'sartestttttyPet"ttttt no had nod vory 'riruhsltr tho "who! It. um. ood Mr. Liodoov. qeith which they hod boon tar. oiohod iolt not". but had ooon "inequit- tr ooo written by o It. D K, Bonny, who hootod tho motto: nthoo oovoiiorly, ond who" cooolnniono ohould not in hio (Mr, Dm'.) opinion twain very much otton- tin. m obaotvcd that in the paragraph ro- foning to the oxhibit of Oototio " tho tlm. tonniol, the country woo oungrataUttsd on inning thug ooonrod now mkoh, but he woo not unto in what direction thlohod boon done. I Mr. MACDOUGALL hoped thot the Go. I "run-lent would consent to on Mi't..urtttmtttt of tho debuts, " molly hon. member- won absent from council of which they onto all i oworo. \ 1 Mr. MOWAT ma be m: quite wrung ta ' . do to. but honouroblo gentlemen opposite ) would hear in mind that " would bo impnuL . biota bring down tho public ttttttttttttlg and ',','l" reporto until tho Addnoo woo diopoood o . Mr. MOWAT moved tho'oijmm'nont of the deboto. Carried. Mr. MOWAT moved tho odioumment of tho Homo. The Home adiounted ot oi: o'clock. NOTICES or MOTION. Hon Mr CrooU-0n Tnoodoy next. --Bil! Impacting poymonto to unorgonizod town- chip: or pot-to at district: undo: tho Munici- pal Loon Fund when». Also, on Tundoy. Bill to onond tho oovcnl Aoto nopootinz tho Eiocotion Da. portmont, Public and High Schoclo, and the Unlvonhy of Toronto. Alon, on I'noodoy, Bill to omsod the Act roopecti:g tho oolo of termantul sod opinio- cuo "goon. Mr. BoWar--0a Monday msxt--0edtsr M tho Homo toe . return ohoriug the mambo: of High School: in operation during tho your 1876, and the nuhbsr and locotlon ot each Iahmoio no how: boon orderod to ho 0105 " during tho yuan: for. on! the "t)8ett'd for tool doling.