, '39- . , ' "s . i P ') _ , lr,":! tr. bid to "s,syrriutbre1y for e portion oi th l PP.;PP",» - , . wryrlrf'e trade. (Cheers) It wee, however: lattice; there we" only nhaut "entr , m _iie'f"s: V , r ' no otrprttrt to there who knew the chility of Wm" In It " ttuieved, aeidit "I that" i ter'; , Ir,: nu, neouleoiurere, the 'DWM"g oherec- tint it wee melon to keep " lerge e build. _ ' it'll." , 'lt to: or our pacpleinxeuerelmnd the mrgnitudo 1ltit tee " h" occupeute. T". Intsn. . ( ' oi our reenurore. (Loud chem.) m egreed tton wee to peovtde room for the I r "w- tr. e cortein mature with the remerlu or the - inmetee hi the penitentiery, "I. " ' 'v a {he hon. member for Muekohe in retcre-rca to the oommodetlone of that building having ttttatt ,g' ta, impmterce If bringing down the Eatinetee found by experience to be "Nototk Tht , at on only by. m would elm lay tint, M. root of the building wee oomtried by pstUnts . _ P . though we had little to do with the nutter for whom " "and grout WM required, end ' _ _ l' of trsetlcet, he, rhonld rogmt to they felt that it would be rather enomelcne ' P I/ , PP. I "a cur - "rplva grantiy dimioiahed t',,i'ttit."t en errengernent whereby .! i Ili l t re the time would come when the iii ', t" ththttethe wee under the control _ _ v',.' kt .5; rcurcee ot our reverue would mealtime. . 'll the I: cum" Government, the "mum!" " , l R35" oreere. He thought it would be very wire I ior whou ' being occupied by patttmt' r . v", a to retein on much of ebeleuce " we could The at? tll anoua1 pant wee required. i ' properly do. Even lf it wee not expended no": "an strg't,11t2,,tQ,'te, w". th. . , "g'), PP by the Government it would not heunproduc " the t f in" uncut to the ptrrohaqr, i l , _r-' the oi benefit, for It. deco-ital in our benke ell the?" t . Inspector would oontein l ' t/ it would circulete union; the prople and help com ct . ll ' noctuery in order to form . u .. ' to develop the mum-coo of the country i I Mr $163336! the wetter. s. i " With round to the erection of e curable ', he obeuvedth . ALL (Simone) aid thet , r P tuildlng for the '.i'i','i'iiiii;iiiior' of the the could .; "as Government found Ihst L Crown Lende lieccrde, he regretted to notice i 'di',.',,,'] a urns 0 better than adopt the l P, P that anon: tome ot the newepepere e oertein I l tor l ' "we" Meadonrid. (Lough- P . l V "emote jalo ex) ted b t th ' ' t" l Toronto. Be :13 rrgiratted. til; th: ttrd. 3 ":33! lilo-WAT reid that he could flrtd no , cr", I 2 pro-elhed teen lit to tehe nay notice of rag22pLtf",',1"t',1uhtl, Mr. an: "rl " g: et'oe one . Forhle o F e " CO ' . E g "v' Min, 'ladl in I'd tar re) t'a"thgt,,t',t""" BU to "W where . i l nohnowledged Toronto no the onpita1 of the The '/'a'l,1,it',,',' . l 'w P matinee) they looked with pride et he On then can?" Adopted. I w": gutetcly hniidiuge end ite rapid growth in Mr 'ct'l1'lllll rteclution, . _ El; , . out yearn. (Hour, bar, end chem-e) m let thin l 1 iNorio110 "m he could not P . _ believed that any hon. member from oat. one "this: n. so pare without "terring " -e I P . .epe tt Sp, comingh here to tote " out in who ia mixed. tr, ttAtt G'tlr,',' P _ r o cure or t e (in: time, Loud with in Clerk) hed ettc 1 P, ' . q . regret et the mom b l - , euro tlet tht, couture l T Par than? it 1.. oJ,e1egiit..u0tt, ( ilinffi'ét'l'u'éih"fiiu2;b2§11.2%? ft ' s/r W ct their d lihe b ' It 'I Vi,',, plate. He trotted that 'Ill 3:33. At 3:13: all? AI of "is Indus wallet. _)jit.,r Gov: renent with regard to the CrownLrnde 'W that "I. k' gl 0 con not toi hia pert _ '7 'tk.' "imminent would form part oi e error l Canadian, in an: to." '0" "parlor to tha s) "iguana?" "momma of no, 'PG: He wished the too :e'fZ'rml? 'e,gfc",tttg; "J. " . ; men I n h r , r i "fr/ w m. I', 'l'llllllSt. marinara". . 