lawyers, the grsat _ Reform men who _ bad _ studisd _ this 'r.:luutlo- ard bad brd lelaurs to exramineis, thought the system required to be obnnrd in thm:'ln. | terests of the public and of suitors. _ They bad effected a resclution in the whole syate _ | and so far as could be ju@ged the ch h:' been ruccerafol I%s was not ou::rphco _| for any member of this House to _|] euggest that we should followla their track. | _} HBe had been in boyes thst the Attorney. | General would this seeslon have urdortaken B | this reform, so sa to complete the work _ _ | towards which he had inade soms hsaitating _ | steps. He bad been toid that the hon P | gmtlamln had seet circulsrs on tha subject | to ecme membera of the legal profsszlion-- _--__| frlends ot bis own, be presomed, bessuce he | (Mr, Mecéougal))) had not receised one, | _ Mr, MOWAT raid no such discrlmiaation .__ bad been used. Mr, MACDOUGALL said at prosent wa bhad too musck complication ia ts country, where, If arywhere, a siwmplo iusxpensive syatem could be established, My, MOWAT sald there woere ocmbs!icd in the prerent system all the gensral pric-- Ciples which led to tho asdopilon of the new (~~r2ystem in E: gland, ' Mr, HACDOUGALL--Look atyour com-- a __ plications, Mr, MOWAT--We have les# ermplion-- _ tlozse than uncder the Enoglish system, 5 i The motion was withsrawa, k REiLURN, C Mr, Word prosorted a return of all bonds and gecurition reg'stere4 in the Provinc'al Registrac's Offise aince Dscember 10th, 1875 Bir, MOWAT moved the adjournment of | the House, s | | _ The Houss adjonrned at 2:30, : { PROUCEEDINGS OF COMMITTEE3, The Public Acconsts Committee mot this morping and organ'zed, _ Mr, Olarka (Wel-- lington} was elsok d Cmirman, | Witisnnnnttrrcrrrerereremmeomente uenc novs ces meammets | NOTICE3 OF MOTION, ' Mr. Springer--Oa Wodnorday noxt--BIl to amoend the law respeoilsg Munpicipal Ie. stitutions of Ostario, Mr. Mills--On Frlday next--Seleos Com-- | , mlitso to exquire lato and repork on the best | . method of preventing acol!ensts to brakemen | and awitchmen of rall ways whon in tho diz. | obarge of their dutles, wiih power to send for persocos and p»pors, ' Nr, Milis--On Fridsy next--Bil entibtied | an Aot to frcliitate the formation of \ Jolint Stook Companies for the manufso. turing of butter and chesie aund other dairy procduots. Mr. Ferrls--Oa Fi'ay next--Ozrder of the Houre for a reiurn showlsg the amount pald by the seversal cftles, towns, and in. corporated villeges for police services; and also from the sevaral countlos, cliles, towns, ard incorporated villeges the suveral . amounts paid to constables for the yoar 1875, Mr. Femis-- On TaesSay soxt--Eequiry of Ministers whoether there bas bren any correspondence between the Government of the Dominion snd the Government of this Province relatipg to tha tranater to the Pro-- vinee of Ontarlo of the Rivor Trent works; and !f #o, whether the correspondence has been closed, and it clored what bas beon the conclualon arsived at, azd whether there is apy chjection to the papers being brought dowa. pummneme s o arrovenyt ircnrmer.s. rempactinect i oo