,72'. .3: T .1.) .. 'Irv V . my s.'-"'" '. '". _' 7 ' . _ T" . PF _ - .. T il . , _ C c, . 2 . . .- _ I end the ioceiitioeie which in... new] . ltr, Work to the Province of Ontario, oitneted. m 'yeatAtutnh/Giriit' rar, , . . . .. ltr,elsNd'g,'tii'ii, mad at - Bcbocle could be better conducted at... it ' n e o " wee, end thet I ctcn h h Province for nooeeeery repel", tho "" I ttttid to ' . T It "a." "'; l m. BOULI'ER told u could herd! b 'dt2'legutQtg "m "" thy!- . / . a"... that th y e I can noting theBehooie. m . we' 0 money which had be... . cculdeoteeethet 000300de wee nee-- ", _ .- -tttet ceneleend loch on thin rlver hed I eer'i'lL incepebie of teeching ten or an... 7 F- I,'" " . 'dtt "unseen meet be quite 20.000 f no The more would emingly be tend ',,'i, I . ', tlute' lend tpe Pt',,',"", eulo- g more t'uttt put-00000 then they". 2 .'"J'c"sw,', _ 'nreged quence It one '0". Tit .57 i". "tli', well be removed. "I qrhtttlt Government: " w. w." encoded by the i q b,hilt" e notion wee emu. f The motion wee curled. 3. '= iltlll I, COURT oe crummy, F BEtUlms. li " . ce I ' . MAODOUGALL moved loreretnrn Mr. WOOD presented . return of 'r _ = ' ' 'ttttur.--.-" let. The number of mite new "anding for judgment in the Court of (as: . Edi-g t, the Court of Ohenoery; Sad. "'7 " the 30A of Jenna, 1876. 3 ' . I In 'dn', , te ol"?, which were ne Art-Report of the Inepeotcr ot Divieion V A 2 n'. and. 3: ' whim; 1316.331". Cort) for ttm Pmrtnoe ter tho "" 1876 6 . ,- e ' Fd . ta"', Jnuery, 1875 ' 41h. 1lllh'l'l,fe; of i. thasty, of tho P ofetthtg porttraot, ttttps 3 ... , enite dug on the lat Iattturr, 11'l, "l2,',',',e,',"3et Ordere in Council end L l .4 ep,', /iiy,ii"?,?e,? ot "la "it, 9.04. in a 'g,'ll','e,'? hinting to the dioretlonl , ' v on e enuer 1873, 62h. Th l . , _ 3m... l Af 7-01.01. $13.11.; I: the 1.: 1 "5llliilPyiiygo,N,ysr,zoe, TOWN; , . ennery l ch. 0 nun ot . id . ER MUNICIP , . gin putting; for ecven son-e end upwndi" FUN D SCHEME, AL LOAN thong t e recon-traction ot the con il M . C F would become I Queetion which would If,',', the {ZillROOKs moved the third reedlng ot I . "ttrotten, PWinona to Unor have h be doelt with. end he knew there ized Tawnehlpe or pone of Dletrlcte as" f " were meny 00000 which had long been pent- _ the Municipel Lee. F no " i '2 and Scheme. m re~ [ F ttIsp,',",')',:',',"",,'."',,',,',',:',:,','; h,te,'e Itadefl thit tttttUr .. M... ths ..,. i " " I out (Routine we:- t . ' _ "tt . LO" AT ld h tl',',',',',',",',',,', '31:: i'il/1'lt72Stp2,t It; _ r. . T "i; s are we- net . 01110"! Wee or d d f S,, jection to 2110 motion, attd that in! 1213?. tntemhd by the 'illl,"illh 'l'Ulhtl'tr Ei. wee lmrzeiblo to give the lolormeticn r, Mr. "EREDH'H taunted tint , . elkod or the umber of once 9305133, I it Mttuld be atttondsd by prorld. F . t whlle 0 net numbc o! Inlh were never a ing that at the NEW!!! oi the 000- _ brooeht tom 00d, but were oettled etdiiin. l I Mon the Purpceee to which the m0"! ' E B, out nope, end there even no row at eey I I wee eppued ehould be leid before the Hon e0, , _ , "uh thine "a" we]. we, ot ("ills he feared that in cute where there were 'glt" " , at them. The number ttt 5130 itUd eon-1 buelnete contra like Thunder Bag the 'i i; . will" fat and the Iggtatt foul l l all???" eettled dietricte would be likely to ' at to I down enythleg w t wot i . l l mu... get I Mr. CROOKS pointed out thet it wee t l .. ' _,. 7.. '01- l elweye open to the Home to order return t "., t " ,Pf,tellltTitiid-itaetttt "tli l that? the objecte to which the money we: 1 i = ',attttt'i,Nii"tyiiii.ri,fi?,) theyl Ipp ' , " oonld treeed in the Matte 050.. I tl Thzinzoaion we: curled. end the Bill reel ' ' , It. HOWAT Mgt-ted thet the hon f" r, m" ' i Ii-l ; nth-lee 0honld lettho motion thud toe IREE GRAN? AND HOMES nilhD ACT. t' li D. ', the mount. end fume " in tone preotlcehle Mr. MILLER moved the eecond reedieg E - . , wey. It would be 0 more tendon of the ot tie Bill to emond the Free Grant end . , ', 00000 to which the leone of wrih from the F Home-teed Act. He erieined that its pro. V ' Maaura'tffia" would epply. vitione were intended to remove certein i w. MACDOUGALL aatd the "tNtrsottt grievenoee of which "tile" on t-grant l , l, _ ot the Attorney-Genorel, tbet thooo 00000 _ lende oomplelned. The Bill provided thet; . g ' ' could not be treoed, wee very oxtrecrdlnery, .lotsauo on trearant lende qrhtt had tteen in ,1 " end would be deemed " by the country. i tetlg"it"t','trdtt'g'atgttuid Pd t: i i . 