ell-Neth- Public Anioni- o-ttbuts, wHoh "-hsyopeM.vretqi,i.',Ae Monthly invootiaetoelltheiteme. Oileto Moog? to the United Stoke. "To the _ run the Public Amni- Moo-Wd Booby Mounteino ohyht'.ytotld?ttht motto moohmcreiull note..- in reference to oi our Government with roger-d to tt men puticoloro then Amr-tr, mole"! in weetern bonndevy ot Oratorio. (QM " releaon to certein innde, ouch " thuikt. ]..ahter.) "The Province ot Monrtcbe bod plitioe Fund the Surplu- Dletributiou, the by the oupiueneoo of the Provinclel Govern- ." mm Kiki' aid " 0'; and if ther ment of thet time token ony port of our . "iiGdiirtriiaaiine_ra"t"ttttd, "mm; Keewetin woo likely to do the " e Net" record. it wee neoomery to "no, end he hoped thet the Governor would! note not only explicit has" to ere thee thio Province oeoured . tportion . the Tummy 'ttfelt but in 'ttt to he fertile volleye of the Sorbetohowen, or . ell M qrlth . oh the now! receive come miinptntttoe for their late. Dopeetmont had ony connection. It woo " M Mr. DAWSON oeid the hon. membor for ell event on edventece to he eble to eee the um". and the hon. member ior South oporetlono oi tho entire your,ooee to oontroot Wellington m woken " woil and " fully thumpet.lt, qehat had occurred '3 tower out he need any but little. Before referring - With three exception. thio Home to tho motto: ot which the hon. member for bed - bed the complete oooounte ot the m up Noriolh M jun opohon, he moot ex- l your, thoooexcepticne being when Mi. Wood rm: hu epprobetion ot the come proposed i w. runner, end hie hon. Mend oppooita. l a, the Government ,n providintt . building T The ntmoot attempted " "W timer had in which the public documente Would bemto I!" the "monk 'ttettte WWW _ be tenure from tire. m ball'vved your with e ttnttmelt " nine or but "the that ' very new - preoention should be " the gtttrmgtt you'- Mr. Huh-xi- had um, "dtut e fire proof building for the "on we in ttttnMqt"qtt. ot the length "(midi of the Crown Lende Deportment woe o of the Id" gtt 1872, to heing . Doce'pity, Bo, however, ngreed with hon. down the Public Account at tho previouo "who" on the oppotttts .10. ot the Home 3'" In lull in li 'm' 1.1873 he (Mr. thet, in the pro-out etote ot the country. It Creche) had been "i. to bring down the would be lpjndiclouo to undertohe the new Public Aomntrthin%tmuen on oloo in tho Parliament "new". Much no he ehould r tint "on d l874, but that hmsteed . like to no in Toronto buildings which would l greet dool otdiiritmltr. Unleoo the eereion do "our to thio greet Province end ito firtmt I were onward ttt the will of Each in my, be on not think on, with our ot Os. a tech you, it would be diihcnlt to proeeut terio "d".hpod. "a on immonoe no. of the Public Aooonnh inthnt "I"... term country without my intone ot oooeel. by whittlt would Ito "mu"? "Ahoy were to l [ rcodo or otherwiee, the country would romein IV permonont record._ The item "HMO" ot eny great expenditure in at exprmnuro much no prepared to "emit I thio direction. With rogerd to roilweyo, " 1877 would be "trteiant " ell -iou the policy of the Government had toior been t PM When the Renee -risttied " productive oie greet duel oi good, Lot-go ' -thiimMod, it w" nbt dooireblo tttat the onme hed been given in the wey of bonueeo helmet of the public "Wild be suis, ed. to oompeniee, which had been largely 'rat Mr. CAMERON eel! on eocountti m. mooted by pronto from the municipdl on. oeipte end lated',',', wu not no iuetruciive But they muet hove e core not to enconrege no the toll Pa lio Aoconnto, end the Commu- parallel iinee ot roilwey in the come dint-rot; too could not diecovor the reel otote ot "airs the one dextroyod the tgaffio of the union the printed dete'xle were in their other, end trtr, they led to hende. He hoped the honour, before the the obeorption o the oepitol end re- eloee ot the eeeolon. would endoovouv to give oourou ot the country without giving eny the Hence thequ reporto tor 1876 in print ednquete return. Beoidoe thio, onoh til. The lnveetlaetione bolero the Public Att. I commend ochomoe destroyed the credit oounte Committeeworenot eetieiootory, end I or the country in other londo. The Home there wee no opportunity to conduct thorn 3 we! Well "vole ot whet bod been eoid in _ tatt union the proper detoils Were Its. 1 Embed in record to our porollel liner, . ore them in print. It the Government end he would rugged extreme conlion I ' could eupply them