_ Province foe than reocrdo to bo dootroyodc , mend " to that elf-ct? (Laud blight" A timo wrnld come when thin work nut in and applouze.) l grounded with, ond no far " thio partlculor . Mr, LAUDER ooid he believed oil the n. will" w" moaned. the qaosti" Ipcctoro. no he thought the Commioilonotl _ a ior the Home to consider woo woo. were Grito. " whether it ohnuld he deloyed Mr, iiddL--Ereept_thf judgeo. t i uric-sour not, Nothing WWW Mr. LAUDER we he thought none tt owed on the port oi the Government of any tho oppointmento had been very improper, hu'catUn to {proceed with the "arllarostt but he would dioonol thot in another Pte" ., tmilMi, ' ' He (id mt - with the iiuuneriitrf " n & tbio Act had looooned drinking. I'D Ihtt ottr '.. l Mr. MgCDotmAi-t it oontampUbsd ot Toronto "on m a much itrlnkirtg, tnd l that thio building lot: bacon those grounde mu'h drunkennoor ard " may " __ " " more ttttse. ipape', "are d to lo i'iltiiiik for drunkenneoi. I mmown oaid the detail! would be m We}; go so» of u" Ir'li. The a", f ', l given when they hm ski down the ocheme a :ucment ha d if: t','e'li.'i',,l' diopenled with the f a lf o building woo tube quoted thio you, no services of the old "our" iurpeolorl, ttsd , t doubt " meat tm on tits osmat ground. e but thits bed found It ot my are to i Mr. LADDER an be thanght it better to ' "'1 f th . tmttton. w, _ dioonoo the Addre- " I whole, inoteod ot in I 'm' Y or . l' . th r I detail, Thou woo my little nonintho Ad. i Resolution o, 10, ll, ani 12 "9" on T ' drooo. The Home had voted money tor tho ' Omihd- . ' motion or o lire-proof building norm time On Ruoluixcn 13, . i one. but thoGovorninont had not me tho l i on MACDOUGALLooid thotthe queetion _') 'ilGUnadiaiofGao1yuuerepuet.t'1t I ot the Provincial boundorioo woo one that why they had not need it. The should be determined no a legol question, nod ' building could not be undo port of the new f bsru sld before the higbcol legal tribunal, Porlioment ibuildin A union tho Reform ', (netted of being leit to arbitratoro. l principle, thot all Ira end opeoiiioatlono He would like to know It my progreoo ' should lint boonhmittad to the Home, woo i, had been mode in the orhirraiicn, no " thandcned. m congratnlotrd the member . i nothing on that point woo indicoted in the ', y for South Wellington ochie opeoohinoocond. , 'P'wh- Tttere we" "rf hinto shout . i, I log tho AMmm, but hod boon ouprl-ed to I I provniosal lino having been determined i hear the - of the Addreoo differing upon. but " woo not noted when. Mention 2 no much hem the Government. The woo don mode of quroliono which for two i gopoeoltogive voice to iamen' oonl had twasturi" bid tgtesus, Iootnaion to en harried not on principle, but marsh! keen coutreveroy end fUtttt con- to catch the one of the tormoro. It the flio1g Mn"! the notiono nnd tho l i,t)andfidtl Mocdoulrl Communal; in! been greet public Ittydua, Re would like , in power hail no long on. the present Govern to know If MI thh W" introduced to ttttttr- y n eui, the quou'en oi the arbitration blind-n , the Houoo WM! the unity of the tee,',','. _ Oc. toxic Inn Quinta if maid hare been "Hod i Ho w" taot - that there Ud "tt "r. long no; hut uo'hlz-g by! iron done r'n we l thing of the hind mentioned in rogord to tho ', they went out oi otfioe. m mo mrry that woolen! boundary ot oaurto, iihitth sr" I one of the Comed Lion-s: on tho Banning; milv the tnit qdeatlon ot "7 importanoe, i , Qr.'rilon hi to L: " aw! thought to, The northern boundary 'r" one ot very , much your; in: be; "l.., 'ear amended on littie conuquence to no, no it did not in- that tre,tttr, Tre Pubih Aneormta for volvoihe poooihilitioo of uttlononto inthot - .. 1876 was prohqwa' bat m. m. rurtuurthiedmleutPue ot juetice. ondoo . l counts: lot 1575 mm not yet on. " John Mocdonold. who woo perhopo in 'ttuati"c.rrir. F ttictr.aveniga'ttr'ait1'p to otrtnp9ent " "innit", " attr in thtt tic-Io of 1674 had hon " ptetcct fare-3 lid "FD"? t)gt . mahtor ot thin kind, W" ot odihec? ion. an C. "fr." 'so ctll tlttt Pubic opinion that the question ohould be 'i" Acounntq Committee towthir no noon no por brought before 1ha Privy Cotusoi1 " I low ' . 