The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Jan 1877, p. 1

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nnT AR <u_-- «uaunxint I 4 a trustees, (Hear, hear.) ' 10 LEQISLATURE. ow somoots, 1 n nmmengemcieee sp Ts staber o ciigh Srboole in opiet g the cum gh Sohools in opera-- 'l'm p"mmn--.m SESSI!IF. tion during the year 1876, number n:l;ooa- ! 4 iest en lt ce css :,1::1 of euch sobcols, as had been ordered to | Moxnay, 15th Jan., 1877. s uuo::.:lo: :;:'hgo'lg:lnpfm?i'o yno:!:l' ::d:l:: | The Speaker took the chalr 14 3 o'clook, informed that several gl'gh Sohools had bean | crdered to be closed, and he did not knor PETITIONS. | what reatons had . been given, _ The The following petitions were presented :-- t E.lahbe&:l:oold in tl-i: villago of Storling en or By Mr. Bell--Of W. Long and others | reason cf owh::;d thob'po:lpol?d"n:!:'n;:lr'e 'i'flmh' the '!" of an Act to Incorpo-- being that a second teacheor had not basn en-- rate Trinity Mediaal HSohool, grgod. He belleved thoro was an Order in | &'w. Widdifieid--OLf J. Juns and others Counoll that there must boe two teachers, no to the same effect. mlneri::oa many tcholars there might be-- By Mr. Cont f th even ere were only ten or twoent id D' n pfi-o. ieg '"' T"""Pf::'fi zoholars, In the common schools the numboyr Muniolpal Drainage Aot. :::-?Qrd::-':' u"m.:d 'a f s M':?r:dw?d By Mr, Hardy--Of w Hetson sud equired, Ho oonside that :'i'ou. {or the abolition of the Book Depost: ::l::t.omflhlgm{:;:: was : sequtred in Sefery 's Mr. By M=~, O'Donogkus----Ofi J, Dusls and cot!:l%?booxio:l:l:--f&."ta::flle ak + others, to the s1ams effecs, zmportnt that the hon. mmbu'::d':;yo | By Mr. R:s--Of R. Olsndlaniag ani country abould understend the true position hers, to the same eff:ck l which our High Sohools should osoupy in our By Mr, Dawson--OL J. Lsys and otkors, eluoniicent aystm. This purtlculnt «ehool 'or the parsage of an Aot to extend the limits | tar o he clorel fot 4. lofk othilaved conie: of the munlotpality of Sault Ste, Marle, l vo&t!:n * thh:"ngnlndou of the Department By Mr. Crooks--O! the Prescott High 'ul:llo:.iu n.:'t":n:.d E,',l"" fipimes pot School Board for amendments to the High | Iqt. one of the n'u:.d o? Puplm apore or Sohoo!l Act ; al:o of the Ronfreow High * less, but was one of'?inl o. us ouly Sohocl Board, the Drummondville High raison d'ctre for tho. x!:l':nup. o hok Schocl Board, the Pembroke High Sohool School was that of su .lorloh.: fants. Thp Board, the Mirkham High Sohool Bsard, old Grammar Sohoolnpl::d b larre neledt snd the Kemptville Board, to the sams of-- left to themaelves, but by .;" }.: teot. Chicf Superintendent of Education | By Mr, Sisclalr--Of the County Council of seif to appiy to High Schools the same sys: | Truce for amendments to the School Act, tm which prevailed as to elementary schools, By Mr. Pre tom--O! Newboro' Villaze ard he had been enadsavouring for yeatrs tt; Counc!), for aim cdments in tha Assossmast place the High Schools in their proper poxi-- Aot so far as ex mplians aro conseraed,. :':{,' .l' lntaam'ehdh :'n}"""'n the clomantary By Mr. Crooks--O( the Village of Nor-- mm 1 0% 6 * uo o o o wicl and Hhe Ts j besn fcund in the fact that promiaeat | plcs se the Hoire ot Tegsesil is ts ghice geople, in pacticatar, dlatziote or Lo onl wl Pslitisns for the incorpration of the of the general public ;I:.oowmr:: :;:n}tt's't;:a Oranga Socle'y to the numbir of 117 were ESokools, The Public Echool progu':nmz presentod. showed that if all the classes woere propsrly BILLS INTRODUCED. | taught,an eduostion was imparted whish was The following Bills were latroduced and quite fit to enable an aversge ohild to enter read the first time:-- | 22?,';.'.',','"'"",: g' lihl A discussion was Mrs, Crooka--Rospect{in ments to un | uce the systom ol Intermtdine. orgaaised tomh!pl: mdg l;:{l of disirloeks | :::lo'(lfl:n t:'ogl:go ':: .'."-mu:(!l gprienl lght undsr the Municipal Loan Fand echeme, leavin iss pacgouin ooo | i eaving cverything to the parochial schools. | Mr. Desson--To extond cbap,. 