( . ' I. . . .r- , ' ' 't ~r: T T . ' t. . if _ £3, , _ t" T ', L '4' '. until it woe finaiir 'ext.nded toTuniversal _ , "ffrsge, (Hear and kosher.) m did not in; competing lines ot reilwey. The credit ' - to lg; tut he w" " preterit l tt "1. country had "136266. from Ion. ot . . _ on advocates for univerni suffrage, but itil them. We owed s greet duel to the thought, when the can," "PM- Sri', Trunk. Greet Western. and some other ' . odjiirom what he m'ght call the . t "M sud hequutioned the windom ot good old Conservetive dootxinc of the tld Pt/t 1trmit of road to compete with T AN. irenchise there wee only one stop he- " the development of roadstccpen up , to con that and universal suifrege. A lei-go gamma. oi country "I. House should be _ l,,' . . number of mole tad been let in a m did not kn" what rud- the T _": T , . who were not so wall entitled to 'il,ggy,',t't, ptoparcd t' Md, but htt hid no vote no - who were excluded. 'IG' ' ,rhet their "herne tr" Illbmltted, ' . In the oiiu.--aitd whet held good in the n " art', mrtth-ottation our» , cities woe to s large extent true in other "I" "a, 'hottth.t, the H01". Ind the l .taoee-ahrurat awry revenge: lived in some Tttr. 'lf, 1e,,tll. Uke the ground Brat hut which entitled him to u wee. while the t', " ' ff, mm" oould not be built to l ' young more in the universities, in tho low- 1 'IW, a". ottr. Some paopU ue on In. I l _ yero' odious, and in tho wholuaele stores, end I Obtuihod n,1tg up . "a"! "hm. they l iermers' soon in the country were deprived ot th honoree, tortnd tittt scheme "PM q the "ffrsge. Bo thou ht young men who ssi.d coun y, end having some work done, . . wore intelligent rind sctfvc politicians were hi , greet deal o! money Ud bean qttrit l entitled to vote. They had got into isncy . I' mud 'e. Lil lost, and so the country l, _ ironchises, and ruled out no olsrs to whom 'dll f on and limb ttttt "ad, This' " Tli the ireuchire could be eeiely given, and he tel using might be cautioned ill-l if! considered they mlghtuwcil go " once to W' , Ind unless u stop wee ( l universsl sull'rego. m we! not, however. Pt h t the" IP? no 1'iasring Wilma it _ , swing horn the Government print ot y.rotild end. Be notdaed. With plessure s por- N s w. e had no doubt that their mourns-o Pe ot ttut 'paeolt ruleucg to o lire-proof , on this subj cot, like moot of those which bts ldiarg la ,y,tslt. to Monte the records of the ' they had introduced, would be u nap in Cnam Idnths Doormat. m htd no q t the right direction. m observed thst tho . ' howled" ot tho thapa ttus Tyropatra1 might ' - Minister oi Eluostion promised to introduce 'et-tthey, . FREQ nulls would be'ccn- . _ u Bill in record to education end to endos- "ttttt " or a build-.95 "11181th tar the so. F _ your to provide u "iriaunt number of trained commodsticn ot tha Jhspanmamt erected .' .2 : F. toschers for the schools ot the Province. lie presumed, 1stswoop, from the nailed , The Mutational initiations oi Ontario had I 'rer6inp, of tis.e iitrsgrtsp'a, that the tll,',',',',',",'. I 'al gimme o my bish position la this coon. we" M not intend to make this s otsrt for ' ".' try. Ind he might say in the world. In It! PpAiismt.ttL1iu1ings The Government , taut they were the oqunm ot thou ot ulmcst leer! ed to have dotorminod not to take thet i l . any country. m lied no doubt that under Comte, ho. for one. would hove the present Minister the system would he be"! 5199:! to see them take it, T imply extended and thst we should soon tasar, Uae.1 He knew the yin" ' .t . he uble to outstrip every other notion. m l "lure ot tho Crown Lindu records sud how- hoped to he us liberal as on) one in regurd to tha Wertt 0399101! to iGiiiGG? The this mutter, bat texotion hsd been increasing Cpiuny Council had bailt fim.proot "tttatry so rapidly thot he sees not sure that some om". and how much mort, 1rnporssat WI! " . check should not he placed on the shunt to Uve . frarprrrut 1mildlog " the otpttat i' unlimited power oi texution exercised by \ for tho Crown LazO recctdr. If they '0" " the School Truckee. That - had been \ "rept ""1 halt the "at"?! ofriattg would frequently abused, and exercised in the most '\ , be of no u", as it would bat hnptaaibu to arbitrary end not very intelligent msnner; l i secure 'tpin the book, Brut P190" Which std should be checked in romc way, without l ' ', wo" Pred, up In the 1hspaetinint, or even interfering with the educatiousl system ot y , ttt "unintelligent hno "10680 ot whet had the country lie regretted to notice thstit was 1 -- been done. m knew the city of Toronto l "mum tooxtend the "oonuntatton for 1 WI. "Slot" for the build" to . - the uniortunste clue nilunotics. The House tte constructed, and that in the and the ccurtry had