1 e e 000 2 Mr. MOWAT eeid the hon. gentlemen, I one ecre OI'IM end under Cal', might tell 5 l 5 having Ite', . pesothttt t,t11 t . Court ' " improvements and intereet to re-looete on I f I oughtto " the iniorme . l th f t q g ' l Mi, HACDOUGALL eehed how it would 330:0 it reeharenAgznde is!" Jtugt l l I be In e 0000 which ever erguod three or four ( of thcee Impfoy.m.nt' or law. . , "tte "tt, end I" "m "andiog foe 1148' on tilusg the convoyence in the 5 1 meet. Gown Lende Depertment, or with 0 locei , ! _ Mr. MOWAT eeld the Government would egent. ehtuld be entitled to the potent tor ' be ttlad to ah. enoh 00000. the lende " the explretl, n of tl" yeere 110m MrMAODOUGALL "id he would wlth. the date ot the "lain-l loo-"on- provtded I drew the motion for the preeent end consult "n the condition ot the Aet were compiled ' with Ola-near, preotitlonere " to how " ,' :'wa: 'dl'ef,,t'ou,t,'tr2t teu,',"; ' t'h',t,'Jt','2'cah, "s ' tlt,' by the "df,tlhtN,1,the Ito and F -,- eve been 0000 end one the r. LT Mr WOOD eeld e pert ot the return or. on"... Another olenee "Width: Ilu',',',,' (loud lent Ionian on thU "blsot had ttHut [notice or pnrcheeer ot inaction ehould hold brought down, and the romelnder would be " my one time 0 lerger qentttr of lend enbmitted to-dey. glen autumn" , the as; tthe, l . ' The motion m thgtt 030194 ta stand, omeeio o ' 0 000 " ere . ME HANEY moved for kG"aiiiiratatr - we! ' "mu" for moth] the open. . ' eoneepoedonee teletlng to, end ell the data tlon ot the Theo Grent Attt i ! , I?" whloil the High School " Font Hill more fl,rxtbu then it now wee. I ll' l ii the "not..." of "III eohooi. end ocnpieined \ l, ' Bill would be to enoourego epeouletlon, but a " . ; ot the limitation ot . cent iron rule tolt. ', 't he thought there wee e cleer dUthttttioit be- l J I \ l . t tween whet wee known " epeculetion, end ' . ' . N, l Mr, CROOKS "M h. had 'atlr,,t,t .0 t . the one of young Canadians who went into ' l l 'd1ga're,rt,','tt 20:8"ng tru',', d than diehiote end t"'At'2tT,',t'at, for , _ which the were no 0 o repey Mn. ' ', 's ',',ggl'l. I', te At,',',',':', tttur dt when. w; thonld not the letter 01000 not l V f ter. ir I ed that in the 0000 of the pey lorlmprovomontl which they effected " . m ttttdh t', l " in meey othere. "" . we]! to e lewyrr' gott HI for lt'. " _ at . , brt f or e doc or or 0 pro ed- W, ' it; "In e'fih,te,rt'd,t,ft,'s'l,,i,dt T,'.'., etiendenoe? Under the - tq he'u','f,'d't,t,'d - In the one of j Any-tun trenciere could, nonmettor ot foot. Il) F l Hill w " only 3200 (or the I be effroted through the intervention of the N l . 03 th Le "a" ttt '"3400. Depnriment, but there wee " much deley J, , you 1875 in It tt t'A"t'lhl 50 end 5 " to rmdor the preoiioo of little value, Why. the h" "gum" 1000! ilGirii then, thouid not the preotlce be mode . met- E - grounds..." oaur'P29ous' 2, 'l2',tthd,egi'gi',ht',t'gtdtet iN TE . I e w 00 .0 It e e . ', " , irtttuted from all our: t'Mtgtttltr,". . 'thr to the nettle" ot the preeent eyetem, to I l f." 2 ' " . High School, "ltd the "new ell the foot that in the town-hip of Btepheneon T 'rid glut - - la 5,896 eon-e, eeeoeeed " $6.896, were held by .. nroee. It wee in thin wey tint . . . . other" non-reddent loceteel. On these lende the V ' s men! - the intention ot our High iUttttttitt other looeteee had mic 8300 ecbool texel. I iii; _ wet ttttt "'7 emlnlly curled ttut, It treneiere were eliowed the purcheeere . , iqili , MA BOULTER eeld that the "DWI"OI WWId be "32313:" the 'm'. ot t". m _ t ' eitheee Peay won't-em ttood 9""... Psad iron; Tan Gwen's reporte of the do- i