}&':fi}':::u':'?z e | Court of Appeal cnnld not enter into the con-- f {';'.':"?')"}."36032.{'";?3&.', u,&,:mg,'), ;: ,czou u"" | :!hdenftlon of que's_flonl of fact, and could 1ot, &\ co€), C 10, s 0 . & a 4 s -- % tyn, O'sullivan, Patter.on ( Ka#At), Preston, ah:h ard wl:: tlo i?ti &\;er:.:l: uhz'afclsi}cn en mies | son, :losevear, Scott, Tooloy, Wigle, Wilis --24 ons bad taken Dl& in I'f"" \ several ?1"' ; | _ Nays, -- Messrs Appleby, Ballantyn3s, Baitor, electl a Lng ce in Lincoin, and three C | Bishop, Bonfleld, Chisholm, Clarke (Nortolk), C'arks ectlon trials had taken place, not one doilar f (.W'c;l'l'ing:t_';:l). Cole, c.,;{mkt' c.nn;. lnw(mn Dalo{;ha' oouldfhe d:owx(ll to bave besu expanded by | Vorris, ayson, Fleming, uwibson, Gow, G:aham any of the candidates who bad contested the f Wtms i abien (vety m Moptaney S uanch t ragime uis higea io er, 'Mownt, 0' onoghue, ardes, Patters n yh r. EC ma ned that the Lincoln Si"i':..';r_"?;','&';; E?&?;&,&m &i;:m";'l a ;lt";;«"}d'{ eleotion was equally corrups with the Lon. Wilson, Wood--C K _ 1@ im; eleotligx;; t?ie o in;t of tie Government | | # e ym ot world be to lead the Povince to believe Mr, CAMERON referred to the North ohut | :}xoy,iNort'l: Wen:mrth. 0d Hnitie sar0t, fi:;t there was no longer a stringent eleotlon ; n which the candidates were disqualified, r +m l remarking that in those cases there (wlvu per» M ?t :'éEI'LDITU, ontered his protest t haps grourd for baving the disquali-- 1',9"';_. °fi'°p°"'i legislation, ko thought t fication of thoso gentlomen -- removed, $ 8 0"""1 thus _ passed _ judg-- § Tn the Lincoln oxse, hbowever, Mr, me: on dJ udge _ Gwynne's -- decision 6 Neelon should not be exempted from the an' 'fi;' ersed It, that judge might ' penalty of the law, because the elsotion was reeign his sest, characterized by bribery and corruptlcs, It The amendment was lost:--Ayes 35, Nays | the court which tried the case was dispnsed 4G. , f $o relieve him from that disabllity, it should ¥Yras--Morses. Bakaor, Barr, Doll, Boalter, Brodor, do so; but the Logislature was not a body to :;sm:ton. (F?.ode. Cov.t-tb, Creighton, Deacon, Fleshar, review the doolslom of a court. He moved n:-n?:,' fm«'f,'.?,fi?'fi)c'"? ';2{;:'.,"{:,';,""23; 3'"'"15"' that the Bill be referred to the Committoe, (iidaiess), Mazdougall (Simcos), McGowan, Mo-- | with instrusctlon to amend the 38th clause by Kae, Merrick, Wonlk; Mostyn, O'3ullivan, Pattorson, | interting after the word '"'may," '"'candidate (1?:,'31?;" mz'lt,°n\i,vl;'&il::f:w'wiul:°'"ye"" Moss, Scott, or other," and striking out the words *' other NATS --. Mesive,. Appl«) us than a candidate," or otherwlso amend the | Bishop. Bonfold, éhhf?&m.%hrki '(?{'o':-'t':'u f&'.'&'. same so as to require a candidate to soek re-- Cw ellfltgton). Cole, Orouks. Currle, Dawson, Ds-- lease from a judge or court of a judgment of }'f'f:'&m °'£"- l"""'" n kleming, @lbson, Gow, disqualifioation, in the same manner as any | yraft, ms. 'I'!Illu':'t%e) 'L;G:"gy"o: i'x'f&..ll"'ii '-1""' A other person may under tho same clause. | . McMahon, Milier, Mowat, O Donoghus, P.Yr'deg, IB:(}.. { _ After some remarks from Mr MoMahon, . | e ies e vange ue s Mr, MOWAT countended that in passing | 0. s 8 ies ¢ the .:lot'hth:hlngi:mtui:o ?'n.l: no more Intor« | A SCENE, f lere e judiclary the Crown | f , when it remitted a portion of the punish-- ' fitth::?;fil::{'g\? dntt: d:::don'sld T ment in any case. # | leglsletion is of such a charaoter tl'nt ;lt:l. The amendment was deifeat:d on a divi-- | myself nor y frlends will boa party to fi' Il(;ll " Y;l.m 35;; ::J;.l':fiéo hee Mesiae. .B Hon. gontlamen opposite will hn.vo':the{o(ore' § # » o # # j . Cameron, Code, Coutts, Creighton, h:acaeul: Fl::ol:: :fiew:)"b o:llzgo.nnd exery Ivinthe"assence ol Sn uen Img Meboural! (Widdioses), Mas ue members if the Coposlithe | . Lang. ? , Mas-- o members of the Gppositlion then ror | all (bimcoe) McGowan, McRae, M + e Mouach, O Suiiivan, -- Fatternon " thesn), -- Tromse t" b°:-7 and le't the chamber amid thelaugh-- | mchmnn, Rosevear, 8c »t$, Tooley, Wig «0, Wiils--33 er andironical cheors of the Government sap. , Te . unlevr matentran, Raxter. B ht To T hie -- 0 e t -- a» [ NG oi Soler Orooks, Carrie, Dawson, Dotc c.ns, ;.','.fl"',' w tlol;dr' .l:'iRAl}n(.E.h meHOn the Opposi. l l'tnuz':on. Floming Glmon.eowdflnhnm([.mbuon). that +. Of _ ie ous,e and -- satd Gracé, Haney, Hay, Hodgins, Hunter, Lane, Lyon, as an independent member he

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