'gets', "lt l? the hon. wombat tttr ,, P tntmlg of, on d beenredit ttt thle i, gl', re- l there we: oi r. Clarke) otntendtsirthat ' (Hear, hen.) m hoped ., lar gov one I thetl n no actuation between the foot L; i would not M txpmded a: Pomona: "P. I' toy or: acre-sing end drunkennou . "/ F,,'. P erqttlcn ot . vault, which would a (Beer {Parser 'girl', the letter wee Waot, l ', 'py takings: down, but on} any": I Gi"siii' trial: 21tt,',? , 0 we we e reeo l , 'nt I':?,'"':",'),',',)'?,) 'iii,'l.'irlii'r'iii,t',rF)t1i?. l t tdtdhe,ed1,e,Nh,8,htulLth"'Jl g1 e ere e . e Honour bed ex " Addr-and winner]: with C, pr-tl the ho the . - ' th ttd to congnm. : l _ 33.30.... ',d,'irt,ehutAft11t'hf 12m: in alarm: if?" ia F v" _ . P . PP P me (Mr. Manic) decor-cl! roye in P I meeting the opinion of the 8,u'l2,'ciml',' b " hope, one mm "" r _ l eonre remake " had med . r i 2. ell the er reroute the l ht I n" Pae1lattt t b M . ttt reign". to a "! l verce upon Ell monomer 'u'llfl will; the Him" hr. Sl'lt Ith',', Ii It were " them e epirlt'oi wiedcm would BO direct th for him-ell he "10: ht th now t. Speaking P: "f . the! ii.Eifii:, receive the iiGiG of til: , bed tuna-ed ite 1Slt2 trd' Which ". a I Divine you". that overruled. all their W" would, with ootnatttnal re air m" t t drittnmtionq, "d that while they ecu ht th \ e little ion or I I p h "IMP" i',", wrljere oi the people, they g,rlpll 'lll I ", indicated bygthe 2d'a1Ptp"aet,t, P _ ., P1231332: the promotion of m, Honour. I _ tt"lil"' edit: not 'tt tt either the 31:3; \ . ' or on o the P P . li,','fgeth1,,','i, s, sail 4, were psusd. - ehgtl would incur the 1'hgfl 'lt 'St , 9 :0 ' Mr. iriTr7itil',uLr, (Simme) liked It of the Eta',':','," J2A'l,t,','i2t 1'de l, fit' .1"; repute which were promteel a! to the far, and it neoeeeery ther might "a, It" if working of the low respecting the eelo of firtsprotd vault in the be! not " _ uplriPiuoue liquors, would inblu lo a thin oth" i'iG"iiiriiii, 22he'22ylg2 'l,: haunt the out ot that luv to the crun- _ 33:3. in 11'htl,' "I. had "tmatt, Men ' ' P. . l . , P P ere wee denser ot fire ' ' ' i? an Reggiaaig 3:37 :'it',',ii, ' tho iP,'l,1' oi another wetohmen or two _ l i', On tho G h ' ' .pn . :31}, not be very greet. Ar mention l P JP, Mr. MAGLOUG ALL (Sirocco) eeld that i'ltg,,"lt,'nm, tlt?sg,','itt,t','yt, ntUmon ofthe I P _ ', hi on; rtf, mealtime tho Home was ceii- he might eey thet to for I: 1','l1d'lTeTd'i l . q" P.. _ e upon a emu ' e " t _ i , j puroieeo oi the Rich :gi"Ttthd'5,t" ftgf,ihgle, rt,ti'xt,'e, been treeted with , ( in, when would have fall peril ruins régerd- intereet. It 1igig,ttgtn',,1,'t'1fit $22323 . " any agreement that mecht hove been the creation ot new GEii P rd . - " use. they would _-. -e , l$13.;flotilla:affill'xom manor" Q,,tet, woutd fall "" . ' ' ' , irc."",', wit: 4,t'/',,?Jmt't'ii' ha had before. i . r Thin, he he'd bee; 1::rned t,','r,t2gt1',tli, l Gt lr I y m o I on l l I '0, 'l, l the ' ir,-t?t,',r, oi" Jd" tse,.",?') , £31.33: the one in erecting new public 1 "' P :33 I ecoul utterwhtw tube l t l l "p' i toying 'd,"'tdh't'Gll willoh the tttug, t2e,,,h,,e2,t1l'P, the ham members who a! i, C : Government wou'd have to re Uott, It men: giggle th",glu,',', h' new Perilo- 'itil T" it. i would only be losing "other burger: on the purring they lie] tt g,rt',emt b. ex- _ ' rd I I i' i guilt of toll Province, c.d unions there w» thet point. All: the G overnment on i ll P. tango purring "many for it. he should he I the Home to oenider tgrtta'dt'ttf. I Z marred to thirk the purchase on unwiee ' tirn of e proper building tor the meter enou- 'ts l it, HOWAI' raid thet the me'tar hed i)", of ,f,taShogLu,,t'd ofEoo ehould not _ 'ry' l , P P [ tun taken up you" r Ji," before he hail had 'd',,aTtl?fs1h. "ll/l,d"d' /,etfcu',tlt , if E "all. e eeet in the II, me. to tor at lent or author. Home uprated I very than: opinion that l i. "af' ttpare/ttith""'., to he curred on. , Thin "mulling more ehould he done for the in? me during Mr. stowed Mecdouelde ed- eccurity of the public recur-dc, end e vote d P if" ', miniotxethn, Since th at time en Act ind wee token tor the purport; bat there lil, PP 1P tttgg,t'N'i' ihgltg",,'ht 2ttteA; had been diiiiouitta. in the wey Which they P I"; P rug " e e fl be It or:i to ; might diecuee on another oocuicn. Night, P if r t 'tdfiyT',',1t' 'd) J, e Couturier one: ' wetchmen might dimioleh the chenoet of P _ ', :he ' nix" cloth: oijd2lth1tg2,i,i"l),'ll tire, bat they could not prevent fires telling b' P P hie Be hleture th t th ter bad been place Bo for es the buildings could be pro. .2 ' t g ' eo e e met rooted by night watchmen, they were now bf " . i long tithtt, country. A very until rt- proteoted. It would he one ot the wort dill l I , . . ', tier: 0 e ding wee occupied by crim ml entroue things which could occur to the " I ' 1 ss:), q "a: U l