45, Con: The only reason for the existencs of a H/ h Statutes Upper Canada, entliled an Aot ro' Bohocl was a demand for higber odnav.lgn speoting mortgsges and .'Nles of persona than that given in the Public Sshools H property, to the distrlots cf Muskoka, Parry (Mr, Crooks) had vimp'ly to carry futs ¢ff : Sound, Thuzader Bay, and Nipisiicg. the regulations which he fgund. 'T:a THE LICENSE AOCT, | sohool in = Storliag . was found | to Mr, CROOK 3 introgroed a Bill to amend | on ecue en O oOpiely Sioatine . the I the Acts respeoring the sale of spirituous | roge alter yepeated warnings, and formented Hquors. Ho said that it was | Mr, MACDOUGALL----In what respeot ? not proposed by this amendment of the | Mr, CROOK3 ra'd in essuming to oar present Acts to interfere in any way with | on with one master the whole ourr? lo'"'t the prinoiple of existing l:zi:lation, but it | a High Scbool. It was impossible to flad one was rather intended t> amond the machinery | teacher able to take charge of ufl The of the present Acts so as to make them more branckes of a High School on'trlcnl '1'"" efficlent thronghout, from the granting of world place our High Schools tnnt"f:' Tuee Hcoenses down to those portlons which d'nlt position as the Scotch prrochial eh.m. with contraventlons cf the law. The _where every eubj--ot was dealt wlth" :oll 8 mohlnerx of the law ugon this subject had Greek down to the rudiments of' pell. been tried to the fallest extent daring last Ing and _the elementar lntruot! o is year, and whilo certain deficienoles, writing. That system had been conde i which were nos at all formidable, ed, and the people of Sooth:? 'ere had bsen found to cx'st, many of brying to brivg about by legislation th s them had bsen ruggosted by a de: eondition of secondary sohools which wb oo alre on the part of some of those charged had here for years. Ho conclud dc bm ers with the admisistration of the law to find mising to bring down the mt m eatly 2:!: nt'ln delf;geu.lra%her than to coastras d.n paponi aF kn --4xtly e lew in a Hberal spistt, He hoped that | r. MACDO by the amendment which ko prog.»sd :o there wore ""3300%&1' lflslwnl'xol:;)h"u fkt make tke provisions of tha law would be the law m'ght be advantegeousl; emnied drawn so closely sud readcrc4 so effislont He thoughs that the hon. Minlshi .fm M lun and powerful that svsch cforte as ho had tlon would be adoptiog a rathor ticuntls mentloncd wou!ld bo impossible in fature line of policy if he adhered in nllq (eove t the He koped, too, that whon tha one was re-- regulations la'd down by the l(; b". ed y ferred to the Committeo of tha Whole, Public Instraction. IIO (Mro n':dllnou i She Lisenso Act as a whola would be fally was very happy to learn from "lnt TiF is disoussed, so that further zs usndments woul4 the public newrpazers ard in \ll:. gits-- be unnecse:sary, and othe: osuntrles woald that the appreheartons which h° i: WE be able to point to our laws upon this sabjec s dougal}) had expressed on the l.. " Ceops is as worthy of imitation, cur educa¥onal system had not" fonk ELEOTION OF SCHOOL TRU JTEES, [zed, _ He had feares that the poou'iar poa. Mr, ROSS arksd whother it was the laten-- Mioy FRch the hon gentloman osoupled in s ticn of the Goversment, in the propssed poly O ue would have provoked the h e amendments to the Puabltc School Liw, to tfll'yoflofntho people, but the fact that en ':". § provide in cities, towas,and townships where | hoal had no# been falfilled 'h'"'"c fil' 4 Publioc School Bosrds are eatablished for the m"m of the people and tholr anxiety t: ::':I:I:n l°',',°°°°: trustecs at the same timo | l!lto:"uth:efiuh:'bn of onr educational iJ bu !e o:o. on of munioipal counsillors, and | b: The hon m't'le :::b"l!};ll;r:;g:tt z ?l.r Mr, CROOKS sal4 it was not tho intention | TL of his duties 2o far, (Cheorn.) _ of the Government to mike any change at | r, MOWAT said he was quite sure th montlohh:'t i:(rcgard to the time or the | :I:ul:' :l:':;m"""l:d Minister of' e of conducting tho electlons for sohool ticn he 8 & to got what infor | on he oculd from hon. members upon ':l;

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