tor you-e been celled country tham had M O terelittg who upon to vote uddit'cnsl mm. to: the exten- .5 that construction. The city ot Toronto ' A _ aion of the mrarmvnottstdoa in the Lunstlc I was, u thought, to blomc tor thst fooling, C Aryiums, and rah-.2155 the House would he I " the country 1rtr1itrsmd that the potty willing to v '20 my resscnsble sum for fur. i 1l?P9, ot the city. while they flaw nt each the! necersvy "version, bat he thought , others thrusts sud fought to the last on acme stop s'adu'd be taken to so to the root ttt questions. sro" willing N2, in the _ 'ur ct the evil. liar-nity wee on the lacrosse. tenets td Ute city, end to gilt against . Some of their i rlenO would toll them it was and lquoloh end hill schemes w lah would A.» tho re nit oi the are oi alcoholic drinks, but hcrteflt the qrhttht oouury boosnso thsy l'; atatieiics icorrd tine, while inssnity w- ar might bet oppoffd to the WWW!" interests _ the increase, tho neo of oloohclic drinks was d oronto. m did not "r that thll View ' . l on the dunno, Be bad been unqueinted '" correct, but it existed. la "ttted to . l with several gentleman who had "ignited the 1'atlument Pnlldirgl, the country W" , Ishin kind of "aratadatlun"and noneo them much interested or the city, " mo", 5601113! h but been sddioted to the use ot sloohollc the records of the Crown Lends Dopertment drinks. In slmoet every one the men were ' belonged more to tht, country then l hsrdwcrhiny. industrious, shrewd,uhle buel- l ttt t 0 City. m represented s rural _ noes men. He had the opinion ot one very eonrMttrerttv, though he lived in the city, T t Intelligent medical man. whose rsputetlcn sud had been turoaged of Irtritsg en omi- . ' was not limited to this country, but woe Toronto men, hut he hoped. to are not only a y . wider thou this continent. thet the non-use new Crown Lends building, but the com. . of intoxioatirg drinks by hurdwcrhiug men , monument ot new Parliament buildings tar ' might be more the cause of inunlty tho-the 1 the Proyiroe. The ertimatcu were shortly tf, other "tmana, m '" not " .dwoo." ot to be laid bttoge the Home, Mid he hoped .. a l", gloohclzo drinks, but woe mentioning . my they "cold be somewhst more liberal then . _ . so atnud to him by . neon whose giOttation the Government might feel disposed to mehe q '3} woe world-wide. It silo uppsored accessory than. m won mt very strongly in isvonr v ' . o" - l to extend the "eommodatton for deof mates. ot tho Government hoarding large "In" of q . '" _ ., It woe not memory tor him to money: Tho Government should to: the i,(_ add . word to the eoccmiums people for whet wss necssrsry tocerrycu; u. . which had to orten been versed cn,the medi- the stir-ir- ot the country. but when ', y" Tal New who 5.3 eh... petiente tttttue they did more they went beyond their il human Bolievilio, and he iuuciedtho ituty, m did not no the noon-hr ' House would hsve pleasure in voting for soy of hurtling 1srgt "in" ot 111°"le huh necessary extension. Additional sccommc- srd stocks ind things ot that sort. m hoped l. iiatitm ha ".0 to b. prtm'4td for another _ , um ottimutes Md b0 liberal in tu mutter i .' ___h ' nnicrtunote oi-the blind. m had seen I of oclcn'zeiion rcsds. In 1873 there was s 1 - deed of the ozullsts la Osusda end Ttttet of 8170,000 for that PINTO". Vb" the I , in the United one... end he trusted the number otpeopU WI we" compared with , Government would see that the "I, best whet it we to dsy. The district of Perry _ more were engeged in the care ot the blind &mnd, the island ot St. Joraph, 8sttlt Stu ctthis country, us he know that we w... ! Merle, end the whole district of Algotna audiy dUUknt a tttie 0mm ttt . 1.," de. 2 We re then only being opened up, sud yet for . " "1 gym", Horny"- able tha . , 1 some yours the Government had been cutting . n,1t', in charge ot the minus st Brent}; g 1 down the g,rt'atlt't m fancied trcm might he, he hoped he wee "trule" l, what he hour thst the sppropristion this for " position. It not, end better medics! l "" would not he us much so lost . . advice could be obtained, he trusted that ' Pd'; ll! Io, he should "ttmt it very much. . " steps would be token to secure it. m sow Tlil tttt to see the country built . T the House woe to he celled upon to vote fur. l',,','; . omlnion Government were rush- , ir,", ther old to roll wsys this rm- Probshly low a hercuiesn tfUrtg to bringsetalers to the , it t m ieit more then he did the neoessity'ot country. end one settler in Moshoke was of '8' j. (pain " and 2glg,tt the count? tf. E','L'tt" s'td,'fttL"t,','o,t','gl,',t,',9' I i . ' . _ e . ., 2, he we not very strong ' in few" ot tt j were more trolls, to foot wide, on which the k S,, . _ . _ Is, ~W~ t .7 - r . _