'ithis 1 lu, r up" n tlr, Goterrune wt hsd cue, and it would then be brought to on io- _ lulled to "who Bio Excellency to on, ony- 'tttt " "tttth 1uttsrrlng to tho Lioonoo Lam ' I thing In reicronco to exemption. The roo- " "id he refuted to be "u"d in the "W I Ion for thie woo Hui; tho Government was i gory of those who were oppooed to 198m" divided on the othitot, Oan memHrot th, ' V tionin that direction, but he woo ot opinion u" Government had doubted that he would not that. the meoouro of tho Government had _ i seconds to wine the country demondori on L hu' ailcii. Pot "1° thing. It had tended to thin nutter, end the grant own which kept prMuop tterfttrr ttt I "I" large extent l hon. gentlemen tn them p3ocso told til. (hr thrstrghout the otmntrr, It he! ' a I , trgumtt they ohonld grant thu. Too hm. ._e brgo oource of revenue from the muniolpoli- , granular. War', tvsau'o..e, inn duiieal'a, sad , the without ofcuring tuah 1santsiitg " ', . he would probably mske lt on open quad" l omeuutod to a iattttiyuyn ot the measure. ' in the Harare oudin the country. The Govern- l it the Government hsd, " tlo hon ' may Wrttr. all"): rad maid probably rennin , ' member ior Eat Grey had raid. used the law silent art!) thay list! (was to who deoioion. i for too 'rt"pof9, d irraUlng offio" for their _ _ I Tho Attorney Generoi ind indiootod to de , friend: trtid 9th tupport, he did nat think pm" Dntotiono thothe oomidered thio an impor. ' t.1yt. u!1..,tsett,t gmsttt benefitted by there- . tent matter. Tho hon. gentlemen had ro- ' sult, poltucally r-poaking. m hoped there __ mind o diruioiion in reference to a prints i would tat . thorough "vigion ot the public Ihu, which he momma": no right to aturct:rrrory.1 tbat tbo rtpot'ttr ofthe Dapart. ' to. m. hipei" the Home wca'd not he memo wank; he brought dawn at manly I _ oohod to veto My money who'iover t dt. P. ," F 1 until ilsty had the Deyutmontd Roperto b' r. TMACOI" laid he whhoi to make o I . in their hunch. furttidd Moodounld 1ud Jew remarks about the gm.oarrisud iifteenth placed the 'Inu of the country In trtttth ' paragraph, thoee re'atlug to tho Cotuolida. ii ohopo thot tho prevent Government had tian d tbe Statwreg end to tta Ihtimatar, , [ found "1., liti'e to (o, Ttrg hadintro- He thought tint tuoantoiidntitmot thelawo , duced no own: reivrm, "a had ittiqrd was A matter upon which the Home might ' , "mm, ot 'he lo at The "on, trial in Lia. congrotulnio lined. It would prove not only coin had rhown that n greet mietoko had or} ldvontogo to lawyer' - for that}, ( been mode in the ttatettdmeata to the Contro- 111.th "in". tala "nothing by vex-ted Election Low. He ohould like to their rynu?lcg in thcir pramnt lute f know if the report on tho Lioonoo Low ---tmt to ail oronreottd with mum?" i would limo tho politics oi the Commhoiom Wsve'rment. yr, hoped that " would tend , no, in. loopectcro, end the licensee; It I so reprero the inclination of many hon mem- hod been noted in the public prints that the hero to tlot omoll and unimportont amend. _ ' Treoourer had Obtained . r otnrn ot tttepolt. l meat: to the in: curried through the Home i , "a. of the "rp'doantr mendmcnto which may be ot long a" to ; _ Mr,CR00K6--Not oi the h lion'aie f prtitsa1er portion or the count but we pp , o 17. " there who received iiotnaro. not ot general utility, m hoped that when ', Mr. '.tlr/??yr-Y whet time? ) the Government pieced mm: on the Mr. cit00K8--Iamg um- tha liconoeo ', ill-1mm! tor certain worn. thug lad been wanted, ' worlo would be curried out. This had not i Mr. LAUDERooH u should like to m tteen dtmeinthtt "" of . bridge orttrthe I the nine of the poor Gonoervotivoo and the "ottowon River in hie (Mr. Deacon'o) con- 3 fortunate Reformer-o, or the rover", an the otliuency. m belitsvod, oontrarr to the I. one "in". Opinion M the mover of the Addrooo thot ' ' Mr. 10WAqN--'tu Conservotiveo get the colonization roads had proved ilt "I. meet of the licensee. (laughter out! - very greatest btsttodr and [the only fault ho ' piouoe) ionnd won that there were not enough at f Mr. LAUDER oold the Attorney-General them. m botmd the oppro riotiono in thio f "am"! much doughged " that, Bs WOW i l digeo1ion would b. tISI'? m tttund and to had not put o paragraph in the Ad. however, that oiuco he had been returned dre" "I ttrataUting the country on in. taot to on opponent of the Government he hit l tint the Turin were oil drunkaxdg, (Lough- not been able to rcouro very much for colion- l f , "sl " intion mode {in hie oonahltupmtr, Rater. . r. BARN --wttr don't you move to ila to the Boundary qneotion. he hoped the the roierooo would not lore eight of the J l ( i