with eiull otetement oi in (holding on ouch linen no ehould be i receipto end expenditure in o work, aided. In regard to the Norttt.wetern they ought to be eble to give them the boundery, hie hon, iriend the member for Public Accounts very econ. North Norfolk bed eeid that the bonnderieo _ Mr. CLARKE (Norfolk) expreoeod the of Onterio ehcnld extend to the Rocky hope thet the bueinooo ot the Hence would Mountahtr, and toot the Province ot Mani. not be doleyed thio eeeeion very often by the tobe had been formed of the territory ot eboence ot the leedore of the Oppwoition Ontorlo. But thio one o very wide end atffi He hoped lino that the Attorney-Genoa] cult qua-lion. All the reporte bolero the I would bring in e motion to hove the oitiingo Home on the Inbjeot were to pom, oil on oi the Home begin " ll o'clock in the norm ond) side, and they mutt not arrive " in Instead of 3 in the .flemoon. If the too booty ooooluoiono on thio important enh- cnuntry wee to be put to the oxpenee oi the ' 560i Diplomatieto had differed nhottt itr odditionel light in order that hwyore might the obleot lawyer' bed differed; and, woke money in the Courtoin the oorly port until tho "triot wee more gen- I oi the doy, then the country ohcnld know it, enliy underetocd. it would be l Referring to the oddroeo. he told that he wee mntair to look to produce on impreulon la notin ievour of nnivoroel trsftrstrs, but he ire country whloh might prove to be data. I thought thet the moot intelligent and eenoi. o ve-it we old be unfair to lend the people J .- . tive rd', of the ootmmutitUr-tho ladle.-.., to euppoec that Ontario had o cloer end no- I (has teel-should luv. wot" and" tho pro. dieiurbrd title, when ehe had but u dllputod eent Election Law, end he hopodin e enort cleim. H. 'rott1tt not n tttig "e ontttr time to introduce e moo-ore for that pur- very loraely into the eubjoct. Thu hon. " pooe. (Beer, beer.) lf eny chengeo were member tor South Simcoo had written o very 1 mode in the School Lew he hoped Interesting end eble report, in which he ) that the euggeetion oi the member claimed that the bounderlee ot oa. 1 for lineboke would not be noted terlo ehould extend to the Lobe ot woofer. et lent. eeto meko Boorde ot the Woods, but " (Mr. Demon) be- 3 Trenton too euhoorviont toOonnty Councile, lioved thet It the hon. gentlemen T elirom long experience " o oohooltruotee hodetndiod the enbjoet in the light of the he wee euro that euche chemo would impair reports now before the Home, he would not "Iodide-ova our oohooleyotom. Hebe- hove been content toode the wettere liovedthe Irf.1tpl-ht-reitpeetrestmatms bonndery only to the Loko oitbe Woods 3 the expenditure ot money in erecting new The due weot line from that uu ohculd ex- _ l'eNqunttrtttldintm ttefoitlterhadrmaOed tend to the Miysutppl, and the Minstrel pl lull volue toe that expended in ropeiring the of them-out dar wee not the 'ldlllll'llllt oi - "a... onoe. It wouldbe he... to "ttmul the treeiieo ot the loot century The old ' the money in redudn. our Provinciol debt. mop! ell named in reproeontin the oautorn I tart2'ttlt,'tt,t,'g',ttt,uttttg'. and"! ot IA1truiani not "new . p e reety ot 1783 one in the 1 f out thn in olding reilwo tho bthero poo-oer on tt might be e low of the 1"ll2'h'lfN2',% Iheat?'tt fill? m". ot l 2 Wm" help. The omonnte " preoent expended upon won the Th point to be 'ld'2U',d tttthiatt, 'legei"d2'Nog",thf sttf,fit,',"',', were we" line from the un of li)N,tt, , muo g It wey of There were other boundori I im ving etoch end point, to end they be t 1 on ,rlthth had ' wig: "r, "mm"! b. I," . on e rang odvocetod; tor oxemple. the The atMtttutttrat 'lrgdl,', oi the 'g,te, 2tatt'h in», "Wit 1gtttrro it " they ohould be the tint coneideretion. With re- 'll g ' a . . greet dool to recommend lt gard to the 1ontevex Q d bound", quorum: at the reboot wee too not to enter into at one" who bed mad a, book- pieced b "or; lira-om. Summing. however, thet Outerlo them I," "ainn would no tut them w" . " t tt the Nougat odvocetee tor m deol of dilpnte ebont the eve-tern he" on . Mien can! iUt#r, Md it dery. m hoped that thio Legit-loin" I to " odvontegoi Th. policy which '7" would oxoot lte rlghte on thet qutatton. It the boot for the Dominion " iaiger would b. . Canadian right had been observed in the i the but oleo for 0nterlc one Prortttoe. V poet, thetr ugly eagle of the mote ot M cine ' Would it be to tho advantage. ot the Doatin, §